Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1989) Poster

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Strange things are afoot at the Circle K
snoozejonc19 September 2020
Two high school friends must pass their final history assignment or face the end of their dreams of forming a rock band.

I saw this movie aged nine on its original release and thoroughly enjoyed it. I think my mind was blown by how cool it made the subject of history seem and how harmlessly likeable the main protagonists were. Unlike me, my parents, who are Baby-Boomer generation, sat through it with me and did not appreciate Bill and Ted's dumb valleys, surfer dude, stoner-like personalities. Much to their distain I rewatched it more than once.

I watched it yesterday, aged forty with my four yearly daughter and appreciate how it might have come across to my mother at the time. However, the key to enjoying it as an adult is not taking it the slightest bit seriously. The dumbness of the main characters is part of what makes them so charming and the concept that a future of civilisation will be based on a Californian teenage sub-culture is a joke you just have to buy into and enjoy.

The basic plot structure is solid and it uses all its silliness in a clever way with the time-travel sci-fi moments. I love the little details like the stolen car-keys and Ted forgetting to wind his watch.

Some jokes hit the mark more now than they did for me as a child, particularly some of the innuendo involving Bill's stepmom and Bill's confirmation to Sigmund Freud of his 'minor oedipal complex'. Ironically, looking back at this time-travel themed movie is like taking a journey back to the 1980s with it's fashion, music and shopping-mall culture.

Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter are perfect as characters who are essentially two halves of the same brain. George Carlin is to coin a phrase 'excellent' as their guardian angel type friend from the future. Also, the visual effects during the time-travel sequences stand up reasonably well by today's standards.

I took a lot of entertainment from it as child and my daughter stuck with it till the end.

For me it is a 7.5/10 but I round upwards.
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Anyone who hates this film has a sad and sorry existence
Agent1020 May 2002
Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure was probably one of the most compelling films I've experienced since I first watched it. It has an idea only an indie director could possibly think of, but it avoids all of the campy expositions which would turn it into some bad "B" film. The story was great, and it was really one of the best depictions of high schools idiots in the history of Hollywood. I mean, you did not see these guys taking tokes or drinking in their spare time, which really vexed some people. They're just stupid for the sake of the story. While the technical aspects weren't special, they worked when they needed it. This film also had one of the best music soundtracks in the history of Hollywood, even if it was from the 1980s. Too many good things to say about this film besides the fact it is a film which doesn't take itself seriously.
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It's one of those films that defies logic, succeeding in spite of itself, and there's something of value in that
eminkl17 April 2020
If you weren't around in '89, when this became a surprise cultural phenomenon, well, you kinda had to be there. Looking back with critical eyes, it's a rather thin, desperately low-budget production that doesn't probe beyond the superficial layer and constantly winks and nudges the audience to ensure they know when to laugh. Yet, recognizing all that, I found myself wrapped up in its oddly naive warmth and charismatic magnetism. The jokes and gags are hammy and contrived, but I still snickered. The most memorable lines are clumsy and blunt, but I gladly recited them (surprising myself, as I hadn't seen the film in twenty-plus years). Bill and Ted themselves are the narrowest of stereotypes, basically the male equivalent of Frank Zappa's valley girls, yet I felt a rich tingle of satisfaction when they saved their academic careers. It's one of those films that defies logic, succeeding in spite of itself, and there's something of value in that.
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A surprisingly gnarly comedy!
BlackJack_B8 July 2002
June 8, 2002 was an 80's renaissance for me. Playing an emulated ColecoVision on my PC, listening to Huey Lewis, Prince, and Men At Work, watching the A-Team on TNN, and seeing this film from 1989. I still enjoy the decade of feathered mullets, jerri-curled hair, acid-washed jeans, skinny ties, dominant pop music, and terrible fashions. The 90's will never have that to live down (except terrible fashions, but not as bad).

When Bill And Ted's Excellent Adventure became the surprise hit of 1989, it made a star of everyone's favorite Lebanese-Canadian-U.S. rock 'n rolling actor, Keanu Reeves, who is one of the top stars at the box office today and one of the few likeable people in Tinseltown. It seems that he still carries a bit of Theodore "Ted" Logan in all his movies.

He and Alex Winter (an indie film dynamo) play Bill and Ted, a couple of 80's California dudes who want to start their own rock band (Wyld Stallyons). However, both are flunking in high school and will be expelled unless they get an A+ in history. To make matters worse, Ted will be sent to the military by his father, therefore squashing their dreams of rock stardom. Enter Rufus (George Carlin), a man from the future who plays Clarence to the boys George (shades of It's A Wonderful Life) who gives them a telephone booth. With it, they decide to use it to collect great historical figures and bring them to San Dimas, California to show them how mankind has evolved.

Surprisingly, the film holds up today. Bill and Ted are truly likeable boneheads and both Reeves and Winter deliver fine performances. Carlin is funny in his appearances, showing that he doesn't need trash-talk to be entertaining. The dialogue is truly amusing, probably because no one talks like that any more. The only weakness is that it's an 80's film, so if you didn't grow up in that era, you might not understand why there's music playing throughout the film, or why everyone looks and dresses so weird (yes, that's how everyone looked in the 1980's). The DVD version is quite nice, but it only has a trailer as a bonus. Still, a must watch, and much better than all the copycat films (including the horrible Dude, Where's My Car?). Party On!
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A Wild & Fun "History Lesson"
ccthemovieman-13 December 2006
It's hard to get upset at two very likable dummies who wouldn't hurt a fly. That's Bill and Ted, two Valley-type teens from back in the late '80s who play two really two guys who wind up going on a time-travel trip while trying to help themselves pass a history presentation.

I've always enjoyed time travel stories but they've all been fairly intelligent......not stupid, like this. However, this was still fun to watch. Any time you get to see Billy the Kid, Abraham Lincoln, Socrates, Beethoven, Napoleon, Joan of Arc and others all in the same movie - especially with these two modern-day airheads - is pretty entertaining.

Keanu Reeves was perfect for the role because he sounds stupid no matter role he plays! Alex Winter, I don't know. George Carlin has been goofy for 50 years so anything stupid he says wouldn't surprise me.

This is comedy at its lightest but it's pretty inoffensive, safe viewing for most anyone and if you need a laugh - even from something dumb - this would fill the bill.
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Charmingly Harmless
ReelCheese5 September 2006
BILL & TED'S EXCELLENT ADVENTURE is one of those charming, harmless comedies which, if you grew up in the 1980s, you probably saw once... or twice... or three or four times.

Alex Winter and Keanu Reeves are gnarly as the title duo, two high school headbangers (read: morons) whose future, it turns out, is crucial to the wellbeing of the planet! Trouble is, these dudes are about to seriously flunk history, and if that happens, the entire space time continuum could suffer. Enter from the future Rufus, sent back to the '80s to provide our dimwitted heroes with a time-traveling telephone booth. With it, they round up a who's who of historical figures -- Socrates, Billy the Kid, Sigmund Freud, Napoleon and the like -- to highlight an educational presentation that will be their academic saving grace.

Nothing is overly spectacular about BILL & TED'S EXCELLENT ADVENTURE. It's neither roll-on-the-floor hilarious nor ingenious nor packed with amazing special effects. But it does deliver quality over quantity, nicely filling out its 90-minute running time with some chuckles and smiles. The first half is particularly strong as the guys venture from the Old West to medieval castles in search of people whose names they can't even pronounce (Beethoven becomes "beeth oven" and so on). Seeing them try to sweet talk Socrates with rock lyrics and lure Genghis Khan with a Twinkie is good for a laugh. The same fish-out-of-water scenario doesn't work quite as well when these figures enter contemporary times, but everybody puts in their best effort forward. And sometimes, that's all you can ask of a film. A kickin' soundtrack adds to the fun.
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Dude, this was like...totally cool!
lee_eisenberg30 June 2005
I didn't come of age in the '80s, so I missed the era when people mindlessly called each other "dude" and said "totally" a lot. But fortunately, I've seen "Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure", so I have some inkling of that culture. The movie of course focuses on SoCal high school students Ted Logan (Keanu Reeves) and Bill Preston (Alex Winter) who want to start a heavy metal band, but are flunking school. Little do they know that the fate of the universe in 700 years will depend on whether or not they ace their history report. No worries! Rufus (George Carlin) comes from the future and gives the two boys a phone booth, and they go back in time and pick up Socrates (pronounced SO-krayts), Genghis Khan, Joan of Arc, Napoleon Bonaparte, Ludwig van Beethoven, Abraham Lincoln, Billy the Kid and Sigmund Freud. Needless to say, these historical figures are a little befuddled when they arrive in San Dimas, and the people in San Dimas are befuddled by them.

Mostly, the movie is an excuse to have Bill and Ted be the dopey dudes that they are. Whether it's Ted saying that Joan of Arc was Noah's wife (which, it turns out, some people actually believe), or the two boys getting slinky with some medieval princesses, the movie's got something for everyone. It is TOTALLY AWESOME! If you ask me, they should have also picked up Mahatma Gandhi and Alfred Hitchcock.

One more thing: Stephen Herek scored a personal triumph with this movie, as he did with "Critters" and "Mr. Holland's Opus". Too bad that he drug himself down with fare such as "Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead", "The Three Musketeers", "Rock Star" and "Life or Something Like It".
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Fine movie
antguy141 July 2020
The movie was not great, but it was not bad either. I give it a 7/0, because it portrays the historical characters in a entertaining way. (and because Keanu Reeves and George Carlin are in it....)
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Totally Excellent!
LebowskiT100027 August 2002
"Bill And Ted's Excellent Adventure" is most definitely just that! This is just an all around FUN movie! The plot is far from anything serious, but deep down there are some good morals and such things to take from this film. "Be Excellent To Each Other" That is some good advice, is it not?

The comedy in this film is just superb! I've seen this movie more times than I can count with my fingers and every time it gets even better! There are so many lines in this film that you just can't help but repeat, because they're just so funny and well done! There are a number of times that I find myself just cracking up at the scene, situation, or what have you. If you don't laugh at least a little during the course of this film, then I think you've got some problems.

The acting is great. Everybody knocks Keanu Reeves for his acting, but I think he's great. And he does a great job in this film. Alex Winter also plays a great part. The rest of the cast is great too.

Not only is the comedy and the acting great, but there are some REALLY good science fiction sort of idea's in this film. The scene where Bill and Ted meet the future Bill and Ted is just amazingly well done, and such a cool idea. I love that you first see the scene from the perspective of one set of Bill and Ted's, and then later the Bill and Ted that the story follows becomes the other set of Bill and Ted's. Did that make sense? Well, anyway, see the movie and you'll know what I'm talking about. There were a few other really good scenes and ideas throughout the film.

All in all, I would definitely recommend seeing this film, it's not a complex story by any means, and just a whole lot of fun. Try not to take the film too seriously and you'll hopefully enjoy it. I truly hope that you enjoy this film. Thanks for reading,

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Everything's bigger yet smaller, it's all these computers...San Dimas high school football RULES!!!
gah0157 March 2010
Here they are, in their 1988 World Tour! So-Crates Johnson, Bob Genghis Khan, Dave Beeth-oven, Maxine of Arc, Herman the Kid, Dennis Fro-eud, and...Abraham Lincoln.

Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure is lighthearted good fun from the late 80s that despite the fashions and music, hasn't seemed to date itself too much to younger generations that weren't even alive in the 80s. A decade before Keanu Reeves stared in The Matrix, and before he was the FBI agent assigned to bank robbery in the early 90s flick Point Break, he did this film and this is the role I always associate him with, no matter how many more movies he does. The stars of the film are two seemingly brainless but well intentioned high school slackers, Bill (Alex Winter) and Ted (the aforementioned Keanu Reeves) that dream of making it big with their garage band "Wyld Stallions". One day, they will open for Iron Maiden and perhaps even get Eddie Van Halen on guitars, perhaps one day. But they are in danger of being split up for good if they don't pass their history report. They study but just seem too moronic to hold much information in their heads.

Help arrives from the 27th century from a guy named Rufus, a man who comes down in a telephone booth (Dr. Who reference?) and greats the two friends in front of a Circle K, providing yet another great quote, "strange things are afoot at the Circle K". Rufus explains that the two must absolutely pass their history report and he gives the guys their own time traveling phone booth where they travel the ages and pick up various people of historical importance. Pay no attention to the accuracy of how these historical figures are represented, this film is not to be taken seriously and anyone who nitpicks how Abraham Lincoln or Ghenghis Khan was shown needs not be so wound up. Get a hobby. The fact that they went to the detail of having Socrates and Napolean not understand English was more then enough historical accuracy for me. The guys eventually meet themselves both at the start of the film and then later as the journey progresses. The fun really begins when they dump all the people they picked up in a late 80s shopping mall. I don't think I'm spoiling anything when I say that the guys do pass their report, it has to be seen exactly how they do this for it likely is the most original history report ever conceived. This is not a great film but it is fun. And yes I know my title quote was not spoken by either Bill or Ted, but rather by the jock giving his presentation to the class. I loved his speech because it seemed so authentic and real to what a guy like him would say if he were trapped for words during an oral report. Plus it was great to see the rest of Bill and Ted's school, and makes you realize how much more likable our heroes are. 7/10.
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PsychoBeard66610 January 2021
It's a shame that the new movie is so mediocre considering this film is a 10/10 and Bogus Journey is almost the same.

This film has everything and stands the test of time perfectly.
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Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure
marmar-6978028 August 2020
Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure was a fun and nostalgic film that had a very releatable and fun characters in it and it was great to see a young Keanu Reeves here and to imagine how a big star he will become in a future.When i say that this movie is nostalgic,i didnt mean towards the me cause i wasnt even in plans when this movie was made and realesed but i can still recognise a fun adventure when i see one,Alex Winter was also good here and he had a great scene presence and chemistry with Keanu and they absolutly made this film,Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure was a fun film to see and i can see why many people from its generation love this movie
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truly awful film
smeleton30 June 2010
after watching this film i am left wondering how on earth did Keanu Reeves have an acting career after this. Not only is the acting so bad the storyline is so appalling. Most films like this i try to go along with the corny and silly nature of them but i couldn't squeeze an ounce of fun out of this film. The script sounds like it was written either by a stoner or someone on the verge of becoming a vegetable and Keanu Reeves previously mentioned awful acting was excruciating and was probably on par with an enthusiastic actor in a school production. The only good part of the film that i got a laugh out of was Napoleon, who is played very well with the good comic timing and genuine humor that was missing for most of this film.

btw i was forced to watch this in a high school history lesson so i am genuinely sorry if i am shitting on one of your favorite childhood movies
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DarthBill22 April 2004
Despite the success of such films as "Speed" and "The Matrix" trilogy, to a lot of people, Keanu Reeves will ALWAYS be Ted, the taller, darker half of the Bill & Ted duo. And it would seem that Ted, of all Reeves many characters, is possibly the only one where he really seemed to have put himself into the role and felt like a natural.

One of the great dopey dude slacker classics, the title characters Bill (Alex Winter) and Ted (the aforementioned Reeves) are a pair of aspiring musicians, the Wild Stallions, who are in danger of being both separated if Ted can't pull up a good enough grade (which = military school) and flunking history class in general. But since they are destined to be "the 2 Great Ones" who's music will unite the Earth and even alien races together in universal harmony, the most excellent dude Rufus (George Carlin) shows up and gives them a time traveling phone booth to help them pass their history class by bringing back real historical figures like Billy the Kid, Abraham Lincoln, Napoleon, Joan of Ark and what not. Now all they have to do is keep them from getting separated and jailed before they have to pass history! Along the way, Bill & Ted also fall in love with two sexy virgin princesses from the medieval circa.

Yeah it's not great cinema, but it's a fun romp of slacker dude madness thanks to the energy and enthusiasm of Alex Winter and Keanu Reeves as the title characters.

Followed by "Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey".
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Clever Teen Comedy.
rmax30482324 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I've only been able to catch snatches of this comedy so, though I know the essentials of the plot, I don't know how it ended. Presumably in a triumph for Bill, Alex Winter, and Ted, Keanu Reeves. Just a few comments.

One is that the writing and the performances are concordant. Winter and Reeves both play their characters -- high schoolers in search of material for a term paper -- with open-mouthed stupidity. They're both pretty good too. There's hardly a second that they take seriously.

Another is that the writing matches the plumbless depths of the characters' ignorance. Sigmund Freud becomes "Frood," for instance, and Beethoven becomes "Beat-Oven" and Socrates turns into "Sew" and "Crates." They think "Thekid" is Billy the Kid's last name, as in "Mister Thekid." A third observation is that, amusing as the story can be, it's a pastiche, not as original as it thinks. The two characters, to whom everyone is "Dude" (pronounced "Dewd"), are clearly derived from Sean Penn's character, Jeff Spicoli, in "Fast Times at Ridgemont High," which appeared -- and became a hit -- seven years earlier. Winter even resembles Sean Penn. The movie also borrows the time travel device from "Back to the Future" and its sequels, which began to appear -- to great commercial success -- four years earlier.

This film itself was sufficiently successful to generate its own sequel -- "Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey". "Back to the Future" had two sequels. And that's not to mention the several television series and merchandising.

I laughed frequently while watching this thing. It raised an interesting question though: How stupid can you get? I mean, not just Bill and Ted but Hollywood and its MBAs. Is there some meaning to Bill and Ted's life other than facile self gratification? Is there any meaning in Hollywood other than a huge number preceded by a dollar sign? Has the well of imagination dried up? Is there anything at all left in it?
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Strange Things Are Afoot at the Circle K
owen-watts16 February 2021
A surprisingly characterful chunk of stoner foolishness made on a shoestring in the late eighties - capturing a little something of the time and managing to spawn a belated and much loved franchise. You can see why really - despite the lone homophobic slur it's a film that's full of strange heart which rarely drags. It's essentially a madcap caper, like a "bit" from a weird 60's comedy show, spun out to feature length and infused with cheesy 80's glam rock and the occasional strangely clever joke. Easy to see why it gained the audience it did and much like Winter and Reeves themselves it's just genuinely hard to dislike.
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George Carlin Smirks
gpknopp15 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I just watched this movie with my 7-year old daughter and she liked it. The only weird part was with the step-mom. But she didn't get it, so that was just me.

It's a good-hearted goofy comedy with some inventive bits, and has some memorable lines. And lots of people seem to like young Keanu.

So there you go. If you haven't seen it, watch it.

This is one of the most ridiculous movies out there of it's kind. The humor is pretty over-the-top campy, and recognizes California suburban life having been made fun of for quite a while already, so nothing really new there.

This movie makes the 80s look quaint, in spite of the garish fashions. But what's more, this movie is probably one of the more accurate science fiction movies out there, with some reliable insights into time travel. And, when they go get Joan d'Arc or Socrates, or Genghis Khan, these characters don't speak English. I mean why would they? I mean, how many high production value science fiction movies have screwed issue this up? If you don't see the humor in that, you are too stiff for this movie. And I was serious too, far higher production value science fiction movies have been less substantial when it comes to the ideas department. And I really enjoyed George Carlin's performance, who seems to be having fun in this ridiculous movie, as he smirks his lines, if that's possible.

It's got pretty good pacing so I didn't get too bored, and the Napoleon at the water park bit is kind of classic.

I guess the phone booth time machine is a nod to Doctor Who.

Last comment, the image of them all stuck in the phone booth sideways, with Socrates screaming in the background, has stuck with me now since 1989. Good fun.
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withgrpowercomesgrrespon30 January 2006
Baby, this movie is most tranquil. I swear, it's the best movie I've ever seen in my life. I eat, sleep, and breath Bill and Ted. They are gorgeous first of all. All guys were in the 80's. They're funny and they're classic - my friends and I have a Bill and Ted party every year. The thing I love most about this movie is the feeling it gives makes you wanna party! It makes you wanna kiss your boyfriend, hug your sister and pet your dog all at once. While drinking a couple of leatres of Diet Cola. I swear...if someone came up to me on the street and asked me what the best movie in the world is I'd say the Bill and Teds (along with the Spidermans and Ferris Bueller's Day Off)Most triumphant!!!!!!!
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An Underachiever's Overachievement
drqshadow-reviews27 November 2018
If you weren't around in '89, when this became a surprise cultural phenomenon, well, you kinda had to be there. Looking back with critical eyes, it's a rather thin, desperately low-budget production that doesn't probe beyond the superficial layer and constantly winks and nudges the audience to ensure they know when to laugh.

Yet, recognizing all that, I found myself wrapped up in its oddly naive warmth and charismatic magnetism. The jokes and gags are hammy and contrived, but I still snickered. The most memorable lines are clumsy and blunt, but I gladly recited them (surprising myself, as I hadn't seen the film in twenty-plus years). Bill and Ted themselves are the narrowest of stereotypes, basically the male equivalent of Frank Zappa's valley girls, yet I felt a rich tingle of satisfaction when they saved their academic careers. It's one of those films that defies logic, succeeding in spite of itself, and there's something of value in that.
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A Super Funny Comedy Classic
doncoward6 June 2018
This movie is a legend to me. My sister and I used to watch it and the sequel Bill and Ted's Bonus Journey all the time until we actually wore the tape out and it broke in the machine. It was a big disappointment for us until my mom tracked down another used VHS copy. Anyway it is still a part of my collection and Bill and Ted always make me smile and laugh. A movie to just kick back and not think about. It'll make you happy!! Rest in Peace George Carlin! I can't wait until the "Threequel" comes out.
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Sci-fi comedy with lots of entertainment and fun
ma-cortes18 July 2006
The movie concerns on two geeky and stupid teens(Keanu Reeves,Alex Winter).They confront to prepare a historical presentation but their professor(Bernie Casey)decides to give them an opportunity;if they can do an oral exam of how famed historic personages might adapt themselves to modern times,they will be allowed approve their history final .If not Ted will be placed in military academy.Rufus(George Carlin)an emissary from the future comes to help them in his time machine,a telephone booth.They pass through the universe and their lives are enormously important for the future of mankind.They meet get to know some of the history's most famous personality:Sigmund Freud(Rod Loomis),Gengis Khan(Al Leong),Socrates,Abraham Lincoln,Napoleon,Billy the Kid,Joan of Arc and carrying them to St Dimas little town.

The picture is a Sci-fi comedy with action, giggles,tongue in check and is pretty entertained.Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter make a completely surrealist and delight duo.The motion picture obtained success in the box-office and in the video rentals and nowadays is well considered as a cult movie.The film is rightly directed by Stephen Herek,previously he directed a hit called ¨Critters¨.It's followed by a cartoon TV(Bill and Ted's excellent adventure,1990) series and a sequel(Bill and Ted's journey,Peter Hewitt,1991) by the same actors, big budget and better FX but the freshness,inspiration and magic had gone. The picture will like to teens comedy fans.
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Simply Iconic
lentitramccall2 August 2021
There's not much to say about Bill & Ted that hasn't been already. It's an incredibly charming 80's comedy about two dumb guys who just wanna rock. This movie is what every modern day 80's nostalgia movie is trying to invoke.
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Timeless, dudes!
Fluke_Skywalker2 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Plot; Two would-be rockers travel through time to gather up important historical figures in an effort to pass a history class w/mankind's fate in the balance.

Though after 30 years its fashion, music and slang are passé, Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure retains every bit of its original charm. Highlighted by two most excellent performances from the titular Bill and Ted (Alex Winter and Keanu Reeves respectively), this lean, light and stupidly clever (or is that cleverly stupid?) time travel comedy is, well, timeless.
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Bad Trip
Angry_Arguer29 February 2004
I wasn't surprised with what I saw. This takes one gag--insanely idiotic guys--and beats it to death by having them display their ineptness through history. A few 80s movies tried this after 'Back to the Future', none lasted because they didn't understand the context.

Here we have two Biffs and no Doc to run the show. The historical figures themselves aren't interesting because they rely on the stereotypes we have in our minds. 'Kid in King Arthur's Court' also had these problems. There was so much potential here, so why did it fail?

I found the sequel more interesting because it explored the darker philosophical territory of life, death, etc. rather than simple textbook journeys like this. There was also the heavy duality motif that's absent here.

There are some good points like the self-referential Incest Joke. The writers improved on this the second time around, but it's pretty deep stuff for a light movie. Also, there's the irony of Keanu. From airhead to Messiah, that's society in a nutshell.

The music, vocabulary, and production design are throwaways. Fortunately, the writers had another chance with better crew to set things straight--and to Hell, literally, with nostalgia.

I liked sequel self-reference of 'Bogus Journey' to the history-bashing here. From there came 'Wayne's World' and Beavis & Butt-Head, two icons of early 90s culture.

Final Analysis = = Cinematic Dud
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