
19 Reviews
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Not as good as the first, but still worth watching
18 December 2017
Every other review has already said that it's not a good as the first one, so I'm not going to beat that one. So on the flipside, the humour followed the style of the first one, and the acting was pretty good. Seeing Leiv Shcreiber perform was alone worth watching the movie. He was perfect, and every scene he's in is satisfying.
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Master of None (2015–2021)
Very unique, and funny, but...
10 November 2017
I waited until I finished the second season to review this one, partly because I wanted to give it as much chance as possible. In a nutshell, yes, it's funny and it's well written and acted. It's by no means "roll on the floor funny" though. Rarely did I laugh out loud or feel the need to re-watch a funny scene (bad habit of mine).

It looks like I'm not in the majority, by any means, with most people falling all over themselves to praise it, and although I DO enjoy the series, it doesn't meet the high expectations of a show with so many high rated reviews.

Watch it, and if you don't go in with any expectations, you'll be happy and like the show too.
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Legion (2017–2019)
Easily the most complex and thrilling Marvel adaptation to date.
8 July 2017
No spoilers, don't worry. You don't want spoilers for want to experience it almost not knowing what to expect fully going into it.

I have to give this a perfect score, and can say with confidence that this is the most complex and thrilling Marvel adaptation done yet. This had such a different feel from what we're used to seeing as comic books on screen (with a few exceptions), but it stands alone in it's artistic merit.

And I mean that seriously...the cinematography and editing are captivating and mesmerizing and is so integral to the character development. And let's talk about that! You can have the best script in the world, but if the actors can't deliver it, you fall flat. Not the case here! Both a fantastic script and such solid performances from every single actor/actress on screen.

I probably sound like I'm gushing a bit...I just finished watching the final episode of the first season. I was tempted to write a review after the first couple episodes, but decided to be fair I would wait until I finished the season. I'm glad I did, because it just gets better. I said no spoilers, but I can say that when it ends, you feel satisfied. Wanting more, of course, and they hint at a promise of more (of course), but you don't want to yell at your screen when the end credits roll.

So if you haven't seen it yet, and are debating on whether to give it a shot, not only do it, but set aside the time to binge all 8 episodes. Recreational accompaniment, your choice. (you'll get that a lot more after you start to watch...)
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Very well sold
30 December 2016
I'll just start out by saying simply, this movie is worth seeing. I'm not a huge horror fan, but I enjoy them if they're well enough done. This one fits.

A well written script with a small but superb cast. And that's what really sold it...the actors. They made an implausible situation very believable, which is particularly hard in this genre.

It's not a very complicated plot, but it doesn't leave you at any point feeling teases out the details in bits until it takes you deeper into the story, and past the point of no return. I won't spoil anything, as it really is worth watching.

Minimal set, small cast, simple story, and it all comes together very very well (although I felt the ending was a bit weak). I'll be looking out for more from this director if this is the quality he can put out.
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Dirty Grandpa (2016)
It gives exactly what it promises. Maybe a bit more.
27 July 2016
I've just gone through a bunch of threads that are landbasing this movie, calling it terrible in several different colourful ways. And they're idiots. Preening around like having a pretentious attitude towards anything "mainstream" is the best, nay, only way to be.

So here it is. The movie was well written. The acting was spot on. DeNiro and Efron did a fantastic job selling their roles in it, and it looked like they had fun doing it. The movie is called "Dirty Grandpa", and it's not a PG comedy...that should tell you a LOT of what to expect going into it.

I'm a 37 year old guy, and I just watched it by myself (not much else to do tonight, tbh), and if I can say that I enjoyed it, than I guarantee that "mainstream" audiences will like it.

And just what the hell is wrong with mainstream anyways? By definition, it's the majority taste know, never mind, that's another thread altogether. Just watch the movie.
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I suppose it delivers what it promised
15 July 2016
Completely from a FPV, this couldn't be more obvious that it is trying to emulate a video game. Everything from the masses of nameless bad guys that he mows down, to how the plot and story unfold. Being FPV, it puts you in the front row seat, and to some that will give the intended effect that you are the character.

Because of this, though, the camera movements can be very disorienting. If you choose to see it, just go because you want a fast paced action thriller that feels like a video game. And like most games, you'll only need to see it once. I know I won't rewatch it.

Apparently, that wasn't enough to satisfy IMDb for length of a review. Sooooooo...umm...hopefully this is enough now.
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1 star because IMDb says I have to. 1 star because the trailer was good.
2 April 2016
I nearly turned this off after about the 3rd "prank" or so, but I knew I was going to come on here and write a review, and I have a rule that I won't review a movie unless I've watched the whole thing. I suffered through it, hopefully so that you might not have to.

Seriously, the concept was promising, and I'm sure the budget was low, but they DID have a how did they turn out this piece of ****?? It was so painfully obvious that every "prank" was staged, which makes them not pranks, but just poorly acted sketches.

I was expecting something along the lines of Just For Laughs Gags meets Jackass. Wrong, wrong, wrong. The only good thing was that I watched it alone, so I didn't waste anyone else's time.

IMDb forces me to give at least 1 star for a review. I gave the additional star because the trailer made me chuckle...and I figure that's worth at least something.
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Very good, but not a "crowning achievement"
28 March 2016
First off, I enjoyed this movie. I didn't feel let down by the cast, writers, or director at all. I'm reading a ton of lopsided reviews about this's either horrible or it's the best thing ever made.

So maybe I'm in the minority when I say, "yeah, it was good. I don't plan on watching it a second time though".

For the ones saying it's abysmal: There is no character that you're going to feel sympathy for, or feel is the hero of the movie. That's just not what kind of film this is, and you're better off knowing that going in (I did). The graphic nature of certain scenes were not out of place (there is constant vulgar language, and several scenes of graphic nudity).

For the ones on the flip side: This is NOT DiCaprio's "crowning achievement". He's good, don't get me wrong, but I've seen better performances out of him. That's not something I ever expected to be saying, but he's really developed into a phenomenal actor. I thought that Jonah Hill did a much better job than I expected, and that was a nice surprise.

My final verdict? Ignore 90% of the reviews on here, go watch the movie and decide for yourself. Trust me, there are well over a thousand reviews here and you'll be reading for weeks without any definitive direction.
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Disappointed? ...I'm still not sure...
27 March 2016
OK, so there's already nearly 1,600 reviews of this movie, which on it's own is kind of crazy, so I won't make this one very long. First off, I was very sceptical about Affleck. I think he's a great actor, and I never had any doubt about his sincerity of the role, I just wasn't sure he was the right choice. I now take back anything I said, because he was absolutely incredible! As were nearly all of the cast members...any disappointment I had was not due to the actors.

Here are my gripes. There really did feel like too much was crammed in, story-wise. It's not like it was all over the place, but the pacing felt a little off, and it seemed like they were trying to tell so much that it kind of gets lost in itself.

The title of the movie (maybe I'm being too hard on this point, but it really did irritate me to a degree). Batman VS Superman! The match up you've all been dying for! Hours of Youtube video and endless forum threads have been dedicated to debating this, and here we give it to you on the big screen!!! For a good solid 5-10 minutes out of a 2 1/2 hour movie. Of COURSE Superman would mop the floor with Batman if he entered the battle with that intention, but for the film to parade itself out with that as the title, you kind of expect a bit more of it to materialize. Dam near click bait is what it is.

That, and Doomsday. He was the only character that was really a swing and a miss.

Other than that, the action was awesome, acting was incredible, dialogue was well written, and overall it was a great movie (if predictable). It's NOT the "best comic book movie of all time" and it doesn't "put Marvel to shame", as some fan boys have written, but it really is a fun movie to watch. I look forward to the JLA, and I hope they don't give me anything to be disappointed about.
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Some directors skate by with one big hit. Not Tarantino.
29 February 2016
As the title of this review suggests, Tarantino has put out another fantastic film.Some directors skate by with one or two major successes, only to direct a lot of junk. Tarantino is not one of those directors.

The casting was brilliant, and all the actors played off each other very well, no one stealing the spotlight, and letting each character shine through.

Is it violent? Yes. Is the language harsh (possibly offensive)? Yes. But honestly, it's a Tarantino movie...what did you expect? He's not exactly known for fluffy rabbits hopping through the meadows. Violence and language are some of the staple elements in his films, so if you watch this and complain about either of those two things, you're watching the wrong movie.

For everyone else (especially if you're a fan of Tarantino), then this is a must see.
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Chronicle (2012)
Might be one of the best "non-superhero" super-hero movies!
15 February 2016
This one completely fell under the radar, for me at least. It was released in '12 and here I just finished watching it with my son in '16. Normally if a movie eludes me like that, it's most likely because it's really not worth watching...not the case here!

All of the key elements of a film are executed very well - good story, well written script, great cast who all delivered solid roles. The effects for their powers was done in a very realistic believable way.

I'm not sure if this is based on a book or anything, but expect to see at least a sequel, and it has the potential to become a solid trilogy. So if you're like me, and you missed this one when it came out, give it a watch. You won't be disappointed.
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Sherlock: The Abominable Bride (2016)
Season 4, Episode 0
Another fantastic addition
12 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This really was another fantastic addition to one of my favourite series. The actors played their parts perfectly, and they transition between timelines flawlessly (I don't really think that's a spoiler, but I gave warning nonetheless).

Like any of the episodes, you have to pay attention in order to follow it properly. They go all over the place, but not in a way that makes it a mess, like so many other writers/directors have done.

As for the "feminist propaganda" that is mentioned in the threads so often...seriously, people need to get over themselves. I'll probably get a number of "dislikes" to this review simply by saying that, but honestly, it didn't feel like propaganda in any was simply good story telling with a theme that fit the story.

Anyways, most likely every fan of the series is already going to watch this, so I don't have to tell anyone to. If you haven't seen the seasons prior, however, go watch them first...things won't make complete sense otherwise.
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Ash vs Evil Dead (2015–2018)
Campy and polished!
6 January 2016
Who would have ever thought those two words could go together to describe the same thing? Being a long time fan of the movies, especially AoD, I knew that I would at least enjoy the series. What I was not expecting was how blown away I am with it!

Keeping true to it's original form, Ash vs Evil Dead is campy as hell. That's what it's known for, and if you have no previous knowledge of the movies, most of this show will be lost on you. Of course the cheesy one liners are there, that's half the fun in the writing, but the rest of the writing is actually fantastic! The casting and acting from everyone is spot on, and Bruce Campbell has not lost one single bit of his groovy mojo.

Sam Raimi is far more experienced now, and it shows. The cinematography is spectacular, the effects are well done, and everything is so damn polished...this is what Raimi fans have been waiting for!

I'm giving this a 10 because it sets out to do EXACTLY what we want. This is NOT a director going back to the pasture and milking his cash cow...this is a director/writer/actors doing what they love, and letting us have a part in it.

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Rick and Morty (2013– )
The rating says it all
1 January 2016
This probably doesn't need to be said, but let's start off by saying this show is NOT for kids. It's crude, vulgar, and offensive. It's also brilliantly written, hilarious, and a fantastic show to binge watch! The animation isn't as smooth or polished as a lot of people are used to seeing, but it's hand drawn, so instead of looking like a poor effort, it feels more nostalgic in that sense.

The writing is funny as hell, and I had a very hard time not turning on the next episode after finishing one. So make sure you have some free time, because you won't watch just one.

There were a few reviews that just trashed the show. Honestly, you have to appreciate this kind of humour...of you don't, than you won't like it either. Don't whine about it, just don't watch it. Everybody else will love it.
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Spectre (I) (2015)
Not very good for Bond standards
27 December 2015
I'm a huge Bond fan, and I admit that Daniel Craig is one of my favourite Bond actors. He brings a gritty realism to the character that works so much better than the campy depictions. Unfortunately, this was quite possibly the slowest and most boring installment of the franchise. That might be a bit of an exaggeration, but it definitely is the worst of Craig's Bond films.

Like others have said, it opens with a pretty exciting sequence, but from there the pace slows right down. My son even said during one scene "wow, this scene is boring". And he was right. I understand that not every scene is going to be action packed, but every scene should at least further the story.

I'm not saying it's not worth IS a Bond film, after all, just don't expect to be putting it on the top of any lists.
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Adam Ruins Everything (2015–2019)
Reminiscent of Penn & Teller's BS
13 December 2015
This show immediately reminds me of Pen & Teller's Bullshit, without the vulgarity, gratuitous nudity, and full on ranting from Penn (it was a brilliant show, if you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it).

As of the time of this review, they're 10 episodes into the first season, and I hope they continue on for several seasons more. It's actually fantastic to see Adam and most of the actors from College Humour come off of YouTube and actually get to be on TV. The show's premise is debunking long standing myths with references to studies and actual research. Yes, it's biased. No, it's not always right. It is, however, very well done and very entertaining.

It would be nice if it was hour episodes instead of 1/2 hour ones (20 minutes or so without the commercials) might give them a chance to go into a bit deeper detail about some of the things they talk about.
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Hercules (I) (2014)
Better than you might think
23 October 2015
I gave this a relatively high rating because, despite it's flaws, it was vastly entertaining. Dwayne Johnson is charismatic, and brings a very human element to the legend, and this is something I really liked about the film. It didn't rely on superhero like feats that are completely outrageous. Of course there are some elements of that, but they try to give the impression that the legend of Hercules is something that is just that...legend, fostered from rumour and misdirection.

Well cast, each actor played their roles believably, and delivered the script as expected. Decently written, it didn't feel too campy at any point. Like some others have said, it takes a few minutes to really grip you, but when it does, you won't stop watching! And really...that's the exact purpose of movies, especially ones like this.

So in the end, I found myself liking this a lot more than I thought I would walking into it. I've no doubt that I'll give it another watch at some point (which is a lot more than I can say for a lot of other films).
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Hail to the king, baby.
18 October 2015
When Sam (Raimey) stepped up to the plate on this one, he did so with the obvious realization that horror in it's pure form just might not be what he does best. For all those that have asked, no you don't need to see Evil Dead 1 and 2 to understand or even appreciate this.

It takes the horror elements of the first ones, and lets Bruce do what he does best...over the top acting delivering brilliant one liners. Probably as many one liners get repeated from this film as any Monty Python film, so that's saying something. It's not blockbuster quality, by today's standards, but that's probably some of the appeal. There's nothing wrong with the puppetry used, and the "splash gore" fits right in.

So pull out your boom stick and give this one a watch. Over and over.
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Pixels (2015)
Unfairly rated
15 October 2015
I wish I knew why this title was rated so poorly, I just got finished watching it with my son (12 y/o), and we both really enjoyed it. Adam Sandler does a great job, toning down his normal over reactive and colourful style, which is a nice thing as far as I'm concerned. When you get past that part of him, he's really a very capable actor.

Overall the acting was well done, the writing was decent (with a lot of 80's references that were fun), it was cast well, and it was visually fun. What more do you expect in a movie of this genre and style? Was it a life changing, moving experience? Of course not, but if that's what you're hoping for, you're doing things wrong. Turn this one on for some fun, some humour, and a couple hours spent with the family that you won't regret.
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