
4 Reviews
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Gemini Man (2019)
David Benioff strikes again
3 October 2019
When I saw the trailer I thought "Yea, I already know exactly how the story goes, but the deaging effects look nice"

So I went into it expecting not much, but at least some average entertainment. But oh boy, the movie is kinda hard to enjoy. The characters have no depth, the story is totaly bland and the action in it's best moments is super average.

I was right on both my predictions. The trailer already tells you the whole story and it does feel like you've already seen it before. And also, the creation of a young Will Smith totaly worked.

The script is horrible and you can easily notice the flaws. There are some super obvious setups that are so randomly thrown in that you know it's gotta be important later, just to then be disappointed that the payoff is even worse. Speaking of "Bees".

Sometimes it feels like scenes are missing. Some actually important stuff just happens off-screen.

The finale is disappointing and unspectacular and also the special effects are super whacky. People jump and run so fast that it looks like an early 2000s movie.

Conclusion: Will Smith keeps picking mediocre movies, I can't recommend you watching this, I was really bored.
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It's hard to be immersed ...
15 February 2019
The story is set in a futuristic world that's divided into the high class living in a flying city called Salem and the lower class living in Iron City. Iron City supplies Salem and Salem throws all their trash onto Iron City. One day a doctor for cybernetics finds the core parts of a female cyborg on the trashpile and gives her a new body. He calls her Alita and kinda treats her as his daughter. As it appears there are people who now want to kill Alita. To avoid spoilers I won't tell more.

A big part of the world is the cybernetic thing. A lot of people have mechanical limbs and weapons like chainsaws and blades. It's nice to see that these cyborgs get ripped apart several times and you see a lot of PG decapitating.

All that is at it's best in the motorball matches. A kind of sports, where you have to run a race and score points with a ball, while completely demolishing eachother.

The Visuals are a two edged sword. Sometimes the green screen looks strange and blurry, as well as the people looking out of place. Speaking of out of place, Alita is probably the worst part of the film.

Firstly, she is way too powerful in the first half of the film and it feels like she is never really in danger. Also she suffers from being completely into Uncanny Valley, which makes her stick out negativly in every scene she's in. Besides that she has generic and often cringeworthy dialogue, that's also pretending to be emotional and deep. It's hard to be immersed in a movie, if you can't accept the protagonist as a real character, because she is obviously not real.

Another thing that tries to be emotional is the corny love story attached, that has no depth except from one or two questions if a human and a cyborg can love each other. But that's where philosophy ends. All that is underlined by a score that tries hard to be moving.


  • Ed Skrein's character, visually and he's a badass
  • Visuals regarding cyborgs
  • Motorball is a cool idea

  • (The uncredited actor at the end)


  • Alita is a bad character sitting right in Uncanny Valley
  • The dialogue is generic, cringy and has lines, you heard several times before
  • The love story is corny and really hard to watch, because it's so cheesy
  • Even though you should expect great FX, they are off at some points
  • Though the worldbuilding is fine, the story isn't presented to the fullest potential


I personaly don't hate this movie, but it's also nothing great. I personaly think it's just really whatever. 58/100 - 5/10
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Mr. Right (I) (2015)
Decent killer parody
19 January 2019
The movie shows a woman (Anna Kendrick) with a boring life. After her boyfriend cheats on her, she loses it and falls into depression. Then she meets Mr. Right (Sam Rockwell), who seems to share a similar personality. You could call their characters weird and slightly crazy.

What she doesn't know at first is, that Mr. Right is a professional killer. Besides their interactions and the love story that's filled with comedic moments, a former companion of Mr. Right (Tim Roth) and a wannabe gangster and his thugs try to kill the crazy hitman.

The action in this movie is alright till good. It isn't overloaded with cuts and overall pleasently edited. It is fast paced and at some points quite violent, but still not overwhelming.

The movie does not take itself seriously at all and the main source of entertainment comes from the comedy. The movie plays with typical gangster and agent movie cliches. And that is arguably the best part of the film. It shows scenes you never see in action movies and it also shows how awkward stuff can be. Sadly a lot of jokes do not work.

The acting is decent, but not that outstanding, since the roles don't offer that much. Still nothing you would call bad or unconvincing.


  • Decent acting
  • A fun parody on action movies
  • A good humor
  • Great character dynamic


  • Flat story
  • Jokes do not always work
  • Might be a bit forgetable


It's definitely a fun movie to watch on a saturday evening. Overall it entertains and leaves you in a good mood. But it probably won't stay in your head for long.

Rating: 68/100, 6/10
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Suicide Squad (2016)
Suicide Squad is a joke ... but not a funny one
29 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I had no expectations for this film , but I was still disappointed.

The Story: Amanda Waller, who works for the government, compiles the "Task Force X" aka the Suicide Squad, to fight against supernatural enemies like a new evil Superman. The most important members of the squad get a little scene, which introduces them. One of them is Enchantress, a half woman-half witch. She is in love with the leader of the Suicide Squad Rick Flag. On a mission Enchantress escapes and revives her ancient brother and both strive to destroy the whole world together. Now the Suicide Squad has to stop them. Beside this main story the Joker wants to get his girlfriend Harley Quinn back, who is a member of the so called Task Force X.

The Characters:

Rick Flag is a stereotype Soldier, who just excists to include a lame lovestory in the film.

Boring character Amanda Waller is ridiculous. She seems to be a really evil woman, but in fact she is just an unreasonable pseud.

Harley Quinn is created to be funny and cool and awesome and she is none of that. She is just super annoying. Expected so much more from the trailers and I don't get the hype around her. A good costume doesn't make a good character by itself.

Deadshot is the main character ... I guess and he is definitely the coolest and most sympathatic character in this movie. He has some funny and cool scenes, but even Will Smith can't save the ridiculous story.

The Joker is not that bad, I mean he is different to every Joker performance before, but it does feel a little weird and over the top. He is an insane psychopath, who seemingly enjoys to ... be evil. Honestly it's really cringy, but whatever. The Character is not important for the main plot, so it doesn't hurt that much.

Enchantress is the worst and most ridiculous villain I've seen in my life. When she whispers "Enchantress" she turns into a witch and this is unbearably cringy. If you wanna have a menacing villain watch Suicide Squad to see how you don't do it.

Captain Boomerang: I don't like Jai Courtney that much, but this role was OK... Yes the character is absolutely useless, but at least he wasn't annoying like most of the assembly.

El Diablo was OK until he transformed into the firedevil ... or whatever that was. Also he got a background story everyone saw 1000-times before and is just not compelling or thrilling.

Killercroc was visually OK, but completely useless for the plot and serves no purpose at all.

"Katana" gets thrown into this story for no reason and she stays completely bland and boring the whole movie.

My opinion: The film tries hard to be epic, funny, awesome and cool, but he isn't all this at all. The story is going in a circle, cause it ends where it starts with no development at all. The reason why the villain is created is the creation of the Squad. If Amanda Waller didn't create the Task Force X, Enchantress would never have escaped. So basically because of the creation of the squad, the squad is necissary.Also I'm just tired of seeing villains create a flickering, lightningthrowing, giant "EverythingDestroyingAndKillingMachine".

The first Trailer was actually cool and I was kinda looking forward to this movie then the second came out and it was a bit eehh and already filled with unfunny jokes. That "dehyped" me completely and then I watched the movie in the theatres. I can say it was the worst experience I ever had in the cinema. I will never watch this mess again.
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