26 Reviews
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Host (II) (2020)
15 August 2020
This movie was short and sweet. scares from the word go, right to the point and scary as hell. excellent from beginning to end and would highly recommend
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Action Packed
2 August 2020
Just watched this last night and wow were we impressed. Loved The Raid and The Raid 2 and this is on a par with both of those films. Breathtaking action scenes from beginning to end and a really great story. Way better than any "action" junk the US puts out. Overall a definite movie I would recommend to anyone who loves good solid action.
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28 July 2020
So if your playing angry birds the same time your watching this snooze fest and your half paying attention do you still die after it's over? oh and i napped a bit too so are there any important plot points i may have missed?
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Zombies ahhhhhh
18 April 2020
We absolutely loved the craziness of this movie. Great acting all around by the cast and one of the funniest scenes ever in a movie with a zombie lunging after a guy using a walker. Two brothers try to save their grandad and his friends at their retirement home after a zombie apocalypse and a bank robbery gone wrong. Just the right amount of silliness to keep the laughs coming like Shaun of the Dead. Plus the added attraction of Galore herself Honor Blackman!!!! Give this a chance you'll be pleasantly surprised.
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Jojo Rabbit (2019)
18 February 2020
Truly a good movie. Ending on David Bowie's Heroes was perfect.
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McMillions (2020)
4 February 2020
I think it's interesting to see how big this scam got at the time but the attitude of the FBI agent Mathews is so offsetting it's distracting. He thinks he's the story and is totally obnoxious. I think this could've been a 2 hour documentary at the most.
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Dracula (2020)
what happened?
7 January 2020
I watched the first two episodes and thought this had the potential to be interesting. even though they tried their level best to be woke and change a classic. then episode three hit and they lost it thoroughly. Dracula looks like a bad 70's game show host and the rest of the cast is a warmed over Sherlock episode. Shame on BBC for going so far off the mark of a true classic. Someone commented that he gives Christopher Lee a run for his money. I can assure you that on his worst day Lee could run circles around this 3rd rate game show host look alike.
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Douglas Sirk Heaven!
17 December 2019
I absolutely love this movie. It's everything it's supposed to be in a superb Sirk film. Melodramatic, tear jerking, gorgeous clothes worn by Lana Turner and a magnificent acting job by Juanita Moore. The theme is very important to the time it was filmed and is handled with grace and dignity. Trying to put it into today's political landscape is ridiculous and shouldn't be done. Overall a fabulous movie and one they don't make anymore.
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Good Boys (2019)
4 December 2019
I gave this movie an honest try. Could not get past 5 minutes. Do we really still feel the need to have kids in such roles? Can't they just be kids for one day? It's disgusting and foul mouthed and that was just 5 minutes in. I can't imagine what the moral to the story is. hollyweird and their non existent moral compass strikes again.
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The Crown: Cri de Coeur (2019)
Season 3, Episode 10
Not enough queen
20 November 2019
Just finished watching the season and overall disappointing. Olivia Coleman is a wonderful actress and very expressive but all through this season she had one expression which seemed to be one of dismay. throwing all the Margaret, Charles, Philip drama in there seemed like filler because not enough happened in the years covered. some flashes of poignancy and intimacy but just not enough. curious for season 4 and what they will cover.
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Midsommar (2019)
pretentious crap
5 November 2019
Whoever did this movie was told by their lackeys that they were the smartest person in the room. because i can't imagine how someone remotely thought this pretentious movie was really something special. I literally wanted every single person to die so the movie would be over. some art house stuff is better left in the garbage can. save yourself and watch anything else before you think about watching this silly, boring confusing mess of a movie.
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Succession: This Is Not for Tears (2019)
Season 2, Episode 10
Tremendous season finale
20 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I was fully ready to never watch this show again when it appeared that Kendall was going to take the fall for the family. I hated that Shiv sold her brother out for that slimy moron she's married to who by all rights should've been fired because he was head of cruises. Watching Kendall tell his father that it was ok and he was willing to be sacrificed was amazing work. Every move after that was perfectly staged to one of the best season finales i've ever seen in a series. I'm all in on season 3 but have no idea how they will ever top this! Brian Cox is brilliant and they need to definitely lock him in for the remainder of the series. Great work by everyone in the cast.
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long and boring
8 September 2019
OMG 2 hours and 49 minutes??? this movie had none of the first ones crisp, clean straightforward storytelling at all. it was just one scene after another until you finally gave up and started checking the weather on your phone out of sheer desperation. leave it to hollywood to over do the CGI in place of a story. and the clown is about as scary as a box of free kittens.
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10 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Why do horror films set in hospitals constantly insult the viewer by having these cavernous, dark always empty hallways? this movie has a morgue the size of cleveland that is entirely empty save for one lonely person. I find it difficult to believe real hospital morgues are like this and if anyone who works in one wants to chime in please do so. Plus the fact that in the beginning the exorcism is being done with 2 priests and the girls father. wouldn't you think that if the devil was strong enough to pick up a priest and impale him on a statue then pick up the other priest and start strangling him he would be strong enough to fight off a guy with a PILLOW???? terribly wooden acting, nothing but silly jump scares and the fact i'm writing this review while actually watching it should be enough of a warning.
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7 August 2019
Absolutely one of the most beautiful, touching movies I've ever seen. Superbly acted by everyone and totally touched my heart. When he's watching the movie reel at the end I felt an overwhelming feeling of nostalgia, love and happiness for a time gone by when movie theaters were special places to go to lose yourself for a short time to something wonderful. A must see film.
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Westworld (2016–2022)
done too quick
31 July 2019
First season should've followed Westworld, 2nd Roman then Medieval should've been last before the robots went bonkers. they could've had some things happening each season with the robots and wound it up slowly. doing it all the first season then completely dragging everything down was a huge mistake. surprised it actually got renewed for a 3rd season. too slow and talky and jeffrey wright sucks the life out of every scene he's in because he's just that bad. save yourself watch the excellent 1973 movie version and you'll be just fine.
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Suspiria (I) (2018)
stop messing with supreme originals
15 July 2019
Any movie that has to use foul language, nudity and gore to get its point across shouldn't have been made in the first place.
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Grand Hotel (2019)
bad copy
19 June 2019
This is a terrible ripoff of Magic City that was on for 3 seasons on Cinemax. Demian Bichir is a good actor who deserves better than this. terrible unbelievably bad soap opera storylines that go nowhere.
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Black Mirror: Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too (2019)
Season 5, Episode 3
what happened to black mirror???
5 June 2019
This was the worst episode of the entire series. it looked and felt like a bad tween disney channel movie. the cast was horrible and there were no redeeming qualities to be found. charlie brooker has given up and that's a sad thing.
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Obsessive game show addict
26 May 2019
Just watched this and my first thought was it was kind of cool to see some of the back story of TPIR. Bob Barker is a legend and truly a television icon. but the more i watched the more creeped out I became. it's not a cool story about a fun game show contestant it's a sad story about someone who thinks he's more important than he really was.
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La La Land (2016)
18 May 2019
I simply hated this film. thought it was the most overrated crap that hollyweird has produced in a long time.
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Us (II) (2019)
still questioning
24 March 2019
If after seeing a movie two days later your still asking yourself what the hell did i just watch you must have seen US. started out with a great premise, the reason for the 4 stars, then veers off into I just don't know what. I can see Jordan Peele doing great things but sometimes horror should just be that a good chill down your spine and still shaking after you leave the theater.
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What the holy helldid i just watch???????
2 March 2019
From the mumblings of bradley cooper to the overacting of lady gaga i couldn't decide who was actually worse the actor trying to be a singer or the singer trying to be an actor. this was long, tedious, boring and just one of the worst movies i've seen in a long time. save yourself the time and rent the 1954 Judy Garland/James Mason version. I promise you'll enjoy it so much more when the people in the movie can actually act and sing. only bright spot was Sam Elliott who just gets better with age like a fine wine.
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29 December 2018
I think Netflix wants us to believe they are the smartest people in the room with this boring story. no matter how you choose if it's not what they want it will repeat until you do what they tell you to. I sure hope this isn't bad omen for season 5.
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The Romanoffs (2018)
Narcissistic ClapTrap
24 November 2018
As much as we all loved Mad Men and we certainly did this series has none of the effortless style and panache that show had. Understanding that this is a different kind of show still doesn't make up for the utter lack of direction or purpose of any of this. rich people with rich people problems with not a thought of anyone else but themselves about sums this up. Please don't give Matt Weiner anymore money for another season. chalk this up to a bad experiment and move on.
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