
83 Reviews
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When a sociopath becomes a surgeon
2 December 2023
9 stars for exposing this story.

This is a story about a man who is a sociopath, a highly skilled con man, who is also a surgeon. He has delusion of grandeur and his arrogance is off the scale. To summarize this all - he is mentally deviated.

Now, the main question is how his fellow surgeons and assistants and nurses and other staff had remained oblivious of the true nature of his surgeries. Not a word is said about stem cell collection and its subsequent application to the plastic tracheas. Stem cells collection is not a simple process. So was it done or not? Documentary is silent about it. That is why it is unclear how the entire team of medical professionals at Karolinska (and in Russia) went along with assisting the implantation of plastic tubes, as if they were operating on dummies, not living and breathing human beings. I refuse to believe they didn't know what was happening.

As for the women, nothing is new here.
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Six Feet Under (2001–2005)
I miss pre smart-phones era
18 November 2023
Okay, it is 2023 and the series were made 20 years ago. A LOT has changed since 2005 and I miss the time when smartphones didn't exist yet and flip-phones were used for a ACTUAL phones calls. Person to person communication was normal. People were reading books, newpapers were delivered to your door step and kids at schools weren't zombified by smartphone screens. Gay people weren't pushing their orientation into your face, black people weren't behaving as if they were forever victims, people were buried instead of cremated, ... I realize life was not perfect back then, yet it was normal. AND I MISS THAT! Why else I keep watching these series? There is nothing else on Netflix that is not violence, crime, murder, end of the world, broken relationships, and never ending wars..
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Babyteeth (2019)
Expected more
16 September 2023
A friend of mine had recommended these series. She said it is a must watch. I tried to like it, but wasn't impressed at all. Poor acting. Jumping camera as if it was hand held. Parents behave really weird. The pregnant neighbor character is quite odd and adds nothing to the story. If not for the "bad boy" character there is nothing to watch (but others like neither his character nor the acting). Well there is at lease some of his character development. Too many F words flying around. Why? In other words everything sort of feels fake, unnatural, under the circumstances, including behaviour and emotions.
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The Son (I) (2022)
My gosh, filmmakers must be disqualified for life. 9
25 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I am flabbergasted with people praising Dern' performance. It was anything fact few times when she was in one scene or another I got uncharacteristically angry with this movie makers for casting her, for her acting so awfully.... I stopped watching movies with Hollywood actors long time ago, but decided to give this film a shot, probably because of Anthony Hopkins, and oh boy, it was a mistake. Why in the world Anthony Hopkins has accepted 3 min presence in this film? Never ever again will I watch Hollywood movies or actors... everyone, but the second wife, whatever her name, was bad, really bad, even Hugh Jackman. Watching this movie was a very painful experience...but when the depressed kid, I assumed dead, materialised from the other side, I couldn't take it anymore. Shame on everyone who made this crap and insulted our intelligence, wasted our time. If you want to watch about a disturbed kid, watch "Muted" mini series - at least performances were great.
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Muted (2023)
Disappointing ending, nothing makes sense, yet watchable
22 May 2023
Just like with another Netflix series "Safe", "Muted" has a promising beginning, keeps your attention throughout all 6 episodes (though not everything makes sense) - suspense is high, acting is great, so you naturally expect some really clever culmination...just to get disappointed in the end. So many question remain unanswered. If his Mother was a saint, why the observation room? What about the experimental medicine? What was it about the older guy who the policeman was meeting in secret places? They really messed up Noa character-nothing makes sense about her. What about his aunt and grandparents? Why were they brought into the play? I can continue with 10 more whys.. Still, the series are so different from the modern day Hollywood productions, so I don't regret watching it.
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Maestro (2022– )
Ep.1-5. Highly recommend
23 March 2023
Hollywood movies of 90s used to be as good as these series, not anymore. I refuse watching anything made by (in) Hollywood with overexposed, talentless actors. Even those who used to be good are now posing, not acting. European cinema on the other hand almost never disappoints. The main and very important difference is acting. Today, Hollywood actors are acting in movies, in European - they're living in their roles. I don't know how they select actors for the roles, but even children manage to put out excellent performances. Maybe European actors attend and finish acting schools, I don't know. These series is an example of stellar performances by all actors. I highly recommend these series-story line, majestic scenery, beautiful actors will capture your attention. The chemistry between 2 leading actors is electrifying and the beauty of Klelia is hypnotizing.

P. S. Episode 6 is a huge disappointment.
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New Amsterdam (2018–2023)
La-La Land
14 February 2023
Everything in these series is an absurd. Lets start with that such hospitals and its staff as they show it do not exist, won't ever exist. It is a pure fantasy- La-La Land.

The lead character- Max is irritating to say the least. Ryan Eggold's performance is as flat as flat can be. The same facial expression in every scene, eventually you get tired of seeing his face. He could not even realistically pull the cancer treatment part.

So many things in these series, way before 3d season, on the border with an absurdity - from the "jumper" to the "frequent flyer",or the "chinese girl in subway"" to "a dying brother from Ohio".

Don't let me start on diversity, race, sexual orientation, illegals, marches agains birth control etc.

Dr. Bloom (who came up with such a name?) is the only charter I sympathize with.

By the way, there are still no 100% B. Characters-all of them are of a mixed R.
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Liar (2020)
worth watching
27 March 2022
I loved these series. Captivating story, tension building development through episodes, unexpected turns, great acting. I watched all episodes in one set.
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Windfall (2022)
Beautiful setting
23 March 2022
Lily Collins performance was sub-par. Her stenciled eyebrows and perfect makeup after 2 days of no shower annoyed me. When will they learn that characters must look realistic, not as if they are ready for a cat-walk at all times. She is a miscast in my opinion. Jesse's acting was very good. Jason Segel's character was not realistic either, as well as the story line.
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Big Bug (2022)
Fitting the times Movie
17 February 2022
Loved it. A satire or reflection of the last 2 years lockdowns and other freedom restrictions? Yonux Leader reminded me Prime Minister of Canada. Watch it from the perspective of freedom restrictions and you will love it.
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Marseille (2016–2018)
I lived these Series
29 January 2022
As an American of European descent I loved these series. All lead actors put out great performances. Depardieu didn't disappoint. May be french audience is giving it poor ratings, but as someone who doesn't speak or understands French, I loved it. I always watch foreign movies, including this one, in original language with English subtitles. I also loved Borgen, the Danish political drama series. Well done, both Marseille and Borgen.
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I loved it
6 January 2022
Top Review says: "It is completely nothing story." I disagree. Maybe because i am a female, There is a lot in between the lines so to speak. Excellent performances by the lead actors INCLUDING CHILDREN. In fact, children are not performing, they are living it.
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You (2018–2024)
S1-2 great S3 the escalation of absurdities.
2 December 2021
Season 3. Lead actors performances remained excellent!

Yet, Season 3 is bad-woke stuff and pretty bad story line. Pushing political agenda woke garbage a huge turn off. I see enough of that daily in social media, news, etc. The way they made an anti-vaxxer out to be a bad guy demonizing him, is ridiculous. Blatant and repetitive leftist talking being forced at me. White woman missing syndrome? Is it a movie or CNN?
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Manifest (2018–2023)
Quit S1-E11
30 July 2021
Despite uneven performances it started nicely. S1-E4- barely finished, it is all down the hill from E4. Quit Ep.11. Atrocious acting, silly dialogues, just plain stupid. Could not care about any characters, may be Denny, the Wife's character was very annoying- why to always portrait wives as stupid irrational bimbos? Not a single Michaella's hair was ever out of place. Police officer she was NOT.
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Manifest: Unclaimed Baggage (2018)
Season 1, Episode 4
26 July 2021
I am starting episode 4. It is watchable, but at times, actually very many times acting is very poor, I mean all actors's performance. There are scenes where actors seem to be OK, slipping back in the next scene. Josh Dallas is very very bad for the leading role. Cal, the twin kid is miscast-he can't act at all. Supporting actors have no acting skills at all. As for the story, lots of silly moments, will see...
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Okkupert (2015–2020)
17 June 2021
Just found the series on Netflix. Highly recommend! Excellent series!
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Shtisel (2013–2021)
I am hooked!
5 April 2021
I love Shtisel series which I nearly skipped. I was impressed by Shira Haas in Unorthodox. Here, she is 7 years younger and delivers excellent performance! I highly recommend both series. Great opportunity to immerse yourself into a different culture to realize that at the core we, as humans, are the same.
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I Care a Lot (2020)
It is watchable
27 March 2021
I don't know why so many (similar) bad reviews, the movie is watchable, the acting is very good. As for the fact that it is not quite believable, just re-read The Girl with a dragon tattoo and or follow Britney Spears court-appointed guardianship. A movie doesn't have to be 100% realistic, none of it ever was. As for "I care a Lot" , it has delivered its intended message.
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Herrens veje (2017–2018)
Season 2
23 March 2021
Just finished watching Season 2. Truly unique series that deserve a lot of praise and acclamation. I got deeply attached to the lead characters, especially Christian, August and Johannes. Excellent performances! I got teary eyed a couple of times, and that hardly ever happens with me.
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Herrens veje (2017–2018)
I absolutely love these series
15 March 2021
Just finished watching 7 Episodes, Season 1 and looking forward to continue. Great performances by all actors, deeply moving on many levels. Highly recommend.
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The Sinner (2017–2021)
Season 1 Episode 1
9 March 2021
I really wanted to like it. Leading actors performance is Okay. Bill Pullman and Chris Messina weren't bad though. Bad casting choices for supporting actors-terrible, terrible acting. I mean I am talking about the very first Episode, and literally all supporting actors/actresses simply beyond bad. Empty dialogues are robotic. Investigation doesn't make any sense- taking fingerprints from the car AFTER it was impounded? Common! An army of first responders should have left numerous fingerprints already. So Episode 1 was the first and the last for me.
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Penguin Bloom (2020)
5 February 2021
I couldn't relate to the lead female character; all I saw was publicly "overexposed" older actress who shouldn't be paying a mother of young children. Her performance was wooden; if she had acting skills, she lost it long time ago. She was good in Mother and Child, and other than that nothing stand out in her acting career. Empty dialogues, predictable story line, bad acting by all actors including children.
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Firefly Lane (2021–2023)
Can't stand Katherine Heigl
5 February 2021
Katherine Heigl could never act, she still can't. Her face is painful to watch- so many injectables. As for the rest- cliché after cliché after cliché. Gong to watch Call My Agent instead. For the 3d time
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The Vanished (2020)
The 'bad" acting explained.
1 February 2021
Anne Heche and Thomas Jane "resurfaced" again together after successful "Hung" series that ended in 2011.

In the beginning, Just like many, I was put off by what it seemed like bad acting, unrealistic, under the circumstances, behavior of main characters. Only by the very end of the movie it becomes clear that the acting was fine and behaviour of main characters appropriate.
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Lupin (2021– )
14 January 2021
The series are entertaining despite many silly plots . I expected it to be a comedy though. Omar's acting is good and his smile is charming. I am not sure though why filmmakers assumed that appearance of Omar's character can be "disguised". LOL. The Police team in the series is the weakest, in terms of acting and stupidity. Never the less, waiting for the Part 2.
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