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Mama (I) (2013)
good movie, but disappointing ending
3 May 2013
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there is something good living next to the German border. they get movies in their cinemas, many months (even up to 1 year) before they come in the danish cinemas. this time me and my friends went to see mama. having heard many positive things about it we were excited. how did it go? the first thing i noticed, was how beautiful this movie was shot, and all the atmosphere surrounding it. the story was also pretty good, and original for 3/4 of the movie. the last 1/4 took a trip downhill, especially because of the monster. yeah the monster, what can i say about that. the first 2/3 of the movie, they really build up to the reveal of the monster, and i personally thought the drawings were pretty effective. the build up, did by the way scare some of my friends, so good was it. but when they showed us the monster, we laughed. it just looked so stupid! and of course it had its similarities to the grudge monster (how original). but what really ruined it, was the use of the monster in the ending. if you were ever frightened by it, you weren't any more at the end. so all in all, its a beautiful movie, with some great mystique in the beginning. and despite the disappointing ending, i will still recommend it, especially to watch with friends, but wait for the DVD release, its not worth paying a ticket for each person.
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The Lost Battalion (2001 TV Movie)
can feel a little cheap, but its quite joy full
3 May 2013
being very interested in history, i tried to check this movie out. there aren't that many ww1 movies out there (all the focus is for some reason on ww2), so i was a little excited. the movie is based on a true story about a group of American soldiers, that got isolated in a wood on the western front. i don't know how well it keeps up with actual events, but i guess that they made room for some action scenes (it is a war movie after all). one of the things i normally criticize on a war movie, that show us the perspective from the allies, is the "stupid and easy killed" German soldiers (the German army were actually in both world wars a dangerous fighting force). but as far as i know, the Germans lost many men in the woods, so i will go with their high losses. a hilarious thing is the German yelling in the fight scenes. its the same guy yelling the same insults (in bad spoken German) all the time, its really funny to hear if you speak German. all in all its really clear to see that it is a TV movie, so don't expect to get more then that. it has the special atmosphere that a TV movie has. it feels a little cheap, a little cheesy, but you enjoy it anyway. and so is it for this movie. sometime it feels to cheap and cheesy, but you will enjoy it. go check it out, if you have some hours to kill.
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Shutter (II) (2004)
too predictable
3 May 2013
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last night me and some friends had a horror night and we watched this movie (oh boy). it was first of all a joy to see a foreign movie. here in Denmark, they usually only feed us with Hollywood productions and 50years old danish movies. but was it good? to also speak on my friends behalf, definitely no. i have seen some horror movies, and i feel that this one had copied all that there was to copy from other horror movies, and that it used all the clichés in the book. a great disappointment was the monster/ghost. an young Asian woman, that has black hair, pale skin and moves funny, haven't really seen that 1 million times before? we can probably quickly agree that its cheap that the just copied all their ideas, but did the scares work (again)? no! first of all, if you are familiar with horror movies, you know exactly what will happen, so you aren't surprised. i think that a person that never watched a horror movie before, maybe might find some of the scares, scary. all in all, i cant really recommend this movie. as said before, its to predictable, even so much that my one friend fell asleep halfway into the movie. so do you self a favor and stay away from this one. go and see some other horror movies instead.
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The Chaperone (2011)
contains stupidity, but is okay as a family movie or comedy
3 May 2013
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a friend came over with a copy of this movie, and we watched it together. the story is quite simple, and a little bit cliché. a former criminal gets released from prison, and wants to better his life. of course he got a child, with whom he has a broken relationship. how does this plot work? at first the story seems fine and serious enough, he wants to change and make some choices. but as soon as he gets to involved in a bank robbery, it goes down hill for the story. he gets some changes to be mature and do the right things, like in the beginning, but for some reason he does the stupidest things he can do. i think that it was the writers idea to get the story going, but it just seems so stupid and drain the movie for the seriousness, that made it interesting at the beginning. the ending hit the bottom. first of all, the children steal a bus, without consequences. oh, i guess they dropped the charges because they went after the bad guys? and the way that the police were alarmed (and how quick they arrived), really made me and my friend laugh, because it was so unintentional stupid. but despite all the stupidity, there were also a few good laughs from the comedy in this movie. how was the acting? the acting was, what you can expect from some B actors. not good, but also not that horrible. don't expect to much. what else to say? APPLE! yeah, apple must have been the main sponsor for this movie. its like a long commercial for their products. they not only mention, every single of their products several times, they also show them all the time. everybody has for example an iphone. i guess that they really needed the money from apple to make this movie, but all the product placement just seems ridiculous and cheesy. can i recommend this movie? in a way yes. if you can look beside all the stupidness, and want to watch a movie with your family, you may actually enjoy it. all in all it isn't that horrible as either a family movie or a comedy.
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Jack and Jill (I) (2011)
one of the worst comedies ever
11 April 2013
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i regret that i saw this movie. i have heard all the negative reviews of it so i wanted to check it out. and 90min (or what felt like 3 hours), i regret it deeply. i don't know where to start, telling you all whats wrong with this movie, its probably what everybody else would tell you.

since its supposed to be a comedy, i will start with the comedy/humor part. there is put a lot of effort from the beginning to the end, to get us to laugh. all from toddlers, Mexican clichés, fat&ugly jokes and toilet jokes to twins talking about their relationship. does it all come together and work? no! many jokes are out of place, and simply not funny. but some are beside that also really strange, like "what where they thinking"? there is this little boy, who tapes all kind of stuff to his body. its supposed to be funny but the only thing i was thinking was wtf!?? also there is this homeless guy, running in their house at the beginning, we see him one time later, but there is no explanation about him. it is like they never tried make it funny, they just threw in some random jokes that was written for a sketch show. some times they even kind of explain the jokes, and at one point Sander in the movie even gives himself credit for one, like "this was a good one, I'm proud of myself".

the plot is really thin. its basically an annoying sister visiting her brother, and then expanding her stay the whole time. of course there is also the story about the sister trying to find love, and the story about Al pacino doing crazy stuff. do i have to go further with this? no!

there were effects in this movie. some bad CGI, so bad that a blind person could spot it. the budget did definitely not go to the effects. the editing was also terrible and out of place. the scenes in the beginning suddenly just jumped from the one to the other, leaving a hole for every time it happened.

the acting of the main cast (Sander) was bad and annoying. i know that the sister had to appear annoying, but as soon the annoys the audience, its too much. i also didn't like the acting of sandlers wife. she looked uninterested for the most time. she probably knew this movie would blow, but couldn't leave it. about Al pacino i really don't know what to say. they make a lot of references to some of his previous roles in movies, and i think it falls flat on the ground. he and some of the cameos where probably the main reason many saw this movie. it think his acting was all right. he was probably supposed to play a lunatic, and he does it.

but i don't really know what he was doing in this movie. he probably lost a bet or got some millions for the role. its probably the same thing for the other cameos. as for Johnny depp, he probably went onto the set by accident. as far as i know, he is uncredited, and thats not without reason. i think the only one that were desperate for his cameo, where shaq. he seems to like, being in bad movies.

to wrap it all up, what can i say? its clearly supposed to be a comedy, and it fails big time. is it adult or for children? neither. the humor is to bad for adults, and i wouldn't feel right showing this movie to children. so i can highly recommend you to stay away from this. the only ones that could enjoy this is either mentally disabled, or some kind of a lunatic.
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probably the worst danish movie in recent time
1 April 2013
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after watching "far til fire til søs", i was "lucky" to get this one to know also. i thought that it couldn't be any worse with the other, but this one proved that it was not the case. the story starts out with the family making ready for a vacation in Sweden. it soon gets ruined by some unfunny slapstick and the uncles awful catchphrase "ulovligheder" (illegality). for some reason they decide to take their old fridge with them to dump it on a Swedish junkyard, despite that Denmark has junkyards. what i can see, is that it is a cheap way to bring on the main focus on the movie: pollution. and not any pollution, but the kind of pollution that comes from people dumping fridges in the woods. thats one of the main issues with this movie if you ask me. its more environmental then a captain planet episode. it has green toxic coming from the fridges when they are dumped in the nature, and probably the most ridiculous kind of villains ever. a bunch of cliché American rednecks/hillbillies, get payed by some unknown people, for dumping fridges in the woods. it is never explained why they get payed, but it makes no sense, because they could either deliver the fridges on the junkyard for free or get money for them. the other problems i have with this movie are as mentioned the uncles catchphrase and the father, that always gets involved in slapstick. i do also have a problem with the fact that it is a child's movie, but despite that they speak Swedish half of the time. danish and Swedish are so different that a danish child cant understand Swedish. i also don't like the other morals of this movie. for example there is at one point a police officer, that threatens to arrest the rednecks, but he don't have any proof of them making illegality. 30sek later, the one redneck drives drunk, another one jumps back on the truck, and don't wear any seat belt, and they disturb the public peace. plenty of excuses for an arrest? the movie also shows the family getting lost in the nature, where they behave really dumb. one of the children for example eats a poisonous mushroom, without getting sick (a good signal to children eating unknown mushrooms), and they sleep at a place, clearly inhabited by a predator, without explaining the danger of doing so. so all in all, i wouldn't let my children watch this movie. despite being harsh on it, i can see that its clearly a child's movie, but the morals are just so stupid that the movie does more damage then good. its also a hard one to watch as an adult, and i think that movies, even if they are made for children, should have something adults can enjoy too. in that way, the whole family can sit down together and enjoy a good story, and probably watch it again without the parents arguing, which of them has to be tortured with a crappy movie.
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one of the worst danish movie in recent time
1 April 2013
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i got the pleasure to watch this movie, while looking after a child. i had a hard time keeping my eyes on the TV, so bad was it. the story is very thin, and extremely dumb and pointless. the characters are unlikeable, and the villain probably one of the worst villains created. she based on a danish reality TV participant, and one of the most obnoxious villains ever. not because you care about the family, but because she so badly made. there are also two other obnoxious things about this movie. the one being the old uncles unfunny and pointless catchphrase "ulovligheder" (illegality), that soon gets old. the other one is the slapstick with the father that is unfunny and also soon gets old. the only good thing about it is, that it kind of kept the child entertained for some time, and that it luckily is the last movie in the franchise.
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Stitches (I) (2012)
good comedy
1 April 2013
i sat down and saw this movie with some friends, and we had a fun time. the movie takes a bunch of horror movie clichés and make fun of them, in a funny way. comparing this one to a "scary movie" movie, this one is way better and work as a parody. the effects are cheap and bad, but i think thats on purpose. who haven't seen a horror movie with cheap effects? so thats probably what they were trying to do. i don't really have any negative thing to say about this movie, other that you cant expect too much from the story, because its a bit predictable. but i think that most people will enjoy it, especially if you are watching it with some friends.
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Grabbers (2012)
pretty good movie
18 February 2013
this is a b movie, in the good meaning. watching this i couldn't stop thinking on the monster movies from the 50s. the story has its silly and serious moments, which makes it entertaining. there is of cause some of the well known clichés, but i think that the story is entertaining. i like when horror movies can be funny to, like some of the nightmare on elm-street movies. actually a lot of my favorite horror movies, have some funny elements. it makes them stand out, and way more entertaining. i think that this movie would be even better if i were Irish. i think they, made some jokes that Irish people enjoy more then us not Irish. all in all, give this movie try, especially if you have some friends to watch it with. I'm sure you will enjoy it.
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Extreme Movie (2008)
garbage filled with garbage and put in a garbage bin
18 February 2013
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this is the worst movie of all time. you can even debate if it can be called a movie. all the random sketches, that is supposed to be funny, makes more look like a video tape, that was recorded over and over again. the story is not existing. there are some parts, that i think are supposed to be the story, but they barely have any connection. being a comedy, you would expect some humor and fun. no, instead you get some really really really lame sex jokes, with no connection to the plot. the acting is the worst i have ever seen. its basically a bunch of 13 year olds, trying to play 18 year olds. it looks like a bad school play, that the poor parents would be forced to see, if they didn't want to upset their kid. there is some guest starring, and how they managed to get them is a big question. some of them aren't the greatest actors but i expected them to be to smart to get into s**t like this. they couldn't have done it for the money, seeing how the budget couldn't have been more then some nickels and an egg sandwich. it really hurt my heart, as a tenacious d fan, to see kyle gass in the last part. he was probably wandering around after smoking some marijuana and accidentally got on the set. all in all avoid this movie at all cost. it can only be used to torture people, if its not already forbidden in the Geneva conventions, to use it against human beings. but i have one favor to ask you. please help getting this movie on its rightfully place on the bottom, of the bottom 100.
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Centurion (2010)
interesting for fans of the roman empire
18 February 2013
it was an very interesting movie to watch. first i will praise the creators, for making a research on the roman army before making this. having made roman reenactment, my self for years ago, it was pretty cool to see some historical accurate armors, weapons etc. in it. its not 100% accurate, but thats all right, and delightful, when you see how inaccurate other movies about the roman empire are. the story isn't that bad either. there will happen some things, that you expect. but they also do things you don't really expect. so all in all i will say, that this is a decent movie. if you have an interest in the roman empire, its definitely worth watching. and if not, i think that you still would find yourself enjoying it.
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All for Two (2013)
annoying but enjoyable for slapstick fans
18 February 2013
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my family talked me into taking my younger cousin to see this, so we went to the cinema. i have read some reviews in the newspapers about it, so i didn't expect that much, but i was at the same time curious. the story is a classic crime story, a little in the style of the "Olsen banden" franchise. it wasn't that interesting, mainly because we never learn about the characters. the one has a kid, the other is on probation and the last one (played by Mick øgendahl), is an annoying s**t. but despite that, was the idea to use some criminal methods in style of the Olsen banden, quite interesting. its sad that they didn't pull it better of. the acting is pretty bad, especially from the supporting characters and Mick øgendahl. his role was basically to play retarded. in a way it works, but man is his character annoying. being a comedy, i will say that it fails, but not 100%. the humor is really bad, its basically just Mick doing the kind of things a clown in a circus would do. but i must say, that some of the jokes told by especially rasmus bjerg, were pretty good. and as mentioned before you will pretty soon get tired of Mick's character. thats the reason how delightful it is to see him getting a good beating up, thats the highlight of the movie. one of my main critic points is also the ending, where you see one of the main characters hook up with a lady, that i suppose was his love interest. but i never figured out because. 1. she had so little screen time, that i couldn't recognize her. 2. they only had the experience of chancing a diaper, thats romantic i must say. thats leads me to another point. the terrible writing of the story. i could see that Mick øgendahl had a large part in the writing. having seen some of his other work I'm not surprised. he really sucks in making movies. he is a good stand up comedian, and should stick with that, instead of making bad movies. all in all, i can only recommend this movie if you are a hardcore fan of Mick øgendahl, find circus clowns and bad slapstick entertaining, or you are 12 years old like my cousin (who liked it a lot). so 4/10, but only because i could hear some in the audience enjoy the movie (probably slapstick fans).
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18 February 2013
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i haven't seen the prequel, so my review is without any knowledge about the franchise. its basically just another cliché horror movie. the story is predictable and most of the main cast gets killed of one after one. in my opinion is this movie unnecessary, because its using some overdone material. the acting is, in true cliché horror movie style, not that great. and the plot has its dumb points too. for example, does the main door, that keeps the characters trapped, open for a few minutes, and they didn't notice it, even when standing 10 meters away. but if you want to turn your brain of and just watch a dumb movie, or you want to laugh at a bad movie, i will recommend this one for you.
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Dracula (1931)
a must see
18 February 2013
this is the best horror movie i have ever seen. without all the effects, modern horror movies are full of, it makes you fear the character of Dracula. the well written story and the performance of Lugosi, will bound you to the TV. the best thing about this movie in my opinion, is the performances of Lugosi and the actor playing renfield. there is no doubt that Lugosi is Dracula, and created the classic image of Dracula. the actor playing the insane renfield also does a great job. if you are a horror fan i will highly recommend this movie. it is a good break from all the slashing and special effects, that fills modern horror movies. i will also recommend it for not horror fans, because the story is so good, and the acting is a delight.
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South Park (1997– )
great show
9 February 2013
having watched a lot of episodes, i finally decided to make a review. its a clever series. the way the make fun of things is really good. i like how they make many episodes like a Hollywood movie, with all the clichés that follows, and add stupidity. its a really good way too make fun of the things they want to make fun of. also the use of pop cultural references, is actually good. i normally hate pop culture references, because they soon get dated and often are deployed in a bad way. but south-park makes it work for me, probably, because they in a way make them timeless. in other words if you don't get the reference, there is something else you can laugh at in the scene or plot point. the characters are very simple, and they don't really develop and learn. but thats great in this context, because it would ruin the jokes and laughs you get from watching south-park. i will also give the show some credit, for daring to use many controversial topics. its great that somebody dare to stick out, and it is important. if everything controversial got censored, we would miss a lot of good stuff, and we would slowly kill our right of free speech. so all in all i can highly recommend this show, its in the top of the animated comedy shows, and you will have a great time watching it. except if you are easily offended, then you should rather watch something else.
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Pom Poko (1994)
very interesting movie
9 February 2013
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well, for an European this movie is very interesting for me. why? there is lots of Japanese culture in it.at first i had some question for example why the raccoons got balls. so after watching it, i did a little research on Japanese folklore, and i must say that it is very interesting and, my new knowledge about it, made the movie even better. so sadly as an adult, you probably will have to make a little research, to get all of the context. but children (who probably just watch it without thinking), will enjoy it. the story is well written, and you soon begin to care about the characters. i would also like to praise the animation. they did a really great job, its beautiful. especially the sequences where the raccoons are drawn realistic. its a delight seeing that in a time, where all is CGI. i also like the idea that it is an environmental movie. they don't, like other environmental movies, portray the humans as pure evil. that makes it more realistic, that they show the construction workers, as humans that just do their job, without thinking about it. not only that, but also that some characters are killed of in various ways, give it a more realistic approach. with other words its not the sugar sweet happy ending, like in most child movies. at least but not last, the whole thing with the raccoons having big balls, is hilarious. you wouldn't see this in the west, especially not in these times, where all have to bee politically correct and sugar sweet. the Japanese (at least in 1994), didn't care. and why should they even, its part of their culture. the conclusion is 9/10, and i will definitely recommend it, to both adults and children. its something different, interesting, and way better than many western animated movies. in other words, even if you have to research a little, this movie also works outside japan.
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Shrooms (2007)
rubbish put to film
9 February 2013
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after the tripping began i hated every second of this movie. why is that? let me start with the story. its a typical teenager in the wood getting high and murdered story, with all the clichés that follows. the idea this time is that they are tripping on mushrooms, with isn't that bad an idea, but oh boy they messed it up big time. basically the story makes no sense and i had a really hard time figuring out what was happening. all the quick shifting from one location to another, and reality too dream/trip makes you confused, you cant tell what is happening. the shots are also made really badly, and you really don't see that much to the monsters (this time monks), other then a few seconds each time they appear. most you see of them is somebody walking around in a robe. i think they didn't have too much money for the effects. in all the surreal and fast edited scenes i stumbled across something weird, that i would like to point out. the one dude was killed in an old car, by a monk giving him a blow job? the writers must have been tripping. seeing how little effort and heart there is put into this s**t, it hurt me watching the nordisk film (danish film studio) logo in the beginning. when they use their money on crap like this, i don't wonder why danish film industry is in crisis. i would also complain, that i had a really hard time understanding what they where saying, especially the one character with an Irish accent, and the two hillbillies talking Irish. its okay they talk Irish, but put at least some subtitles on. or else it ruins the movie for the not Irish talking audience (the majority of the world population). but i have at least one positive thing to say about it. the settings in the woods and the light, gives it a dark atmosphere. combined with the mushrooms, there is some potential, but sadly not this time. so to conclude, i will say 1/10, because it is one of the worst made movies i have ever seen. and i will recommend potential audience to stay away from it, because you don't get anything other than annoyed, when watching it, especially if you want to see a horror movie or get scared.
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excellent movie
8 February 2013
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i watched this without knowing the story of Macbeth. but it was interesting for me, especially because i watched ran, which is based on another Shakespeare play, king Lear. i sadly don't know much about Shakespeare, so cant tell how true the story is to its source material. but i can say that the story is awesome. as usual, set in the old japan, we get an epic tale. i really like the two main characters fulfill their own prophecy. you cant avoid thinking about, how things would go, if they just kept their heads cold. but driven by greed and the desire for power, they dig their own grave, and ruin the kingdom. even the the evil and power hungry wife gets her punishment, by loosing her mind. it really shows how humans are hungry for power, and how their claim to power can be their downfall. it also shows how bad actions, like murder, even when undiscovered, will haunt and punish a person. get yourself a copy of this movie and watch it. after watching it, trick or force your friends to watch it, they will be thank full 110min later.
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mostly a child movie
8 February 2013
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what can i say about this movie? first of all its made by Sony, not one of the major animation studio, which is interesting. as you could expect from a minor studio, the animations aren't that great compared with other animated movies. but it isn't the animation that makes the movie great, its the story. and the story actually gave me a hard time, to make my opinion about it. there is some humor in it that target both children and adults as well, and also stuff that both can relate to. the whole idea is also great, but did they pull it of in a good way? i would say no. there are simply too many clichés and overused plot points. its a typical "teenage daughter/protecting father" and "hidding some thats not supposed to be there" story. they also use one of my most beloved (ironic meant) clichés, the "guy screws up everybody hates him and mourn" cliché. its old and just makes movies look stupid. there is also kind of a running joke about a little old furry thing eating stuff. i really don't get why they included that, it makes no sense. so too conclude i will say that its mostly a movie for children. it appeals to them in a good way, and I'm sure that they will love it. for adults, as mentioned before there is also some stuff, but don't enough to appeal to an adult audience. the adult jokes makes it watchable for parents. so 7/10, because it works as a kids movie, but don't add something new.
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Red Beard (1965)
great Kurosawa work
8 February 2013
i watched this movie and enjoyed every single second of it. why is that? its simple, its a piece of art made from the great Kurosawa. i don't really know where too begin, so i will begin with the technical stuff. the movie is really well made, despite being made in the 60s. the shots are beautiful and you soon forget that it is in black/white, because of the great story. the story is like a really great book, with interesting characters. the plot and sub plots unfold them self in a beautiful way, and they keep you interested and wanting more. the characters are really well done. you really care about them, even the supporting ones. they grow and learn during the entire movie. i also like the performances, especially mifune, he does a really great job. so is there any negative things to say about it? no, not really. only that it is sad that the modern audience is not aware of it. because it still would work today. its either because most of Kurosawa's work is timeless, or because of his great impact on movie making. so 10/10, and please check more of Kurosawa's work out, you will not regret.
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John Carter (2012)
mediocre family movie
8 February 2013
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it was with big excitement i watched this movie today. i have heard how big it flopped at the box office at first, but a bad ticket sale cant really tell if the movie is bad. first it sounded really bad that the movie takes place on mars, but they managed to pull it off by setting the movie in the 1800s. i can see they put a lot of effort into this movie. i normally don't give to much credit to the effects, and rather focus on the story. but i will say that this movie ha some amazing effects, the story is another thing. the story ruined it for me. the idea was good, but they just put too much "hollywood" into it, and used too many clichés and already used ideas. you can tell that they tried to land a hit by making the story familiar. but they just made it too artificial and predictable. but i can recommend it too you if you want to watch a movie with your family. despite the story issues, it will keep you entertained, and you can watch it with your children, because the fight scenes aren't that violent (and the aliens bleed blue blood).
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Stan Helsing (2009)
only funny if you are stoned
5 February 2013
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again i was talked into watching a movie that was bad. i don't really have any positive comments, only negative ones. its basically just a load of cultural and horror movie references thrown together in a thin story from a bad road movie. my main critique is the cultural and horror movie references. first of all, cultural references ARE NOT FUNNY, and they get dated really quick. the horror movie references are done pretty lame and cheap. they just took some well known characters and changed their appearance a bit, as well as changing some scenes from a few horror movies. the plot is really really bad and so messed up that i couldn't follow the story. they just go from one location to another, without making any sense. the only positive i have to say is that i had 1 or 2 giggles, they used a Johnny cash song and the movie is only 90min (thanks god for that). i will only recommend this movie to you, if you are really stoned, drunk or retarded (no offence for any retarded)
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Little Britain (2003–2006)
a bit entertaining at start, but soon repetitive
5 February 2013
well i have been watching some episodes of little Britain yesterday. so what can i say about it? at the beginning it was a bit entertaining, i didn't laugh (don't like the jokes or get them), but i was entertained in a good way. but that soon stopped after a few episodes, because they began repeating the jokes. they even had the same dialogue in two of the village gay sketches, the only difference was his clothes (thats really cheap). but i did like the acting. the two main actors does a good job in all their roles. when i compare this show too other sketch shows i have been watching (most of them German), this is by far the best one. if you get the humor you will enjoy it, some of my friends do, and they really enjoy the show. but if you don't get the humor, i can only recommend it if, you have a hangover and just want to watch some brain dead TV.
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the best danish Christmas TV series made
19 December 2012
year after year danish TV makes Christmas series. many of them is quiet bad, but this is old one is a real gem. it is made by a danish band called de nattergale, which specializes in humoristic music. the story and the set are very simple, and very few actors are used (basically just the band), which actually works pretty well. the episodes are kept really short, which makes you focus on the main plot and the humor, and makes you longing for more, after watching an episode. the humor is pretty good, and it talks to both adults and children, despite it is rated as an adult series. the acting isn't that good, but i don't think you can expect too much from people, who aren't actors. so all in all i can recommend it, but only for Danes or other Scandinavians, sadly. many of the jokes can only be understood people talking danish, so as a foreigner you would quickly feeling bored. but if you would like to watch a danish Christmas series (julekalender), this would be the only i can recommend, because most of the others are really strange and really really bad made.
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Jul i Valhal (2005)
good intentions, but sadly bad result
19 December 2012
well i didn't see the whole series (it would be too painful), but i think that i saw enough episodes to make a review. the story is simple enough, it goes around the old northern/viking gods, and northern mythology. in my opinion it is really stupid and misguiding, and sometimes even shitty, because of one fact. they Didn't read the source material, northern mythology. that means that the story is full of really really big flaws you easily spot, if you know about northern mythology. the biggest disappointment is the final fight, ragnarok, having read about it in the mythology i was excited, but what we got was really anti climatic, i don't know how they could make it worse. if you look away from the flaws in the mythology, the story is quiet decent. the acting from most of the cast isn't that good, only two actors play their role really well, martin brygmann and peter frödin, probably because they are professionals. they don't use so many effects in this, so there isn't really something to comment on there. so all in all 3/10, only because martin and peters acting, and the fact that they set the focus on northern mythology, which is an important legacy for us Scandinavians. sadly they didn't read the mythology that well, or else it would have been a lot better.
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