
138 Reviews
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Mary & George (2024)
What a mess of a show!
18 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I love period shows especially when most shows now, like Outlander and Downton Abbey attempt to recreate authentic period shows.. and why this show is so ridiculously terrible. The language is abysmal and so far away from authentic for the period it's insulting. The f word is thrown around so much which goes along with the gratuitous sex scenes which I assume are included to distract us from the choppy and ill conceived storyline that again, is not faithful to the period.. The accents are absolutely terrible especially Juliane Moores half American and poor attempt of an English accent.. she can't stick to one accent she's trying to attempt.

Basically, the story so far is a lower class mother who married for money.. gets rid of her husband and tries to pimp her son out to the King.. When her husband dies she discovers he left everything to his cousin because he knew his wife was a scammer. She then marries another man with money who has a cockney accent which again isn't realistic, to pay for her son's pimping education in France.

There is nothing entertaining, funny or interesting about this show so far but I will give it a few episodes, begrudgingly just to see how bad it gets.. With the total lack of attention to create an authentic period show from the costumes, language and even the carriages.. I won't be surprised with anything.. Apparently the budget was fairly high for this show so I suspect someone is pocketing some of it.. or Julian Moore is being paid far too much for her desperate performance..

I really think producers think viewers aren't very bright and all they have to do is add sex scenes and be controversial and people will ignore the total lack of substance or attempt to produce a quality show..
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Sisu (2022)
So unbelievable but so entertaining!
11 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed watching Sisu and it made me laugh.. because it was so ridiculous but very entertaining.

A damaged WW2 Finish commando looses his family during the war and ends up gold prospecting, probably to occupy his mind, where he finds a massive vein of gold. It's the end of the war and a dishevelled and tired bunch of nazis come across the dude and discover he has gold which they intend to steal to set themselves up when the war finishes. There see multiple attempts to kill him which of course all fail and drama ensues..

What I really enjoyed were the creative ways the dude escaped from the nazis. It's totally unbelievable but really enjoyable to watch and I appreciate imaginative and unexpected scenarios which this movie excels at. It's not the typical predictable garbage most movies try to push.

I am the most critical person when watching movies and shows especially when they are meant to be realistic and fail miserably but this movie clearly isn't meant to be realistic but delivers on being highly entertaining. I also enjoy movies with different heroes and this hero is not the young typical buff good looking stereotype, he's a battle hardened mature gent with a fantastic mean look..
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Really well done.
3 February 2024
I have recently got into Star Trek, all of the Star Treks after being around to watch the original Star Trek as a kid with William Shatner. I am now a fanatic of all of the Star Treks and I am so glad the movies are well thought out especially the cast because replacing Shatner and Spock is a mammoth task and they do it superbly in the movies. Chris Pine even sounds like Kirk and Quinto as Spock is amazing, truly amazing. The rest of the cast is also well cast and enjoyable to watch.

Into the Darkness is visually fantastic to watch and the storyline is great. Khan returns and a Star Fleet admiral betrays the essence of Star Fleet and is a war monger and who better to portray the traitor but Robocop..

I have read many other reviews here where the authors knows who wrote the score and outlines details about the movie but they never seem to detail why the storyline fails in their critique. I am as critical as the next person but movies are movies and Into the darkness has a good storyline, fantastic cast, excellent effects, heaps of action and honours the original Star Trek in many ways. What more do people want.

I must mention Benedict who plays Khan, what a fantastic choice for Khan.. and the icing on the cake. I often review movies many years after they were released so I don't feel right explaining the storyline and going into detail when most people have already seen the movie by now..
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Deceptive and manipulative.
10 January 2024
I love documentaries and am open to any logical information that makes sense but while I was watching this beat up with one sided opinions, I kept on asking myself questions.. For example they CATEGORICALLY stated land used to grow food for cows was directly responsible for run offs that affected the seas increasing the nitrogen levels and damaging the eco system. My first thought was there are far more farms growing food for humans but this wasn't mentioned at all so apparently only farm land dedicated to feeding cows etc. Adversely affect the sea.. but farmland for human consumption is totally fine, which is the majority of farm land.

It's extremely deceptive to not mention the increasing need to develop farmland to feed increasing populations and the detrimental affects its having on the earth. It's also naive to not mention the human population has exploded and humans now overrun the planet and it's hubris to think the dramatic increase in resources, no matter what it is from water to soy beans, is finite and it's obviously affecting the planet in a detrimental way.. and the population must be controlled now. But big business and governments make too much money from larger populations so don't do anything about it, while the average person suffers.

I could point out the hypocrisy with every point this show was trying to make but those who want to believe this narrative can't be swayed with logic because jumping on bandwagons is a way of life these days.
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Trash show.
3 January 2024
If I could give 0 stars I would because this was the most one sided ridiculous take on the royal family and Markle. The so called reporters that gave their opinions during this show should now retract their statements now we know the facts of what went on during Markles 72 public appearances with the royals.

There was nothing accurate said and the way they twisted the facts in favour of Markle was astonishing and exactly why nobody trusts the media. I could not believe the way they criticised Kate in a backhanded way while praising Markle for being incapable of respecting anyone else and royal protocol.
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What a waste of time.
23 December 2023
I am actually angry this show is on tv at all because it's wasting valuable tv time which I pay for. Our pay tv system has prescheduled programs and this joke of a show, skin Walker ranch is up to season 4 and I am not happy. I tried to watch this show but the people are beyond believable and so fake and the so called scientific experiments to establish skinwalker ranch is in a weird zone are even more of a joke. I just watched an episode where they got 200 drones to fly in an area to see any anomalies.. after saying a helicopter lost control.. The drones didn't loose control and it was obvious a few of them were programmed to break formation because none of them were damaged. It's so insulting when a program tries to appear authentic and scientific and it's as believable as real housewives..with bland people, terrible acting and made up scenarios.

I want to know who watches this show because I blame them for rubbish like this being on tv in the first place. If viewers were more picky terrible insulting shows like this would not be made.
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Found (2023– )
What a mish mash!
11 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This show has every psychological problem covered by the characters. We have Gabi who was taken when she was a teenager, for a year by a man who never touched her but treated her like crap. Now Gabi has taken the Kidnapper and is holding him hostage in her basement. I don't know where the toilet is but I suppose we have to use our imagination. Then we have a woman whose son is missing so she stays at the bus station every night and works all day with the people trying to find missing people. When does she sleep.. I wonder.. she always looks dirty and dishevelled and never combs her hair. Does she sleep at the bus shelter or is she looking for her son.. I don't know.. We have a tech wiz who can't go outside who can't collect his packages if they are not within grabbing distance from his front door.

Gabi runs an organisation that finds missing people and the cops work for her apparently. She bosses the cops around so there seems to be corrupt cops.. I'm kidding but it's a ridiculous scenario.. The dude in the basement being kept by Gabi helps with the missing persons cases.. which is a rip of off so many shows.. but the person is usually in jail.. not the basement.. The acting isn't great, the stories are simplistic and ridiculous and nothing makes sense. In this day and age watching shows with so many characters with mental health issues isn't exactly uplifting. We really need shows that are uplifting and demonstrate not everyone has mental health issues even when they have been through trauma but this isn't one of them.

1 star is too high..
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The Crown (2016–2023)
Too many liberties taken and incorrect portrayals.
3 December 2023
Personally, I don't find any recreation of factual events and people realistic when the actors don't look or act anything like the real people, so I find The Crown impossible to watch. The few scenes I have seen have taken ridiculous liberties just to appeal to viewers. I could list the things that would never have happened in real life especially regarding the Queen and her duties and her reactions but the Crown wants to appeal to those who haven't got a clue about the monarchy, not that I am an expert, I just have common sense which the Crown does not!

It's sad the actors and the writers think it's ok to make so much up just to create a popular tv show even when the facts don't support their version of the people and events. The writers must know some people will believe this dribble and think this show is based on facts because some of the events are factual but the version or narrative shown on The Crown is the opposite of the facts and dramatised and twisted for effect and this show has absolutely no Integrity.
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Very sad state of affairs!
16 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was shocked but not surprised when watching this show. Renee, a woman that was home schooled and clearly not highly educated not knowing what colonisation meant and couldn't even pronounce the word, pretending to be a doctor in Africa and killing babies because of her incompetence. It was shocking to see footage of her actually treating babies taking blood etc with absolutely no medical qualifications., not even nurses training. She clearly revelled in pretending to treat babies because there was no way she could ever qualify to be a nurse let alone a doctor so I suspect she has some delusional issues. She's associated with some charity purporting to help African people and received quite a lot of money from other evangelists and this should be audited as well.

Renee has zero compassion or emotions when it comes to the babies who died in her care so I suspect a personality disorder along with her mother who can't see anything wrong with pretending to be a doctor, not in America where there are strict laws preventing this behaviour, but fine in Africa where the victims don't have any remedies and the law turns a blind eye.

The organisation trying to stop white saviours is suspect themselves especially when they get donations themselves and the money goes to ridiculous ventures that don't help anyone.

I DONT understand evangelists trying to change other cultures and people doing so much harm to the point of killing babies and they don't have any conscience and just don't care.. Renee left Africa and the dead babies left behind and seems to have just picked up where she left off in America.. without a worry in the world because what happens in Africa stays in Africa and she knows she will never go to jail, which is horrendous.

I felt so sorry for the mothers of the poor babies Renee pretended to treat as a doctor, and I hope Africa changes it's laws but I don't have much hope. The young African woman who organised the civil suit was extremely impressive and I hope she gets more support because she certainly deserves it and the money would definitely be well used and actually help those who need it.
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Documentary on evangelist churches.
8 October 2023
The Righteous Gemstones is a hit and miss show. There are too many extremely annoying characters like Judy, the over the top ridiculous daughter who never behaves normally. Jesse is just awful and a terrible father and annoying. In fact, most of the characters are annoying. Most people don't mention the religious side of this show because they are religious themselves but seeing how real TV evangelists behave this show is an accurate portrayal of churches today.. money oriented superficial people blindly ripping the congregation off, while the heads of the so called church live in luxury and have over the top lifestyles, while helping nobody.

The last season was pretty good and flowed a bit better then the previous seasons.. and the finally wrapped everything up but I wasn't sad the show ended, which says a lot.
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Kath & Kim (2002–2007)
Cringeworthy rubbish.
3 October 2023
I have tried so many times to get through and entire episode but just can't because I don't find Kath and Kim funny at all. What I gather from my attempts to watch the show is the people on the show are uneducated, naive, never experienced anything and speak with the worst possible exaggerated accents that I have never heard before in real life. The so called jokes are basically the characters being ridiculous and incredibly dumb. My dislike for the show must be my personal sense of humour. I don't understand how anyone could like this show and I have been with groups of people when it's been on and nobody laughed or even smiled when it was on.. so it can't just be me who doesn't like it.
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Star Trek (1966–1969)
Absolutely amazing for a 60's show!
19 August 2023
I watched Star Trek as a kid and have just started watching it again and it's BEYOND amazing! I haven't laughed so much for a long time.. not because the show is a joke, but because it was incredible at the time and now it's like a time warp and so enjoyable to watch.. oh and the storylines are hilarious and the aliens and costumes are so ridiculous but it was 1966 and ground breaking for it's time. The green skin and horrendous wigs some of the aliens wear are just awful but again, it was the 60's.

I do love Spock who actually transcends time and isn't a joke at all. He is amazing and even by today's standards comes across wise and measured and not over the top as most of the other characters do.

TV shows and movies are meant to entertain and Star Trek is definitely entertaining and leaves me feeling good after each episode so what more can we ask.. JAMES T KIRK was a progressive man for his time, albeit a tad creepy at times and overly sexual, but Star Trek was the catalyst for so many amazing shows to come and I appreciate the shows that paved the way for our sc-fi obsessions.

The reviews that don't take into consideration the time Star Trek was made and putting todays standards on a show that was the first of its kind should be totally ignored because they are not well thought out reviews and from people who haven't got a clue about ground breaking events that are the catalyst for what we have now. These reviewers don't appreciate or respect the enormous risk the producers endured creating such a progressive tv show or realise how invaluable these shows are today. Plus, they give us an insight on past attitudes and beliefs that filter into Star Trek storylines if we look for it..

I must mention the creepy look Kirk gives some women, the sleazy look, which makes me laugh and appreciate how far we have come, thank goodness.

Live long and prosper!
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Extremely average program!
19 August 2023
I really enjoy seeing programs on actors, how they began and progressed during their careers but this show is full of platitudes and over the top praise for absolutely everything every actor does. Some of the worst movies and worst performances from certain actors are described as 'genius' and 'outstanding' when at the very least should have been omitted from the show if the reviewers didn't want to criticise or accurately describe a movie and performance, and you don't have to be a professional actor to distinguish between a good and bad portrayal of a character.. it's obvious.. As other reviews have stated here, many of the facts they sprout are not researched properly and are inaccurate which is unforgivable and should not occur so basically their factual information can't be trusted and their opinions are just as flawed. What I have learnt is there are no bad actors and definitely no bad performances.. and everything is outstanding and amazing.. I think the people on this show are simply too scared to voice an honest opinion just in case they might want to interview that actor or say something that might offend one viewer.. no matter the reason, it's annoying..
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Hiers and Spares Episode was Full of bias and untruths!
27 June 2023
I enjoyed this series to a point until the episode titled Heirs and Spares.. which chose to omit multiple facts like Kate was attacked by the media for years but pushed the narrative that only Markle received negative press.. and the story mentioned was in fact written by an American in an American tabloid newspaper and not by the English press. I immediately knew this show was biased especially the description of the HARKLES wedding. Of course the people in attendance thought the wedding was a bit of a joke because it was a wedding and the preacher went off on a tangent which had nothing to do with marriage. He was clearly promoting himself which was a shame and even the HARKLES were laughing at him.. which the narrator conveniently didn't mention.

It's amazing how the facts are ignored these days and a particular narrative is pushed depending on who is behind it.. and this show was obviously biased and wanted to push a particular false narrative..

I just watched Heirs and Spares again because it was showing and again, I was furious because of the biased inaccurate commentary. It's obvious whoever narrated the episode has a very defined opinion that's beyond biased and not based on facts.. It was deplorable.
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The Idol (2023)
Soft core porn trying to make this legit!
24 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't care about sex scenes because they don't bother me but this show relies on them instead of enhancing the storyline! I have watched 3 episodes so far and what I gather is a popular singing star lost her mother and had a break down. After having a break, the people around her are trying to resurrect her career but she still needs time to sort herself out.. mean while a sleazy dude latches onto to her and manipulates her which she seems to readily accept even though he's ugly, has a terrible personality and has absolutely nothing going for him. The acting is atrocious except for Hank Azaria and a couple of other supporting players. I hope Depp doesn't watch this because that would be really weird and absolutely disturbing and it makes me wonder how his daughter can do a show about abuse and think this is ok considering everything. Im sure he is supportive but honestly, it's a disgrace..

Im afraid whoever wrote this thinks the shock value of the continual graphic sex scenes will obscure the terrible storyline. I find myself fast forwarding past a lot of the boring bits because there seems to be a lot of empty scenes that give us nothing.
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Animal Control (2023– )
This show really falls short!
3 June 2023
I was so excited to see a show about animal control because I thought it would be hilarious but this show falls short and I end up watching and not even smiling let alone laughing. I can see potential with the scenarios to be funny but they end up just being silly and poorly executed. Palmer needs to go because I can't understand everything she says and her acting is really bad. The rest of the cast is good.

I have a feeling the producers threw this show together, got amateur writers in and hoped for the best on the smallest budget possible and if this is not the case I would be shocked. I will watch episodes now and then to see if things improve because I really want this show to be good.
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Slip (2023– )
A joke concept made into reality!
20 May 2023
I have seen on quite a few shows jokes about time travel where people have to climax to time travel and some idiot decided this was a good idea..COPIED THE JOKE, and now we have SLIP!

The main actor is awful and is neither a good actor or plays a watchable character! She is ultra annoying and self centred and not enjoyable to watch if you can ignore the absolutely ridiculous premise of having to climax to time travel.

There is no risk of adding spoilers because there is nothing to spoil, this show is awful!

The storyline is not original, the acting is terrible and there is nothing redeemable about this train wreck of a show. It's actually shocking it's been made at all and such a waste of time and money.
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A ridiculous narrative that's totally twisted!
28 March 2023
I started to watch this so called documentary to learn something but all I saw was an extremely warped version of events by people with a narrow view point. I couldn't believe some of the idiotic views by the majority of the people shown here. Omid Scobie is a Markle puppet and her mouth piece who together with Markles input, wrote a book full of false narratives. So many of the comments made by most of the people interviewed were biased and reminded me of the Bashir interview with Diana because that was a corrupt interview created by manipulations and lies, which this seems to be the same.

Congratulations on creating another warped, one sided show trying to convince the public the truly vile pair aren't vile.. they are because the evidence comes straight out of their mouths.

Terrible, terrible show!
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Secrets of Playboy (2022–2023)
Unbelievably naive people!
17 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I watched the entire thing and could not believe how gullible and naive these people were! We have a man who clearly uses women and exploits them and treats them like possessions and then the women are surprised to learn he doesn't treat women well. The girlfriends whine and say they were traumatised and yet stayed for years which is contradictory.. I do understand being gullible but once they learnt just how twisted Heff was I don't understand staying around except for personal gain. The one girlfriend, Sondra, is the main protagonist and again, was traumatised by Heff and then stated she even took her children to the mansion for an Easter egg hunt which again, I shook my head in derision with the stupidity.. It seems these women wanted fame and money and turned a blind eye to the shenanigans going on and went along with stuff to further their own goals.. This has been happening all over the world in various forms but not on this scale but personally I immediately walked away and never lowered myself to do things for money or status even though I had many opportunities over the years.. and I'm sure it's still happening and will continue to happen until people wake up and say no.. Nothing is worth selling yourself..
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The Beach Bum (2019)
What a total waste of time!
8 January 2023
The only people who could possibly like this mess are those who are so high they can't move to turn the tv off or switch channels and don't remember what they watched.

I wonder how Mathew even considered making this movie let alone actually doing it.

Basically this is about a mentally slow hedonistic man who hangs around people with absolutely no common sense living his life constantly high on drugs. We have sex scenes, bare breasts and drug taking to appeal to those who don't mind a movie with very little storyline and are distracted by the gratuitous exploits. I am actually embarrassed for Mathew and snoop dog for doing this movie! It's simply ridiculous and so damn boring.. I had to fast forward past most of it..
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Heartbreaking show with abused animals!
28 December 2022
I really enjoy watching Louis Theroux documentaries but this particular one was so upsetting! Seeing animals being treated as commodities and nothing else, by ridiculous delusional people who don't mind torturing animals by enclosing them in small cages with absolutely no stimulation is barbaric! I would personally like to see the people who have these animals caged up so they can find out how it feels. I can't wrap my mind around anyone choosing to house wild animals in such abhorrent cages and it's obvious why the animals become unstable and dangerous because they are going out of their minds. I see commercials for charities asking for money to save cages animals overseas and yet there are thousands of animals in the same situation in America and that's ok. How can any government allow this. I wish Louis interviewed politicians to ask them why this hasn't been stopped years ago.

Humanity is totally lost if people actually think these animals are happy when it's obvious they are definitely not!
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His Dark Materials (2019–2022)
This must be written by a child!
24 December 2022
I am beyond shocked this show had a second season, let alone a third! It's the most childish badly scripted show I have watched! The effects are just awful with the talking animals that look ridiculous especially these days when special effects are extremely realistic! The main actor, Lyra or whatever her name is, is ultra boring and one dimensional but it doesn't really matter because the story is ridiculous! I love fantasy shows so was excited by this but it's such a disappointment.. Then I saw the adds showing future episodes where a talking polar bear was featured and again, such a disappointment.. even the voice of the bear doesn't suit the character and again, the graphics could be a lot better.. Again, I am shocked this show is popular because there is nothing appealing about it!
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The Godfather (1972)
I lived the life hence my score!
12 December 2022
I was actually married to someone in the same position when we went to see the Godfather and I'm afraid my review is marred by my experience. So much of the movie was ridiculous while some parts were accurate. I didn't enjoy watching this due to being involved in what was being glamorised on the big screen.. I found the mafia ISNT the highly regarded organisation it claims to be. I was told over and over they never hurt the innocent and there is a lot of honour in the mafia which I discovered is untrue. The backstabbing and lying even among family members is shocking and there is no honour.. absolutely none!
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Oprah pushing the false narrative!
12 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was shocked that Oprah instigated this lie fest and didn't ask one decent question. I kept on waiting for an intelligent question but Oprah simply went along with the narrative that made zero sense!

Markle tried to paint a picture that the royal family never helped her or taught her any royal protocols but this is a lie. Markle was in fact provided with several aids to teach her royal protocol. But, even if the truth wasn't known by Oprah, I did expect Oprah to at least ask Markle what she personally did to learn royal protocol considering Markle is a middle aged woman who professes to be intelligent and independent but Oprah showed shock at the statement and didn't ask one question. As a middle aged woman I would have expected Markle to either ask Harry if a family member would be willing to teach her or simply to hire someone herself but apparently Markle wanted to paint a picture of an 18 year old who was naive and didn't know what to do and the mean royal family threw her to the wolves.

The 'I didn't want to live anymore' comment was clearly a fabrication because Harry is aware there are doctors available 24/7 and he has in fact got a psychiatrist on speed dial. But, Markle claimed sue went to Human Resources for help who clearly couldn't help because that's not what they are there for and would have told her to see a doctor, but Markle again, twisted the narrative that the Human Resources department refused to help which is ridiculous because Harry would have told her they can't help and it's not the place to go for help. Harry stated he was embarrassed and did nothing which shows the 'I didn't want to live' was a ruse to make Harry think Markle was like his mother which was her plan.. clearly!

Markle chose a career predicated on media and public attention and craved attention so should have been far more prepared for royal life than Kate but again, her narrative is one of a victim which Oprah helped her with.

The racist claims are also fictional because Markles version didn't match what Harry stated so clearly it's simply another twisted victimhood narrative they are desperately trying to push. There is ample proof that the royal family gave Markle special treatment and helped her as much as humanly possible but this ungrateful pair only want to make money from selling their connection to the royal family!
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Their fictional story, not well thought out!
10 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Well, what can be said about this.. it's definitely not a documentary because documentaries usually have some facts scattered in, this is all made up garbage to suit their narrative!

Markle got rid of her own father for not respecting her privacy and yet this pair can lie to Oprah and now Netflix and rubbish his family and this pair can't see the hypocrisy, but we can.

In this show they whine about media attention which is ironic because she chose a career predicated on media and public approval and attention and now all of a sudden she doesn't like attention. What she doesn't like is her husband having a family and being close to anyone but her because she's a jealous woman who needs full control of her spineless husband to exploit. It certainly looks like she manipulated Harry's love for his mother by falsely creating the same dramas his mother went through and recreating them to make Harry feel the same thing is happening to Markle, but it's not because Markle is nothing like his mother and extremely disingenuous and false!

It made me laugh when they were dating and Markle created a persona of a humanitarian and Harry took her to Africa which she hated.. and haven't been back since she snared her prince.. This story is one big joke and the majority of the population of the world can see through the duplicitous pair who attack his family for monetary gain because they have no talent or skills to mention.

I can't believe anyone is buying what they are selling because they contradict themselves and blatantly lie and it's all out of their own mouths so they can't claim bias.. or the media twisting their words.
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