
4 Reviews
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The Children (2008)
Scary six year olds? Please!
10 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Had this highly recommended and LOVED WdeltaZ, so had high hopes. What a let down. It was shot well and well acted; I truly despised the smug, self satisfied, middle class tossers the actors portrayed; but that was about it. Maybe it's just me but I simply don't find six year olds scary, annoying maybe, terrifying, no! Simply slap the snot nosed little buggers and send them to bed without any PS3. Perhaps the thought of your precious little darlings turning on you may have some home counties yummie mommies and doting dads feeling uncomfortable but I remember being an evil little so and so when I was a kid and have no illusions about the feral packs of wanna be hoodies roaming the area where I live. So all in all a bit of a waste of time. If you watch this first PLEASE don't be put off WDZ, that is a film that delivers and delivers. Let's hope the rest of Tom Shankland's films are more of that ilk and less of this bilge.
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Shuttle (2008)
Sooooooo bad!
24 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
OK this will contain spoilers. Now I have never seen such a large pile of poop since the laxative/feed mix up at the elephant enclosure in the zoo! It has more plot holes than moth eaten lace and as for the 'realistic' plot line. Well sexual slavery is a dreadful and very real world wide problem and this pile of bilge utilises this plague as a plot device to titillate and tease, shame on everyone involved for that piece of questionable judgement. But back to the film, if you were going to kidnap people from an airport, some of the most secure and camera happy places in the modern world by the way, then why plant a stoolie on the inside of the van who does bugger all until the plot needs a twist. Just wait until you are out of the airport, pull the gun, handcuff the passengers, drive calmly to the warehouse and kill the guys, job done. On the passengers side, on at least three occasions the good guys have the bad guys incapacitated and are armed, WASTE THEM! Once in a movie it can just be acceptable not to put a bullet in the bad guys skull, but COME ON three times! And after he's killed most of you. Also the guy is willing to put down the gun to stop a scarred cheek but kills a girl for a yeast infection that could be cleared up with $20 dollars worth of drugs. I could go on and on about the amount of holes in this but I won't waste any more of my time. Suffice to say that I have rarely been so insulted by such a dreadful piece of drivel and as for the real problem of sexual slavery, girls go voluntarily to new 'jobs' in distant lands and are abused, raped, and often killed by the gang master who meets them off the boat/plane and takes their passports and freedom. This s**t is an insult to anyone whose life has been affected by this! Do not waste your time!
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Clockmaker (1998 TV Movie)
14 September 2008
Clockmaker. More like Crapmaker.

This is TRULY awful. I'm all for undemanding fun for kids and adults alike but please, this would insult the intelligence of a two year old.

Low production budgets, fine. Brain dead script not fine.

There is so much wrong with this film that it's impossible to point out individual flaws.

But if I have to then why if computers were invented years early does everything look so bloody awful, they obviously didn't have any CAD programs.

Also a computer manual doesn't tell you how to make micro chips or capacitors etc etc.

Give a chimp a pocket watch and he won't go on to invent an i-pod. Complete crap.

Do not spend anytime watching this dreck.

You have been warned...
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Death Screams (1982)
Bad bad bad!
31 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Ha ha he he he. This is laughable. There is NOTHING worth watching in this pile of badly made cheapo trash. Even if you enjoy a good 'bad' movie (which I am partial to) this should be avoided. The only truly special thing about this film is the incredible soundtrack. Even random music plucked from a library catalogue would have occasionally hit the mark, this is so way off you may think that the guy writing it knew he wasn't going to get paid!

The 'story' as such revolves around a typical stalk and slash formula without the benefit of an explanation as to why he's slicing and dicing the 'young' folk.

Nudity and cheap effects just don't cut the mustard even in the straight to video days of the 80's.

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