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Cats (2019)
Amazing movie! What's all that hate?
9 January 2020
I saw all the hate in the internet and now decided to also write a review. I went to watch cats because my friend persuaded me. I left the cinema with mixed feelings and a new celebrity crush. No, but honestly, sure cats isn't the best movie that was ever shot, nor does it have the best acting performances in the world, but still it is made with incredibly much heart and appreciation of the old musical. The actors are so passionate about their roles that it's impossible not to adapt this feeling. My suggestion for seeing the movie is, to go in without expectations, so you'll just be surprised of what comes. Of course it's weird at some parts, but take it humourously. It was supposed to be that way. The dancing is great! All the choreographies are just awesome! Maybe with the exception of Jennyanydots... She kinda sent even me to chills, but hey, just have a good laugh about it. But in turns, Laurie Davidson as Misto is just so awesome!!!!!!! And Taylor Swift and Jason Derulo do a better job than I had expected them to. Judi Dench IS awesome too, so is Ian McKellen! So, I give it a 9/10.
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The Mule (2018)
Not Gran Torino - but worth a watch
7 February 2019
The Mule might be not the best movie Clint ever made, but it surely is a pretty good one. I enjoyed his acting so much and the story was really different from other movies. Of course you can't compare it with "Gran Torino" but I think it was a good come back for Clint as an actor.

You know what I think is really interesting? The reviews are so different that it's hardly to say if some of the guys watched the same movie. In my opinion "The Mule" is a movie that makes you think. I felt very melancholic after I watched it and I was surprised of Clint's role. I was used to see him playing tough guys without sense for humor, like in "Unforgiven", "Gran Torino", or "Pale Rider", so it was new for me to see him in a role like that. I can understand all those who say this movie wasn't good, for it's a slowly told story with a difficult plot-line and not everybody likes that. For me it was just the right thing. I especially liked the scenes in the car, in which Clint sings with the radio. (I was surprised his voice still sounds that good, despite his high age)

To refer to some of the other comments... I have nothing against you and your opinion but please try not to offend anyone. I don't think it's necessary to say "all the other reviews are fake", and "this movie is hot garbage". That's just not true, and even if you think so, you don't have to say it like that!

And yes, there were some pretty awkward scenes in that movie and even I, and I'm just about the hugest Clint Eastwood Fan there is, felt quite uncomfortable at some points.

My rating: 7 out of 10!
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Rawhide: The Child-Woman (1962)
Season 4, Episode 24
The woman in the child
18 December 2018
In my opinion this episode is alright. I really enjoyed watching it because it's quite funny, but I don't think the theme 'being between child and woman' really belongs into a western.
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Rawhide: Incident at Zebulon (1964)
Season 6, Episode 22
A thrilling and well-acted episode
2 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Rawhide was always my favourite series and I've been watching it for ober a year by now but this episode made me love Rawhide even more (Eric Fleming too😉). I've always liked complicated storys where the heroes turn into anti-heroes due to a crime. I thaught in 'Incident at Zebulon' the change of Mr. Favor was very realistic and fascinating. It was sort of shocking for me to see my favourite character tied on a wheel and horsewhipped. Especially since he was unconscious when he was tied. I thought something like that could never happen to him for in one episode in the first season he is also tied and going to be whipped but is saved by an befriended indian. So it was just a shock that he couldn't be saved this time. Eric Flemings acting apearence in the other Hand was very convincingly. This embitterd and determined look on his face, when he, against Wishbones objection, rides back into town to revenge the whipping and Larkins' death... It's just... You could say, I love this episode...
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Rawhide: Rio Salado (1961)
Season 4, Episode 1
Nice start into a new season
23 October 2018
Rio Salado sure aint the best Rawhide episode, but it is quite a good one, to start out with, on the beginning of a new season. I especially liked the new idea, of driving a own herd and not the one of a rancher. So it's kinda refreshing to watch this episode. On my opinion it's the first show ever, in which you can see this Clint Eastwood Look, he has in all his later films. This threatening look out of his eyes, which definetly sais: 'don't fuck with me, guy! I don't like that! And if I dislike something, you are gonna learn dislike it too. Very soon!'
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Unforgiven (1992)
Best western ever made!!!!!!!!!
11 October 2018
I had to pursue my father for a long time, till he allowed me to watch that movie... When I at least saw it, it was just great! The story features Clint Eastwood in his best role! An old, leached out, past bounty hunter, who is living alone with his two children because his wife died. When he gets the offer for another job, he at first wants to reject it. But when he later sees, he needs the money, he takes the offer.

The movie also features Morgan Freeman and Gene Hackmann. The leading cast is perfectly chosen and it works together very fine.

It's just great to see the 'man with no name', the 'high plains drifter' with a very touching background story and a heart. As a vulnerable man with strong fealings. Clint's acting apearence shows, what he can be. Not only 'Dirty Harry' but a common man, with other problems than missing bullets.

'Unforgiven' made me love Clint Eastwood even more.
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Rawhide: Incident of the Wager on Payday (1961)
Season 3, Episode 30
Again the trail runs without Mr. Favor
11 October 2018
I don't dislike this episode, but I have to say I can't understand, why Eric Fleming aint in it. It woulda been a much better story, if somewhen Mr. Favor comes along and gives the other part of saving Rowdy. He'd try to do it with talking and something, but it'd fail... Like it is now, we only can see one part of the crew. The 'the most important thing is the early rescue of Rowdy' the part 'not against the law, I'll drive some more herds through this county' isn't a part of the story. Though it's a good episode. I especially liked the dialogue on the end of the episode, where Pete asks Rowdy for his money... It's very funny. I especially enjoy Clint Eastwood in this episode. As the simple-hearted, always-falling-in-love, ramrod Rowdy Yates.;-) Watch and enjoy Rawhide. It's worth to watch it. And try to convey your children, that black-and-white-western-series can be much better than the series, running in TV today, (especially Spongebob);-)
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Rawhide: Incident of the Blackstorms (1961)
Season 3, Episode 28
A funny hill climb and a sad family story
9 October 2018
While Pete is teaching Mushy in scouting, Mushy gets caught by the notorious outlaw Sky Blackstorm. He is forced to bring a note to a nearby town in which Blackstorms son lives. After taking the note to the sheriff Mushy rides back to find Pete, what he, after all, does. Later a coach with a woman and a boy in crushes. When Pete and Mushy are going to help them, they discover, the boy is Blackstorms son. When Pete and Mushy ride ahead they become witnesses of a gunfight between the sheriff's and Blackstorms men. In it the sheriff and Blackstorms right hand get killed. Pete and Mushy take the dead outlaw to town and are celebrated as the heroes, that killed him. When Blackstorm appears, everybody but Pete is hiding. Pete talks to Blackstorm and after a short dialogue they are going to have a duel...

By the later hill climbing-scene, in which Pete tries to climb up a precipitous hill and has to be saved by Wishbone the mountainman, as he emphasizes again and again, this episode became very funny and nice to watch.
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Rawhide: The Vasquez Woman (1965)
Season 8, Episode 7
And it became even worse!
7 October 2018
When I saw Clint Eastwood wouldn't appear in this episode I was shocked. He was almost the only part left over from the original series. Sheb Wooley went out in the fourth season and was replaced by Charles H. Gray. He came back in the seventh season and got fired again together with Eric Fleming, James Murdock, Robert Cabal and Rocky Shahan. So far so good... But why Clint Eastwood aint in this episode???? He, Paul Brinegar and Steve Raines were the only cast members the audience knew. Why did they leave Clint Eastwood out? WHY?
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Rawhide (1959–1965)
Get those beeves movin'!
1 October 2018
Rawhide is my absolut favourite series. I began to watch it one year ago and I was completely fascinated by many things. The one, that most fascinated me was Eric Fleming, the tough-as-nails trail-boss Gil Favor! He is my favourite actor by now, and I guess he will stay that for many years.

Rawhide is more realistic than many other western-series like Bonanza or Little House in the Prairie. It features the long cattle drive from San Antone to Sedalia. All the adventures, or in this case incidents, you have to persist. All the upcoming trouble you can get into.

But what made Rawhide immortal was, of course, the title song, sung by Frankie Laine, and Eric Fleming/Gil Favors' iconic lines, yelled at the end of each episode: 'Head'em up! Move'em out!'
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Fright (1956)
Eric Fleming without hat and boots- a nice movie, showing Eric in a different kind of light
1 October 2018
When I first saw Fright I was fascinated. Fascinated by an acting apearence I wouldn't have expected like this. Till I watched Fright I knew Eric Fleming only from Rawhide. I had read that he drowned while shooting a ABC-television movie and began to research. I found out, he had appeard in a 1965 movie named Fright, so I searched for it on YouTube. When I found the whole movie I was to frightened to watch it, because I saw it was a 'psychotical-thriller'. All I knew about psycho-thrillers was, they are scary and brutal. After a while I thaught: what could happen? And I watched it. I was thrilled. I would never have thought Eric could act something like this! A hypnotist-psychologist who falls in love with one of his patients. He lives a life like James Bond. Drinks in bars, easy women and so ahead. The only Thing on this movie, really getting on my nerves are the cigarettes! They put a cigaret on, stick it in the mouth one time, just one, and then put it out again! And that's in every single scene!!!!!! But all in all the movie's very nice ans definetly worth to watch it.;-)
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Rawhide (1959–1965)
'Hellbent for leather'-Rawhide-the drive must go on
1 October 2018
Rawhide is my absolut favourite series. I began to watch it, when I was thirteen (one year ago😉). I was fascinated by many things in this series. Especially Eric Fleming as the tough as nails trail boss Gil Favor. It was the first movie/series I ever saw with Clint Eastwood. Since then I am a great fan of him, though I don't like his acting apearance in Rawhide so much. Well, later he became better and better but in the first seasons of Rawhide he is definetly overshadowed by Eric Fleming. (Actualky, in the later seasons too...)

In general the series was kept alive by the different roles and actors but especially by Eric Fleming. When he and five other actors, including Sheb Wooley and James Murdock, the series was dropped after 13 more episodes. Well, they could have known that before fireing the heart and soul of the series.

Rawhide is much better than the most other western series I've seen. Though it's black and white. The storys are very exiting and realistic. It is never boring to watch it, especially when you know Clint Eastwood from his later movies. It's a different as night and day.

Still Eric Fleming is my favourite in this series.

Please watch this series. It's very nice. And try to convey your children, black-and-white-western-series can be more interesting than Spongebob and other s**t.;-) Thanks for reading
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Rawhide: The Gray Rock Hotel (1965)
Season 7, Episode 30
A dark end for a great series...
1 October 2018
I know, the series went ahead after this episode but the great time was over. The 'Gray Rock Hotel' is a very dark episode and on my opinion the title 'Grey Rock Hotel' would have fit much better. The story hast nothing to do with a cattle drive anymore. (Cattle aint even mentioned.) And really... A big sikness all over the drover-crew aint no reason to fire any of the drovers. I mean... There actually aint no, I mean a absolutely no reason why they shouldn't appear in the next episode!!!
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Rawhide: A Woman's Place (1962)
Season 4, Episode 25
Very exiting Story. My total favourite!
1 October 2018
I don't know, maybe I'm just a too big fan of Eric Fleming but I have to say the stories, he has written, I really liked. They've really touched me. Especially because Erics tragical past but also they are just great and also, though Eric is a man, very emancipated story. Both times there are tough women included.

What really fascinated me on this episode is the fact, that a female doctor is the supporting point of the plot, which was, in western time of course, but also in real life almost unbelievable.

I liked this episode very much and I can only recommend it to watch it. It's a great plot.
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Rawhide: Incident of the Tumbleweed (1959)
Season 1, Episode 1
A start episode that almost made me stop watching the series
1 October 2018
About the episode isn't much to say. It is not a bad story but none you want to start out with. Though it's the start episode the roles aren't introduced, what makes the whole thing kinda difficult to understand. You really soon realises that the actors don't stick together very well. Lucky, I watched the series ahead cause later it becomes very much better. So don't get rid of Rawhide by the first episode. Watch ahead!
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Rawhide: Incident of the Night on the Town (1961)
Season 3, Episode 29
Written by Eric Fleming is this very humorous episode one of my favourites.
1 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
When a strangers horse gets frightened by a rattlesnake it freaks out. After Rowdy, Gil and Pete saved the man they learn his name is Lewis Lewis and he is a lawyer in assignment to a prosecuter who claims Gil has 750 stolen cows in his herd. Gil and Rowdy ride into town to refute the accusation. When they are in courthouse they learn the prosecuter is a woman, (a femme fatale with a obtrusively smile) that not only sais 750 cows are stolen, she also claims to be the owner of'em and desires Gil to drive them back to San Antone. When she breakes up the court meeting without apparently reason, Gil confronts Lewis. Lewis invites Gil to a drink and tells him the prosecuter perceives the trial as exiting. While Lewis and Gil get more and more drunk, Rowdy tries to persuade the woman to stop the trial but she refuses. When Rowdy comes to the saloon and tells Gil and Lewis about it, Lewis comments that a more matured man like Gil could make her mind up. Gil, in his drunk condition, takes it as a good idea and goes to the pallace hotel, that, like Lewis said, looks like a very normal Western-Hotel from the outside but from the inside it doesn't fit in a town like this. In the evening Gil appears on a nobly party and, successful, gets the autention of the prosecuter in a dance. They go outside and in a short dialogue the woman invites Gil to her place for the next day. After a kiss she goes in again and Rowdy, Wishbone and Pete appear. Gil tells them to take care of the herd till he's back. In the next morning he visits the woman at her place but is shocked by the real reason for the invitation. She wants to force him to sell his herd to her while her brother and bodyguard/lover drive the herd to Sedalia. Gil would bring the 750 cows back to San Antone with her. Gil has to except the offer cause he knows, if she wins the trial he'd lose the herd anyway. Rowdy, Pete, Wishbone and the rest of the crew aren't very happy with the new trail-bosses. In the first night after changing, the brother tries to shoot the bodyguard/lover of the woman on her order cause she wants to get rid of him cause she sais she's afraid of him. The attempt fails. Instead the brother gets shot and the bodyguard/lover gets out to confront the woman. When he comes to the house Gil and the woman are on departure. The bodyguard/lover shoots the woman after saying somebody has to tell her, what she really is. Then he dies of the wound he got in the shootout with the prosecuters' brother. Gil returns to his herd. The episode ends with Gil, yelling out his iconic lines: Head'em up! Move'em out!
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Rawhide: Incident of the Running Man (1961)
Season 3, Episode 25
A surprisingly good episode without Eric Fleming/Gil Favor
30 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
When Rowdy gets ambushed by a deputy-sheriff, who tries to steal Rowdys horse to get to a nearby army-camp to warn them, for a outlaw-band is going to attack the camp. When the deputy-sheriff is killed Rowdy is accused on the crime. He manages to escape while a shootout between the outlaws and the sheriffs, that accused him. When Rowdy gets into town to get himself a horse and a gun he gets help by an old undertaker-barber. When Rowdy told him his story, he learns, that the old man is the boss of the intrigue against the army-camp. Rowdy succeeds again in escaping but gets badly hurt. When he hides in a wagon to get out of town, it works at first. But when the wagon holds on on the farm of the owner, Rowdy is seen and caught. The wife of the farmer sends her husband to town to get the sheriff. When he's gone she helps Rowdy to escape but wants to go with him, though she doesn't believe him that he wants to go to the camp to warn the soldiers. When Rowdy actually takes her in the direction of the camp they see some of the outlaws expecting Rowdy. The woman refuses to warn the soldiers cause she still doesn't believe Rowdy. So he tries to get into camp but gets shot. The outlaws are already ready to attack. But when they ride into camp the soldiers are warned and the outlaws have to give up. While that Rowdy got arrested but is set free when the woman gets to jail and tells the sheriff that Rowdy told her to warn the soldiers what she, after all, did.
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