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Knuckles (2024)
Another bait and switch
28 April 2024
I was excited for this series since I do like both sonic movies however this is unfortunately its bait and switch they marketing having Knuckles focus tv series instead they focus so much on the human character wade from Sonic 2. Who was forgettable i don't get why mislead fans like that all we got a stupid family drama and bowling.

Knuckles is bearly in it I was expected a character development have more backstory have it lead to Sonic 3 movie. But nope nothing like that I suggest you skip this one completely because paramount ruined it your better off watching other sonic series like Sonic X, Sonic Satam, Sonic forces.
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Megamind Rules! (2024– )
Don't listen to fake 10 star reviews
10 March 2024
After we had god awful squeal Peacock decided to do tv series and looks bad as the movie. We got cringe dialogue, awful budget animation and new characters are annoying and forgettable.

And look how they massacred my boy Megamind is complete idiot in TV series why is so annoying now. As person that likes tv series from cartoons Disney did that better with Aladdin, hercules, Buzz Lightyear star command, little mermaid etc.

This is unnecessary adaption between bad squeal and now forgettable tv series its insult to first Megamind movie. Please don't watch this don't give it time your energy. Your better off just watching someone else the fact they have audacity to say you want to do third movie you ruined such great movie and spit on fans I hope they don't go forward with it.
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Better as standalone film
5 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I can't believe these are same writers that wrote the first movie Megamind. This is nothing like original movie for starters they didn't get original voice actors to come back like Will Ferrell as Megamind big mistake. The plot for squeal completely contradict themselves from first movie. First of all Megamind didn't have no super villian friends his only friend was Minion. Second the animation looks so cheap its insulting how they didn't care about it this is like budget of TV series at best it didn't need feature length film. Third point Megamind is so much unlikeable character assassination he so cruel to Minion I can't believe it.

Fourth the new characters are so forgettable and annoying the kid character the new villians its terrible.

Overall don't waste your time watching this movie it's insult to original movie story sucks, characters and animation looks awful its pathetic cash grab for TV series. This isn't justice for Megamind fans stick to original movie don't give them your time or money.
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Disrespectful to late Kevin Conory
7 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I can't believe this is same company that gave us batman arkham series one of best games i played. The leaks are true about this game between disrespecting the late Kevin Conory horrible story and making justice league IQ is 0. The game has too many between how buggy and glitches. Unlikeable characters and making it live service game this is marvel avengers all over again.

Spoiler if you want to know they kill justice league most disrespectful way possible. They pissed on the flash. Strip green laturn clothing. Disrespectful to one of best and amazing batman being shot on the head by Harley Quinn.

You know when the game is bad when everyone on YouTube points it out. I suggest you don't support this game ignore positive reviews they are written by bots same with steam ones.

Go play arkham games instead of this mess of game.
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Bait switch series ignore high ratings
26 November 2023
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I was so excited and hyped for this when I saw the trailers after I love live action movie and hearing the actors revive to do voice but nope I thought this is another He man situation they market the main character but they get sidelines in their own series.

You don't see Scott after episode 1 getting killed off until episode 6. This is mainly Ramona now I never liked her as character this is another we need female empowered doesn't need a man I am so sick and tired you keep sideline male characters I am woman and I'm sick of it who is this for. You shouldn't market it then you don't use main character and guess what he doesn't fight the Exs expect first episode.

This is such disservice to fans love comic books and mislead people don't watch this you go watch live action movie another potential project ruined by Netflix like He man.
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South Park: The Worldwide Privacy Tour (2023)
Season 26, Episode 2
Trey and Matt did it again
21 November 2023
This is beyond accurate with Harry and Meghan at first I respect them at first but then they kept showing their faces everywhere between the news and appearing on Opera interview and Netflix doc series which was beyond cringe I couldn't stand them this episode highlights everything wrong with them.

I love it because the jokes around them is well done I couldn't stop laughing at this and Kyle keep hearing about them its true and talking about them. Everything wants to be around them and we don't care.

Overall Trey and Matt did well done episode and did laugh alot during this one of best from this season keep it up.
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Wasted potential
9 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was very excited for five nights of freddys movie especially how promising the trailers are. But unfortunately after watching this movie I felt disappointed and underwhelming at the same time.

The main character is so annoying and unlikeable just constantly having self pity oh my brother went miss blah blah blah just shut up already he keeps having dreams about what happened on day of his childhood I just didn't care I wanted kills not about stupid man life so I thought in the movie i assumed was his daughter looking after but no its his sister i felt like the bond would have been stronger if it was like that but nope it was lame to find out it was his sister he was looking after and she is a terrible character she acted like ass to her brother for no reason.

None of the characters were likeable or memorable. The only good part is kills scene with three people and animatronics the designs were spot on but everything else sucked from story and cliche family drama and shallow one dimensional characters.

So when twist came was the cop daughter father that kidnapped the main character brother i just didn't care it was stupid and dumb twist and was predictable didn't see that coming Not!

So overall I wasted my money and not happy with film at all only good thing just bait for fans that like games and references but animatronics is best design. Bad story i wish Markiper was the security guard instead this shallow character but because of his film didn't happen.

If squeal does happen please do new characters and better writing I wanted to see five nights of freddys not dumb family drama so its bad story and characters. Just watch Willy's wonderland instead.
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Its very hit and miss
22 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Don't get me wrong I'm all for technology type future theme but here's the catch it needs to have interesting narrative so my issue is really is pacing i feel like they are rushed since feels very short the episodes and dissatisfied the characters most are feel forgettable or they get killed off so quickly like Captain Laserhawk ex lover Alex, Jade, Pey.'j.

Laserhawk is very one dimensional and unlikeable main character because of his reckless actions he gets most of his teammates killed since he's built in revenge for Alex betraying him and he takes no responsibility on what happen no remose until episode 5 which felt unearned and felt forced because we hardly got to know the gang and he's boring character i didnt care for. So when he did self destruction on Episode 6 I didnt feel anything because he had little to no character development.

Alex his ex lover felt strange since his betrayal just felt rushed we hardly got much time for development I could have seen him trying gain Laserhawk trust but no instead he gets killed in Episode 3 because Laserhawk wanted his revenge. This feels so frustrating because I want these characters to be interesting also this is poorly done LGTBQ romance you can add it if its interesting to plot but nope it was badly done romance Owl house did better and Arcane.

Sarah Fisher is also another weird one so she a warden and assigned missions okay cool but her motivations was so weird around Episode 6 when she added virus to laserhawk why? Its never explained you guys had heart to hear conversation in one of episodes you backstab him?! Lame she just awful.

I say only characters I did like is Bullfrog and Rayman now here's character I did like his scenes were big highlight he got character development after him finding out truth with organisation he was working for seriously I wish they focus the series on him not these one dimensional characters.

Its hit and miss because I like the animation and voice acting its fine no complaints but narrative is poorly done and characters aren't interesting when your side characters are better developed then you have problem I see so much potential in the show if it gets season 2 improve it because season 1 wasn't good I am not sure if I want to watch it again.
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Just very Underwhelming
18 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I went in very low expectations since that abysmal reboot Ghostbusters 2016 was very big insult to franchise. Let me be straight with you I enjoyed original Ghostbusters movie even like the squeal and 80s cartoon version.

Ghostbusters afterlife has alot potential even ideas are good on paper. However, its so poorly executed and written especially how all of the adults just so stupid so its mainly kids are doing investigations.

Why is original 80s movie so beloved it cater to adults not just kids even jokes are fun but with Ghostbusters afterlife nope I didnt laugh at single joke and annoying comic relief Podcast he was super annoying and not funny. Its shows the audience mainly for children adults wouldn't like it.

The first act so slow and boring nothing much happens just family drama blah blah blah. The fact any paranormal activity happens no one really reacts or do anything. Its so jarring to watch.

Also what I don't like is they recycled same plot from original movie around 3rd act using Gozer main villian again and the whole Keymaster and Gatekeeper scene underwhelming and stupid.

My issue as well are characters not a single character is likeable the kids are annoying and adults are stupid act like morons the old team like Ray came back for 2 minute cameo only to get butt kicked and 12 year old saves the day.

Ghostbusters afterlife had potential to be good but its very underwhelming mess with boring story unlikeable characters and cameos basically for OG fans to point look do you remember this from the movie which I rather watch than this. Only positive I say its better than god awful Ghostbusters 2016 version which is insult.

Go watch original Ghostbusters or watch the 80s cartoon version but don't watch Ghostbusters afterlife you just be disappointed.
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Black Mirror: Loch Henry (2023)
Season 6, Episode 2
This doesn't feel like Black Mirror
17 June 2023
Honestly, this is something you see in murder mystery which is interesting idea but here's the catch it doesn't fit with Black Mirror at all.

I thought the story itself its just OK at best and so is acting but again this is another Black Mirror episode just didn't work for me and it shows its like they are out of ideas so they throw in anything together.

I have to say another episode which isn't good and doesn't fit the theme at all haven't these writers watched the previous episodes this more fits into different show.

Long story short its just meh episode same with this season it lost touch.
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Black Mirror: Mazey Day (2023)
Season 6, Episode 4
What happened????
17 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Its like they ran out of ideas black mirror first that demon episode now this one I understand paparazzi is big thing for celebrity but here's the thing this definitely doesn't give me Black Mirror vibes.

This is gotta to be worst the concept is terrible with bad storyline and again the twist is stupid a werewolf are you serious right now? Its like this is becoming more fantasy and that doesn't really fit with black mirror.

I have been very disappointed with season 6 its worst than season 5 theres so many bad episodes than good not mention it was so short it was another predictable episode the main character got she wanted in the end by taking picture of celebrity by planting the gun.
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Black Mirror: Demon 79 (2023)
Season 6, Episode 5
When did this turn into American Horror Story?
17 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This doesn't feel like Black Mirror at all you see something like demons in American horror story seriously I thought season 5 was bad for Black Mirror but season 6 deserves it for this one.

It shows the woman has to kill 3 people in order to prevent world to end. Spoiler she didn't succeed the ended so predictable seriously why are straying away from technology go into fantasy.

What happened to good episodes San Junpio, Black museum, nosedive etc it seriously went downhill they need to bring back the technology element thats what made it good about series.

Boring plot, predictable ending and unlikeable characters definitely worst episode.
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Man this just awful
27 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously why couldn't they just adapted it from original video game that would have been better whatever this awful mess.

First, biggest mistake why would you kill off one of most iconic characters in DC comics you can't kill Batman off if you was going to do it don't do it most stupidest way you do it off screen.

Second, you make up a random character who is supposed to be Batman son hes not even in batman comics why haven't you used Dick Grayson? Jason Todd? Damion Wayne? Any of pervious Robins but no you didn't you give us Turner Raynes who isn't even original character its made up man hes so unlikeable all he does have so much self pity and complains so much dude your father is batman and you didn't know. How does that make any sense?

Third, this feels like pathetic fan fiction its mixed with Riverdale and Disney descendants Jokers daughter? She not interesting she annoying with daddy issues. I dont like female Robin all of the characters suck they are all one dimensional.

This is horrible story, terrible characters and this shouldn't have been made at all avoid this show your better off watching TV show Gotham way better show than Gotham knights.
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Lucky Hank (2023)
I tried giving a chance its not for me
25 April 2023
Let me make it perfectly clear I really like Bob Odenkirk he's very good actor. I like him both breaking bad and better call saul both fantastic series I even loved him in Nobody movie another great role he was in.

So I was excited when I heard he star in another series. Unfortunately, I did try give it a chance maybe it will get better but it didn't I'm afraid the story is so boring it makes it hard to follow and the comedy in this isn't funny I didn't laugh at single joke they made into the show.

Not to mention the characters are so forgettable and one dimensional I didn't like a single one not even main character himself hes very unlikeable.

This show isn't for me and its disappointing for comedy there nothing I laughed or like about the show its not best Bob project. I sit and wait Nobody 2 instead.
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No one asked for this
10 April 2023
Ignore the high ratings on here because they clearly haven't watched the original movie which did have so much more charm, characters and the story. This is meant to be prequel to the movie but I don't buy it because its too modernised with music and setting they done terrible job with that doesn't give me 50s vibe.

This is obviously a painful cash grab no one asked for because why need more these spin offs, reboots and remakes when original movie is fine on its own I didn't even like when the squeal was made that was big mistake. The acting is terrible as well do yourself a favor please just watch original movie and don't give this any of your time.
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Its fun movie but plot could have been better
9 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I went in very low expectations because illumination movies most are cash grabs with their movies and they ain't great with plot its very mid at best. Expect for the Despicable me movies they at least have good story telling and characters are fun.

However, I have to say this is very fun movie there's alot of references from pervious mario games I enjoyed the original video game music in places in. The dynamic between mario and luigi is nice at beginning but I didn't like how Luigi is completely gone for most of movie so Mario and Peach have bond it was very non existence only one scene with fire flower.

Jack Black as Bowser is best part of the film his voice performance fits and I like the song number he did about Peach I also did like Charlie Day as Luigi it was fine no complaints. Chris Pratt I feel is very hit and miss with voice not awful but not great just ok.

Seth Rogen as DK wasn't best didn't like the jokes and dialogue felt awkward and he sounded like he didn't care or try not best choice thats same Fred armisen as Cranky Kong he didn't sound like the character and wasn't Cranky either.

Peach and Toad voice acting was fine didn't bother me and I didn't like 80s music was there as well either pick game music or normal music.

Overall, great animation looks fantastic and music is great its fun with references in pervious games but plot could have been better it was fast pace and I wish Luigi has more screen time as well with Mario but Seth Rogen was worst part in my opinion.

Its worth watching if you like mario games great for fans.
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The Last of Us (2023– )
This is very overhyped show
22 March 2023
This isn't the best adaption I really believe its very overhyped show doesn't deserve it. Its no masterpiece it started off well with first 2 episodes but it did fell off from episode 3 onwards.

The pacing is rushed all these could have been 2 part episode instead of one didn't like new added character Kathleen is super pointless you can remove her not miss a thing but didn't need that for Sam and Henry.

I was kinda bummed the show lacked infected i understand they wanted to focus on relationship with Joel and Ellie but I can see why some people lose interest can be boring some places.

The finale is biggest let down for me it could have been hour instead its 43 minutes. Did like the actress from game who played Ellie is playing her mom though.

Overall, its very overhyped series doesn't deserve it Bella acting as Ellie is very hit and miss sometimes she can give good performance but other times she falls flat she very average at best.

Pedro as Joel is honestly to me is best part of series he got his personality and character down.

. I hope will improve with season 2 not rush it like season 1.
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Your Honor (II) (2020–2023)
Here's one problem Adam
19 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The show is actually good and acting but there's one problem with the Adam. Here's the problem with him I hated his character from when he left that poor boy bleeding out and left him in the dust. It was so infuriated to watch not mention his dad is trying protect him then he gets so rude.

What's even worst he starts dating Sophia why? And you can see he has no remose or care he's living in a fantasy land disney and then he told his teacher about the hit and run when his father specific tell no one I can't believe how stupid this kid this.

I really wanted the mob to deal with him and I'm glad I'm not only one that really dislike Adam hes very unlikeable and too insecure.
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Velma (2023– )
Its not worth watching
19 January 2023
Honestly I wasnt happy with the idea having adult version of scooby doo they tried it with the Flinstones that didn't work they even tried it with Ren and Stimpy again its one of the shows you can't have adult edge its gonna not end well.

The problem with Velma the show is the characters are very unlikeable every single one especially Velma she too judgemental, rude and cynical she very unlikeable character.

The jokes isn't funny as well watching the two episodes not single joke made me laugh because most of it too self aware and it doesn't work for this show.

Its bad since I love original Scooby doo show and its sad how the characters are I say go watch Harley Quinn its so much better than Velma.
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Sonic Prime (2022–2024)
Overhyped in my opinion
15 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really wanted this one but to be honest this is disappointing like Sonic Boom the issues I have why is Rouge is one of main 5 characters? She doesn't really belong with Sonic gang like that and Amy and Rogue isn't close but this show they are close which makes zero sense in video games they not should have added Cream instead.

The story entering the dimensions its fine but to me they feel like pointless fillers like Jungle one its stupid because all they needed to say sorry seriously this is childish dialogue only one is decent is New Yoke City only because its similar Sonic Satam.

Sonic is way too annoying yes in games he makes jokes but he does it right time so he's very balanced not in Prime he can be over the top sometimes but its to the point can't stand him.

Shadow don't get me started they made him too much edgy teenager who's angry all the time made him very one dimensional character with little screen time.

I dont like this one its too much for kids with dialogue and jokes isn't funny I hope it gets better but so far I'm not impressed its way overhyped the writing is so poor.

For now its 1/10.
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M3GAN (2022)
Way overhyped
12 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was excited for this one given the trailers but when they changed it from R rated to PG-13 because so many people on Tik tok users was using memes out of Megan and honestly it made my expectations very low after that.

The story is so predictable everything you know what's gonna happen does happen the main character yeah I know she has name but I feel majority characters are so bland and forgettable not worth mentioning her name expect the little girl who lost her parents I thought she only one of best.

As I say the main female character has to design a doll for the company she works for and you can where this goes she designs Megan and it goes wrong and kills people. But problem with this most of deaths were off screen so wasn't fun to look out and comedy? What comedy theres nothing there I laughed at I didn't smile once watching this so the comedy is so poor.

Characters are forgettable as I said and the acting is so mediocre and ending is also predictable the little girl finally trust her aunt after not being much of guardian seriously she the worst.

I'm not looking forward to squeal because its not that good enough for it and I say this is way too overhyped for mediocre movie only positive I say its better than Chucky 2019 god that film is awful to classic Chucky movie.

If I am honest you can skip this one go watch orginal Chucky instead this.
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Just awful and full of plot holes
25 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not avatar hater I did like the first movie for the visuals and the story is basic but at least there's beginning and middle also ending. James Cameron I do love his work like Titanic, Aliens, Terminator etc. But this squeal wasn't worth waiting over 10 years for.

The problem with this movie the characters just so shallow and forgettable remember how cool Jake in first movie how hes fearless leader but now all he does in this movie keeps belittle his son he spent the last over an hour seriously all he does moron and complain. Spider is just pointless seriously just rip off Tarzan expect with little backstory.

Plot? What plot this is basically repeat of first movie expect theres too many plot holes in the film and doesn't do well explaining properly like when did Grace ever had child all I remember last one she died now apparently her child is able communicate how? Why? The film fails to explain it. Villian is basically repeat first movie seriously why would you just copy and pasted.

Visuals now they are nice to look at but they ain't as impressive like first time watching the first movie cause just pure CG its nothing special just same thing like I seen before.

This is literally the worst movie I watched horrible story, forgettable characters, Visuals nothing special made me appreciate the first one more. It didn't need squeal worked better as standalone movie and 3 hours of this forgettable film lord of the rings did better in story, characters and visual for the trilogy.
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This is Toy story 4 equivalent unnecessary
23 December 2022
Seriously Disney do you lack so much creativity nowadays first you do pointless and forgettable squeals like Hocus Pocus, Enchanted and your latest movie strange world just sucked.

I love the night of the museum movies all 3 films it had charm and humor and very memorable actors like Robin Williams, ben stiller, Owen Wilson and more all the actors give it there all. Now this latest one which is unnecessary like Toy story 4 we didn't need four movies it ended fine on third movie.

The animation looks awful looks like something you see in point and click game none of original actors did the voices and no one can top the late Robin Williams as Teddy.

The characters are easily forgettable in comparsion live action version and Disney continues to go downhill theres no creativity anymore just painful cash grabs.
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Better adaption than Disney live action remake
9 December 2022
I really have very high expectation given the trailers and today I watched it and wow this is fantastic I love the visual and animation and the story telling. This is very mature in comparsion Disney 1940s animated version.

The stop motion is beautifully done and the songs is very nice to listen too I like this isn't insulting to older or young audience similar to the film Coraline which fits and this is 100x better than the live action remake Disney done just to cash in all the classic movies.

Overall, there is some issues but this doesn't take way the fact this movie is a masterpiece between amazing story, incredible animation and interesting characters and lovely songs I highly recommend this if you haven't seen it dont watch live action remake version watch this one.

10/10 perfect score.
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Disenchanted (2022)
Another one bites the dust
20 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Disney has been doing terrible with these squeals and remakes I really wanted to like this one since the first movie its full of charm, humor and plot and songs.

However, the squeal is just painful bad the story is just typical family drama Giselle and the step daughter have argument saying your not my mum and you can see where this going. She wishes life to be fairy tale now the concept sounds interesting but its poorly executed we have high school plot with step daughter and have crush guy. It goes downhill from there characters feels unlikeable and one dimensional. The main villain so called just so basic in comparsion to evil queen.

I have to say overall the plot is mess and the jokes are painful just fairy tales jokes just didn't work the characters are just one dimensional even new ones are so forgettable and the songs is so jarring I end up skipping it now its not fun listen. This wasn't worth waiting over 20 years for they did bad with Hocus pocus now this avoid this one and just watch first movie.
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