
40 Reviews
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One Mississippi (2015–2017)
Ok, I guess.
9 June 2021
Would be better if it were not just so smug. If you are not from LA you are not worthy seems to be the premise.
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Article 15 (2019)
It's not Mumbai or Delhi, it's the country.
26 April 2021
In some of my other reviews I have taken note of "Indian film grade inflation." For this fine film I'm proud to score it a star above the other ratings. Excellent watch, but please resist the temptation to make a USA comparison.
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Absentia (2017–2020)
24 April 2021
It started out more or less ok, but just got sillier and sillier. Meaning worse and worse, dumber and dumber, stupider and stupider. Are writers divorced from all reality? Episode eight was enough to make me quit, but I guess I'll finish the season. Save yourself!
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Khakee (2004)
It was a dark and stormy night...
30 September 2020
...and everything about this film was preposterous. Also predictable. I gave it a three because it at least had professional quality actors.
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Black Friday (2004)
Pretty Much A Masterpiece
30 September 2020
A ten, except for the less than perfect print. ( not ever cross the Mumbai Police).
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Athadu (2005)
It's What Gives Bollywood a Bad Name
30 September 2020
Childish and very lowbrow. Not a thriller at all. Even the singing and dancing wasn't very good. Must have spent a lot on wires though.
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Photograph (I) (2019)
Watch, Watch
27 August 2019
This is a "sweet" film well worth your time, but I couldn't get the age difference between the two main characters out of my head. And as sweet as it was, what would be the chance of any sort of long term relationship be between those two? I mean, realistically, back to the village? And how does he get to take so much time off from work, at 30 rupees per picture? Oh yeah, and when I was there in January 2019 MY photos cost 100 rupees each. Thank goodness I'm not a woman, lest I have to pay the combined white and pink taxes. OK, it's not about me, nice film. The silences were not a distraction, but an enhancement. The supporting cast was quite good too.
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Sacred Games (2018–2019)
Don't Let the Cliffhanger Ending Fool You
24 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Cuz I was there a couple of months ago. Dint blow up.

Seriously, I liked the series very much, but I preferred Season One. First season was more of a mystery, Season Two was starting to get more into cartoonish fantasy, although, yes, I'll grant there are/may be such cults. Dr. Evil.

The ending was weak, I think. It was the usual bomb countdown scenario, just with Little Boy. Why even bother having it on a timer? The guy who armed it made no attempt to escape. Cliché. You can see the same thing on Master Chef, Master Chef Australia, Master Chef Canada, Master Chef Spain, etc.

But I do love my Indian tv/cinema. Jai Hind.
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Kalank (2019)
Glad I Watched This Low Rated Movie
17 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
My rule is to not consider films that are less than 6 stars, but this one kept popping up and the one and only still photo shown on Amazon was intriguing, as was the pre-Independence time period. I'm no expert on Indian cinema, but I've seen my share, from musicals to crime drama, to gritty poverty stories, even comedy. Despite the fact that this movie portrayed deadly violence, this film portrayed a wildly idealized India. I enjoyed the pure Disneyland fantasy. All the characters were good looking. They were educated, talented and thoughtful, including the madam at the brothel. Homes were beautiful, virtual castles. People were rich, and if not rich, they were dignified in their condition. Even the slum was neat and tidy. The slum residents enjoyed their colorful festivals. The best dancers in town worked at the brothel, and it seems that they danced more than anything else. Happy days. Until partition. Oh, and do you like soap operas? Cuz this film has all that too. Incurable disease, unknown identities, secret relatives, love that cannot be, betrayal, death, reconciliation, a villain, and best of all - polygamy. Not to forget Bull Wrasslin & six pack abs. (No animals were hurt by the CGI). And some damn good singin & dancing in lavish trad manner. None of that urban, hip-hoppy crap. So glad I watched. Really, almost a 9. Edit: just watched the trailer, upped it to 9 for the good memories.
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What a Sweet & Lovely Opening Sequence!
10 August 2019
I thoroughly enjoyed this. The b&w gave it a great throwback look, as did the French locale. The cleaning lady was a delight. Clancy and the boyfriend were overdrawn. I actually thought Brian Levine as Terry O'Quinn, excuse me, Charles, was pretty good. Lotsa violent violence, little left to the imagination except the color. Since it was part comedy, there was a missed opportunity in not making more fun of the French. It was sort of a British movie that only happened to take place in France. A very refreshing break from the usual hitman/one last job script.
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Leopard (I) (2013)
Confused, Confusing Poorly Written Stinker...
10 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
..with overtones of incest. Not to mention that no one was the least bit likeable, except possibly the publican, who I recognized from Red Rock. My wife wanted to watch this one through in the hopes of at least seeing the west of Ireland, but there was very little of that. And now a special note to Hollywood, Bollywood and all the rest: when you dig a grave in a forest, you will hit tree roots. Lots of them. Big ones that you cannot glide through with your light shovel.
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Satta (2003)
12 July 2019
I started watching Traffic Signal and had my doubts, so I switched over to this film, which is by the same director and said to be better. The reason I've only given it a 5 is that the camera work, look and feel were very often just like a soap opera. And the acting was very often soap opera style, too.
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Gully Boy (2019)
Decent Movie with a PROBLEM
17 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I like Indian movies a lot. If Mumbai and its rougher edges are featured, all the better. I don't like (American) rap music. As a general rule, I avoid "coming of age" movies. So watching this film was a dilemma for me. Not a bad movie, but the main character looked like a grown man in his 30's. Not a college kid coming up. His age lurked in the back/front of my mind in every scene he was in. So I looked him up. Yeah, he's around 34. For me, it spoiled the film. Now I guess I gotta check the spoiler box!
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The Hard Way (1980 TV Movie)
I'm Being Generous Today - Two Stars
10 May 2019
Low budget, cliché ridden, predictable, and when it's not predictable, it's preposterous. Two older actors made a bad movie for a paycheck, and their boredom shows.
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Delhi Crime (2019– )
Some of the Images Will Stick in Your Head Longer Than You'd Like
28 March 2019
I've only seen four of the seven episodes so far. I don't care. I knew it was a 10 at Epsiode One. And to think I almost skipped over it because the synopsis led me to believe it would be focused on a young, heroic rookie officer. Not the case at all. Rather, it's a complex presentation concerning third world police work, Indian politics, attitudes toward women, class, poverty & social status, authority, incomptetence, and a whole lot more. It is filmed so well that you'll think you're there. The cast is wonderful. Look, I'm no Perfessor of Indiaology, but this series magnificently captures many of the contradictions of India. As an Indian criminal defense lawyer once told me, it's ok for the police to beat suspects because they only beat the guilty (poor). You're not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy. And Delhi Crime proves it. Can't wait to finish up.
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Mirzapur (2018– )
Could have been a 10...
12 December 2018
...but I ranked it as an 8. Here's why. There was an element of college rom/com about it that persisted through most of the series, sort of like a low-grade infection that won't go away. In addition, the season finale was both a barnburner and a realistic/unrealsitic inconclusive letdown at the same time. I certainly hope there is a season two.

I have never watched a slasher movie, so I make the follwing statement with that caveat. I have never seen graphic violence displayed on any screen in as gross a manner as is presented here. Yes, that includes Saving Private Ryan. It's rough, and for some people it would be a valid reason to not watch this series at all.

On the plus side, the sophisitcated opening credits give a great introduction to a well-produced, well-acted series that grabs you and doesn't let go. There are a few things that are a bit predictable, but there are many more surprises. And, it's India!

Watch it. Don't puke.
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Beat (2018)
Some Music, Some Drugs, Some Cabaret, Some Crime
29 November 2018
I thought it started off very strong, but then tailed off. One of the central plot threads ended very abruptly around episode five or so (out of seven). And the other central plot thread was a giant cliche. Nevertheless, the characters of Beat and Emilia in particular were quite engaging, as was the music and the Berlin disco scene. And on another note - really, it's not exactly news but what's up with German culture and the German psyche, particularly in the realm of sex???
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Vertiges (1997–2003)
TV Series/Movie: This is the film rating
19 November 2018
I watched this as a feature film on the Roku Channel under the title, "A Woman in Danger." It's not listed as a film in the databases. It took a good deal of searching to discover that the film was an edited down TV series of several seasons. Now it makes sense why there were so many jumps and so much running around. The artifice of taking shoes off and running through scrub or on the beach was used, I guess, to tie things together a little. The acting and the character development were poor. The plot was very basic and did not develop so much as just get laid out, especially at the end. The best thing about this movie was the bathtub still used as the Roku Channel's thumbnail for the film.
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Haider (2014)
Sons of Anarchy
13 November 2018
It's Kashmiri Sons of Anarchy, right? What is this Hamelt of which people speak? Just kidding, it's Hamlet, right down to the talking plastic skull. Due to the subtitles, it's even easier to understand in Hindi than in Shakespearian. In addition to the well-acted drama, I learned a lot about Kashmir just by looking and listening. Despite being an Indian film, the Indian government came off poorly. And after seeing this film and several others, I have but one bit of advice for anyone visiting India - Do Not Mess With The Cops! Well worth your time to watch this.
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Zeher (2005)
Soapy Soap
7 November 2018
Do you like soapy actors and actresses? Soapy lines and writing? Soapy camera work? Soapy music? Oh, and stolen plots and cliches? Then this movie is for you. I gave it the extra star for subtitle quality - very good!
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Kahaani (2012)
I'm All In
1 November 2018
I watched a highly regarded Indian crime/kidnapping film the night before and was disappointed by the loose ends it left. I guarantee, this film leaves no loose ends. But it has a great ending. Exactly what you watch a film for. I don't want to leave a hint of a spolier, and it would be so easy to do, because there are so many possibilities. So let me just vouch for the film's brilliantly executed plot. Addtionally, it takes place in Kolkata, which is a little different, it is very well photographed, has gritty scenes as well as festival scenes and has some genuinely likeable characters, and some lesss likeable, too. I thik you'll really like this one, even if you do figure it out in advance, even partially. Ten.
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Mr. Brooks (2007)
3 for "Star Power"
16 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Because otherwise it stunk. The gimmick of the alter ego was good for a couple of minutes. The photographer wants to be an apprentice serial killer? The daughter is an ax murderer? The detective is so sure of herself that she assaults another cop? Dream sequences? Stick-on beards? Bullets that always go through victims for culprit retrieval? Loose ends, for sure. A film of me attempting to resist Wavy Lays would be more interesting.
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As if it Weren't Bad Enough By Itself, Danny Glover Makes it Stink
14 October 2018
The point of this movie is to illustrate that Islam is good & peaceful. Islam-based terrorism is an abberation. OK, got it. Grudges last a long time in Turkish villages, but minds can be changed. Check. And the FBI is run by a bunch of insenstive jerks. OK, got it. Story? We don't need no stinkin story, or at least one that makes sense. Two Turkish cops roaming NYC on their own, with weapons? Sure. Rooftop escape? Right. Oh, and by the way, the pious Danny Glover makes every scene he is in stink. I wanted to watch a(nother) Turkish movie. This was a bad choice.
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Padmaavat (2018)
A Dance Like No Other
9 October 2018
I usually don't bother with historical dramas, especially from this time period. But Prime recommended this one and the trailer caught my eye. The story and the acting were good enough. The cinematography was absolutely fantastic. Watch it just for that. Not good enough? When else have you seen a psychopathic Sultan and his evil minions dressed all in black doing a Bollywood dance? Worth it 100 times over, just for that one scene.
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Mahanati (2018)
Telegu Who Knew?
1 October 2018
I'm mostly familiar with Bollywood, although I have seen a few Tamil movies. This title was both a cinematic and a learning experience for me. It's a biopic of the most famous actress in Telegu cinema of the 50's and 60's. The story may seem awfully familiar, but I guess that's the fate of fame. Here's what I loved about this film: the integration of two stories, one modern, one historical; the amazing abilitiy, innocence, sweetness and essential goodness of Savitri (and the actress who portrayed her); the use of the black & white recreations of old film; the depiction of a wide-open film industry like Hollywood was said to be in the 1930's; and finally, the scaled-down musical numbers (I really don't like the nouveau Bollywood musical numbers, with the hip-hop, modern clothing and blondes). I did some reading and You-Tubing after I watched this, and the accuracy of this depiction seems spot-on. I don't give 10s as a rule, but this film is 9+.
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