
8 Reviews
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Fun and enjoyable is the sequel to the animated hit.
25 October 2015
The sequel to the hit animated comedy proves it worth the loved it gets as it showcases raw emotion, fun and pop culture all wrap into one.

Few sequels in modern film could be better than the first, and Hotel Transylvania 2 is one of those. As it expands instead of developing a new idea that make the this film feel like an adventure with many funny and charming moments. in addition, the story of it replicates modern day civilization as it shows the different points of view from the old and young people.

Overall, Hotel Transylvania 2 will delight Kids and adults alike and will please fans at the same time will covert many non fans.
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Action heavy is the latest sequel of the M.R
25 October 2015
The sequel to the Maze Runner leaves a lot questions unanswered, but it delivers a slightly better film than the first one. Add to that the more characters this film introduces with more gender and race diversity.

The main pro and con of the sequel are its action and structure of the story. First, there is more action in this film than the first one and that makes the film more entertaining as it keeps the viewers invested in it. However, development of story will leave some viewers confused and fans unsettle as it feels like it's going from one place to another with few explanations.(Maybe gearing up for the last installment?)

Overall the M.R: Scorch Trials with its' pros and cons is worth a watch from fans and non fans alike.
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Cinderella (I) (2015)
The Live-Adaptation is Charming and Gorgeous
25 October 2015
Cinderella is not only gorgeously shot where the highlights are the costumes and the setting,but a perfectly pace film. Add to that the actors/actresses who bring to this film humor,entertaining characters and a sense of charm that elevates this film from average to above average.

One might think that a story that has been told countless times would start to become boring. However, Disney not only proves that theory wrong but shows that it still has magic left by making Cinderella an entertaining, classy and beautiful film.

Finally, the live adaptation on the classic tale deserves a watch from viewers.
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Everest (2015)
Suspenseful, Heart-Whelming and Entertaining
22 October 2015
Power by amazing visual effects and a strong cast Everest not only Tries to make this film powerful in emotion, but makes it gripping to watch.

Led by director Baltasar Kormákur who does a great job displaying the hardships of climbing the iconic name, but as well shows off each characters personality very well. Add to that a cast that not only lift up the film, but adds more character in dept to it; making it suspenseful and thrilling film to watch.

Overall, Everest sets up an emotional story, but a the same time an influential one as well.
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No surprise here just another great M.I film
18 October 2015
M.I movies not only proves that is one of best action franchise out there, but host some of the best story-line, action sequences out there. Ever since the installment of the first M.I film, the sequels have become more daring and entertainment heavy.

Once again led by the action star Tom Cruise who keep pushing the stunt limit to almost limitless, but showcases why he is the best action star out there.Also,the cast of MI: Rogue Nation continues to be great in every M.I film with the constant addition of one major villain or supporting cast that support the films story.

Overall, MI: Rogue Nation continues the success that the sequels from the second one have had.
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The Martian (2015)
Interesting, visually stunning and dramatic
9 October 2015
The Martian is good drama space film, with wonderful visual scenes of the red planet. From the atmosphere to the climate and to the surface director Ridley Scott brings to life to a near perfection Mars.

In addition, the great performances from Matt Damon and the cast backed with an interesting portrayal in story-line and characters, make this film worth a watch as viewers will enjoy the rescue space drama being unfolded.

Overall, what recently other space dramas' lack "The Martian" gives plenty of it to make it an interesting watchable film, that triumphs above other space movies.
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Sicario (2015)
Tension. Drama and mystery all into one.
4 October 2015
Sicario is dark, dramatic and mysterious that makes it a compelling movie to watch. Its' tension and amazing cinematography make the film more enjoyable in terms of realism.

Led by Benecio Del Toro, who captivates the viewer with his character personality, and Emily Blunt who brings to life a confused character brought into a dilemma. In addition, director Denis Villeneuve; who adds to his already impressive resume another great drama thriller that bring to life the drug war and its cruelty in full effect.

Overall, Sicario is a great visually shot film with wonderful performances that will please the viewer and keep them on their seat.
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Black Mass (2015)
Aim High Settle in The Middle
4 October 2015
Johnny Deep brings to life and creepy and interesting character by displaying its' emotion and body language to a perfection. The supporting cast as well brings out one of their career best performances making "Black Mass" a worthy film to watch.

However, its' long running time is an issue as the film progresses it begins to lose the audience attention span. Not because of the story- line but, how the way the story is being told.

Overall, "Black Mass" sets its' goal high and in some ways it gets there as the cast, cinematography, director and the production company are all in with the same vision. Unfortunately, it goal fell short to settle in the middle making it an average good movie.
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