
10 Reviews
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Really not sure about this one
14 June 2019
Two episodes in and it feels like I've been watching for a solid seven hours. Really hard work. Laboured, odd choice of score, like a sci fi movie from the 70s. Too long shots of static people, could've popped in a another reviewer has said, the dialogue is slow, answering of questions even slower. It seems the writer is trying very hard to construct a back story but it's completely out of whack & doesn't make alot of sense. I am really only watching out of curiosity in the vein hope that this series may improve.
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Banality of vampire life
18 May 2019
This is a really good adaptation form the movie, which is an absolute must watch if you haven't seen it already. It's biggest draw is the blase way that the characters deal with negotiating the old school vampire world with contemporary society. Truly unique take and very, very well done.
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Back to Life (2019–2021)
Reminder of what we take for granted
20 April 2019
We take for granted that much of the technology we use everyday and are used to seeing didn't really exist 18 years ago. This is one of the quirky aspects of life for a woman who was imprisoned as a teenager and now, a woman in her late thirties, who is trying to catch up on what she has missed out on. Trying to rebuild her life, her community and her mother are stuck in the past and won't let her move forward. Darkly comical but sensitively done. Really enjoyable, well acted series.
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Poignant, wryly comedic, very British.
14 April 2019
I really enjoyed seeing Toby Jones play this character, wimpy, but good natured, underdog type. Similar to the character he plays in the Detectorists.While at work, Peter witnesses something he recognises as wrong but is reluctant to become involved with. The story utilises this situation to highlight the larger issue of illegal immigration and human trafficking. It is done well, with working class Britain as the backdrop.
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Tin Star (2017–2020)
Black humour + gut wrenching heartbreak.
31 January 2019
Quite an unusual combination but it definitely works. Each character in both seasons has depth and importance to the plot. Tim Roth's character is completely unlikable but somehow you can't help but have a grudging respect for him. Very watchable, the twists kept me enthrall. Excellent acting by 99% of the cast - Christina Hendricks is incredibly overrated as an actress - thoroughly enjoyed both seasons and I am definitely looking forward to watching a third season. Oh and the Mennonite girls that shoot the paintball guns in the last episode of season 2 are absolutely amazing! Watch it and you'll see why ;)
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Are we all watching the same movie?
24 December 2018
It's amazing reading - skimming through, there are alot - the reviews here, that range from the extroadinary to the completely unremarkable through to sheer misunderstanding! I found this film to be good, better than average but nothing exceptional. The non linear story line has been done many times, but this plot line although at times a little repetitive, is enaaging enough that the viewer doesn't get lost but carries the plot line efficiently enough. I enjoyed the film but as with 99% of the movies that I watch I wish they could be condensed, 2hrs 20mins is way to long for this viewer. All in though, good acting, interesting characters and enough to keep me engaged for the most part.
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Barry (2018–2023)
Premise hooked me in but very disappointed with the result
2 April 2018
I loved the premise of this series. It's not entirely original but I was hopeful that amidst all of the absolute drivel that is premiering lately that this would be a series that I could engage with, No. I'm not seeing what the other reviewers are seeing. Aside from Henry Winkler, who was cast beautifully in his role as an acting coach, I found it to be incredibly dull.
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Genuinely Irish humour
23 January 2017
Really enjoyed this film. It's always good to see an Irish film that is not directly targeting an overseas audience. it's been made with genuine Irish actors, with accents from the counties where the film is made, adding to the feeling that this really is true to the story. The two main actors are brilliant and very believable. The viewer is not bogged down by morality even though there is a darker subtext it is shown in a light hearted way, and to add context to the story rather than just elicit sympathy. Having some insight into the background of the boys does give a good insight into why the boy would want to steal the drugs and their naïve plan is charming in its own way. Give this film a go.
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Liked the premise but not well executed
23 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This movie highlighted some of the issues, endemic in low socioeconomic societies in many contemporary cultures. Crystal for me was a sort of Fagan character. The rest of the 'team', could either be Fagan's gang or in contemporary terms not unlike a street gang. Both share that the 'team' is a pseudo family, Star is lured in by the fun and frivolity but Star eventually learns that not everything is as it seems. The team members live somewhat communally and travel together in a large van. To alleviate tension Crystal has devised a 'loser night', where the two team members that sell the least, are pitted against each other in a physical fight, which doesn't really appear to bother anyone. It's all about the sales, even their team songs emphasise this. Owing to the excessive length of the film, and boredom, I watched in chunks. The length of the film is at best the director being too involved with the film and not wanting to edit enough to sharpen and condense the story. At worst it is the director believing the audience is ignorant and feels the need to drip feed ALL of the subtext of the film.
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Better than the original
14 August 2016
This is one of the few (if any) films where the sequel is actually better than the original. In saying this I didn't actually like the original, so it really wasn't much of a stretch. Although the majority of the film is mediocre cliché, there are some witty and genuinely amusing remarks. Also the movie never sets out to be anything other than a cliché, comedy, anyway. It's a good relax and be entertained, without having to think too much kind of film. This time around, hence the title, instead of chauvinistic fraternity bros, there are feminist sorority sisters who are attempting to redress a sexist rule that outlines party conditions for fraternities and sororities. Cue almost hilarity.
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