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Dropped a star. Disappointed
21 July 2023
This show was really amazing and special to me for the 1st season. I felt that magical, butterflies, carefree on the beach, can't wait to open the car door when you get there, warm sunny days, seeing friends that you haven't all winter, the smell of the ocean, salt water taffy, kayaking, sparkly wonderful everything the 1st season. I fell into it all as if I was there and watched it multiple times. I have been waiting for what feels like years and years for the 2nd season and what I was worried about happening, did. I understand the tone is different because everyone is grieving but it's just so different in so many ways. There's a bunch more swearing, so many scenes done in a very dark lighting. I hope it gets better but if not it really should of stopped at Season 1.
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Wanted (2008)
Some of the best scenes
5 July 2023
Every movie has it's good, bad and mediocre moments. Every individual has a different expectation, experience and opinion based on those. There are however certain films that have pentacle moments so well done if even just for a few scenes that you remember them forever. That is a hard achievement. This is one of those movies for me. At least 5 scenes that will stick in my mind as truly inspirational and mouth dropping. Underground 6 is another movie that comes to mind. Excellent cast, intriguing story, well put together sequences, overall a movie I will enjoy every once and a while for a long time to come. Considering it's 2023 and this was released in 2008 makes it stand on itself.
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Well done
21 June 2023
I have such a hard time with animal cruelty I knew watching this might be rough but in these types of educational settings I believe it's my responsibility to watch and read so I can have a better understanding of what is going on and what I want or don't want to contribute to or what is going into my body. I can't make an informed decision without that information. I already had a general idea of some of the topics but it was very informative and much more in depth. I love that Turkey farmer. He loves his Turkeys. Towards the end when he is walking with the mass of beautiful happy Turkeys all around him made me smile. He is the epitome of what Farming ideals should be. I understand the system is rigged like most things now (production vs product) and it may not be phesable for a lot of farmers trying to care for their families but that doesn't mean give up trying to change how things are done. Every ounce of compassion can mean the world to an animal that's had none at all. I am not a vegetarian or vegan. However on my own I have found it harder and harder to eat meat over the years. I noticed once I skipped it for increasingly longer periods of time that I didn't miss it. In fact just the smell of steak cooking is unappealing now. It's been hard trying to balance my diet but I will get there. I think there's nothing wrong with having meat in a diet but all things in moderation. Not we need meat so bad that it's come to this. We may be of higher intelligence but we are certainly lacking in understanding of being modest, humble and conserving vs consuming.
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Renfield (2023)
It's Renfield, Not Dracula 2023
13 June 2023
It's advertised as a horror comedy, and that's exactly what it is. To read all these reviews of folks expecting anything different is just silliness. The second biggest complaint is that Nicholas Cage isn't on screen as much as they expected. Well, sorry folks, it's not Dracula 2023, It's "Renfield". It's supposed to be about Renfield. The title is... you guessed it.... "Renfield". The narration on the trailer was a lot of....who now? Oh yeah... Renfield 👏. Now that we have that out of the way: It's Nicholas Cage as Dracula in a mid centuries life crisis with an assistant also going through a century mid-life crisis. There's some funny stuff happening here with dark humor, straight humor and vampire gore. Everything is told in one nice little comedic package with some terror and tons of gore thrown in. Anyway ignore the hate, grab some corn and a cold drink and just relax. Enjoy a pretty decent horror comedy that's actually entertaining.
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Unlocked (I) (2017)
Better Late Than Not at All
13 June 2023
I found this movie out of nowhere, saw the cast and trailer and it drew me in. Central to the story is Noomi Rapace as Alice, an interrogator who has stepped away from the front line following a multi-casualty incident in her past that she can't help but feel responsible for. However, she is drawn back in when a young courier is seized by intelligence services when she realizes she has been drawn in by the wrong people to pull the information out of him. Just when you think you know how the situation will play out you learn that not all is as it seems and the film moves up a level. This happens multiple times and is done in a tight smooth way. To say much more would be to ruin an interesting journey with a stellar cast also including Toni Collette, Michael Douglas & John Malkovich as well as a supporting role from Orlando Bloom. My only negative (It is for any movie) is that a dog was killed. The reaction from its owner was priceless and tangible though.

Don't let the negative reviews put you off.
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Great Show for The Generation
9 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The mix of drama, comedy and intensity has been done immaculately so far. The actors have done a great job fitting into their roles. The chemistry between Kaley Cuoco as Ava Bartlett, Chris Messina as Nathan Bartlett and Tom Bateman as Matt (The Westside Ripper) is tangible. Kaley is/was actually pregnant (not just playing a pregnant woman). The timing for events is spot on. It seems there's a little bit of everything in this show and it's woven together well. It hits hard at times and keeps you guessing, then changing your mind but sticks the landing in allowing you to imagine the situations happening. The fact the killer has very real assurances that Nathan & Ava will hold up the proposal of the podcast hiding his identity in return for doing it vs. Being turned into the police thanks to the relationship established prior and the police having photos of them together is a great spin (and there may be even more to it at the very end of the season). The show takes you into the lives of people with money to literally burn if they wanted to and it's hilarious how they make you wonder who is actually acting crazy between high status and their version of 'normal' and 'problems' vs. A serial killer. It seems Matt has taken a genuine liking to Nathan and Ava but has he really...and at the very end there may be much more to it. I'm impressed and I can't wait to see where it all goes for hopefully Season 2.
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Rise (IX) (2014)
Happy to find this 💎
7 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm glad this came across my radar. I enjoyed it far more than anticipated. It's unfortunate that these things can happen to someone but they do. Everywhere. Most unfortunate is the lost soul who would be willing to falsify statements like that. It murks the waters of already fragile justice systems. I'm warmed to see he found peace. She won't until she makes amends and I have no idea where someone in her shoes would start. Grateful to anyone who helped him along his journey and had him rightfully acquitted of the charges. I love that he remembered a sign from his school bus and it stuck with him. You never know what kind of person you are until you're tested. Blessings to him & his beautiful family.
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James Cameron does stunning work but flaws
7 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this one then the 1st one again (which was unreal in 3D IMAX when it 1st came out) then this one again. The first one did somehow top the second in my opinion. It was nice to still see some tie-in's from it and I think I know where this is headed next. The miracle birth from Sigourney Weaver. I have a feeling her work as a biologist and Ewya taking her into the memories of the ancestors had something to do with that. Her daughter had 0 issues being underwater. She literally just jumped in and somehow got more oxygen right away, be it through her skin or connection to Ewya and could immediately spend more time without air. Laying face down in the shallows and deep swimming without effort like her family. Her connection with Pandora seems to span much larger than just the 'Forest Na'vi' or the World of Water. Her fondness of "Spyder" may be used in the next one. Or, "Monkey Man" as they called him towards the end (I don't understand the need to suddenly give him a second nickname). Perhaps the Human/Forest/Water mix will come to fruition in a new hybrid Avatar with their adopted daughter leading the way. I see the reflection of these movies in what the colonists did to the Indigenous people on Turtle Island (US) born of creation from the Sky Mother tying into this and reflecting back. James Cameron does immaculate work telling history. (Titanic still holds records to this day). That's right folks, this story already happened. It's great to see his take on history in a futuristic setting. I am surprised with how grandeous James Cameron is that the flashback of their 1st born son showed 4 fingers (3 index and 1 thumb) when they were all shown to have 5 later and getting picked on for it. (Mix of the Avatars that were made vs the native Na'vi people). Maybe there's another explanation, other than someone literally completely messed that up on an Avatar movie years in the making. Overall I love these movies. There's a message here and it's painful but portrayed gracefully and in such an amazing way. I can't wait for the next one.
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I have no idea what to think of this
7 June 2023
I had 0 idea what to expect. I wasn't thoroughly disappointed as I have been with some other movies with big names in them but I wasn't impressed either. The interviews at the end made it worse in my opinion. I don't know. It resonates in some ways with ACTUAL sites like that but this was not a "Documentary" and shouldn't be allowed in that category because he simply read some books or whatever is pushing it to be called as such. The bar should be a lot higher or nothing at all. I'm realizing as I'm writing this and going through it in my head how bad it was. It's a waste of time. Don't bother unless you're actively trying to scare your 3yr old child.
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Only (2019)
This movie had me engaged
5 June 2023
The actors were phenomenal in my opinion considering the lack of action or terror or horror. They did a great job with a mystery that had what really mattered explained already as well. I just can't stand how ungrateful she was. I can empathize with the pressure cooker of the situation. Perhaps if he had been more careful to not become asymptomatic himself they could of had enough of a life for her. However, her asking the last woman in the chat room to wait was an indication of the end for her. All the work and dedication he put in for over 400 days, that's unconditional love folks. Should that ever happen a lot of couples would be shaken to their core and finding out all kinds of nasty bits about eachother when push really comes to shove. It's on my favorite list. Wish I had found it sooner.
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Yellowjackets (2021– )
Time to Finally Review this Blood Beehive
4 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I've been watching since the very second of the very beginning. This show did not disappoint or drag on, it got right into the nitty gritty of it with an opening scene that just started coming around at episode 8 of Season 2 and hasn't pulled the E-Brake yet. (I swear I saw episode 7's description state they were getting rescued back when 5, 6 and 7 dropped together on Showtime but you obviously still had to wait to watch the episodes. Then it changed. I wonder if the network wasnt locked in for a season 3 and had to be ready to wrap up 🤔). It is about time we get to the rescue portion of their journey though and I think we are all assuming the house burning down will factor into that. I've adored how it has weaved past and present throughout. The characters have been developed very well and of course there are girls to spare (Good forethought for the writers) for more storylines and/or surprises in later season(s) since it has basically cultivated and focused on just a handful. It's obviously a mash-up of the Andes flight and general insanity of survival through such a gruesome tremendous experience with enough witchy-woo woo entangled to really make you wonder "What's goin on". It's interesting that Coach offered for Nat to go with him where Javi had survived while he was missing and everyone thought he was dead on the same day she was hunted but allowed Javi to die in her place. If the house fire set by Coach leads to their rescue shortly thereafter then it also explains why even though Travis accepted Nat during the ceremony where Lottie elected her as the new leader (spot on timing to step down btw 😆), then Javi really did die for no reason and would explain why Travis didn't keep in touch and why he couldn't handle sticking around. I'm hoping Juliette Lewis isn't gone. I've laughed out loud since Elijah Wood entered the fold. He's added some levity and it's shined on the show. The cast has an actor for older Coach (Carlos Sanz) and older Travis (Andres Soto) although I don't remember seeing older Travis so maybe more storylines to come there too. Christina Ricci was built for her character. She's done an amazing job bringing Misty to life and I can't imagine that was easy. I don't mean to leave anyone out but this review is long enough already.
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Beneath (V) (2013)
Surpringly Good
3 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Great horror thriller that will keep you guessing from multiple different angles. Character development was handled well. The characters are relatable and believable. The catastrophic element is handled with intelligence and penausch. There's a lot of mystery in the sequence of events and you're never quite sure if things are what they seem to be or not. This is done without just packing a ton of blood and gore into the movie and throwing it at the wall to see if it sticks (no pun intended 😆). The mining locations feel extremely authentic, adding to the natural fear of being trapped giving the jump scares a little more intensity.
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The Gryphon (2023– )
Merlin- Low standard of Lord of The Rings
30 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was hooked in almost immediately. Then ever so slowly I found it harder and harder to stay engaged and yet I was still invested enough that I started briefly fast forwarding through the drawn out or pointless scenes. I did love the choice in some Nirvana songs. The idea of what these levels were in a Tower. The fight scene outside the church between the 2 statues while the 2 brothers were stuck in there. (Why did 1 fight to kill them vs. Another fighting for them). Ultimately I mentally checked out too much. The main actors had so much of the same dialogue (Mark & Remi?, Romie? Idk, some name like that) Ideas were too murky or unnecessary altogether. It could be the German to English crossover but there's plenty of foreign movies I've loved. Maybe they were trying to lean on actors that just didn't fit the bill to carry enough of it. Judge for yourself but get ready for a sllllooooowwww burn.
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Malignant (I) (2021)
Jekyll&Hyde Evil Dead Matrix
23 May 2023
First and Foremost; Whoa. I've seen a lot but I have not seen a movie like this. I must of taken the rainbow pill. I had tons of ideas and Eureka moments, twisted and turning thoughts like a rat king but all completely wrong. I never saw the reason or explanation coming. I thought I was seeing 3 of the same person at certain times. So confusing in the moment. Never in 100 tries would I have figured out what was going on. For that alone this is a good movie. I typically have a good range on what's going on or at least one of my few different guesses is in the ballpark but not for this one. Bravo!
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Strain 100 (2020)
Loved the Guns
23 May 2023
Really enjoyed the atmosphere of this movie. Loved the music and had a blast with the guns and target practice scenes. Sad the kid got it but what a waste of an all terrain vehicle. I would of been in heaven staying with that family. A cigar, coffee and ammo. Pretty cool that Jessie sat backwards on the street bike so she could provide cover. Don't think I've ever seen that before in a Z movie. Maybe any movie.

Now I have 173, 169, 164,159,154,150,146,142,138,135,130,126,122,119,114,110,106,102,98,95,92,89,86,83,80,77,74,71,68,65,62,59,56,53,50,47,44,41,38,35,32,29,26,23,20,17,14,11,8,6,4,2, characters to blow. Hope you enjoyed the count down.
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I enjoyed this short
22 May 2023
I give this short movie a lot of respect for multiple different things: The idea of being able to go out at night but not during the day. Usually it's the opposite. I thought the two main actors played well off of eachother as older & younger brother. I found myself asking a lot of questions and being disappointed when it ended.

It's so annoying to have to meet a 600 character review to post. So since I already summed up the movie I guess I will fill the rest with complaining about that. It's really truly thoroughly intently grievously ridiculous that a review has to be 600 characters. Really really is.
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Not what I expected but I'm not bashing it
21 May 2023
I'm a huge MCU fan. They did superb with previous films so it's hard to set a new tone or pace. The bar is sky high already (high five for getting it there) so, it's really rough to beat now. Robert Downey Jr. Took a ton of perfect with him. Chris Hemsworth, Idris Elba, Thomas Hiddleston, Chris Evans, Chris Pratt, Mark Ruffalo, Scarlett Johansson, Sebastian Stan (who I waited for a break out role since 'The Covenant'). I will encompass my entire review of this movie with the following statement: It wasn't bad per se. (Let's remember that: Per se is a Latin phrase literally meaning "by itself.". It has the sense of " intrinsically ," or " in and of itself). So yeah... It wasn't bad Per Se.
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The Gift (VI) (2015)
Great Movie
19 May 2023
Love the way this movie was executed and directed. The missing pieces allow your mind to drift to a lot of different places and that's often worse than the actual problem/event and gives it a bit of a kick. Refreshing. Strong storyline. Great acting. Excellent entertainment. Good to be reminded that real evil can come in many forms depending on the perspective and where you're personally sitting. I remember hearing about this movie but never came upon it at the right time to watch it. I was worried the dog would turn up in filet form but once that didn't happen I knew it was smooth sailing lol.
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Harmony (I) (2018)
Harmony AKA Absolution
16 May 2023
I was delightfully surprised with how good this movie is. It's hard to find on some platforms because it also goes by the name: Absolution. The acting was good, the outline for the movie was good. The tone, mystery and general atmosphere was good. I didn't expect it but this is why you take a chance and don't read the reviews prior to watching something. Just go for it. It may not be for you but you'll never know until you try. I could see this being a big hit with more of a budget and some infused inventive writing. It has a strong storyline though and that is followed well throughout the entire movie. It's definitely one I will watch again.
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The Saga That will not go away Part VIIII
16 May 2023
I refuse to watch F9. I will continue to refuse to watch F9. I will refuse to watch Fast X & Fast X- 2. I will refuse to watch F&F 12-1,047. It's a shame because I grew up with these movies and I loved them through and through. I've watched The Fast & Furious original up to Fast 7 so many times I've lost count and I continue to love it with the same passion every time. Vin Diesel popped out after the 1st one to focus on Pitch Black etc (Love those movies). While he was out Paul Walker held the fort down with 2Fast2Furious. Tokyo Drift comes along and Vin Diesel couldn't be bothered to do more than a Cameo, and to get him to do simply that, he was given the rights for PB & Riddick etc and a car. F&F got better when Dwayne Johnson was added, better when Jason Statham was added (Those 2 worked great off eachother). Then the issues between Vin & Dwayne broke that. Point Blank: They had 0 business continuing after Paul Walker passed away. Summing up F7 was understandable and felt appropriate. Now they have John Cena trying to fill the hole left from Dwayne Johnson. Now I see Jason Momoa being piled in and they brought Jason Statham back (He would be the only reason I would watch Fast X aka 10). But wait! It's STILL not done and that ruins the remote possibility I would watch this one. There's a Fast X-2 next? It's been an unreal run. They will NEVER get back what was lost with Paul Walker, no matter how many actors or plot lines they try and stuff into it. I'm leaving this franchise where I stopped and that's bitter-sweet but at least I'm not contributing to the emptiness they're trying to fill. And no mention of Jack or Brian & Mia's daughter (unnamed so far). (Maybe that will be addressed but I'm ok with not knowing). For everything there is a season and the season for this was over 3 movies ago.
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This was a sleeper hit for me
13 May 2023
This Movie rolled across as a suggestion and I decided to just go for it even though when I was reading the "Outline" I thought.... How good could it really be? Boy was I wrong. This movie had my attention front & center. Not what I expected and done in a wonderfully creative way. The actors did great. I found myself literally holding my breath multiple times when they were trying to find a way out and the man was in the basement going after them. Then top it off with a prisoner already there and how twisted his thinking is. At first I was rooting for the guy for not being a robbery statistic but when push came to shove I had to hope they could make it out.
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Hemlock Grove (2013–2015)
What a Bizarre but Interesting Show
13 May 2023
First & Foremost: Whatever you're expecting from Hemlock Grove, you're probably wrong. This is a show that goes its own way and doesn't rewrite itself as, or mirror anything else I've seen. It seems to delight in blowing every direction possible. It's a dark, bizarre and twisted thing.

The best way to watch it is: No expectations of it being like anything else. Enjoy the morose atmosphere. The continually uncomfortable style, strange characters and bizarre plot twists and occurrences.

It's good in ways that other shows don't even attempt. It's certainly the best Lycanthropy transition I have ever seen. They don't dial it down to make it seem like a tolerable thing, they dial it way up to a cringy but cool affliction.
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A-X-L (2018)
Who wouldn't want an A-X-L
9 May 2023
The reviews I read after watching something are often surprising and have a 1/2 rating then 8/9 ratings. What a divide. I don't read reviews prior to watching anything because I want an unbiased opinion once it's over. I can see why people didn't like it. They expected more. Often times when expectations aren't met the negative stands out further than it would not having any to begin with. As for those that did enjoy it. It is difficult to find decent movies without a ton of swearing/sex/violence these days and especially for certain age groups. I loved everything about this movie. It was interesting, thought provoking and I enjoyed the ending being one with both sadness and hope.
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Class of '07 (2023– )
Just No
9 May 2023
I found this very disappointing and completely bizarre. It didn't seem to know what it was from one minute to the next but it did the not knowing well. A lot of drama forced comedy. The only scene I laughed at was the 2 girls getting stuck on the Gazebo when the water came in. Those 2 provided some sincere levity. Otherwise, I don't understand how this show came to pass. It's a High School reunion (these people are not 15-18). Dry jokes. Unbearably dumb girls. Not creative. Something is lacking constantly throughout the show. I couldn't find it, maybe you can. Thoroughly weird. I have no idea what I watched besides physically seeing it. So many good shows fall by the wayside over creative differences. This one lacks creativity altogether.
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Brightburn (2019)
Don't pick up pod babies and keep them folks
7 May 2023
I had of course an idea of what to expect from the trailer but it overshot that in a very twisted and dark way. It is nice to see something different from the Superman Story vibe. Truth is, we don't know that any Homo-superior would be innately good even with loving parents and this certainly hit that mark. The acting by Jackson Dunn & Elizabeth Banks is terrific. There was an overall gut wrenching and dark feeling in this movie. It could simply be that the narrative for finding crash landed children has always been our Salvation and this shows it is our destruction and that's a hard pill to swallow after so many adaptations of the Earth's mighty hero over the decades. I recommend it, but be prepared. I do wonder if the rough idea for this came from "The Boys".
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