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Oyster Farmer (2004)
A beautiful film
Australia. The story of a young man who chooses to work on an oyster farm. The work is tough, the hero is penniless. He is desperate to pay for the recovery of his sister injured in a car accident. A very pleasant film to watch. It's about human relationships including two love stories of course. But it's very well played, subtle and... shot in the magnificent wilderness of Australia. Just one thing that you won't find in the movie is native Australians. There's a hint about pollution in the rivers however. The photography is very well executed. Let me give a special mention to the main actor. Watch out for his name in the future. Go and see the movie if you have the possibility. Just don't be fooled by its title. You won't regret it.
Lettre d'amour zoulou (2004)
The scene is set in South Africa. After the fall of the Apartheid regime. Reconciliation is what the government wants and is probably the best solution if you want two people to live together. But do the people want to reconciliate ? How do you forgive a murderer ? How can you forgive racist crimes ? This is what the film deals with
but fails according to me. How can that be ? Well, there are so many pointless scenes that I kept thinking : "so what ?" "Get a move on", and eventually, "what time is it ?". Such a waste and such a disappointment. Is there a film director out there who would like to give this interesting subject a try ?
The Hawk Is Dying (2006)
A mystic film
This American feature film is not starring Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise or Jack Nicholson or Julia Roberts or Cameron Diaz. This American feature film does not take place a big city. And you won't see big cars, big money, big guns, crude sex or kung fu fighting or murders with ice-picks. Then what's left ? Well
picture a typical American family
no don't.
The "family" is composed of a man, George, living with his overweight sister abandoned by her stupid husband who couldn't bear bringing up an autistic son. Oh. I forgot to add the family pet : a not yet domesticated red tailed hawk. And that's the point : George tries to domesticate the hawk at all costs. So what is the hawk ? That is the question you'll have to answer by yourself. A fascinating film with excellent playing from the main actor as well as beautiful photography throughout the film.
This has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with your regular Hollywood dung. Answer this : are you willing to watch something different, something beautiful and mystic with no masticated answers shoved down your throat ?