
15 Reviews
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Liked it more than expected
7 May 2024
Was looking for a lighthearted movie on a long trainride and choose this one. Expected it to be a typical romcom. Cute but nothing special. But I was pleasantly surprised! I like Anne Hattaway anyway and although she's definitely played more deep characters than this one, but it was actually really good! Indeed lighthearted but also very cute. And I do think maybe it shows a bit of an issue here where we judge others for their love choices because we just feel like people are supposed to fit into a certain box. The fact that they made him a celebrity and made it such a public judgement, of course made it extreme. But I think that was a smart way of really highlighting the subject.
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Legacies (2018–2022)
They took it too far
24 April 2024
I loved both TVD and TO and was so excited to watch this. But it dissapointed. It was waaaay too over the top. Too much nonsense, even more death-alive-death-alive than the other 2 and just way too many monsters. Every mythical creature ever created in every story makes an appearance. They defeat the issue multiple times, but they keep coming. It's such chaos that it's impossible to keep track off. The reason the other 2 worked, was because they had storylines and relationships. We were rooting for people and sad when people died. This is just Hope saving the day again and again and being an arrogant b** about it. I understand that she's the main character, but in the others the side characters also had amazing storylines. The only things I got excited about whatching this, was seeing the original cast members come back or hear about their lives now. Too bad that this is the legacy they left us with.
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Refreshingly different Christmas movie
14 December 2022
I didn't think I'd like this movie because I don't like Kirsten Stewards acting (sorry). And I kind of expected it to be yet another Christmas movie but with a gay couple. But I actually really liked it! Aside from the obvious coming out struggles, that I guess you can expect from just reading what the movie's about, they also dove into the whole parenting issue. It's obviously still a problem when people are afraid to be open about their sexuality towards their lovedones. It's great that they dedicate a lighthearded movie to that. But I don't think it's uncommon that there are underlying family issues as well. Which obviously also often happen in other families. I love that they included this drama, eventhough it's a Christmas movie. Nobodies life is like a Hallmark movie and it was about time for a more realistic movie. Regarding the end, well, it's what's expected. Could they have written a different ending? Yes. Might have been better. But this was cute and expected of a Christmas movie. I think it was a good balance between actually pointing something out while still stickinhlg with the general genre.
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After (I) (2019)
Toxic relationships shouldn't be romantisized!
6 December 2022
I somehow actually liked this at first. A naive young girl that grew up so protected and isolated, that finally got a chance to explore who she was. But now I've seen 2 and 3, I realize how toxic it is and how bad it is that they made 4 movies out of this!! And that's exactly the scary thing, that it looks cute and positive at the beginning untill you're sucked into it and it's hard to get away from it. Who came up with this idea as a lovestory? All they do is fight and have make-up seks, there's nothing normal or good about their relationship. This shouldn't be promoted, let alone win awards!
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Meet Cute (I) (2022)
Good intentions, bad execution
3 December 2022
I think the story and intention of the movie are pretty good. But the movie itself is terrible. The acting is bad. They advertise about her changing things about the date, but we never see the actual first date, just bits and pieces of the changes. You dive head first into the mess. Which might have been the intention, because of the message. But the first 45 min is just one complete mess without ever getting a step closer to the clue and what the hell is going on. It takes way to long to get to the core of the situation and then they rush trough it. The end was allright, where it all came together. But I would have liked more of that troughout the movie. If you want to make a movie about mental health, escaping the past and trauma, make an actual movie about it. Not just the escape part without the backstory. Make it as heavy as it really feels. It's a sad story and I'm sure relatable for many people. It's just badly executed.
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The Aeronauts (2019)
Weird start but nice finish
27 November 2022
It's a bit unrealistic in the beginning, details that simlply can't happen and don't really have a clear meaning in the story. But it but got quite interesting after a while and I actually really liked it. It took me a while to start questioning wether it was based on true events and reading some of the comments, I read into the story of the female character.

She wasn't on the actual journey, it was another man. She was made up by Tom Harper and is based on different strong female characters in the aero field. Like the first female to take a solo balloon flight and a female aeronaut. The name is obviously a nod to Amelia Earhart. So it's a tribute to the females who contributed to science and history and I LOVE that detail.

It's also not a true story, but loosely based on true events. I think for that, it has an impressive amount of true details in it and it's made into a very good movie.
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Emily in Paris (2020– )
Absolutely cringe worthy
23 June 2022
I love to laugh about the American arrogance and ignorance (although it's actually very sad). But this is just awefull. An extremely arrogant American who thinks she can just barge into a new country and teach them what to do. Not only within the company she's working for, but in people's personal lives as well. Everybody hates her, and with good reason. And she makes no effort to change that. Or they want to sleep with her, because apparently all French people do is have sex, affairs and romances?? I know it's called the city of love, but damn, make an effort to get to know a culture instead of creating a show that's full of stereotypes. This only confirms the image that Europeans have about Americans, that they don't know the first thing about any country but their own, and are too arrogant to care. They make everybody look stupid and I honestly don't understand that this got a second season and that the French players are still in.
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No structure, terrible acting
26 March 2022
I don't know how this movie got a halfway decent grade, because it's not worth it. There's no structure, too much happening, all sorts of people from the past without any explanation who they are, no red line. And the acting is terrible, to say the least. No passion, no emotions. It's all flat and feels forced. One of the worst movies I've ever seen.
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Difficult but amazing
20 June 2021
I love it! Took a while to make sense out of it and we analized it for another 15 min afterwards but it all makes sense now. Seems like an anticlimatic end but it's actually the perfect revenge. Definitely watching it again to see details I missed.
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Worst version of Snow White I've ever seen
8 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What even happened? Obviously we all know the story. But when I started I realized I don't remember the reason the queen got this evil. Unfortunately, the movie makers didn't care to tell me. There's no proper storyline, just a whole lot of dark effects that don't really add much. Lakes that melt people, all nice and well, but who's the person melting? Since when does the evil queen have a brother? What is his role in everything? You can't just alter a famous story and not give us any background of the characters. Then there's the whole thing about true love's kiss, which is just never mentioned again. Nobody questions why the queen wanted her dead, nobody questions how she just got back to life. They just follow her into battle, then she's queen and that's it. What the....? I get that it's a dark version of the story but it's not exactly normal, doesn't make sense to me that it's put in there and just never adressed again. Terrible movie, terrible acting, waste of my time.
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The Shack (I) (2017)
Too soppy and unrealistic
5 February 2021
If you're religious, it's probably cute and heartwarming. If you're not religious, it just sucks. It started out nicely and good enough to see trough the religious references. But then it got bad and boring really quickly. About healing instead of actually solving the case. If I'd suffer a loss like this and it's an unresolved case, I'd ask every possible question if I'd meet "god", figure out who did it snd why and where that person is so I could turn them in. But instead it's all about "you need to heal and move on". Unrealistic. I like Hallmark movies that are all soppy. But don't start dark and twisted and then turn 180 degrees to this unrealistic level of soppy-ness.
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Not funny
18 March 2020
Probably only funny if you're as stoned as the people in this movie are..
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One of the best movies I've seen.
29 February 2020
To me, as a person struggeling with mental illness, this makes all the sence in the world. Simply because it absolutely doesn't.

There are hints, along the way you can guess what's going on but the way it plays out is just beautiful. You see the outside smiles when the inside is crying. You see doubts and moments of nothingness. You see coping meganisms and failures. And it's beautifully set up. It is slow, they give you time to take it all in, like the characters are doing. There are moments of great joy within the dark moments.

I haven't read the book. But to me, the way I could feel everything, it is a very special movie and indeed one of the best I've ever seen.
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Nashville (2012–2018)
Great show!
9 February 2020
I love this show. First of all because the music is real and it's not a show with a million already super famous people who's voices get autotuned to make it sound good. Second of all, I think the acting is great by most of the actors and the storylines are very moving and make you want to keep watching to find out the whole story.

I do get the comments that it get's worse at/after season 3. You know the characters by then, they don't add a lot of new and interesting characters. Those that are added, are mostly added for drama.

But still, I think it's very worth it. Because the events the characters go trough, are very real daily life issues. Hayden actually went trough post partum depression in real life and they added it to the show. She was recovering in real life, when she wasn't starring in the show for a while. They also add miscarriage, PTSD and other mental health issues to the mix. It might make for a lot of drama, but they are very important subjects people hardly talk about.

I think they did a great job with this show!
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Worst movie ever
13 January 2019
It's terrible. The book was hilarious but this cast is just awkward and weird. They also skipped everything between Russia and France. And the end story. It's boring, the timeline doesn't make sense, there are weird figures added and to much cut out. Not worth your time, just read the book.
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