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Annabelle's Wish (1997 Video)
A Very Sweet and Charming Little Christmas Movie!
23 December 2021
At first, I thought this was just a cheesy little kids' film, not really worth watching. But it turned out to be one of the sweetest little Christmas films I've ever seen. The characters, for the most part, are well-rounded and you can sense the grandfather's love for his grandson, and his willingness to help however he can, even selling his daughter's beloved music box so that he can buy Annabelle back from the mean neighbor; the young friend Emily's devotion to Billy, the rich but selfish aunt's greed, and Annabelle's tender heart and self-sacrifice for Billy, giving up her own dream of being able to fly, and even her Christmas voice, so that her friend can talk again.

There's a lot of love and tenderness in this film! The animation is simple, yet somehow effective. This film would make a terrific live-action film, with some of the missing details filled in. For example, why was the fire in the barn apparently more traumatizing for Billy than the loss of his parents, especially since no animals seemed to have died in it? What exactly had made the neighbor so mean, even though we know he had somehow lost his wife? We didn't even know if she had died or left him. Did the mean neighbor and the rich aunt actually get married? And how did the adult Billy explain to Emily exactly what had happened to Annabelle after she was turned into a reindeer?

Anyway, this is a lovely Christmas film that's definitely worth a watch. Even adults should probably enjoy this one!
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Raven's Home (2017–2023)
Probably one of the last great Disney Channel Sitcoms. . .
15 December 2021
I believe that this is probably one of the last great sitcoms on the Disney Channel, and sadly, as of December 2021, this show is pretty much history, with only reruns on TV now. I know that it's currently been renewed for a fifth season, but with a new setting and half of the original characters missing, it won't be the same show anymore, and it might as well be renamed!

Along with Good Luck Charlie, I think this is one of the best Disney Channel sitcoms ever. I have never watched That's So Raven, which came on during the time period when I had phased out of watching the Disney Channel, and we never had cable TV in our home until I was an adult, anyway, so I have no comparisons to make between TSR and Raven's Home. But I have really enjoyed Raven's Home, which I discovered while randomly flipping through TV channels late one night and decided to watch it. I remembered watching Raven-Symone on TV when she was a kid, especially on the Mr. Cooper show which I really enjoyed, and I had one of Annelise's songs on my MP3 player, but I had never seen what she looked like, so I tuned in to the show out of curiosity. . .and was hooked right from the get-go!

This show is, to me, anyway, more like the sitcoms I used to watch back in the 90s on the TGIF lineup, and less like the typical cheesy kids' shows on the DC. As a middle-aged adult woman, I find this show very enjoyable. The thing I like the most about it is the friendship dynamics between Rae and Chels. Enjoyable adult characters on DC channel shows are rare -- usually, the parents are kept in the background to keep the spotlight on the younger actors, and when the parents DO appear, they're usually pretty dull characters, TBH. But in Raven's Home, the parents get equal time with the kids, and they are so much fun to watch! Rae and Chels are what make this show so delightful for me, and the fact that one half of this duo will be missing in the new season, is one reason why I'm not interested in watching season five, especially without the nostalgia component that will draw in other viewers.

While I love this show, I gave it nine stars, just for a few things I really didn't care for:

1. The visions. I really don't care for this aspect, and believe the show could do just as well if they were taken out altogether. I know that some viewers love the fact that Raven and Booker have visions, but I just find these visions rather annoying, and not really doing anything for the show.

2. The child landlord, Mitch. This was the only character in the entire series that I couldn't stand. He was an obnoxious brat, and I was glad that he didn't stay around very long!

3. I also didn't care for the way that the pandemic-related stuff was introduced into some episodes. I get that Disney was trying to relate to younger viewers, but for me, it totally ruined the escapism aspect that I enjoyed watching the show for -- for a brief time, being a part of a world where the coronavirus didn't exist. Not only that, but in a decade or so, those scenes that showed people wearing masks and making references to the pandemic is going to make those particular episodes seem REALLY dated. And in the scenes that showed characters wearing masks, they were inconsistent, showing some people wearing masks, and others NOT wearing masks, even when all of them were in the same scenes together.

Other than these few criticisms, Raven's Home is really a great show, and I feel like it ended as it was WAY too soon. The new season won't have Chelsea, Levi, Tess and Nia in it, which is very disappointing -- these characters are what has helped to make Raven's Home REALLY Raven's Home for me. I'm just glad that I was able to catch this show while it was still a current show, and I had new episodes to look forward to. I'm afraid that Disney Channel is NOT what it used to be, with many of its programs now geared mostly toward little kids, and Raven's Home is probably one of the last great DC shows, before the DC as we knew it becomes history!
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The Waltons: Homecoming (2021 TV Movie)
A Pathetic Attempt to Remake a Beloved Classic. . .
2 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a big fan of the original Waltons series, and I've seen the original Waltons homecoming film, a movie older than me, at least a couple of times. And I always enjoyed it. When I heard about this new reboot, I was willing to give it a chance. . .and was sadly disappointed in it. I realize that, any time a remake is made of a beloved film, people are inevitably going to nitpick it, but this version missed the mark in so many ways!

First of all, you didn't get the sense of a poor, struggling family. The house -- and the people living in it -- seemed more like a suburban middle-class family than a poor farm family. Everybody had some pretty nice clothes, and there was some nice furniture in that home, too. And some of the characters didn't seem to match up with the original characters. The guy playing John Walton was WAY too young for the part, and as a conservative, his constant use of the d-word was irritating to me. And some of the kids used that word, too! The original Olivia Walton would have pitched a massive hissy fit when one of the kids, and even her husband, would have used that word on the show, but here, when her kids say it, she barely bats an eyelash. Back in that era, most kids weren't even supposed to know that word, and would certainly not have gotten away with using it! I think I know why the producers did this, though. They probably threw in the swear words so that the film could get a PG rating, because they apparently believe that if you give a film a G-rating, only families with little kids, and very conservative families, would watch it. But the swearing was TOTALLY unnecessary for a family film, especially one based on a classic story about a very conservative, church-going family! And then the line about Mary Ellen being upset over Santa not giving her breasts for Christmas -- who thought THAT was a good line to put in a supposedly family-friendly film?

And while there was plenty of sibling rivalry in the original series, the kids seemed to be even snippier with each other in this version. Except for John-Boy's tender attitude toward Elizabeth, and Mary Ellen when she told John-Boy she had read some of his writings, and said that he was really good at it, you didn't really get a sense of sibling love. Jason, Erin and Jim-Bob seemed to be afterthoughts here, and Ben was nonexistent. Mary Ellen's feminist ideas were also rather annoying, and a deliberate attempt to slip some 21st-century feminist ideals into this remake. And she never wanted to be an aviator in the original series -- that was Jim-Bob's dream! And the little girl playing Elizabeth, while she was adorable, seemed to be too old for the part. They should have either made her a bit older, or cast a younger girl, because a girl who looks to be about seven or eight, playing a five-year-old, just isn't very convincing!

And while the white family visiting the black church was a nice touch, I enjoyed the scene in the original where the kids were putting on a Christmas play, which gave the movie more of a Christmas movie feel. In this version, there was nothing that really made the church scene feel like Christmas, except for the singing and candle lighting part, which was probably the best part of the film.

I also felt like I couldn't really connect with any of the characters, or sense how they felt. I really couldn't sense their poverty and despair that they supposedly had, especially since they looked well-fed and living in a nice home, nor could I sympathize with the worry and fear about John when he didn't come home. In the original film it was a long journey on a stormy winter night, with all kinds of things that happened before John was finally able to come home, and it was a trip that was filled with tension and anxiety for John-Boy, and the rest of the family. There wasn't really that sense of fear in this film, especially since the special effects didn't really give the impression of a major winter storm, just a nice snowfall. John Boy was able to borrow the Baldwin Ladies' car, drive to the accident site in a relatively short time, without running out of gas or getting the car stuck in a snowdrift, and when he reaches the site, just as he's about to have a full-on anxiety attack from not being able to look for his dad, John just suddenly appears out of nowhere, and then they drive home! And then she scene with the white stag -- it just seemed out of place in this film, somehow. It all just seems a little too contrived to be real, especially if you've seen the original film.

This movie would have been much better as a stand-alone film, with completely original characters and setting. As a remake of the beloved Waltons film and TV series. . .it's pathetic!
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