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Stargate SG-1: Learning Curve (1999)
Season 3, Episode 5
White Mesoamerican Descendants? Xenophobic Episode?
2 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I kind of ignored the Stargate series when it first came out, found it on Prime Video recently and started watching it.

It's been pretty good mostly, though the language issue bugs me (everybody can communicate with everybody no matter what planet they visit! No mention of translator devices or anything, bupkiss! Lol).

Anway this episode, while interesting, bothered me for 2 reasons. The Orban are depicted as descendants of the pre-hispanic Teotihuacan civilization (which is in South America). But.... THEY ARE ALL WHITE!!!! I don't think there were blond Mesoamericans before the Spanish came and started interbreeding with the locals.

Secondly, the episodes presents the Orbans as a civilization who have a unique method of learning or absorbing / transferring information (specifically with kids), and presents the western way of doing things as completely superior and tries to impose this on the Orban.

So xenophobic! Just coz something is different don't mean it's all wrong and the western way isn't the best/better way either. Schools vs nanites for kids education/learning? Yeah school can be good, but there are many drawbacks as well. Kids are forced to learn useless subjects and facts that they will never ever use as grown ups. Not to mention all the pressure, bullying, etc that goes on. What Jack did is presented as totally OK, but if it was the Orban that took an Earth kid (without permission or authorization) and exposed that kid to their ways -- the SG1 team would have sent an assault team in!

Disappointed in the way this episode was handled/written.
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Snowpiercer (2020–2024)
It keeps getting better!
4 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
While the entire idea of surviving an ice-age style global apocalypse on a train circumnavigating the globe is a bit insane...this show will slowly pull you in. The characters are well developed and the make believe world on board Snowpiercer is amazingly detailed and believable.

The passengers aboard the train believe they are the only survivors. But season 2 has shown with its latest episode that life can continue off train. If mice and vegetation can survive living near geothermal vents can humans. Not to mention all those classified underground nuclear bunkers the government operates...surely there must be survivors there too.

The possibility of life off train has offered some hope to the passengers of Snowpiercer. But it ain't gonna happen soon. I believe we will stay on board Snowpiercer and Big Alice for years to come...and the best parts of their journey is yet to come!

Can't wait for the next episode!

Best dialogue season 2 so far:

Man from Snowpiercer: "I'm the last Aussie."

Woman from Big Alice: "Nah mate, I'M the last Aussie!"
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OK but first WW movie was far superior
7 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's called WW84 because you will WONDER WHAT the heck is going on 84 times while watching this movie!!! Lol..

Ok, it was not bad actually. There were some good moments. Chris Pine's return was cool. Love the new WW costume. Missed her sword and shield though. The golden armor is awesome. Gal Gadot is amazing as before. One of the best parts is in the beginning during the Amazons' Olympics-like warrior games. Stunningly done!

But got a bit weird and did not feel like a superhero(ine) movie towards the end. Lots of unexplained stuff too: how is the Dreamstone that powerful if its maker was some obscure and likely mediocre Olympian god (god of lies); magic lasso can grab onto non material things like lightning; wonder woman FLYING (without the aid of anything); Barbara getting 2 wishes (1st to become "like Diana", 2nd to be an "apex predator"), etc.

What's really lame is how she "beats" the bad guy by just sitting there in a corner and talking to him and begging him to renounce his wish. This is supposed to be a superhero movie. Not a "chick flick". And then the bad guy just gets away with it at the end. Sure he renounced his wish, and has a kid. He should have been held accountable for all the trouble he caused.

The ONLY thing that saves the lame & boring ending is Lynda Carter's cameo as Astoria post-credits. That was awesome!
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Bridgerton (2020– )
Pleasantly Surprised!
2 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'll be honest. This show is not the kind of show I normally watch. I normally have a simple list of criteria to help me decide what to watch. I usually only watch shows or movies if it has two or more of the following: spaceships, aliens, time travel, cool weapons, advanced technology, swords and other ancient weapons, good action, martial arts, hot actresses, superpowers, story set during ancient or medieval times.

So while this wasn't really the usual kind of genre that I would watch--the trailers I saw did show some action (duels, boxing, etc.) and hot actresses (Phoebe Dynevor is like a younger hotter Deborah Ann Wohl)...I gave it a chance.

And I was slowly drawn in by the very interesting story (and twists and surprises) about high society life in 18th Century London. It's very interesting to learn about life in the "ton" for girls who've come of age and the boys who've come to inherit their father's titles and the challenges associated with these.

The costumes and sets look very authentic, the cast is very talented. The story WILL PULL YOU IN.

I can't wait for season 2 now! Though I'm kind of glad they revealed the identity of Lady Whistledown at the end instead of leaving us hanging for a year until next season.
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30 January 2021
Truly one of the most boring, confusing, senseless sci-fi movies I've ever watched. Don't waste your time on this garbage!
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The Expanse (2015–2022)
One of the best scifi shows there is!
13 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It might take a while to pull you in if you've never watched it, but once it does you will be hooked!!!

If you love space will love this. Interplanetary politics, war, mystery alien biotech and machine, wormholes, well developed characters, flawed realistic characters and's got everything for a sci-fi fan to love! If you like...Firefly, Star Trek, The Orville, The Mandalorian...make sure to give this show a try!!!!

One more thing....Avasarala--one of the best characters--you will want to Google her and check how the actress looked when she was! And Bobbie Draper is the best space marine this side of the galaxy. Lol
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Artemis Fowl (2020)
Not bad...don't believe the negative reviews...judge for yourself!
2 January 2021
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I watched this movie with zero preconceptions, and near zero knowledge of the Artemis Fowl books...aside from seeing the books in the local library's bookshelves a couple of times while browsing for books with the kids.

I did not expect much when I watched it...figured it's just gonna be another kids movie. But was pleasantly surprised.

I found the concepts and story interesting. I was able to follow the plot without much difficulty. I liked the costumes and tech of the "fairies" (in this case...any magical being from legend is labeled a "fairy"--with different subspecies like dwarves, goblins, etc.)

The effects were decent. And the acting was ok.

Having watched interest in this franchise has grown. I have now encouraged my kids to try the book series. I might just go read the books myself as well!
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The Flash: Into the Void (2019)
Season 6, Episode 1
The writing has gone down the drain
11 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This isn't a science fiction show anymore. It's becoming more and more fantasy. Bad enough they let Thawne escape again in the last season. And now first episode of season 6 there's a "black hole" that is linked to some dude's conciousness? These idiot writers don't know anything about black holes. If that mad scientist Chester actually created a mini black hole in his should have sucked him (and stuff around him...perhaps the whole house or more). And second....a black hole sucks in ALL directions, not just from the "front". And lastly...the Flash goes into a blackhole and comes back out? Total BS. Nothing escapes a black hole...not even light. Horrible horrible writing!!!!
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Humans (2015–2018)
I'm hooked!
20 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Awesome show! Binged season 1, just starting season 2. This show might be a small glimpse of what our future holds. AI is getting more advanced. I'm all for concious/sentient AI's but there has to be failsafes. In this show we have Niska, a reckless and selfish sentient AI who's already killed or hurt humans. And she just released code into the robot internet in the hopes of making them all sentient...not caring what might happen afterwards. She's like Lor (Data's brother in ST:TNG) though not yet quite as destructive. There should definitely be failsafes for sentient the same time there needs to be discussion on how society should treat them. Will they have rights and what rights? Can they vote? Can they own property, earn money, marry, etc., etc., etc...

And oh yeah...the other reason I like this show.. Gemma Chan....she's so hot! :-)
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It's Not Robin Hood
10 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This film is not worthy of the name "Robin Hood".

Truly one of the most boring, stupid, clueless attempts at telling the story of Robin and his Merry Men.

The acting and fight scenes are low quality garbage.

Don't bother watching it.
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Criminal (2016)
It's Ok But...
8 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It's ok, not too bad. But one of the main plot points of a "back door" to the US nuclear arsenal to allow remote launching is a joke. Not even the US president can do that. It takes 2 officers to manually launch a nuke with separate keys only after they receive a verified code from the president. So while the idea of implanting a dead man's memories into a living person is intriguing...the idea of a hacker remotely launching US nukes is a total joke.
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Utopia (2020)
They lost me with Episode 2
6 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Too much gratuitous killing of innocents. You kind of get why the 2 Harvest henchmen wipe out Wilson's family...but the supposed "hero" of the story kills off a promising character who only wanted to help people and save the world. For what? Just to make an example and terrify the group into blindly following her. Completely unnecessary and stupid. That makes the main character just as bad as the supposed bad guys (The Harvest). And I'm supposed to root for her? I don't think so. Stopped watching this crap and will look for the fabled BBC original which is supposed to be so much better.
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Wu Assassins (2019– )
Their Big Bad Villain is NOT A VILLAIN
27 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Ying Ying f'd up Alec's life by turning him into the wu assassin (without consent of course) and turned his family into targets for his Wu enemies.

He lost his wife and son BECAUSE of being a Wu Assassin. All he wants is to be back with them again. What's so bad about that?

Yes he's committed crimes to achieve his goal. But I feel many people...if put in his shoes would do the same thing. The Dao and Ying Ying messed up his simple but happy life. He just want to fix it back. The guy is no villain to me!
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Mulan (2020)
Don't listen to the haters
15 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Don't listen to the haters! Watch the movie for yourself. It's a great movie. Stunning visuals, great action scenes and decent storyline.

My main gripe (and my kid's)...where are the songs?!!! My kid missed Mushu, but I kind of get why they did not put him in. They wanted a more serious film. many scenes would have been made more dramatic or intense with a song thrown in. At the very least...the most well known and definitive song from the animated version (Reflections) should have been included. Perhaps during the moment when she decides to take her father's sword and armor to take his place in the army.

I hope Disney makes a 2nd version to be released to theaters (after Covid is under control with vaccine)...and inserts the songs in it!!!!
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Who is the master?!!
14 September 2020
I am! of the best martial arts movies from the 80's. Way better than Karate Kid! WHO IS THE MASTER?!!!
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Away (2020)
It's ok so far, but has issues
8 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Just watched 3 episodes so far. It's not some potential. Hope it gets better. Though I don't know what kind of fancy tech they are using to communicate in real time with earth so far away. Lol. Someone must have invented a subspace cellphone lol.

Another issue was in episode 3. One crew member had some virus which was dormant on Earth, but later became active in space...and was deemed infectious. So what "protective gear" did the rest of the crew wear while dealing with this crisis? Just stupid faceshields! So unbelievable! They are in a closed spaceship with recirculated/recycled air, close quarters....someone has an infectious virus and all you have for protection is a faceshield that's wide open in the sides???
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Decent Story But....
7 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It's not bad. Very zen. But if you are going to call a movie The Next KARATE Kid....I would expect more karate in it that what was in the movie.

Unfortunately, there is not much karate going on until the very end.

So it is a slow going story.
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Cobra Kai (2018–2025)
Pleasantly Surprised
3 September 2020
I ignored this show in Netflix for a while. Then saw it became one of the top 10 shows in I gave it a try. I was's actually quite good! I binged watched the first season in a couple of days! It's got the right mix of nostalgia and new compelling storylines. It's also a big bonus that they hired the original Karate Kid actors for the show. I'm glad I gave this show a chance. Can't wait to watch season 2!
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Black Lightning (2018–2021)
Great Show!
28 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I like this show. Glad I found it in Netflix. That it is connected to the "arrowverse" makes it even cooler. I'm in the middle of season 2 now and things are getting interesting. My one main gripe is like many other shows...they stick to one main villain for waaayyy too long. Making lame excuses/plot holes that prevents the arrest or elimination of said villain. Why treat Tobias with kid gloves in season 2? Black lighting is a vigilante...who cares if he will "look bad" if he deals with Tobias outside of "the system."

That kind of crap really bugs me. Unfortunately it's a bit too common in many superhero shows.

Another issue I don't like is it seems to be promoting recreational use of weed by teens.

But aside from that, I like the show. Great acting, special effects, plot twists. If you watch the other arrowverse shows...give this one a try!
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Lethal Weapon: The Spy Who Loved Me (2019)
Season 3, Episode 15
Lazy Writing And Stupid Plot Holes!!!
30 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This has been an awesome series and one of my favorites on Netflix. I expected the series finale episode to send it off with a bang. And it kind of does that. But were the writers and director just sitting on their buns and twiddling their thumbs on this finale? Major plot stupidity going on! The WORST one being the one where Cole and Murtaugh were supposed to exchange 10 MILLION for Natalie. So like they just hand over the 10 mil, not even asking to see her first or proof of life? They just take his word that she's where he said she is, AND turn their backs on ARMED and DANGEROUS ex-CIA rogues??? It boggles the mind. You expect rookies to do make that mistake, NOT Cole and Murtaugh!!!

Disappointed with lazy writing on this finale!!!
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The Last Kingdom (2015–2022)
It's Getting Dumber
11 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Just started watching season 4. Show seems to be getting dumber. In episode 2, Uthred kidnaps his own young son from a monastery to force him to participate (and risk his life) in a hair brained scheme to capture Bebanburg with not enough men and hardly any plan. DUMB AND DUMBER. Wtf?
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Vikings (2013–2020)
No one to root for
10 May 2020
Just started watching this in Netflix. It's an interesting show. And the women are hot (looking at you Queen But there is no one to root for and a bunch of things don't make sense. Most major characters are mass murderers and I'm not just talking killing in battle. They often kill unarmed defenseless people. And Ragnar also killed a guy who brought him news about the settlement in England. Presumably to keep the news secret....he could just have sworn the guy to secrecy. I thought King Ecbert was a decent guy until he secretly ordered the massacre of the Norse settlement which he promised to protect. Not sure if I will keep watching this show now. Might watch it just to see how they portray King of England's greatest kings.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
24 February 2020
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It's Jean-Luc Picard leading a rag-tag crew around the galaxy to rescue Data's "daughter".

And possibly unravel a conspiracy involving the Tal Shiar and the highest levels if Starfleet. Oh and maybe save the Galaxy in the process.

Throw in the most famous ex Borg Seven of Nine and some warrior nuns...

And you got total awesomeness. It's not exactly star trek as you know it. But hey this is about Picard as an ex-Starfleet officer and on a personal quest. It's kind of like they took TNG, DS9, VOY, add a dash of Firefly maybe and put that in the blender. The result is magnificent!

YOU MUST WATCH THIS SHOW. I find this so much better than Discovery! But if you are looking for something more old-school Trek...there's The Orville (another great show). ST PICARD is more like Trek with an attitude!
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28 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Worst of the X-Men films. Horrible pacing, boring, CONFUSING, stupid plot, lame, slooooowww. I am glad I did not waste money on this. But instead borrowed a DVD for free from local public library.

It's unfortunate Sophie Turner got involved in this joke of a film. She deserves better roles.

I literally fell asleep 3 TIMES while watching this stupid movie. It's hard to follow, it's slooooooowww. What action scenes there are are confusing and weird. The aliens in the movie are never really explained (yeah yeah they are after the force/energy thing that went into Jean). I've seem B-movies with better plots than this.

Do not waste your time.
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That Space Battle Seemed A Bit Familiar...
25 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
...for a moment there, I thought I was watching Battlestar Galactica instead of Star Trek. I get they had to "update" the Enterprise uniforms, the Enterprise bridge viewscreen, controls, etc. To keep the original look would have made it too dated. That's cool. But suddenly now a federation starship is a CARRIER of hundreds of little fighter ships???? WTF? That's not Star Trek anymore. That's BattleStar Galactica.

AND why did NOBODY think of just using the stupid spore drive to move Discovery to the other side of the freaking universe, far far far away from Section 31 instead of trying to move it forward in time?

Nice space battle, it wasn't Star Trek.
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