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Proper English Subtitles UNAVAILABLE
30 March 2023
There are no properly translated subtitles in English for this film. I tried watching it without the subtitles but since my Korean is pretty much limited to nothing, I had no idea what was going on. If anyone knows why the subtitles suck so hard, maybe write a review and let the rest of us know as well. I can say that I've looked everywhere for subtitles but they are always the same badly translated subtitles. Now if I actually spoke Korean, I wouldn't have to write a review regarding the terrible translation from Korean to English but here we are. Apparently from what I've read I'm not missing much, but I'd like to decide that for myself. Thanks for reading, have a great day!
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Huge Disappointment * Audio is not fixed *
3 January 2023
Edit ~ I have been back to watch and as of Jan 20th the audio is still buggered. Apologies if you are offended.

I really was looking forward to this doc because, it's about 'soft rock' and I don't believe I've ever seen a doc series on soft rock. I also wanted to see some great clips of some of the bands/singers mentioned in the trailer, and to be honest, the trailer got me a bit hyped. I didn't get very far as a large part of the audio track seemed to be missing. I'm thinking they didn't have permission to use certain sound bites or something? You see lips moving but no words can be heard. They have terrible music playing over certain scenes and it is obvious that something is not quite right. Not sure what the deal is but this could have been so much better. It seems the producers thought is was okay to release this steaming pile just to put something 'out there' but as I've said, it could have been better. I do not recommend this short series.
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Snippet of life
3 September 2022
I thought this was a sweet film. It's not a big studio production and they didn't spend a lot of money on sets but I did enjoy it. The script was lacking and at times I could have used more of it.

The actors were really, really good. That Emily Kuroda was excellent as. Sunny. I think everyone knows a Sunny... Jenna was amazing, of course, and then there was, Robert Hunger-Buhler as Otto. Pretty sure we all know someone very similar to him. Then there's the kids... and quite a bit of life stuff that happens. I won't spoil it.

I did think the script could have been better and that the editing could have been tighter. I also think it could have been shorter. As I said, I enjoyed it. It's not big budget but you get to see some familiar faces and some fine acting.
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Wonderful series
25 July 2022
I just discovered this series and have to say that it was excellent. We get to meet Jean and her family plus we learn a bit about their personal history. As we move through the series there are several projects. We get to see the process as Jean and her daughter Grace offer options and proposals for the project they are working on. Jean and Grace really are a remarkable team and I love their sense of style. I do hope it is renewed for another season. The only thing that was thoughtless and dangerous was the fact that her son Dave never wore any safety equipment. Other than that, it was a great series and I recommend it to those who enjoy design programs.
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Home Team (2022)
New Orleans Saints bounty scandal
29 January 2022
Now that I have your attention. This film is based on a 'true' story. Sean Payton was head coach for the NOSaints but got suspended for a year, for his part in the bounty scandal. He went to Texas and wound up coaching his son's football team for the time he was suspended.

The story was very poorly written and the comedy just wasn't there. I don't understand why the producers/writers and especially Netflix thought it was a good idea to make this film. It was obvious that they didn't spend a lot of money as production values showed it was made on the cheap. The acting was okay but again, the story itself was terrible.

Basing this film on Sean Payton's time away from the NFL while he was suspended for participating in activities that would result in destroying lives and careers is shameful. I do not recommend this film.
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Lyckoviken (2020– )
Well, that was terrible... with a bunch of spoilers!
24 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I started watching because I thought this was going to be a show about solving a crime. In some respects it was, and at the same time, it took 15 episodes to solve the crimes. That's one episode short of two seasons. None of the characters are likeable especially Nettan and Louise. How Nettan gets to keep her job is beyond me, talk about lazy and she's such a cow not to mention a blackmailer. And Louise wanted to burn down Joanna's house because she wanted a view! Joanna's brother is a piece of work, and if I had a brother like that, I'd never speak to him. Joanna is a bit of a loser, which is sad because she's the main attraction. She gets dumped only to go after someone who is already married. So overnight her feelings for the old boyfriend just vanish? Add to that she gets pregnant by the new guy ---> but he's actually someone she new back in the day. Talk about convoluted. I'm surprised that Vanessa and Elvis didn't go to jail for telling the police that Vanessa was attacked by the serial killer. Madelene is a liar and tried to get Pernilla in trouble for murder. She stated that she saw Pernilla strangle the girl found in the trunk of Madelene's car. There should be consequences for telling such lies, but in this place, you can say whatever you want and nothing happens. I wanted to find out who the killer actually was and yes, I'm going to tell you.... it was Christian. He was guilty of all four of the murders, and for attempting to murder Stephanie and Joanna. That Felicia is a sneaky wench, full of lies and treachery. They are going to try and bring this back for another season but I'm done. These people are just hateful, nasty people and I can't take any more of their stupidity. The only redeeming quality of this series is the scenery. The quaintness of the town is quite lovely. The camera work was excellent as were production values but over all I cannot give this higher than a 2 out of ten. I do not recommend this series.
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Angela Black (2021)
Not sure what the deal is...
19 October 2021
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I'm two episodes in and I am wondering why she didn't automatically go to the police when Ed told her that her husband was going to have her killed. If a stranger came up to me and started telling me things about my husband, I'd go to the police. By the end of the first episode she's been told that her husband has already done away with one mistress and that it's Angela's turn to get bumped off. Why isn't she recording her conversations with Ed? Why isn't she going to the police? I'll give this one more episode but if she doesn't pull up her socks, I'm done. ** I've just finished the third episode and I knew that by the end of the second episode there was something wrong with Ed. In the third episode the husband forgot his briefcase at home when Ed had previously told her that "it never leaves his side." I knew that this whole thing was going to blow up in her face and it did. I can't give this series any more of my time. I give this a 2 for the atmosphere and the production values. Yes the acting is okay but the story is just so terrible.
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Spiral (2021)
where to begin?
1 June 2021
This was such a slog to get through. Chris rock's acting was way over the top and he was not believable. In fact all of the acting was pretty awful. The story was nothing special. It's as though they didn't even try to create a decent story or characters with any depth. I can't forget the continuity errors that I caught while watching. They were so obvious and distracting. It is apparent to me that the film makers didn't care about making a quality film. I did like the moodiness and certain production values which is why I gave this a 3. Other than that, I do not recommend this film.
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Wrath of Man (2021)
Worth the watch
26 May 2021
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I was expecting something with a bit more humor and at the same time I wasn't disappointed. Production values were excellent, the acting was excellent, and I enjoyed the story line. My only issue was with Holt McCallany. Why? Because he's always the bad guy. Him and Guy Pearce are most often the bad guys in films and surely they could have found someone else. Other than that, I thought the movie was perfect.
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Not what I expected.
25 May 2021
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The opening had me thinking this was going to be fun but it wasn't. Why was his daughter so angry? Her mother tried to eat her and her dad saved her. Another thing that didn't make any sense were the zombies. The alphas and the others. According to the film, only alphas can make alphas. So if the alphas are eating people, presumably making more alphas, why do we have two different sets of zombies? It was at this point I gave up trying to 'like' the film. The guy at the end who survives the nuclear blast and just pops up from underground, unscathed was the stupidest thing they could have done. I could go on but it just isn't worth it. I gave it 3 stars for the production values and the scale of the project. I am sorely disappointed in this and I do not recommend this film.
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Shadow and Bone (2021–2023)
Impressive start.
5 May 2021
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This was surprisingly good. I liked the flashbacks to the orphanage, and their back story. There is a romance quality running through this series and it will be interesting to see how those stories play out. It plays like a period drama but then there's the Grisha, and the Stag, and the shadow guy, and the sun girl. I had a great time and didn't feel the need to fast forward. I have not read the books so I'm not sure how they compare but I am interested to see the next season. Production values were very good, but there was a heavy handed use of blue/green screen so I had to take a few points off for that. Now don't get mad. I know they had to do the blue/green screen, and at the same time; it should have not been so obvious. Over-all a very satisfying experience.
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Without Remorse (II) (2021)
It could have been better
1 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The production values were outstanding. The acting was not perfect but overall passable. Guy and Jamie were great in their respective roles. The first half hour was pretty good but then the film started to lose ground. There were several instances when I thought certain things were over the top. I know it's a movie but I was surprised the film makers wanted me to believe some of the events they presented in the film. And, I have to say that every time I see Guy Pearce in a film, I automatically know he's going to be the bad guy. He may come across all nice and what-not, but he always turns into a skunk. The story had way too many holes to overlook so I feel the film deserves no more than a five out of ten. The thing that surprised me the most was the post credit scene. Looks as though we're going to get a sequel, lol.
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Slow and plodding
29 April 2021
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I went into this not really expecting much more than something super low budget. I was thinking it would be a 5 but it ended up being a 3. The acting was passable, with some actors doing better than others. The setting was small town woodsy, and it was obvious that they didn't spend a whole lot. Editing could have been a lot tighter. The story had me believing it was actually going to go somewhere, but it actually went nowhere. Not only did it go nowhere, it took forever not to get there. It's not just the story, it's the two leads. They had no chemistry and I didn't believe they'd had a past. Some things you do find out, but just because you know does not mean that there is any resolution. And that my friends is a nice way of saying the ending was terrible. I do not recommend this film.
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Confusing and pointless.
28 April 2021
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I learned nothing. They have no solid evidence to proceed with a retrial. They do have the re-enactment that was originally 6 hours long, which the police edited it down to 23 minutes. That's pretty much it. There were interviews with many members of the old congregation and it turns out that they did stupid things because of "The Bride of Christ." The whole documentary was entirely too long. I kept thinking, surely in the next episode we're going to learn something new, but no, it never happened. This is why religion is poison. I do not recommend this documentary.
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Very well done.
30 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
If you are looking for gory details as to what he did with each of his victims you will not find it here. What you will find is an investigation as to what was going on at the time. There are interviews with some family members of the victims. They told a story of how many of the families thought the police did a terrible job looking for the young men that had disappeared. I can't imagine how 33 young men could go missing from the same city, and the only people to ever notice were the families. Many of the victims even worked for Gacy, yet the police did nothing. The last episode was truly heartbreaking because one of the mothers had her dna compared to the bones the police gave her, saying they were the bones of her son. When the results came back, it showed that there was no relation between the bones and the mother. The police would not accept this and have kept saying that those are his bones. Gacy was interviewed as well but all he did was deny that he had killed any of the young men and adolescents found under and around his house. I do wish we had heard more of the tapes that Craig Bowley had received from Gacy but for whatever reason, they only played a bit of one where Gacy confessed to killing Robert Piest. There was so much more to this series than what I have stated here. If you are not familiar with Gacy and his crimes, I do recommend this series. It wasn't perfect but over-all it was very well done.
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Quite amazing
19 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was really quite amazing. I don't understand why some reviewers are saying that they want Woody's side because throughout the documentary, he is clearly shown to be giving his side. Of course Moses, and Soon Yi, and Woody, would not speak to the film makers of this documentary because they would have some very difficult questions to answer. I have read the open letter written by Moses and in it he states that there was never a train set in the attic, but in episode 4 the police diagrams clearly show that there was indeed a train set in the attic. This documentary was very well done and to be honest I wasn't going to watch it because I thought it would be a he said this, and she said that. It was so much more than that. I recommend this series not just for the documentary component, but for the way the media is shown to be complicit in so much of the lies we are fed on an daily basis.
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Finding Alice (2021)
Why does she behave that way?
24 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was looking forward to this. I saw that they had such an amazing cast and to be fair they were all very good; however, the script was lacking in so many ways. Alice's behaviour was unbelievable in that she was absolutely clueless about her partner in every possible way. The only one with an ounce of common sense was her daughter but even she was hiding something. I could go on but my main questions after sitting through the entire series are:

1. After learning that her husband had sperm in a sperm bank, why didn't she get either the sister or Harry's parents to see if it was used to father any other children? Especially after visiting the clinic and the rep being all weird with her. I was suspicious, and it seemed Alice was too while she was in the office but it completely slipped her mind after she left.

2. After experiencing the untrustworthiiness of the accountant Tanvi, why on earth would she go to her and want to do business with her? Tanvi went behind her back and had her rep sell the apartments leaving Alice with NOTHING when Alice owned half of the business? Wtf was that about? Is that even legal? The entire process was skimmed over and Alice does nothing?

3. After learning of the confrontation between Harry and George, why didn't she go straight to the police? It looked as though she recorded the confrontation between Harry and George while she was in the bathroom stall. She didn't say a bloody thing, to anyone! WHO DOES THAT???

My feelings towards Alice at this point are anger and frustration and I want nothing more than to knock some GD sense into her. I don't usually say this but she's so clueless that she deserves everything that is happening to her. AND I could care less about season 2. ITV can rot.
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Another fail
1 December 2020
This is a terrible film. It makes it look as though he lead such a great life and that his owner was a great humanitarian; he wasn't. The art was a gimmick and a very poor one. I am not impressed with this film and I do not recommend it.
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Made in Italy (2020)
Slow and unoriginal
12 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Father and son set off to Italy to sell the place they haven't been to in 20ish years. The son wants to sell because he wants to buy a gallery and the father reluctantly goes along. Liam can be good as an actor, but here he's blah and unconnected to the character he plays. The wall art was abysmal and not arty at all. Michael Richardson plays the son and is Liam's son in real life. Michael is pretty blah as well but perhaps he needed a vehicle to gain some kind of stardom? Idk, but I do know that Lindsay Duncan was not in it often enough, and all the scenes with her in them completely lifted this film. I give 4 stars for the scenery, and the beautiful people that were chosen for this film. I'd wait for this to hit the telly and not waste any of your money on visiting the theater.
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The Stranger (I) (2020)
A few gaping holes at the end
3 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
But overall, a very fine series. The acting was great and production values right up there with the best of them. There was so much going on, little stories that were all connected in some way. There were some things that I knew, or could guess because it was obvious, other times, not so much.

The thing I could not reconcile was the ending. Certain things happen and that's it. Then there's a sort of epilogue that says six-months-later. The final bits are glossed over and it seems as though we are to accept their explanations at face value.

So yes, strong performances all around, the setting was very well done, and there was enough going on so as you didn't get bored; but that ending... Not enough of an ending and the holes were too big to ignore. Solid 8 out of 10.
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I was hoping for more.
19 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this series all in one go and out of the tree episodes, the last episode was the worst. Especially the end where Deanna asks, "Were we complicit in Luka's crimes." She goes on to quote what was written on a closet wall and makes an attempt to philosophize what was meant by the writing on the wall. Then John Green pipes in and attempts to do the same thing. My god, the last bit was so lame. The first two episodes were pretty good in that they were showing what they did in an effort to catch this guy, but as we continue to watch, we see that the focus shifts from - who is this guy - to - we know who he is, but what will he do next? Anyway, I feel as though the title was clickbait. It started out being about the kittens but progressed to something else. They also briefly mention a suicide that occurred but it was never made clear as to the circumstances surrounding the suicide. Was it internet harassment that made him kill himself, or was it depression? They suppose that it was depression but it is never made clear. In the end, the police didn't listen. To make matters worse, they didn't have the balls to comment, or even apologize for being the lackluster tools they are. I think that giving this series a 6 out of 10 is very generous.
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Limetown (2019)
So far, a very compelling thriller/mystery.
18 October 2019
I have just finished the first two episodes and I cannot wait for the next installment. Jessica Biel is excellent in her role as the reporter investigating a 15 year old case of mass disappearance. There are flashback scenes which add to the mystery. I don't want to tell you any more because it might spoil it for you.

So far there has not been any crazy special effects or any cgi and this is a good thing as it's all about the story and atmosphere. The episodes are about half-an-hourish long and are quite riveting. I hope the coming episodes are as captivating as the first two have been.
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Super slow and a waste of talented cast.
16 September 2019
I was looking forward to this one and it's such a shame it was so slow. There was such a talented cast and they were completely wasted on such a terrible script. For a comedy, there was not enough funny to keep it moving. I'm thinking that Jarmusch should stick to avant-garde type films because he sucks at comedy. There were a few good lines but there was not enough to sustain the film. I'd say that the trailer was a much better film than this. Giving it a 4 out of 10 stars is generous. I do not recommend this film.
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Airplane Mode (II) (2019)
Stop trying to make Logan Paul relevant..
3 August 2019
This was so god awful. I can't believe that Casey Neistat allowed himself to be filmed for this tasteless piece of tripe. Do not waste your time with this terrible excuse for a film. It was so bad I skipped ahead, and then I decided that it wasn't even worth that. There are so many other good films out there, don't waste your time with this one.
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Very well done.
3 July 2019
This three part series was excellent. It's not about racist cops pinning murders on a black man. Wayne is guilty of perhaps some of the murders, but he isn't guilty of all of them. This is about re-opening all the evidence that was collected and retesting it. There are interviews from the families of the dead children, interviews from those who investigated the crimes. The series goes over the politics of investigating and prosecuting the crimes. This was a fascinating series and I do hope they do an update when all the evidence has been thoroughly tested.

In March 2019, " a surprise announcement, Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms said that the city is re-examining evidence and facts from the Atlanta Child Murders - a crime spree that plagued families from 1971 to 1981 and took the lives of 29 African American children."

"For one Atlanta woman, Catherine Leach, the reexamination is just another step in the search for the truth, as she was never really convinced Williams was the one who killed her son, Curtis Walker."

"I want some justice. So that I can rest in peace," she explained. "I want to know who killed Curtis."

"Atlanta Police Chief Erika Shields said her goal is to make sure that all of the evidence in the case is sorted through properly, after it has sat untouched in evidence rooms for decades."
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