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Caesar: the man, the myth, the legend!
26 May 2024
When a movie shows how apes have more humanity than mankind does itself, then you know it's going to be an interesting watch! I was rooting for Caesar and his legion of apes like I never have anything before!

The movie was set up in such an emotional way that the viewer truly got the time to bond with Ceasar on a deeper level. And to then see him get mistreated like that? At that point, there could be no doubt left in your mind who's side you'll be on! And even more so when you see that the apes never even wanted to hurt any humans... They truly tried their best not to harm anyone. They just wanted to live at peace in their little forest...
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The Martian (2015)
Good but could have been great
5 May 2024
This movie certainly had a super cool concept and was honestly beautifully shot, but I never felt a sense of urgency or suspense in the plot or pacing, which is something I would have wanted for this movie to be elevated from "good" to "great" status.

Furthermore, I never really connected with the main character on a meaningful level due to Mark's continuous jokes and inability to be serious. I would have really preferred a little more depth to his character... I mean, of course complex characters are always a plus in any movie, but I feel it was especially important here since the whole point of is that we, and the rest of the world, are supposed to be rooting for this one guy.
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Broke my heart in two
31 March 2024
The whole movie long I already had a feeling we wouldn't get a happy ending, but when the ball dropped I still didn't feel nowhere near prepared for it... They just loved each other so much and my heart is absolutely broken for these two beautiful souls.

Anyway, it's obvious that this movie was utterly amazing in general, but I need to give major props to Bradley Cooper specifically. His acting absolutely blew me away with how authentic and heartfelt it was. His portrayal really made the movie into the fantastic love story and utter tragedy it ended up being.

With an alcoholic character like Jackson it would be so easy for the watcher to have moments of irritation or even disgust towards him, but the way Bradley played him was so pure it made me feel nothing but sympathy and love for Jack from beginning to end. Without that, the movie would have felt so different.
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Such a waste of a great opportunity
9 March 2024
This was so much worse than the book. Not only did they take all the depth out of the characters and their relationships, they also made many changes that simply didn't make sense and only made the story less emotional, less disturbing, less complicated, less morally grey and just plain worse.

It was truly very disappointing to see how little remained of Snow's compelling and complex character arc. Instead, he literally had no personality here and they took everything away that made him interesting. I genuinely understood why Snow did the things he did in the book or why he thought the way he thought, and even found myself sincerely rooting for him, but none of that was the case here. I simply didn't care about him here or about this story in general. I might even say I was a little bored. Such a waste of a great book.
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Damsel (2024)
A creepy fairy tale
8 March 2024
I feel like this is exactly what people mean when they say they want an original live-action princess movie instead of all the remakes! There's just something so nice about seeing a story being told you haven't already seen before. It feels fresh and exciting, no matter what the plot actually is. And don't get me wrong, I love a good remake, but I also really appreciate it when a new story gets told.

All in all, this movie seemed to combine the vibes of a classical fairy tale with heavy doses of the adventure, fantasy and horror genre, while also adding a modern, feminist twist. And I gotta say, the end result was actually pretty cool.

P. S. Am I the only one who kind of wants a dragon sidekick now?
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Instead of feeling sympathy, you just feel disgust, disbelief and anger towards the parents
18 February 2024
These have to be the worst, most neglectful parents in the world. These people truly enraged me beyond words and everything that happened to that little girl was 100% their fault. I'd absolutely never forgive them and I actually think they needed to be put in jail for child neglect/endangerment (or, at the very least, have their children taken away from them as they were clearly unfit to care for them). Most of all, they definitely do not deserve to get a platform like this as if they're the victims too when they're obviously not; they're villains, they're monster, they're selfish morons who never lifted a finger to protect their innocent little girl. Awful documentary.
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Upgraded (2024)
Another movie, another lie
13 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Why do these movies always have to be based on some big lie that's going to ruin everything in the end? I literally hate that so much.

Also, was it just me or did Will's mother seem more in love with Ana than William himself? Their relationship really wasn't particularly romantic or loving, and he genuinely didn't seem to care about her that much... I'm really not sure why or how he got over his justified anger and annoyance over her using him, since there wasn't that much depth between them to fall back on. I just feel like it should have stayed as a holiday fling, and that him coming back to her 6 months later was pretty random and unrealistic.

Lastly, I'm not sure why I was supposed to be rooting for Ana to get a job promotion... She didn't do anything special that would make her stand out from the rest and her big fat lie honestly should have gotten her fired. She didn't really deserve all the luck that she got handed to her in the end.

Her boss Claire, on the other hand, was pretty awesome and iconic. She was probably my favourite character in the whole movie, and I really don't know why she took such a liking to Ana.
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An idea. No more, no less.
20 January 2024
While watching this movie I kept feeling like it was missing something. I wondered why we never got to know any details about this dystopian country or about this tyrannical government we were seeing. We knew the surface-level gist of it, but we knew nothing indistinguishable about them. Same thing for V; we knew nothing about him. Who was he? What was his mindset? What was his exact history? What was his true driving force? We never get to know any of this. And that bothered me. It still kind of does, but after some reflection I did realise that this whole "not-knowing" thing was the exact point of the movie.

This movie is not about one particular kind of evil government or one particular type of censored country or even about any particular man. V was merely an idea and this country and its government were a mere proxy for any country or government the watchers want to apply it to in real life. The one and only theme of the movie is anarchy and revolution, and so nothing could overshadow that: V is the idea of revolution, the country is those that need to ensure revolution and the government are those that need to be revolutionized. No more, no less.

Which is all a very cool and interesting concept but made the viewing experience itself a little bit dull and lifeless for me. After all, it is hard to connect with a world or with characters who aren't meant to BE anything but a mere representation of an idea.
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Impossible to watch without feeling angry and dumbfounded
19 January 2024
I will never understand how it's possible that there was a time, not even that long ago, when modernized and supposedly civilized people treated other people like this. How? Why? HOW?

Nonetheless, I do have to say that, despite the harrowing subject matter, the movie lacked a certain amount of emotional depth and character development: The overall execution, on a purely cinematic level, could have been much better, in my opinion.

Then again, my heart did absolutely break into a million pieces for Patsey and her storyline really hit me very strongly. The ending brought more than a couple of tears to my eyes as well.
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Lady Bird (2017)
Unlikable main character with no plot
15 January 2024
I just couldn't get over the fact that she wanted to be called "Lady Bird". How am I supposed to take a character like that seriously?? I mean, she so desperately wanted to be special and miserable even though she was a perfectly regular person, and it genuinely gave me the biggest headache. Besides, she was also a painfully selfish and self-absorbed person and it was pretty much impossible to like her. Nonetheless, her mother really was crappy and judgmental though, I'll give her that.

All in all, I didn't care for the main character and considering absolutely nothing happens in this movie besides following her on her useless, uninteresting and meaningless journey as a teenager, I can safely say it was a very boring watch.
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Insane plot that doesn't make sense, but the opposites attract trope was cute with a very sweet love interest
3 January 2024
Oh my gosh, Zach was absolutely ADORABLE. He's seriously one of the most endearing love interests I've seen in a romcom! However, I do wish we could have had more actual interactions between him and Zoey, cus right now their feelings felt a little bit random and pretty underdeveloped... Which is a shame cus I think their dynamic had a lot of potential, especially since I love the opposites attract trope.

P. S. The plot made zero sense. I mean, did she really just fall in love with some guy for saying he DOESN'T believe in love? And did she really think that the best way to start a relationship with him was by pretending to be his cousin's girlfriend?? Make it make sense, please.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
An important part of history
30 December 2023
There's no doubt that the idea of an atomic bomb feels vile and immoral, but there is also no denying that its existence (and thus, the stalemate of mutual destruction the world finds itself in now) has brought peace to our time like nothing else could have. One might call it a necessary evil or say "the ends justify the means." Of course, that will only apply as long as these bombs don't fall into the wrong hands; hands that could ensue a chain reaction resulting in the end of the world...

All in all, this was a beautiful and compelling movie with stellar acting. This movie has certainly shown me that Oppenheimer was not only a true genius, but also a good person with the best intentions and perfectly human emotions and feelings.
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This will forever be one of the most romantic movies in existence
15 December 2023
The way she overcomes her prejudices, and he overcomes his pride all so they can finally see the other for who they truly are will never stop being beautiful to me. Not to mention, Mr. Darcy's socially awkward but lovingly adamant pursuit of the sarcastically independent Lizzie is just so insanely precious and adorable. This man would do anything for her, no questions asked, and if that's not the most swoon-worthy thing that could possibly be said about a man who's in love then I don't know what is. Also, the way this movie (and book, of course) masterfully engages with such clever dialogue and witty remarks will never stop being an absolute delight to behold. Moreover, this is not in the least made even better by the beautiful and genuine performances of every actor involved, supremely skillful script writers and stunning cinematography that perfectly strengthens the magic of every scene!
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The Father (I) (2020)
15 December 2023
I really hate to say it, because I wanted to love it, but I found this boring, slow and not particularly memorable. It could have been extremely emotional and hard-hitting, but it simply wasn't. It almost felt a little bit stiff. Of course there were some standout moments (like the end, for example), but nothing that truly hit me on a deeper level... Overall, I just didn't really feel impacted by anything. It's such a shame because I loved the idea behind this movie (seeing dementia from the person's own perspective), but the execution simply ended up lacking for me. I know I'm in the minority though, so don't mind me.
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A Very Merry Bridesmaid (2021 TV Movie)
Unconvincing love story, but could be worse
3 December 2023
Okaaay, so this was very awkward and pretty bad, but then again, what else can we expect from Hallmark movies like these?

I think the thing that disappointed me the most though, was the fact that the love story was very unconvincing. I suppose she at least did seem to be crushing on him pretty hard, but he appeared to not care at all. It was almost a little sad how one-sided everything was.

The acting was, as always, extremely bad and fake-looking, but again, what else can we expect? I found the contrast between the guy and girl kind of funny though, because her facial expressions were all over the place and non-stop, while he had no facial expressions at all; one was an explossion and the other was bland.

Also, lastly, everyone's obsession with her birthday just kept cracking me up. She's not a child, so it genuinely just shouldn't matter that much... And then the fact that everyone started to give HER speeches for her birthday on someone else's wedding really took me out. It was so ridiculous and over-the-top.
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Gorgeous visuals, a gripping story, meaningful characters and a beautiful romance
27 October 2023
Everything about this movie was just absolutely beautiful. The visuals were truly stunning: every scene showed the wild and calm duality of the swamp and the lightning/colouring were so vivid. The plot was also simply amazing: I often find it quite bothersome when a movie isn't chronological and makes heavy use of flashbacks, but it worked perfectly here. It somehow made each reveal and each insight into the characters all the more meaningful or shocking. Lastly, the characters truly had a lot of depth and I genuinely felt a connection to all of them. Most of all, the love story between Kya and Tate was honestly gorgeous.
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Charming story, amazing protagonist and lovely romance!
12 October 2023
This movie truly is so charming and, as the title suggests, absolutely enchanting! It looks and feels exactly like a fairytale, but much more comedic and with actual personality within the characters! It's clearly meant to be somewhat of a Cinderella retelling, but it's truly sooo much better. Not only is Ella a strong, smart, sassy and independent woman, she also actually gets to know the prince! I genuinely believed their love story (even if it only happened in a few days, which was a shame, but whatever) and I just adored the way Prince Char was thoroughly obsessed with Ella! This boy was whipped and smitten, and I just love that so much.
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Good or Evil; what is really the difference?
11 October 2023
Wow, this was surprisingly good! I expected a ridiculous fairytale story, but it wasn't. I really liked that they showed how Good as well as Evil have grown into something quite bad; nothing is pure Good, and mostly, nothing is pure Evil either. This movie really took that concept to heart and developed it super well!

Both protagonists were very interesting. Agatha was smart and funny, with low expectations of herself. It was clear that she idolized Sophie (*cough* I still think she's in love with her but whatever *cough*) and always seemed to put herself second to her friend's wants and needs. Sophie on the other hand was a lot more complex; I loved the way they showed her vanity and ego as part of what made her evil, even though it made her exactly the same as all the other (Good) princesses in the school. The only difference was that Sophie suddenly got treated differently from them, and it made her deteriorate fast! All in all, Sophie was definitely the most interesting character here, even though Agatha is obviously by far the better person.
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Bridget Jones really is the indisputable queen of second hand embarrassment
11 October 2023
The main reason why the movie was so much better for me than the book is the fact that Bridget was actually likable here. I mean, yes, she's still a completely mess and truly beyond awkward 95% of the time, but it's almost always done in a way that's loveable and endearing. She's not self-absorbed or pathetic (like in the book), but instead she's kind, gentle and even funny.

I also understood her romantic choices a lot better in this movie than I did in the book. First of all, Hugh Grant plays Daniel in a way that actually almost makes him seem charming rather than despicable and disgusting (like he was in the book), so it makes sense why Bridget would fall for him at first (before she sees his true nature, of course). It also made more sense why she disliked and distrusted Mark at first, since Daniel lied about Mark sleeping with and stealing his fiancee (which, once again, did not happen in the book, so there really was no reason for Bridget not to immediately choose Mark then, who was clearly already the better option). Nonetheless, I don't want to say Mark is perfect either, though. I don't quite understand why he kept dating with and even got engaged to Natasha when he was clearly in love with Bridget. That's kind of mean to the other girl and almost makes me feel like he's not a great person either. However, he is still better than Daniel by miles and miles, because at least he always chose Bridget and clearly adores her, but yea, neither romantic option is truly great.

All in all though, this movie was just very charming and lovely. Bridget's awkwardness was entertaining and often times even cute.
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Jumper (2008)
Teleportation is just the coolest superpower out there
11 October 2023
Okay, so first of all, the concept of this movie is honestly just super cool. The idea of someone being able to jump from one place to another, all over the world, is just so awesome and I love that this movie was mostly about that. I remember watching this movie years ago and being absolutely obsessed with this superpower; I literally dreamed of how amazing it would be to be able to do that, because seriously, who doesn't think that teleportation would be the coolest thing ever??

Nonetheless, the rest of the storyline isn't too great. After a certain point in the movie we don't focus a lot on David's superpower anymore and what he can do with it, but instead we are sucked into this random war between Jumpers and those who want to kill them. I honestly didn't care too much about any of that, and I could have done without it.

The romance part also wasn't too great. It started out pretty cute when David and Millie were still in high school, but when they meet again after the time jump it just felt silly and ridiculous. They had no chemistry or development within their relationship, and it kind of just felt shallow.
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Enemies to lovers done right!
10 October 2023
Ahh, well, who doesn't love a good 'enemies to lovers' trope?? Especially when it's done with the right amount of chemistry and some heavy dose of teasing between the two love interests! Sophie and Charlie were truly sweet together; they were seemingly polar opposites at first, but after forcibly spending time together, they seem to share similar values and actually get along like a house on fire! I really liked how smitten Charlie looked with Sophie after a certain point; he kind of gave me puppy vibes sometimes, the way he stared at her like she was the sun, the moon and the stars. Anyway, maybe I would have liked slightly more development between these two, but what we got was already pretty good! Perhaps some might call this movie a little sappy, and they wouldn't be wrong, but I found it mostly charming in this case!

My only two problems with this movie were that Claire and Lorenzo's love story was a little too ridiculous for me, and I also didn't quite understand why Sophie was engaged to that annoying, self-absorbed guy for most of the movie; even if she hadn't met Charlie, why was she even with that guy in the first place??

Regardless, I really enjoyed this movie overall. Although it was somewhat slower paced and a little weird in its dialogue sometimes, it truly was a sweet and romantic movie.
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I don't think I was rooting for the same people the movie wanted me to
10 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I know we're supposed to be on the side of the rebels because they're the main characters and all, but... are they actually right, though? I don't think so. I mean, isn't sacrificing a few people to save the rest of the world by far the lesser of two evils? Obviously it feels very brutal and horrifying to use other people in this way, but isn't it technically the most moral thing to do? Honestly, I think that mantra "WCKD is good" was very much correct. In my eyes, Teresa was the true hero of this story and I strongly believe she could and would have saved humanity if she hadn't died.

P. S. Fun little party game: Drink each time they scream a variation of: "Go go go, come on, we gotta go, go go!!" while dramatically looking back instead of actually coming into action right away. I swear you'll be absolutely sloshed by the end of watching this movie franchise.
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Work It (2020)
I enjoyed it a lot more than I expected to!
10 October 2023
Okay, so a lot of these dances looked like they came straight off of TikTok, which was... slightly awkward, but I didn't mind it too much cus it still had a very wholesome feel to it.

I also thought the movie was surprisingly funny and plenty entertaining! Jas especially cracked me up multiple times! As a whole, this movie just gave me good vibes <3

I do think Jas was a much better friend to Quinn than the other way around; she was willing to give up her own opportunities to help Quinn, but that wasn't the case the other way around!

Also, Jake was SO FINE! That boy just made me feel all kinds of things, ngl. Him and Quinn were super cute together, and I wish we got more development between them! Their scenes were just so lovely.
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Definitely a lot of running
10 October 2023
The rate at which these people keep throwing themselves into trouble is actually astounding... It's no wonder that at least half of the movie is literally just them running away from things. The worst part of it is that it doesn't even make sense half of the time. Sometimes it genuinely feels like they just do something just so they can run away again.

Also, am I the only one who completely missed when Teresa and Thomas even fell in love??? Like, it's just come completely out of nowhere. He honestly has more chemistry with Brenda, so if they really needed a love interest, I would have gone with her.
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Awesome concept suffering from some main character syndrome
10 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Don't get me wrong, I love Thomas, but he was really suffering from some HEAVY main character syndrome. He just threw himself into every single situation without being asked and kind of just assumed he would and should be the centre of everything. It was a little frustrating and ridiculous at times, but he did have the best of intentions so I couldn't dislike him for it.

I kind of wish we would have gotten more development for the side characters, because I don't feel like we really got to know any of them at all. Therefore, I didn't feel a strong connection to any of them, with the only exception being Chuck, whose death truly broke my heart. He was such a precious cutiepie and his "big brother / little brother" relationship with Thomas was adorable. He really deserved to make it until the end!

Also, last but not least, the whole concept of the maze was super cool and intriguing, but I feel like they could have done more with it. I was especially confused by what on EARTH the purpose of the maze even was??? Does it ever get explained properly?
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