Logan's Run: Capture (1977)
Season 1, Episode 3
Episode 3 of the ill-fated TV extension of the 1976 box-office hit
15 March 2024
Episode 3 mimics "The Most Dangerous Game" as Logan (Gregory Harrison), Jessica (Heather Menzies) and their android companion Rem (British actor Donald Moffat, who sometimes sounds Irish) are captured in the mountains by Francis (Randy Powell), the Sandman who refuses to give up! Writer D. C. Fontana (using the pseudonym 'Michael Edwards') drags all the characters deep into the woods where they become prey for human hunters Horst Buchholz and his wife Mary Woronov, which might've proved suspenseful had Fontana put some sting into this routine script. Was there anything good about this series? Yes, the vehicles, though never shown travelling very far, and the costumes, patterned after the movie version, look fine; also, Harrison is a terrific Logan and Moffat offers pithy wisdom and cogency for a lightly comic effect. Powell, dark and brooding like Richard Jordan in the film, looks too much like Harrison from a distance (it's visually dull), while Menzies is akin to a kid sister and tag-along. I didn't recognize Buchholz--not even his voice--but Woronov brings her salacious smile and slithery walk to the proceedings and livens things up.
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