Logan's Run (1977–1978)
Recycled Plots Killed This
19 December 2020
I just watched the series, and to me the problem with it is obvious. It wasn't the actors--tgey all did fine. It wasn't the special effects--they were all good for the day. It wasn't production value --for the 70s, this was a fairly lush production. It was the lame plot elements! Every episode was just a pastiche of plot elements from sci-fi, western and war series from the 50s and 60s. And most were all cliche and old back then! I mean, really--one of the early episodes used that old Most Dangerous Game plot. Seriously? That again!? Others mix-and-match much-used plot elements from various genres ("Hey, we just put in a little Forbidden Planet mixed with Rio Bravo plus a dash of an old Combat episode, and--bingo! Here's this week's Logan's Run! "). The result was a science fiction show with no sense of surprise or wonder. In other words, kinda boring. If the had let the writers cone up with something fresh each episode, it might have had a chance.
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