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This Is Us: Us (2022)
Season 6, Episode 18
This Was Us
25 May 2022
A very beautiful and smooth finale, just like how Chris Sullivan described it "a nice soft landing".

I am going to miss this show so much; the incredible writing, the talented cast, the nuanced characters, THE BIG THREE! I am so grateful for those 6 years.
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This Is Us: The Train (2022)
Season 6, Episode 17
No word could ever do justice to this episode
19 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have no words, just like Randall.

Saying goodbye to one of the best TV characters was heart wrenching. This is a PERFECT episode. I swear I haven't seen a show that portrayed death as beautifully and poetically as This is Us.

This episode was a piece of art, from seeing Rebecca's life ride, meeting the people she loved and cared about, waiting for Kate to arrive, and finding Jack at the end of the ride. I have never cried like this before.
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Mare of Easttown: Illusions (2021)
Season 1, Episode 5
The suspense was off the charts
13 May 2022
I was so stressed at the last minutes of the episode.. I ALMOST VOMIT! (Sorry).

Kate Winslet and Evan Peters killed it! Their performances were mindblowing.
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This Is Us: Family Meeting (2022)
Season 6, Episode 16
Beautiful. Just beautiful.
11 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Boy, how much I cried in this episode is insane. Thank God I was alone.

Seeing Rebecca's life coming full circle is heart-wrenching. How she went from the amazing bubbling young mother who was always there for her kids, to the being helpless, severly ill, immersed in the severe stages of Alzheimer's is heartbreaking.

I love how the Big Three are paying her back now by being there for her: brushing her, tying her shoes, taking her for a stroll in the park. This was so heartwarming to watch. Just a proof that whatever you do to help and take care of your mother when you grow up, will never be enough.

Mothers are everything.
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This Is Us: Miguel (2022)
Season 6, Episode 15
Give all the cast of TIU Emmys at this point.
4 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
When I started watching the show, I didn't understand Miguel's part in their life. I was slightly annoyed and betrayed how he filled Jack's part in Rebecca's life. However, throught the show's six seasons, he became one of my favorite characters of the show.

We all wanted a partner and a friend like Miguel, who honors his best friend's wishes of being there to his family and help them out when he's gone. Miguel's story wrapped up perfectly-even though sadly, but it was right where belongs and deserves, surrounded with people he loved and cared about.

I also love the part where Kevin went to Miguel's son and told him to come and say his goodbyes to his father before it's too late, before he regrets it the way Kevin did as he was not on good terms with his father when he died and did not have the chance to properly saying goodbye to him.

I love this show and all the characters and I'm not ready to say my goodbyes :(
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This Is Us: Day of the Wedding (2022)
Season 6, Episode 13
We all cried
20 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I cried for like 42 minutes and I'm not ashamed

I love how the writers were trying to prepare us for the finale... for Rebecca's final chapter. I thought this episode would be all about Kate and Phillip and how will they navigate their new life together at their wedding, but it was all about our favorite character-our precious Rebecca. I feel like I was ready to see Jack more in Rebecca's memories the minute I found that Rebecca is suffering from Alzheimer's, but certainly I was not prepared for him to walk in there and sit with Rebecca in her room in Kate's wedding. It was devastating to watch. I am going to place a delivery for tissue boxes in preparation for the finale, anyone?
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Killing Eve: Hello, Losers (2022)
Season 4, Episode 8
I have a lot of questions, No.1 : WHY?!
11 April 2022
To say that the finale is rushed is an understatement To say that the last season is awful is also understatement To say that the show sucked after Phoebe Waller-Bridge is THE understatement of the year.

I had no hopes for a great series finale because of how bad the build up of the season was. So boring. They didn't even achieve anything and tried to shove everything in the finale!!!
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This Is Us: Saturday in the Park (2022)
Season 6, Episode 11
I just want to protect baby Jack :(
7 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is so painful to watch, especially for parents. Your son wandering the streets, while you're panicking, searching for him everywhere is every parent worst nightmare, especially if he/she is visually impaired.

I would love people to appreciate three persons in this episode: 1) baby Jack, for being absolutely the best kid actor I've seen so far. I just wanted him to be protected at all costs :( 2) Rebecca, for being the anchor of it all and saving the situation, even though she's suffering from memory loss every now and then and felt that she'd be useless to her kids. She just ran there, like the superhero she is, and save Jack. I love love love this moment. Just to prove that both Rebecca and Mandy Moore deserves all the love in the whole world, and I will protest if they didn't give her an Emmy.

3) our precious Beth for being the most unbothered and funny character in this show. I love her!!

P. S. I am not taking sides in this Katoby fiasco, because, in all honesty, I can understand both their situation, which reflects the brilliance of this show.
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This Is Us: Every Version of You (2022)
Season 6, Episode 10
Randall is Rebecca's rock
30 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Since I saw the trailer the last 'big three' trilogies, I knew instantly that Randall's will be the most emotional out of them...AND I WAS RIGHT :( I truly adore the relationship between Randall and Rebecca. That scene where Rebecca told Randall why she didn't choose him to make her health decisions, I was bawling my eyes out, because of how true it is. Randall was Rebecca's rock since the beginning and he WILL move heaven and earth to make sure that Rebecca is well taken care of :( I'm seriously not ready for the finale and watch Rebecca in her deathbed, that's going to be devastating to watch.
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One word...Andrew Garfield!!!
29 March 2022
Woah. That was INTENSE!!

I was bawling my eyes out throughout the whole movie. Andrew's mesmerizing performance really got to me!! Such a shame he didn't win the oscar for this performance.

This documentary is so inspiring and yet sad :( I really enjoyed every minute of it!!
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The Sopranos: Long Term Parking (2004)
Season 5, Episode 12
I have a lot of colorful words to say to Christopher
11 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is the best episode of The Sopranos, in my opinion. Very well written, executed, directed, and exceptional and impeccable performance by Adrianna!

This is one of those episode that you can't recover from quickly. So devastating. Adrianna wanted a clean slate with Christopher where they can live happily ever after. Damn I'm crying while writing this review. I didn't like her character at first and was so angry at her for forgiving Christopher for everything he did to her (beating, choking, manipulation, cheating, and the list can go on and on). But she deserves so much better than him. You'll be immensely missed :(
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This Is Us: Don't Let Me Keep You (2022)
Season 6, Episode 4
"I don't have a mom anymore"
27 January 2022
Me neither Jack :(

It's been 16 years since my mom died and it's still hurt like it was yesterday. I had a great relationship with my mom, even though I was only 9 when she passed away. She was so loving, caring, thoughtful, and generous. She would cry if she saw us hurt. Although my dad did an amazing job of being a single father, no one will ever be able to fill this hole in our life. I love you mom, thinking of you always :( Please if you still have a mother, call her or go to her and tell her how much you love her before it's too late.
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Lost: The End: Part 2 (2010)
Season 6, Episode 18
Still bawling
16 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
One of the best and the most emotional finale. I'm still bawling my eyes out. Everything in this episode is PERFECT. Their acting, the music, the plot, the wrap-up of each character. How all of them died and found each other :( they found each other because knowing each one of them was the best thing that happened in their lives!

Wow just wow!!!
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Lost: The End: Part 1 (2010)
Season 6, Episode 17
Still bawling
16 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
One of the best and the most emotional finale. I'm still bawling my eyes out. Everything in this episode is PERFECT. Their acting, the music, the plot, the wrap-up of each character. How all of them died and found each other :( they found each other because knowing each other was the best thing that happened in their lives!

Wow just wow!!!
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Dexter: New Blood: Sins of the Father (2022)
Season 1, Episode 10
I can know understand the bad reviews
9 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm so angry right now. This is just a load of crap. I was so excited about the finale because of how great this season was building up. I would say this in an expected ending, yet very disappointing. I don't really know what happened to the writers in this episode. Did they zone out or something?! A lot of plot holes in a one freaking episode, and much to our dismay this episode was the finale. Shouldn't the purpose of the reboot is to offer a better ending??? What happened to that? So let me get this straight: Harrison who had those dark tendencies, just like his dad, suddenly doesn't approve or it? And killed his freaking dad for it? Angela called Angel Batista and I was so psyched about Angel and Dexter reunion and suddenly he is murdered and didn't get to meet? I have a lot of questions!!!!!
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Lost: Through the Looking Glass: Part 1 (2007)
Season 3, Episode 22
The best and the most emotional episode so far
13 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm still panting while writing the review. Phew! How intense this episode is!

This is the first episode, in my opinion, that I felt hooked from the very first second of the episode! The writing is pure perfection: from Hurley saving the day, my man!!, Charlie sacrificing himself to save the others :( and the most dystopian future of jack and his friends!! I think this is also the first time that I think Jack should've listened to both Locke and Ben about Naomi and the boat thing! It really sounded so sketchy!

What will stick with me forever from this episode is (Not Penny's boat) :( Ohh Charlie you'll be truly missed :')
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Dexter: New Blood: Too Many Tuna Sandwiches (2021)
Season 1, Episode 6
Hello, Harrison Morgan. I guess?
12 December 2021
I miss this intensity!! It brings me back to the good ol' days (Dexter season 1-4).

This episode is amazing!!! Great acting, great writing, great plot!
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Friday Night Lights: Always (2011)
Season 5, Episode 13
Texas Forever!!
11 November 2021
"Ready to go home?" "Yeah, let's go"


What an amazing ending and a perfect series finale!!

Clear eyes, full hearts, CAN'T LOSE :(<3.
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The Morning Show: Confirmations (2021)
Season 2, Episode 8
The performances in this episode... DAMN
5 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Each one from this episode delivered an outstanding and mindblowing performance from Jennifer Aniston (not surprised though), Reese Witherspoon when she cried over her brother, Chip's panicking over losing Alex and their screaming match in the car, and Karen Pittman meltdown over Mitch's death.

I didn't like Mitch as much as the next person and I don't support any redemption arc for rapists and sexual predators, but I have to admit that Steve Carell's brilliance (as always) brought so many layers to this character that just makes you to hate to like him, but you just do.

I really liked this episode compared to the rest of the season. It was super intense which brought back what we loved about this show.
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Dexter: Surprise, Motherf**ker! (2012)
Season 7, Episode 12
This is just heartbreaking.
20 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
*****SPOILER AHEAD*******

I don't think Deb would be the same ever again :(

To say that Laguerta's death broke me more than Rita's is insane but so true! :( because Deb is the one who did to protect her brother. At this moment, I stopped rooting for Dexter.
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This Is Us: Brotherly Love (2021)
Season 5, Episode 13
Brotherly love and amazing conversations indeed
15 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is about Randall and his struggles of being a black boy in a white family and Kevin's subtle jealousy of him for being the center of attention when they were kids. How this show has educated us about race is just fantastic and this episode was amazingly written and executed. I am so glad that they resolve their differences and bury the long-overdue hatchet. Their brotherly love is too precious to give up on.
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The Good Wife (2009–2016)
Alicia Florrick.. that's it. That's the title.
29 January 2021
The only thing I hate about this is that I didn't start watching it years ago. I was so late to the party but THANK GOD I arrived. Alicia Florrick, the strong independent badass woman, who swallowed every pain she had with dignity and honor. The most sophisticated with a very layered character. Most of the time, you'll just worship her, other time, you don't understand her. But other some teeny tiny moments you'll just love to hate her. Everything about this show is a pure perfection. From the amazing characters arcs, to the brilliant and on-point writing and directing. Just start watching the first episode and you'll be in a hell of ride! Enjoy.
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The Good Wife: Dramatics, Your Honor (2014)
Season 5, Episode 15
I couldn't breathe for 5 FREAKING minutes!!!
11 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I can't believe this. This is NOT happening :(

Totally unexpected!! Should I applaud the writers and directors for this AMAZINGLY unexpected or punch them for killing one of my favorite characters :(

You'll always be in my heart Will Gardner :(
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Surprisingly really really good!
3 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I was contemplating over how to rate this show. At the beginning, to be honest, I wasn't a big fan due to the huge change and the deviation from the book. However, after watching the finale, I had to think it over. In my opinion, the finale is somehow better than the book in several ways: 1- Elena found out that Lexie was the one who had an abortion. Unfortunately, didn't happen in the book. Nevertheless , I love the open-ending of the book, it serves its purpose and theme. 2- Izzie wasn't the only one who caused the fire, she's just the one who spill the gas and gave him the idea and the purpose. Collectively, the kids burn the house from the ground. This didn't happen in the book either, since Izzie was the sole doer. 3- The kids, excluding Izzie, actually cares about Pearl and Mia and lashed at their mom for kicking them out. I love the book with all my heart, and the ending was so much satisfying, but in all faireness, the series finale is surprisingly better as it unveil some vagueness the book left with what happened to the rest of the characters. Still, with all the drastic changes, one thing that never changed is that Izzie is the best thing happened to the book and the mini-series.
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The Office: Dinner Party (2008)
Season 4, Episode 9
Iconic, babe.
30 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
As much this dinner party is uncomfortable, it filled with iconic quotes: Jan: You're hardly my first. Michael (screaming): THAT's WHAT SHE SAID

*Jan smashing Michael's 200$ plasma TV* Michael: THAT's a 200$ plasma screen TV you just killed. GOOD LUCK PAYING ME BACK ON YOUR 0$/year salary plus benefits BABE

Dwight: what seems to be the problem, officers? Officer: Not now, Dwight.

Everything in this episode is ICONIC!!
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