
223 Reviews
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Through the Keyhole (1987– )
Original series
24 August 2023
With nothing on decided to watch original series with David frost on challenge,I've been amazed by how much I'm enjoying it,incredibly strong panel I'm not quite sure why Anna Raeburn got me all excited must have had a forgotten crush. The biggest surprise we're the contestants so far I've recognised every single one apart from the Duchess of argyle but even this was entertaining with a bit of Googling,compared with the new strictly where I knew 3,I even guessed uri geller after just seeing the crystals, most of David Frosts interviews are informative you can laugh at the dated technology in the houses and you can get extra entertainment by guessing if the celebrities are dead or alive I remember I only got through 1 episode of the Keith lemon ones and will give those a's a bit of an insult you've put his picture on the show.
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Howards' Way: Episode #6.13 (1990)
Season 6, Episode 13
24 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What a bonkers final episode it suddenly became the Abby show but she was still as miserable as she was in the first episode why did she hate Charles so much she had hardly seen her American son now she's a businesswoman she will probably never seen her second,Ken seems to be the biggest winner but his obsession with Jan till the end was never really explained or believable was the script really hinting Jan was coming around it was hard to tell. It was the same with Leo and his new maybe girlfriend,and good riddance to Jack and his constant insults of people and then saying he liked them. Weather is was Jack or jans mother I hated most I'm not sure but she was so insufferable,who did she think she was bullying people till the end.
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Howards' Way (1985–1990)
Drops off
28 February 2023
Loved this when first on and was concerned how it would have aged but the first series did not disappoint and I was amazed how many plots and characters I remembered I did have a laugh that Abbey seemed more miserable in Tarrant than a Japanese prisoner of war camp.but it dropped off fast the second series was like a different show and the emphasis shifts from Tom and boating to Charles his father and Ken's business back stabbing indeed it felt like Dallas with 3 evil businessmen and 2 nice businesswomen but as a viewer I never felt invested in any of the plots as they rolled through and were then forgotten by the cast and me and the next boring deal arrived Watching one episode after the other jack's I build wooden boats spiel got very tiresome he hardly had a genuine conversation with anyone indeed the script overall is incredibly poor never seems to develop the story or go anywhere I must commend the female casting their was certainly enough variety to keep all the dads and sons happy to watch,my favourite must have been Sarah Jane Varley as I recognised her immediately despite never seeing her in anything else.
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The Mistress (1985–1987)
24 February 2023
Just had the misfortune to watch one episode of the first series on bbc4 probably the most boring uninspired show I've ever seen how it got a second series is beyond me,it had a poor man's butterflies feel to me.

I know Carla lane was known for women lead comedy but this show the man was really the lynchpin,how could you employ two of the most famous British actresses up against a jobbing actor and he simply didn't have the charisma to pull it of I see they sacked him for the second series I might watch 1 more episode to see if it made a difference Wasn't really funny and the biggest laugh I had was when he had to go out to a phone box to phone his mistress and realised this was probably why mobile's took of with businessmen.
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As Time Goes By (1992–2005)
26 January 2023
A disappointing rewatch,I remember it as an amusing show only spoilt by annoying Madge and Rocky who were in it far too amazed was I that they were hardly in it and actually gave a bit of light relief It was actually the episodes set in the countryside and awful locals that were poor.

My main problem was with the main couple Lionel was like an unfunny Victor Meldrew moaning about his life and the world Jean came over as a mean spirited jealous harridan and together they whole attitude was bickering old many episodes were just Jean going of on an unfunny tangent

Alistair was only real comedy although written like a cartoon character.him Judith and sandy were probably the best part of it It did make me laugh when the script mocked the American stereotyping the British when the script did exactly the same to the Americans.
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Still going
19 November 2022
Watching the first series on challenge tv at the same time as the new series on itv it's amazing how it has changed initially the punters were completely thrown to the wolves, no independent valuations no asking for a bit more and David seems like A spare part often just interviewing either side after the advantage has definitely moved towards the sellers indeed it's almost impossible for them not to get the real deal with David and the independent experts behind them.

What does annoy me about the latest shows is it so often ends with thousands of pounds worth of gold, never goes to auction after David comes in with the scrap value and it's so obvious that the real real deal would be to scrap it yourself.
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Jolly Good Christmas (2022 TV Movie)
7 November 2022
There was zero description of what this was about in my TV guide so I purely watched it for Reshma Shetty who I hadn't seen for ages,and she didn't disappoint excellent chemistry between the two leads and a couple of laugh out loud moments I often wonder if it's the script or acting that make hallmark movies stand out and I'm leaning towards actors as good acting is needed to drag the scripts out of the ordinary.comments have been made about the American accent but the weirdest thing here was giving the entire Asian family the hallmark posh British accent and running a pub which must have stretched their acting range.
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Last Man Standing (2011–2021)
Everyone loves Mandy
5 November 2022
This reminds me a lot of Everyone loves Raymond, a vehicle for the leading man but actually all the real comedy comes from the supporting cast in Everyone loves Raymond it was Robert here it's original Mandy and Eve,Molly Ephraim is outstanding as the bimbo she steals every scene she is in and so superior to penny in the Big Bang theory but Eve played by Kaitlyn Dever holds her own as the opposite sister and it is no surprise that both of them have gone onto bigger things they bounce off each other so well. I can take or leave Mikes rant's to camera and the show would certainly be no worse without them.
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No surprise
28 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As soon as James Herriot agreed to do government testing for tuberculosis I knew Helen Herriot father should off sold all his dairy cattle, it was very restrained of the writers that it was the the second case of TB in Yorkshire instead of the first but to then make it into he could lose his veterinarian license entirely of there own making and blame the government for being inflexible was just bizarre but it did continue the third series more gritty and depressing plot lines and really making Farnon and Mrs hall so kind of soul mates was even more depressing now I'm just waiting to see how many arms and legs mrs halls son loses on the war.
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All Creatures Great and Small: Edward (2022)
Season 3, Episode 5
23 October 2022
I was all for mrs Hall roll being expanded but this was a step to far do I really care that much about her back story no what was the point of the wait and deaf person pure pointless filler,will we ever hear from her son again before he's seriously wounded in the second world war I've a feeling the answer is no .the farnon and Tristan relationship seems to have lost its warmth and the whole third series seems to haave lost its way..tooo many downer plots the relationship between James Herriot and Helen Alderson somehow seems to have lost it magic only took me twenty five minutes to fast forward this.
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FBI: Under Pressure (2022)
Season 4, Episode 12
Change of emphasis
6 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I did a lot of fast forwarding in this episode so it went faster than Maggies suicide bomb disposal efforts but I did notice a change in emphasis the main baddie seemed a nice chap just sick of all the local crime indeed he tried to warn the bartender who the F. B. I. Were quite happy to throw under the bus.while Jubal was pacing around the office with his determined face on always just wanting to get the case solved in the allotted time.we were shown that their were consequences to his law enforcement obsession which I don't recall happening before surely the next logical step is for one of the minor cast members to be done for murder after accidentally killing an innocent member of the public.
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The Fugitive: The Judgment: Part II (1967)
Season 4, Episode 30
Good result
25 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I agree it made no sense that the cop suddenly decided to help Kimble It should probably have been a 1and a half hour special rather than 2 hours but I felt it was a very successful final episode the explanation of what happened was actually far more believable than I was expecting I knew there was no way they would let him have vigilante justice so it was disappointing although not unexpected But what a result for Kimble. Not only was he cleared but he ended up with a much hotter wife than he started off with and to dance on his dead wife's grave no doubt will end up having kids with her,those are the breaks.
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Hannay: Double Jeopardy (1989)
Season 2, Episode 3
Unexpected nudity
16 September 2022
How lucky was I recording this 1st time shown on talking pictures at 8pm full nudity of Cathryn Harrison which doesn't appear in any records and has been cut from every other showing since.obviously someone in the production wanted to see her starkers as is was completely unnecessary but welcome .The plot moves along at a nice speed and Cathryn gives a magnetic performance I don't really understand why she didn't become a bigger star Robert is excellent.bit more talking than usual in the series and I'm not a big fan of court scenes it almost had a tales of unexpected feel with a very nice twist at the end.
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Flog It! (2002– )
7 September 2022
Sad to see flog it finish without a goodbye episode I suppose the production costs were so high in comparison to a show like the bidding room although it will never be over in the new tv world. Nice mix of presenters and items and of course the best bits are always when something goes for way more than the estimate. Paul Martin is such an easy going likeable presenter and it's quite sad that the other shows they have given him have failed just shows it is the format that is most important and well done to shows like this by making charity shops realise that people with antiques knowledge were basically stealing from them.
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Five Bedrooms (2019– )
Better than expected
31 August 2022
Definitely one of the best Aussie tv shows I've seen the chemistry between the cast is outstanding many laugh out loud moments third series is a bit weaker but still better than average.kat Stewart is outstanding and was amazed that I had never seen her before indeed how many actors are there in Australia as I'd never seen any of the main five on the many Australian shows seen on British tv but I certainly think all the main women shine and make the show. Rodger Corser Seems to be a bit pointless and if he couldn't appear in 3rd series he should have been dropped let's hope it doesn't start going through the motions in the fourth series.
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Find the Lady (1956)
Time filler
24 August 2022
Can't remember seeing many films under an hour but this was entertaining enough and obviously didn't drag.plotting was a bit loose and it almost went into comedy They obviously thought Beverly brooks was special weird scene where every man couldn't take their eyes of her as she walked down the street.
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Kessler (1981)
Dull dull dull
15 August 2022
If you had asked me what I remembered about this 40 years after watching I would have said Natalie became a nazi hunter and it was all about her tracking Kessler I must have had some bizarre dream while watching secret army earlier this year, how disappointed was I watching it now not 1 likeable or interesting character on either side and incredibly dull plotting.
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Marriage (2022)
Maybe realistic but not entertaining
15 August 2022
If it wasn't for the magic of fast forwarding I would have given up after 5 minutes but even with I stopped at 20,why do I want to watch 2 people going through the motions of a boring life surely there must be some drama in a drama, I will video the last episode 1 to see what the previously looks like and 2 see how fast I can fast forward it. I see a new record in my future.
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Good start
5 August 2022
Amazing 1st episode the 2 stars seem so comfortable with each other and had instant chemistry and with these shows that is the most important element,the plot was a little stretched but the stars kept you interested.
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Black-ish: Homegoing (2022)
Season 8, Episode 13
Show me the most expensive house
4 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
With the use of fast forwarding on Dre's more over the top rants I've overall enjoyed the show but this final episode I felt actually undermined the entire show, I wondered what they would use as their new black neighbourhood but it being 10 times nicer than where they were living was a complete cop out and just made you wonder why didn't they move years ago.
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Veronica Mars (2004–2019)
2 August 2022
Having a rewatch many years after 1st watching I was amazed how many of the plots I remembered especially as in the 1st series the whodunnits were very basic ,Kirsten Bell is just outstanding and really it's 100% her show.
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Murder in Provence (2022– )
1 August 2022
Watching this for the 2nd time on itv in 4 months I didn't remember any of the plots or characters a first for me,there was just no passion and so uninvolving the blame must lie with the script but roger Allams speaking voice did it no favours perfect for endeavour but here just came over as bored.
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Pie in the Sky: Hard Cheese (1995)
Season 2, Episode 1
Samantha was needed
30 July 2022
The previous waitress had all the screen presence of a wallflower but Samantha Janus made more impression in her first sentence than the previous girl did in a whole series definitely a step up.
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The Escort (2015)
Understated hotness
30 July 2022
Wow Lyndsy Fonseca was so believable in this absolutely hypnotic when on screen and held your attention throughout,how she gave off such sexyness without resorting to smut was amazing. But after saying that would have been a 10 with nudity.
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Hart of Dixie (2011–2015)
Annoying but enjoyable
24 July 2022
Zoe was far more annoying than I remembered from first watching indeed almost all the characters are annoying at 1 time or another yet it still is entertaining,I did fast forward all the town rivalry plots and indeed most of the mayor.
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