
27 Reviews
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Low expectations
6 February 2024
Grew up a PAC fan with a massive poster up as a teenager before he died....

This movie I thought was great for fans but I had really low expectations going in.

The lead actor - Demetrius Shipp Jr. Performance had PACs mannerisms, rage and swagger down perfectly. They only touched on his complex character who had so many hypocrisies within. It didn't paint him as perfect nor a thug wannabe - it went for middle ground.

The more I learnt about Pac in life the less I respected him and his music but this movie had me falling back in love with his music, lyrics, drama and passion.

Don't expect Shakespeare - though Pac quotes him a lot - this is more of a fan favourite. The only issue with the film is it wasn't a love story, it wasn't the expression of one of the greatest lyrical minds or drama actors. I just think it failed to show an angle.
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Better Call Saul (2015–2022)
Greatest spin-off ever?
19 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was not Breaking Bad. But it was damn close in terms of watchability. New tensions, glaringly different but satisfying character arcs and enough dodginess to keep every show predictably unpredictable.

Loved the early seasons tension with the McGill brothers. Howard Hughes acting was unbelievably on point. His ending - shocking and unfair as is life.

The final season had some lulls for me but the final two episodes were so good you never want to watch anything else.

The only critisicm for me was the believeability of Kim Wexler's character which just made decisions consistently that I didn't think fit with her short back story or character.

The ending left a foul taste in my mouth. Some twists that were out of character from Saul but was really a corny way of showing how powerful love can be. And acceptance of who you are.

Recommend this to anyone who likes good TV.
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Glee: Bad Reputation (2010)
Season 1, Episode 17
Loved it
24 July 2023
Opening with Ice Ice Baby was so fun I couldn't wipe that smile off my face. Somehow the Glee cast made all those dorky dance moves seem so fun that I just wanted to give them a go.

Drop in a hilarious Olivia-Newton John Cameo and a great remake of the 'Physical' video with Sue Sylvester which watching after her passing is even more special.

I loved the character depth Sue showed with her sister. It doesn't make sense but really makes you warm to Sue.

Great performances of 'Run Joey Run' and 'U can't touch this' and close it with another epic performance of 'Total Eclipse of the heart' for a show that feels like it's runnin at the top of its game!
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A few poor choices moved this from average to bad
4 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really wanted to like this film. Loved how the protagonist switched to Shuri. Love the banter between some of the characters. But some massive plot holes and decisions have made this movie flawed in a way which my mind couldn't reconcile. The largest of which was the killing of Queen Ramonda. Unnecessary when after Chadwick Boseman's death the movie was already supercharged with the emotion of death and loss.

Killing queen Ramonda made the final scene which should have been the most emotional in the entire MCU franchise confusing to me. Why was she grieving her brother and not her more recent loss of her mother. Movies that can successfully bridge the gap between reality and fiction are so strong but this one made some epically poor decisions and botched it.

The enemy was also confusing. Mayans exploited by colonisers - GO! Dudes who wanna thanos the world - NO! Winged feet and ability to hover and fly faster than aircraft - YO! Lose to Black Panther due to not being able to breathe air? OH NO! Peace treaty? Wtf?

I get the mercy angle - but the character was too confusing and lacked significant depth or gravitas.

The one joke about suits was cool but out of place in a character who was overly serious but looked well.... Comical.

A new young scientist with an iron man suit. Cool.

I thought Okoye's performance was the most powerful, and Shuri did well - likeable character. Angela Basset's loss will be felt - but the series has the potential to turnaround after a movie which has to be seen as a disappointment overall.
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Unexpected, touching and so well made
7 January 2023
Clint Eastwood genius. Dunno why I hadn't watched it earlier but that is one of the best films of all time.

2/3 of it was a classic boxing film but the last1/3 truly inspirational and just perfect in terms of emotional engagement. Loved seeing a rare film about a female and male father-2daughter type relationship where it's primarily about loyalty, dedication and love.

Beautiful ending and just hit me in so many unexpected ways.

Clint got the Oscar for direction and Morgan Freeman and Hilary Swank deserved their Oscar's too...

The subtlety in character development is phenomenal. The boxing fights themselves were well shot. The characters all very likeable.
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Kareem deep dive
16 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Loved this episode which delved into the juxtaposing feel of Magic and Kareem...

Kareem's ethos. Why his demeanour was so serious. His faith, his purpose bigger than ball. Paula Abdul's intro as head lakers girl was awesome along with the intro of the Lakers girls...

The end was very dramatic with Jack Mckinneys bike accident but the drama of the show was all about the flashback of Kareem with his father. His choice of faith. His anger towards society for racism, oppression and the vision of the smiling black man. The line I loved was - 'hood made you tall so you would inspire men, and knees to bend them with men...'
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Didn't remember it being this good
1 October 2022
Classic Tim Burton. Beautiful performances from Johnny Depp and Winona Forever...

Was such a quirky, beautiful dark comedy with a Disney touch. Laughed at the comedic value of the insane plot, but it came alive through great performances by all the cast.

The village mentality. The star turned scorned. Fame to fallen. The jock knob boyfriend. The horny housewife. The caring, loving mother.

And of course the eccentric genius.

The gift of snow.

Delightful movie for the family though I'm a little dubious of the PG rating.references to rape, some skewering, clear teenage infactuation and sexual desires didn't make it a clean Disney film but one of the best...
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Bridgerton (2020– )
Please stop my breathing
24 May 2022
Season 1 I think I enjoyed the novelty of it all. The accents. The costumes and set design. The gallantry. The sexual tension in season 2 with the long dramatic pauses had me feeling nauseous.

Drivel. I'm sure I could feel myself losing brain cells while watching..
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Sandy Wexler (2017)
Low expectations - Sandler classic
24 December 2021
Had really really low expectations for this but really enjoyed this film.

Laughed out loud many times. The character he played was such a loveable loser. And I loved the 90s references and the voice on Jennifer Hudson made me happy. Pure joy.

Great side characters in the ventriloquist, dare devil and cameos galore, loved Terry Crews character.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Laugh out loud moments and chilling realities inherent in this dark comedy
24 December 2021
Really enjoyed this going into it with zero expectations. The all star cast was superb. Merryl Streep cast in her antithesis role. Ariana Grande the quintessential. Bimbo, shallow pop star.

Leo as the AILF and Cate Blanchett. And Jenifer Lawerence as that crazy eye girl who happens to be real.

I think the chilling realities of this fiction with the fight on climate change, current politics and nepotism and the needs of business above all else, yes rebranded as 'evolution'...

Enjoyed it though it has left me feeling sick... maybe it's the covid - but it definitely makes you think... what would you do if you had 6 months to live? 6 hours?
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Rush (I) (2013)
Rush!!! Loved it so much
3 December 2021
A great rivalry and hatred can bring you to heights you never knew you had. Loved this story. Loved the personas of flair and flamboyance countered with discipline and pragmatism. Loved the life lessons. Loved the tension between risking everything to win, and winning killing the hunger to risk everything. Absolute brilliance! Must watch even for non Motorheads like me. Hemsworth was awesome.
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Rocketman (I) (2019)
Must watch for all music lovers
14 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a massive Elton John fan and despite being a regular concert goer found his concert where it was just him and a piano the most inspiring, beautiful concert I've ever attended. Born in the 80s I never grew up knowing about his battles. But watching this movie it really moved me so much and I think the storyline's are really identifiable. I did shed a tear when he hugged the kid version of himself coz I'm learning too about self nurture and it was a beautiful scene that I could really relate to. Very empowering and a great showcase for one of the greatest music artists of the century...
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Joker (I) (2019)
Strangely a feel good movie?
16 August 2021
Very dark, great character depiction but you can't help but empathise with the joker and in a sick way it's almost a feel good movie. Movie masterpiece. Direction and acting on point and a piece of escapism theatre it'll make all your worries seem pretty trivial.
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Untold: Malice at the Palace (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
Must watch for Nba junkies
14 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Remember the incident but I also remember this as the day the league softened. I always felt bad for the players - at the time - and this made me empathise with them more. Loved how it pointed out the racism aspect against the nba and hip hop 'thug' life commentary by mainstream media. Well directed and a unique insight into Ron Artest who is probably one of the most underrated players of all time coz of the crazy.
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I Feel Pretty (2018)
I'm a big Amy fan
5 July 2020
Look classic Amy Schumer but great to see a romantic comedy with a real good message. Laughed hard, cringed hard and am better for seeing it.

Don't get the haters. Not as good as train wreck but funnier than Shallow Hal and Amy Schumer just killed it... great performance from her
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Waste of time...
24 June 2020
Such a forgettable movie. Mild humour - lame action. Only the post credit scene has any value
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Loved the soundtrack
24 June 2020
Not much else. Nick Fury with great character but this story line is one of the lamest for the most powerful character...
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For the fans and I'm a fan
23 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Loved how they closed iron man and cap America's timelines. Thor produced great comic relief. Epic epic epic battle scene at the end and yea a lot of chemistry and touchy feely stuff. Thanks - great series!!!
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Best film of series
23 June 2020
Now this was epic... surprising plot twists.... so much build up - epic fight scenes, good humour and great banter. The ultimate penultimate and better the 2nd time around
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Black Panther (2018)
Liked it more the 2nd time
21 June 2020
Some deep themes I resonated and some great ones for world unity and the African cause. Felt like it remained genuine in its attempt to respect African cultures and had some amazing scenery and great special effects.
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Favourite movie in the series
21 June 2020
This is the funniest movie in the Avenger cinematic universe and I love Thor and Hulk so this is a classic. Great direction, great timing and some epic battles made this Thor Finale my favourite superhero film to date.
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Best of Avengers movies
13 April 2020
The action was top class. The parties funny as. The chemistry between the characters awesome. And the final scene with the destruction of Sokovia epic. Loved it from start to finish and while there were many rah rah moments it's what you want from an action film.
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Best movie in Avengers series?
29 March 2020
Look, part of it was the surprise factor. The one movie I wasn't pumped to see turned out to have the quirkiest most loveable characters, epic fight scenes and best humour. Great must see movie at the end of the day with a wicked soundtrack
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Much better than the original
23 March 2020
I'm not a cap America fan but this one had some good plot twists and was essential viewing for the rest of the avengers. Love black widow and enjoyed the plot about control and spin. Much better than the first instalment
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Romantic comedy of the avengers
22 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this chapter in the Thor films. Great to see character development in Locki, Natalie Portman slap heroes, comedic relief and big changes from Thor packed into some awesome action... maybe the weakest of the Thor series but I still enjoyed it
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