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Bait (III) (2012)
Not Bad
25 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
When I first saw the trailer for Bait I wasn't expecting much, the last Shark movie I saw Shark Night was terrible, but I really liked Deep Blue Sea, and I am terrified of sharks so a shark fin alone is enough to scare me.

But being that it was an Australian cast and I am a fan of a lot of the actors, I thought why not. And it really wasn't bad. It was scary, funny at times and also a little sad.

The main character, lifeguard Josh (Xavier Samuel) is unable to save his best friend and fiancés brother in the opening scene when he is attacked by a shark (maybe it's one of the same sharks later in the movie?), and now months later he is still mourning the loss, and the loss of his fiancé Tina (Sharni Vinson) who he has drifted apart from. He is no longer a lifeguard and now works at a supermarket, which never has a dull moment considering there is a shoplifter, sexual relations between a couple in a car in the car park and an armed hold up all within the space of an hour, not to mention a tsunami that has himself, Tina (who stops in do do a spot of shopping with her new boyfriend) and a heap of other random people trapped in the store, and the underground car park. They soon realise they are not alone when two sharks start stalking them. This still isn't enough for some of them to stop dangling their legs over the side of the shelf they're sitting on, but maybe they just didn't care.

They come up with some good ideas to get the hell out of there, and considering there was quite a bit of character development I really wanted them all to survive.

The blonde girl Heather trapped in the car with her boyfriend and dog in the underground car park was hilarious, and every scene she was in made me laugh. I am a huge dog person and spent most of the movie hoping and praying the dog would survive, because as Heather said it best "you're a dog killer, which is worse than a people killer" or something along those lines.

One of the flaws that I noticed with the acting, and I may be alone here because my partner didn't notice, was that being that a lot of the actors were Australian actors, who had moved to America, and are now making an Australian movie, their accents were a little muddled (mainly the two main stars), Like in one scene they would talk with an Aussie accent, and the next an American accent.

Anyway, all in all a good Aussie movie.
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Modern Family (2009–2020)
The best show on TV at the moment!
19 August 2012
Modern Family is probably the best show I have ever seen, it's laugh out loud funny, and I have watched repeats over and over again. The first half of season 3 kind of waned a bit, but it got back to it's best in the second half. The pilot was hilarious, with Cam holding baby Lilly in the air with the song from the Lion King playing, I almost cried laughing. Did anyone else notice Julie Bowen (Clare) in the pilot, obviously extremely pregnant, trying to hide her baby bump? She looked ten times better heavily pregnant in the pilot than she does in later episodes when she's all skin and bones. That girl needs to eat a few burgers.

The show could have been completely ruined by the casting of the children, but all the kids are great, especially Manny. I have turned off other shows or movies that are just as funny if the kids annoy me. I hate when they try to act all cute and they just aren't. Thank goodness these kids are great little actors. Hopefully my first born is as quiet and obedient as Lilly was in the first two seasons. And Haley is such a typical teenage girl in todays world, always on the phone and texting her family across the table instead of actually talking to them.

Without a doubt, Cam is my favourite. He steals every scene he is in. And he and Mitchell are adorable together. Although I did notice the first season they barely even touched each other, let alone kiss, which they correctly fixed in season two. There might be the odd person who refuses to watch it because of a kiss but who cares.

My favourite episode is when Clare and Mitchell's mother makes an appearance to apologise about her behaviour at Jay and Gloria's wedding. The flashback scene where she knocks the cake over while imitating Gloria is the funniest thing I have ever seen.

All in all, a fantastic show, I hope it carries on into many, many seasons.
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Not sure why so many people hated it, it was a great movie!
19 August 2012
I loved it! Having not read the books, and not really knowing what the hell it was about, i dragged my man along and we both thought it was a great movie, me more than him I guess, but he still watched it with me again recently when it came out on DVD.

I read all 3 books after I first saw it, and yes there are some plot holes and unexplained things when looking back at the movie, but so what. You cannot possibly put everything from the book in the movie, it would end up being 5 hours long. The only thing that could have been done differently to fill some of the plot holes is made Katniss the narrator, but even after never having read the books before the movie I honestly didn't really get confused. The only thing that could have been explained a bit better was why Gales name was put in 42 times, and Prim's once.

The character of Katniss was perfectly cast. Which is just as well because her character was in almost every scene and it was essential that they found the right girl to play her. The haunted look in her eyes, I really believed every emotion she was feeling, and felt so sorry for her. I felt sorry for all the kids. What a horrible world where this is what provides entertainment to the rich folk. Kids killing kids, all for the joy and amusement of others. When they first went into the arena I thought it was going to be a small field and it would be all over in five minutes.

All of the actors were great though. I loved Josh Hutcherson is Bridge to Terabithia, but when he popped up on screen in the Hunger Games he was all grown up and a bit of a hottie. And after reading the books, he portrays Peeta perfectly.

I hated the characters from Districts 1 and 2, what horrible kids, did they realise only one person could survive in the end, they were acting like they were going to emerge as the final four.

Did anyone else think Prim looked like a young, blonde Winona Ryder?

Anyway, fantastic movie, and the camera jumping around didn't bother me in the slightest.
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The Notebook (2004)
Beautiful, romantic love story
19 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The Notebook is one of my all time favourite movies, for lots of reasons. I'm a sucker for anything romantic, and the beautiful love story of Noah and Allie is one I will remember always.

I first watched this movie with my elderly Grandma, who had been happily married to my Grandfather for fifty years. My Grandmother caught Polio when she was in her twenties, and for almost fifty years my Grandfather cared for her, loved her, worshipped her, until it was out of his hands and she passed away. But when we watched the movie together my Grandma turned to me, crying, and said softly "I'm so glad they made a movie that shows old people can still be in love". This is so true. Many people write off old people as slow, boring, and at deaths door. I hope this movie changed some opinions. My Grandma and I cried buckets, long after the credits rolled.

Noah is the type of man every woman dreams of, almost too good to be true. The love that he had for Allie was just beautiful, after watching this I set my standards pretty high and luckily found my Noah. The two leads had so much chemistry together it was outstanding (and they went on to date for years in real life after the movie).

The lake scene was by far my favourite scene. Like Allie said "it's like a dream".
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Dirty Dancing (I) (1987)
Awesome movie!
19 August 2012
I must say I didn't watch Dirty Dancing until a few years ago. Everyone always raved on about it, but for some reason I just never watched it. When I finally did, i couldn't believe I had waited so long, and have since seen it about a dozen times!

I had loved Patrick Swayze since I first saw Ghost, so knew he would be fantastic, but I had never seen Jennifer Grey in anything, and I admit when I first saw her I couldn't believe this plain Jane was going to steal Johnny's heart. But as the movie went on she grew on me, and by the end I was imagining the cute little babies they would make together.

I read somewhere that the two leads hated each other all the way through filming, but I never would have guessed, their chemistry was great. Good girl falls for bad boy, always a story I can't tear myself away from. And the music, oh the music was what made the movie! I instantly went out and bought the soundtrack and had it on repeat in my car for about 2 years.

Loved it! 10/10
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Addictive Viewing!
19 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
OK so this review has a couple of small spoilers but I do not reveal who the killer is!

My brother was obsessed with this show and demanded I watch it, so I bought the DVD and started watching it one day...and finished watching it the same day! I couldn't stop watching it, I was hooked after the first episode.

When I first turned it on I really had no idea what it was, my brother had just said it's about a killer who kills someone every episode and you have to guess who it is. It sounded like my type of show. In a nutshell, thats the plot!

Trish and Henry are getting married on Harper's Island, which was where Henry and his best friend Abby grew up, although the island has been plagued by sadness since a killing spree seven years ago by the evil John Wakefield, whose victims included Abby's mother. I found the flashback scenes terrifying, when Abby found her Mum hanging in the tree my heart broke for her, it was so sad!

They are joined by their friends and family, and the first few eps concentrates on the lead up to the wedding (although at the end of each ep someone is killed). It's not until around episode 5 that everyone realises that something is terribly wrong, when the Trish's father is killed in a spectacular fashion in front of everyone!

Then it's basically a fight for survival, everyone is stuck on this island with a maniac on the loose. I did not guess the killer. My gosh talk about a shock. I pretty much considered everyone else, but when the killer was revealed my jaw hit the floor, I could not freaking believe it. No one that I know who watched it correctly guessed the ending.

I loved all the characters and the actors who played them. I was really rooting for them to survive, especially my favourites Cal and Chloe.

And i have to add, the island was fantastic, minus the murders it would have been a great place to get married, and it made the perfect setting for the show.

Honestly, I could rave about the show all day, it was brilliant. I love a good horror/thriller, and I am so sick of reality TV, this made for a great change.

I wished they would make another series, this was such a fantastic show!
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Scream (1996)
Still scares me every time!
19 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I was 12 when I first saw this with two girlfriends when it came out on video, my parents were asleep and we watched it on the sly as we were told it was too scary for us. Well, the opening sequence alone was enough to scare the crap out of us, and we spent the rest of the movie peeking out from under the quilt.

And even now, 15 years later, after seeing it numerous times, it's still scary as hell. The first ten minutes would have to go down as the best first ten minutes of any horror movie, ever. I had no idea Drew Barrymore's character was going to die, I thought she was the star (and I've read recently that that was the whole point, Drew was offered the role of Sidney but wanted to play Kasey instead to throw the audience off and have them realise anyone could die). And die she did, in circumstances I can only describe as my worst nightmare. When her parents came home and she was around the side of the house trying to call out to them, I was screaming "throw the phone at them, throw the PHONE!!!!".

After that we meet Sidney, played very well by Neve Campbell, very believable as the tortured victim who just can't seem to escape the drama. Although I rolled my eyes when she was home alone, getting prank calls, and went out on the front porch after the man on the phone told her he was on...her front porch. And I am still a little bit confused as to why she went to that party at the end, I mean she was attacked in her home, the killer called her friends house, she was attacked again in the school toilets, so she goes to party in the middle of nowhere with one dopey cop as the only protection? Then has sex with the prime suspect.

I must admit I didn't guess the killers straight away. I thought it was Billy for awhile, but then when they arrested him halfway in I assumed they wanted you to think it was Billy but it wouldn't be, then he got "stabbed" by the killer and I instantly thought it must be Randy, then when Stu said he was going to get a beer and he never returned, I realised it must be him, otherwise he would have seen his girlfriend hanging in the doggy door and raised the alarm. My mother guesses every single killer in every movie. She said Billy and Stu shared "a look" at the fountain, a "look" in the video store, and a "look" when Billy turned up at Stu's party. And when I watched it again, I realised she was right, it was pretty obvious.

Overall, a great horror movie, I loved all the sequels including the fourth movie that I saw recently.
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All Time Favourite!
18 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
My Mother and I watch Anne of Green Gables over and over again, and it never gets old or boring.

I cannot fault this movie, it's perfect. From the scenery, to the music, and the wonderful acting, it's a movie I watch if I am having a bad day or feeling sorry for myself, I put it on and get lost in the beauty of it all. The movie always brings a smile to my face, and I walk away looking at life a little different and a little less selfishly.

Anne is an orphan, who is sent to Prince Edward Island to live with an elderly brother and sister, Marilla and Matthew. She gets off to a rocky start, but soon everyone is besotted with Anne and her vivid imagination and zest for life, including the handsome Gilbert Blythe, who angers Anne on her first day of school and swears she will never forgive.

Without a doubt, the thing that really makes it work is Megan Follows as Anne. What a wonderful actress! The main role was so important that if it was miscast the whole movie might have failed, but I've never seen a more perfect casting in my life.

That being said, the whole cast was great! Colleen Dewhurst and Richard Farnsworth were excellent as Marilla and Matthew. Their characters were adorable, both loving their "Anne girl" in different ways, he quietly and affectionately, her strict and proper, yet I never doubted Marilla loved Anne.

And the guy who played Gilbert was a bit of a spunk. I love a good love story, and spent most of the movie the first time I watched it praying that Gilbert and Anne would put aside their differences and end up together. The fact that she was so stubborn and proud, I didn't think it would ever happen. Thank goodness Marilla saved the day by warning Anne about how she had lost the man she loved (Gilbert's father) years ago by being stubborn and not forgiving him when she had the chance. Just the little push Anne needed I think!
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Ultimate Chick Flick
18 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Love love LOVE this movie! I have just seen it for about the tenth time and I always laugh, cry, and squeal at the romantic ending. The leads only had about 5 minutes total of screen time together, yet they have so much chemistry in the closing scene.

Annie (Meg Ryan) is recently engaged to Walter (the spunky Bill Pullman, my crush from the nineties), and seems to be happy, until she hears 8-year-old Jonah on the radio. His mother died 18 months ago, and his Christmas wish is that his father will find a new wife so that he won't be so sad. His father Sam (Tom Hanks), then talks about how wonderful his wife was and how much he adored her.

Something changes in Annie, and she realises there is something about this man that she has to learn more about. Many would call it stalking, others would call it romantic, but suddenly she is flying across the country for a glimpse of him. Out of all the women who wrote to his Dad, Jonah likes Annie's letter the best, and sets up a romantic first encounter on the top of the Empire State building. Awwwww!!! I think from the start everyone knew how it would end, but it's wonderful to watch.

Every single actor is outstanding, especially the young boy who played Jonah, many movies have been ruined by horrible children who cannot act, but he's great, and doesn't try to be too cute.

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18 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Hmmm where do I start.

My brother and I are HUGE horror fans, and we loved the first two Wrong Turn movies, part three was okay, and we were so excited to see part four. It sounded interesting, with the back story and the isolated mental institution. But ten minutes into the movie we realised this was going to be more of a comedy.

The lesbian sex scene at the start...one question, why? Maybe it was just thrown in there to get male viewers hooked. Who knows.

I couldn't care less about any of the characters. They were all as stupid as can be. The only one that wasn't was the girl that tried to ski to safety, I would have done the same thing no matter how cold it was.

They were in a huge building with about a thousand places to hide, yet they spent a good chunk of the movie hiding in the same room, even after one of the inbred freaks had found them and drilled a gigantic hole in the door. They might as well have left the door open.

Then the remaining few decided to be brave or noble or whatever and save their poor friend who was tied to a kitchen bench and being eaten alive. But considering the killers were distracted and seemed to have forgot for a moment that there were remaining kids roaming the building, it might have been a good time to try and find a better hiding place, or find some weapons, but anyway. Kudos to them for being decent for a mere moment. So they all run into the kitchen, cause a huge stir, which causes the killers to snap out of their distracted state and start chasing them. They eventually corner the baddies in a cell and seem to finally have have the upper hand, but the dopiest dopey main girl (whose name I can't even remember) objects to killing them. Ummm are you for real? I would have set the cell on fire and basked in the warmth. Which reminds me, who exactly is paying the electricity? And what happened to their friend being eaten alive in the kitchen? He is never mentioned or seen again, despite them all having risked their lives to save him.

Ugh so disappointing. Hopefully if they make a fifth movie they will get some decent actors, and some characters who aren't quite so dumb.
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