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Plan B (2023– )
Watching paint dry or this
19 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I liked this guy in suits, just in the 1st season, now he acts like in the last 4 seasons of suits, it is cringe.

The concept of the show is not bad at it's core is just a time travel that you pay with money, but I can describe how the writers look and behave without even seeing them, because that is how uninspired the script is.

The lack of substance of the show, you realize it just makes no sense.

1. so his gay friend that they own a lawyer company together, sleeps with a woman to get an interview by betraying his partner and 2 adopted kids.

2. His girlfriend, goes on a complaint spree, complains about his brother that is divorced and has a drinking problem (I would too when yet again she lost his child and also has to pay alimony), about him not wanting to go to her parents that hate him, goes to an abortion clinic because she is late, complains about working 60 hours a week at the same firm and her brother works, complain about paint in the bedroom, and she leaves him and runs away, to be honest I would rather be alone than date such a superficial person.

The writers where more preoccupied in checking to boxes than to write actual believable characters that have real internal and external conflict, getting separated because she complains about paint being blue and not what color she wanted is not a good reason to time travel.
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Surprisingly it was not that good
9 March 2023
I expected this show to be funny and actually touch more about selective outrage. I am not a fan of politics from either side, because both sides have valid arguments while both sides taking it to the extreme.

I knew everything related to Netflix would have some kind of preaching but more than half this show was about it which made me skip it because he kept repeating for 10 minutes the same thing.

Not that many good jokes, it was more like a speech that sounded more like Please Don't Cancel Me. The only reason I watched this was because of the slap he got and I wanted to see the full roast of Will Smith.
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The Witcher: How Glitter was invented by pressing unicorns
25 December 2022
The title does not make sense ? Well neither does this Netflix series about the Witcher that has nothing to do wit the Witcher universe not only that but it is just some obscure blog fan fiction about a universe they have no knowledge about.

Yes I have read the books and played the games, not the biggest fan of the Netflix adaptation.

This show breaks all the established lore, it is like the writers of this show said let's write a script and never open the books or play the game and at the end slap The Witcher label on it.

If you admit that this show has nothing to do with The Witcher universe it still does not qualify to even be a mediocre show, not even the critics like this one, and it was written for critics not for the Witcher fans.
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The Boys: Barbary Coast (2022)
Season 3, Episode 3
6 June 2022
I find it funny how some people excuse this episode as satire, which is not, this episode is on the nose WOKE propaganda.

Another one said that this makes fun of both sides, and I ask him/her where ? If you want to see someone make fun of both sides go watch Ricky Gervais he truly makes fun of both sides, if this show made fun of both sides you would see outrage on twitter and on the streets, this is just one sided political drivel.

To be honest at this point I am rooting for Homelander to just wipe them all out.
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The Boys (2019– )
From a 9/10 to a 2nd season 4/10 to a 3rd season 2/10
5 June 2022
This show had potential, huge potential but now it turned out to be a big disappointment.

I will not go in huge detail because this website is owned by the same people that made this show so it will get censored into oblivion.

The only thing I will say is stop paying for it, stop buying from them stop supporting this.
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The Orville: Electric Sheep (2022)
Season 3, Episode 1
I used to love this show
2 June 2022
I am glad Orville is back, but after seeing this season pilot I will drop it.

I loved this show when it didn't took itself serious, when the messaging was lighthearted and not overtly political that was season 1.

Season 2 went downhill especially with the political influence.

And now this episode, waited 2 years for this... yeah pew pew in space overtly political feeling like I am at church and they try to brainwash people with their political agenda.

Good to see that some people still enjoy this, hope it will be enough to keep the ratings afloat but I doubt this will get another season.
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Resident Alien: Girls' Night (2022)
Season 2, Episode 3
My review got deleted but not the ones calling man incels
2 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Well what a time to be alive, write a good review, say what was wrong with this episode and review got deleted, someone is paying big money to keep 10/10 reviews with insults but not the good reviews.

This probably will get censored too, too bad let the woman break in with a cop piss on a plant and call it comedy.
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Resident Alien (2021– )
Resident alien to menopause gossip girls
10 February 2022
If you watched the 3rd episode of season 2 you know what I am talking about, it went downhill, it has less to do with aliens and more to do with hate man.

Too bad it started good now I changed my rating from 8 to 1 stars.
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Dexter: New Blood (2021–2022)
Not impressed
2 December 2021
To be honest I am not even sure if this review will be posted considering that most reviews will get censored.

Either way I was wondering when this show will start getting racist, imagine my surprise when it only took only 4 episodes for some racist podcaster to appear.

While I love Dexter, this show so far fail to deliver on any points, it is clear that in 2021 there aren't any good writers left, I could have written a better story plot and I am not even a writer.

I can't tolerate racism and hate speech, and showtime has proven yet again how much hate speech and racism they push out in all their tv shows.
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Foreigners opinion after watching this
22 November 2021
Well it is clear this show is a love letter to the Democrat party, I mean they have zero and I literally mean zero criticism about Democrats, I mean the USA politics affect the whole globe economy, yet this show does 0 to address the radicalism of the Democrats, and everything they have to say Trump bad Republicans bad, Democrats that don't follow party lines bad...

I wonder which Democrat owns showtime.
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Rick and Morty (2013– )
How the mighty have fallen and hit the floor hard
25 July 2021
I loved this show, from a 10/10 season 1 and 2 to a mediocre 6/10 on season 3 to a 2/10 for season 4 and 5.

From a show that was funny and offended everyone, now they just walk the woke rope, afraid to not offend the you know who people, either way from a funny show it went to boring with zero substance show, it is so bad I don't bother to tune in every week I am just skeep-ing around here but it is so boring.
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404 Logic and common sense not found, fair action though.
7 July 2021
This movie could have been quite good if Hollywood had any decent writers, but decent writers are hard to find this days as most of them are canceled for using the incorrect word.

You could see that the writers have political agenda, also find it funny that diversity only means black and some kind of alphabet people, where are the asians ?

The action is fair, if you are brain dead enough, it rises to a standard Fast and Furious level of non existing logic with fair extreme action scenes.

If you are not a failure in life and have a bit of functional brain, than you will probably dislike and drop this movie, if you are a brain dead easy manipulated sheep you will give it a 10/10.
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Solos (2021)
Good actors, woke script equal Boring TV
21 May 2021
I wonder if americans can shut up about Trump, he lost move on, if only you guys would talk about your dear friend Epstein and how much you visited his island. I would have rated it 4/10 but when you insert politics into something that needs to entertain me it is an instant dislike I would give it 0 but 1 is minimum.

The Show is boring, they tried to pull a Black Mirror and they failed, and you wonder why ? Simple because no matter the talent, no talented person on earth can pull a bad script.

The script is weak, the show is juts product placement, the checkboxes are filled and I think on canceling my Amazon Prime subscription if this is the shows they make now it is not worth the money.
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Rutherford Falls (2021–2022)
My city has a statue in the middle of the road
24 April 2021
And we also have good drivers, in 90 years nobody hit that statue not even once, and you know why ? Because we are not americans and we know how to drive a car.

Also the show is unfunny but hollywood stopped making funny stuff like 12 years ago, if you do the math you will understand when and why.
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Jim Crow on steroids
23 April 2021
There is bad movies and there is this movie, remember there was a time of movies being so bad they went straight to DVD, nowadays they go straight to streaming platforms.
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Awesome, Cinema needs to change
20 March 2021
Well in all honesty 4 hours is a lot of hours, but man this version of the movie is 10x times better than the so called original. Worth the watch and it made more sense for the Justice league universe.
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The One (I) (2021)
When I see it is from Netflix I know it will be bad
15 March 2021
Netflix stopped doing good shows a long time ago, as for the show, what a waste of plot, I am not a writer but I could write something better and more credible than any current Netflix writer.

Characters are unlikable, actors can't act, feels cheap and stiff. watched first episode and than skipped through the rest, final verdict is that it does not get better and it is not worth the binge or the time.

Some people will enjoy this, I am not one of them, make your own decision, but be warned it is your usual Netflix you know not about the story but about the other unimportant stuff that they keep shoving it in our faces
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A Teacher (2020)
Sensitive topic badly done, dramatic yes, does it address the problem NO
25 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This show could have been a master piece if they address the issues from 4 perspectives, 2 teachers one female one male and 2 students 1 female and 1 male , telling the story of how society address this things from all perspectives.

Because it is simple to see that while society will see the male student as alpha, and that he achieved something while the female student would be regarded as a victim no matter what.

Addressing how society would treat a male teacher compared to a female teacher, yeah she got in the press the boys would want her the other woman despise her some envy her, but what would happen to a male teacher ? would he be out of prison after 6 months ? would he still be unharmed like the protagonist in this show ? Would his family and friends help him ?

The show missed a lot of marks and topics, because hey are afraid, a female villain ? nope not in 2020, we need to feel sorry for her...

Another thing that bothers me is that no child groomer would ever divulge what they did just because someone asks them, that was utter bull, to progress the narrative faster, they could have done it so much better with some leaked photos between students, using the social media, posting naked photos by mistake... but no she told another teacher that she barely knew , well that was that.

Not sure if this review will ever be published, like many others, but I was one of the "lucky" ones to be groomed by an older female teacher, in a rural village in eastern Europe, even if you said it nobody would believe you, not even your parents.
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Lucifer (2016–2021)
Everything that Netflix touches turns to...
21 August 2020
Well season 5 is out, and it was disappointing, well anything Netflix related is disappointing this days .

I found myself skipping a lot, because there way too much filler, and people that I didn't care before and now I care even less as their plot should have finished a long time ago but Netflix had to fill some check-boxes so we are stuck with some characters and story threads that you can skip it and you lose nothing.

I don't get all this 10/10 fake reviews, people are either bombing it with 1 stars or 10 stars, for me 10/10 and 1/10 are just trolls, reviews that can be discarded.

All in all since Netflix picked this up it became a huge disappointment
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Space Force (2020–2022)
Well it is time that Netflix and my bank account part ways
29 May 2020
Since Disney+ took their toys from Netflix, I kinda knew it is time to part ways with this platform that has more trash than good shows.

I am not from the USA and I could care less about politics, which are bad, there is no good guy both parties and the people that support them have a brain lower than cockroaches, I really don't care or don't want to see the same thing I see on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and also pay money for it.

The 1 star review is just my disappointment, I have seen the trailer on Youtube a while ago and I said this will be fun to watch, you know those comedy movie that puts all the funny parts in the trailer ? well if you watched the trailer those are the only jokes you will hear, the rest is bad, good actors with the worst possible script, I watch TV shows to escape from reality away from current Drama in the USA I could not care less.

Netflix disappointed once again and the last time for me, I am not boycotting just not paying my hard worked money just to pay some of the worst writers on earth that also happen to congregate at netflix hq
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Adam Ruins Everything (2015–2019)
When Adam is using made up sources from mentally ill people it ruined the show
27 April 2020
Well this show writers suffer from TDS, first of all use proper science sources, feelings of a mad person is not science just because they wrote a book on feelings and frustration of their female fragility.

I am by no means a USA citizen, but there is not a normal person in the head in any other country that believes that wall do not stop illegal immigration, we are lucky we have the best wall it is called a natural border we have the Danube and Prut, literally water walls and it is still not enough, there are plenty of drugs and prostitutes smuggled over, we really do need a wall... to bad feelings and TDSwriters can't understand that and use feelings as scientific sources.

this show started great but ended up a disappointment especially season 2 and 3
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Birds of Prey (2020)
No wonder this flopped so hard
28 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Just imagine a movie where Deadpool get's insulted by a woman by calling him a nasty word for being disrespectful and he retaliates with braking that woman legs, yeah both of them ... imagine the critics, the media exploding, now you have Harley Quinn doing that to a man, nobody gives a damn... interesting how biased the virtue signaling people are, that preach for equality but never actually apply it .

Either way move is bad and boring and could not watch more than 30 minutes of it, not even worth pirating
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The Magicians (2015–2020)
Season 1 potential, Season 2 the beginning of the end, season 3 the downfall, Season 4 Orange man bad, Season 5 so far so bad
30 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This show started with so much potential, loved season 1, but after that it just went down the hill, mostly because the writers forgot how to write and just started throwing f-bombs and a lot of buzzwords, all the lovable characters just turned into stereotypical parodies of themselves.

But man what happened in season 4, I know hollywood went down the brown hole, but man I have never seen so much hate, it really felt like the writers really hated my race and my sexuality preferences like really just why, it was so bad that the main cast Q wanted out, smart guy, he really felt like he hated being in this show, and I am actually glad he is out, I mean my god so much hate for the white guy... even the fact they made the character queer which was ok but it felt forced, his story was about pain and growing and evolving well we did not get that.

All the women in this show are very unlikable, none of them are worth more than a night, none of them are actually wife material, this cheapens a lot on their value as nothing is more sexy than a strong independent woman that is also decent and kind... nope everything is forced and the added propaganda of poor writers make them so unlikable I am mostly forced to skip their arcs.

Season 5 start, it is bad, and I also dropped it, this show started as a solid 8, went down to 7, 6, than season 4 was write down bad 3 at best and than season 5 so far it is not even worth 2 start to be honest.
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Messiah (2020)
I don't understand how some people can rate this 10/10
1 January 2020
Now about the Show, well it is Netflix you know that it will be mediocre at best, and mediocre it is, everything is one dimension, everything needs to check a woke box in Netflix book, the cast is exactly as you would expect from Netflix, nobody could act to save their lives, I found myself laughing at the caricatures characters and stereotype situations, but the funniest one is on the first episode when CNN is reporting news, you know this show is Fictional when CNN is actually reporting news.

Either way I gave this show the 3 episode rule before giving it a rating, and it is not a 1 star as some haters are trying to rate this, and honestly not 10/10 as some fan-girls or fan-boys rates this.

In the end it is just some more content devoid of any soul or meaning, meant to just spread some more political propaganda misinformation actually generating more social divide, maybe someday we will have good TV shows, but I doubt Netflix will ever create a good TV show as long as checking woke boxes is more important than actually hiring some good writers that are not afraid of the vocal obnoxious minority trying to cancel culture everything.
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The Witcher (2019– )
So many face 10/10 reviews, beside Hanry Caville the rest are miscasts
20 December 2019
I love the witcher both the books and the games, the TV show follows the books and the story starts in Blavikan...

But man not 15 minutes in the first episode and they already started to blast your usual Netflix political propaganda, weak man, strong women, man being belittled by women, no man fighting back, wow got to say you could not be more wrong, there are strong female in the witcher but in all honesty this is just a travesty... would be ok if they were organic but no, the are forced and acted poorly that just breaks the immersion which is sad, I really love the Witcher.
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