
6 Reviews
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Get Out (I) (2017)
I'm not racist, I swear ;)
18 May 2018
I surprisingly liked this movie a lot more than I thought I would! I knew from the clips and trailers I have seen that it was going to be well done and well acted. And it was. Especially from Daniel Kaluuya. Superb acting. Even a lot of the smaller characters had certain moments where they shined. It won the best screenplay award so I had that in mind while watching and I have to agree it was great, the story grabs you from the start, kept you on the edge of your seat wondering what the heck is going on. But don't get me wrong. It's not action packed. It's a slow burn mind game and it was pretty fun trying to figure it all out. Don't watch clips or trailers! It was nice going in not knowing much. It was rated R because the story needed it to be, not just because it wanted to be, which I always appreciate. The soundtrack was pretty cool but not that unique for this type of movie. The directing was pretty great and the story was told very well. You may be asking yourself "Why is Chris surprised he liked it? Is it cause it's about black people made by black people and he's racist and doesn't think black people can make good movies?!" Uh no. Ha! That's what the Social Justice Warriors want you to think. Which is exactly why I was surprised I liked it! I feel like the Oscars and lots of the media praised this movie so much and acted like it was the "best movie of our generation" and acted like it was SO IMPORTANT for black people. It made me think it was going to be filled with political and racist preaching. But I watched it with an open mind and it wasn't like that! I know it had metaphors and other things throughout but it wasn't in your face or preachy. It was just a good thriller that you can either take at face value and enjoy or you can think really deep about and get social issues. It lets you have that choice. That's what surprised me and I'm glad. So if you want a good thriller with twists and "what the heck"s, or if you're racist against white people and want to see them get it, Get Out is the film for you!
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29 April 2018
Spoiler Free Review! What an amazing and epic adventure! My only regret is not seeing it in IMAX. (I probably will) Contrary to my expectations, no characters were over done and none were wasted. A great balance of the most beloved and the "new to the show". This film was nothing like the "super boring and confusing" Age of Ultron, or the "funny but forgettable" Guardians 2, or the "not as great the second time around" Thor Ragnarok. Despite its epic scale (lots of locations and lots of characters) and loose ends it had to tie up, Infinity War was surprisingly easy to follow, and totally engaging all the way through. Fun, hilarious, emotional, action packed (with lots of real stunts and not cartoony CGI), great soundtrack and totally worth seeing more than once. The directors (the Russo brothers) may have finally dethroned "The Avengers" as my favorite MCU movie. Civil War is a close second, also directed by the Russo brothers. Those guys were a great addition to the MCU. Fantastic film, I can't wait to watch it again and no one spoil it for anyone!
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Paddington 2 (2017)
Even better than the first!
7 April 2018
Spoiler Free Even better than the first! One minute I'm cracking up, one minute I'm tearing up and the whole time my jaw is on the ground from the visual effects. Great for the whole family. The music is so beautiful and creative. The writing and scene composition is so amazing and thought out. Just like the first, you just love Paddington and every character surrounding him. I hope they make a third!
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Fun and Dumb!
4 April 2018
SPOILER FREE Fun, dumb and more fun! It may look like a kids movie but if I'm honest, unless you're over 30 and have played a lot of video games in your day, this movie may not be for you. I however, fit that category. I thought it was unique, exciting and great fun. I wouldn't care if I never saw it again but I still enjoyed myself. There were some eye rolls here and there story wise, but in Spielberg fashion, the acting and directing was great. Mark Rylance and Ben Mendelsohn killed it. So good. The main hero characters could have been recast in my opinion. They were good but nothing special. Now the Visual Effects were insanely amazing. An impressive visual spectacle with movie and video game references galore. And I mean GALORE. Like almost too much haha! Sound design of Spielberg's team was flawless and impressive yet again. Music was good but not great. Not too many memorable themes but still helped tell the story. Oh and one more thing I have to mention, the fight choreography and how it was shot was amazing! Wasn't too much of it but it was noticeably great. Compared to say, Black Panther where is was choppy editing and CGI cartoon feel. Anyway, not recommend for all audiences but if you happen to fit the target audience, you'll enjoy it for sure!
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Super sleep fest
29 March 2018
Dang it. This movie was super boring. I really was hoping to like it. The first 5 min was engaging but then it never really gained traction to go anywhere. Just one slow, boring scene after another. It wasn't a long movie at all! But it sure felt that way. I wasn't expecting an epic action film! It wasn't the lack of action. It was the lack of compelling or interesting story. The writing was the worst part. They took one of the most important and interesting men in history and made a movie about the most boring part of his life. Not to mention the actor playing Paul did nothing for me. A waste. Jim was good of course but the writing was so bad it would be hard for anyone to act good in this. Some lines were way too modern. And when a line was from The Bible they obviously made sure you knew. Very contrived and cliche. "Sorcha" from Willow was in it! She was good but again, the writing hurt her performance. The editing was super lame too. Not intentional or helped tell the story. It was jarring and odd cut choices at times. By the end I was so done with it and wanted it over. And that made me sad cause I wanted to like it but it was not only forgettable, I don't know if I want to even recommend it. Some of the music was good! I had to close my eyes and just enjoy the music at some points cause the movie was ruining it haha! So overall, boring and a waste of a good idea. Directed and Written poorly. If you want a great, recent Bible film, check out Risen. Fantastic movie!
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Tomorrowland (2015)
Why the bad reviews? Victim of bad marketing? No spoilers here.
27 May 2015
Whether we like the movie or not, we should be supporting movies that are original and creative. Brad Bird is a beast. He hasn't made a bad movie yet. I don't understand everyone's bad reviews. This movie was creative and directed amazingly. Not only that, but it had a message that really hits home. I am thinking maybe that's why people (especially the critics) don't like it. It seems when something is really creative or has things never seen before, people either LOVE it or HATE it. They usually only LOVE the movies that are creative and raunchy. If you are ultra creative but still tell a good story with a positive message, then apparently your movie is "boring" and "doesn't make sense". I don't get it. Same thing happened to Interstellar. Could it be bad marketing? People wanting to see a sic fi film, and getting a great adventure film? Anyway, if you haven't seen this, I hope you go see it and support good, actually creative art. Not mainstream crap or movies that are "creative" just cause they go all out on an insane demoralizing concept. Thanks for reading!
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