IMDb Polls

Poll: What would be the worst form of prohibition for you?

One celebrated town in the United States, (Springfield, XX) has managed to suffer the horrors of two major legal prohibitions in its long storied time. Remember the time when all alcohol was banned and Springfield became a dry town? Remember the nightmare when Springfield later on banned all sugar products such as candy, sweet baked goods, ice cream, and all other forms of delicious sweet treats to help them curb their obesity epidemic?

Which type of prohibition would you dread the most? Banning of alcoholic beverages or sugary treats and candies?

Discuss your answer here:

Make Your Choice

  1. Vote!

    Homer vs. the 18th Amendment (1997)

    Say what?! Your local town, city, or state government just made your region a dry one. No more booze or alcohol! Da horror! Da horror!
  2. Vote!

    Sweets and Sour Marge (2002)

    Dear LORD! Your local town, city, or state government just banned all forms of sugar! No more candy, sweet baked goods, or delicious sugary treats! Only thing left to eat are Satan's gumdrops (Brussel sprouts) and kale salad! ((AIEEEEE!))

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