
27 Reviews
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Gattaca (1997)
Surprisingly good.
7 December 2006
By the time this movie got released I was 12 years old, so it wasn't appealing to me at all; by the previews it looked boring and complicated. Boy, I was wrong; Gattaca is as good as any other movie that I used to like at that age, but I didn't know that until now.

The appealing of the movie, is not visual effects (there is hardly visual effects, and the few CGI shots are not that great), is not the action, (there is no action sequences in here), it is the story and the boldness and imagination of the ideas that are presented that are really attractive to your imagination.

That's an amazing achievement, keep your interest for 2 hours, without the usual action sequences, and it's so good, that you're going to find yourself thinking about the movie at least a few minutes after the movie ends.

Bring more of these ones. 9 out of 10.
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You can't hate a movie that has been created on purpose to be a brainless entertainment.
6 December 2006
I mean, come on¡¡, this movie is so dumb on its plot, so dumb in the action, so dumb on the romance, and the acting too. That's a big message from the creators of this movie to you, seating in front of the screen. It's not to be taken seriously, this is a popcorn movie, it's supposed to be campy and brainless.

Now you have to be careful while doing this kind of movie, or you would end up with garbage as "Lake Placid".

But this is not the case; Doug Liman is a great director, and the fun and excitement that he brings around is noticeable.

Now, as for Pitt and Jolie, they are good actors, and you can see through their faces that they are having a good time while doing this movie.

I did have a great time watching it, and so the rest of the audience, the trick is to keep your critical mind off; if you do that, you are going to have a great time while seeing Mr and Mrs. Smith. 9 out of 10.
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I, Robot (2004)
Very enjoyable.
6 December 2006
I'm not a fan of Will Smith, as a comedian I think he's not that great, but in a straight action role he fits well enough. I' ROBOT, is one of those examples; Will plays a police officer of the future, a future in which robots are as common as humans, and they are apparently harmless; you would suspect from the beginning that something is not going right, as Will Smith character suspects.

One would say that the plot is kind of predictable, but not all of it is.

There are plenty of surprises, and enough action sequences, with great visual effects to keep the average viewer entertained.

And the performing of all the actors is well in the terms of an sci-fi action movie.

It is not worth Oscar, but it doesn't need to be; this movie is pure entertainment, and action by the minute. Keep doing stuff like this. 9 out of 10.
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So Funny, but, Is it really necessary to say the "f" word so many times?
4 December 2006
Wow, what a good comedy; "Something about Mary" is going to make you laugh either you want it or not. The jokes are so outrageous that or you're going to chuckle, to laugh, or to crack up as i did almost the whole time.

The story is about Ted, a nerdy guy who is in love with the nicest and prettiest girl of the school: Mary. When he luckily gets to go to the prom with Mary, and he's going to pick her up at her house, one of the most hilarious sequence of the movie starts, you'll laugh so hard that you're going to have to see it one more time to catch all the phrases and dialog.

But, the sequence ends, and now we are in the present, with Ted still in love with Mary; so he hires by a friend's advise Pat Healy, to spy on her, though he denies that he's a stalker, and then almost every man that gets to know Mary falls for her.

But that's not the best this movie has to offer. This is a basic, simple plot to have a lot of explosive funny sequences, and there are a very good amount of good ones.


1-The zipper sequence. 2-The dog resurrection sequence. 3-The masturbation scene (wait till you hear the background music and that scene) 4-The gel part. 5-The fight Ted vs. Dog. 6-The reunion of all the creeps who are in love with Mary. 7-And a final murder of a singer.

Those are the highligths, but you are certainly going to find a lot more in here.

My only personal objection is the 40 f... words; I mean, they could have take out all the f words, and the movie would have been as funny as it is, but is good anyway. 9 out of 10.
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Xtraordinary action, 2 times the first one
3 December 2006
We already know the characters, their motivations, their desires, and know in X2 Bryan singer place all the x-men into action. If you think that the first one didn't have enough action, wait till you get a load at this one.

The action starts from the opening sequence until the very end, with a very entertaining plot in middle of everything.

Wolverine once again takes the lead (though there are mutants with powers cooler than his) and Hugh Jackman fills the role with perfection, so does the rest of the cast in some smaller but nice roles.

One has to understand that in the x-men universe there's a lot of characters and the movie can't be too long, so instead of a great story with a background for everybody, we get a plot that uses all the x-men at the time in a very entertaining way.

So, if you are looking for a great action movie that will keep you on the edge of your seat, X2 is just for you. 9 out of 10.
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X-Men (2000)
A Very Good Introduction, but you do feel that something is missing
30 November 2006
It is a great challenge to make the first episode of a superhero series, why? You have the pressure of making it believable, entertaining, dramatic, exciting, you know what...

Bryan Singer, hands down, he is a great director, x-men is a hit, and without the action sequences you would expect from a movie of this kind, he keeps your full attention, but not for long enough.

The minutes fly by and suddenly you will find yourself hoping for something exciting to happen, and it will, but by that the movie has reached almost its conclusion.

Good thing that there is a sequel, that it works very good thanks to this first act, not a bad thing, right??? 8 out of 10.
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Dany Elfman score, Tim Burton bizarre visual style, your eyes and ears will be happy
30 November 2006
The story line is very simple, most of the characters don't have a solid reason to behave like they do, the romance between the main characters is completely unbelievable, all of that would be true without Danny Elfman score and Tim Burton visual style.

Those 2 elements made it all possible for me; ESH is as magic as fairy tale could be, and you would wish that it'd never end.

The acting is by far too cartoonish, but that's what makes the movie a very entertaining and funny experience.

Jhonny Dep is perfect in his role, he doesn't talk much, he looks creepy, but still he manages to be tender and kind enough to win you all over.

Wynona is absolutely gorgeous (what eyes) and good make up too when she acts as a granny.

Now let me say that Danny Elfman Score for this movie is one of my favorite scores of all time, is absolutely haunting and magical, so powerful that corny scenes with his music become historical scenes, that would give you chills on your back and arms, and maybe brought some tears to your eyes. Tim Burton's Best. 10 out of 10.
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Way better than 1 and 2 but...
30 November 2006
It was impossible for George Lucas to have something as good as 4 and 5, but still he was close with this one, because Episode 3 goes beyond everybody's expectations.

This episode is out of the 6 episodes, the one with more action, and i mean a lot of action, the first 20 minutes are a space battle so big and so filled with visuals and detail and a lot of movement, that is almost impossible to catch every little detail.

The action is the kind that makes you cheer and laugh, is a roller coaster ride.

Now comes the bad, big plot scenes with more boring dialogs; of course they are necessary, but most of them are the answers the plot holes of the last episodes, so what can you do?

Now when Gorge Lucas has every little detail in his history put in its rightful place, now goes straight to business, and what all we've been waiting for finally arrives... SOME SPOILERS ...the turning of Anakin to the dark side...and there are 45 or 50 minutes until the end. Those minutes are the greatest thing that the new trilogy has to offer, it's an amazing conclusion and a wonderful introduction for the old trilogy.

You would never see Darth Vader the same way again. 9 out of 10.
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The love story feels forced, the rest is astonishing
30 November 2006
What a ride of a movie. Episode 2 breaks loose a little bit this time and it gives you an amazing ride, mostly. What is so difficult about this movie's character relationship is that those feel forced, like if they knew already as we do that sooner or later they will end up in episodes 4,5,6. You know that Anakin soon or later will get it on with Padme, and the actors know that and we know that, but most of their scenes feel so forced that i find myself laughing at one of the most corning love dialogs in movie history.

Fortunately, the love story isn't everything this movie has to offer. Episode 2 brings you some action sequences that surpass the complexity and excitement of episode 1, including an amazing pursuit on Courscant, a chase on asteroid field, an amazing action sequence on a droid factory, and the last and best thing the start of the clone wars.

The visuals on this movie are one of the best thing on this episode, they haunt your eyes and never let you go, showing you some new worlds and old ones but from a different perspective. I have to say that this movie feels long on it's running time, it could've been use some editing here and there, that's because since the last action sequence until the clone wars there's a large amount of time, most of it spending on main plot elements, that although necessary to the overall trilogy plot, they about put you to sleep as they are so unexciting; but wait until the climax with Yoda that scene, steals the whole show and it's worth the admission ticket.

A very good episode, as good as episode 1, in some ways better, but not as good as the old ones, that's impossible. 9 out of 10.
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Not as enjoyable as the old episodes, but visually hypnotizing
29 November 2006
It is so hard to review this movie because is a 50/50 situation: you could have all the reason to hate it, or to love it. I'll review the movie according to the first time a saw it, and my reaction to it.

It was 1999, and I was 14 years old; by the time i was a big fan of the old episodes, and episode 1 became my most anticipated movie to watch.

The main theme burst at the beginning, and i find myself humming the melody, i'm really excited; the introduction words mention something about a trade dispute, and I can't understand a single idea of what they are talking about, but a space ship pass the screen roaring powerfully, this is good; young Obi-Wan Kenobi shows up with master Qui-Gon, a really boring conversation starts, once again i don' t understand nothing (what the heck are they talking about), but a light saber battle starts, i'm exciting once again, hypnotized by the visuals and sounds, and the rest of the movie is pretty much the same, some boring plot scenes that apparently don't make ant sense, and suddenly a stunning action sequence that would take your breath away (by the way the boring plot scenes i'm talking about become more clear as you watch episode 2 and 3)

But in overall, is an extraordinary experience to see this movie on the big screen; it takes you to another fantasy worlds, that look so real and fantastic, that you wish you would visit them in a galaxy far, far away. 9 out of 10
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Overall: not the best episode, but it is impossible to hate.
29 November 2006
I only wish that Return of the Jedi, have been directed by somebody else, I mean, there is far too much ewoks scenes, completely unnecessary. Besides this time our heroes look like different people: Princess Leia no longer fights with Solo, Luke looks boring, Darth Vader is not as evil as before, and Yoda just dies.

But there are many extraordinary things going on this episode that i just can't hate it.

SOME SPOILERS 1- Jabba the hut 2- The Sail Barge attack sequence. 3-The emperor (now that's evil) 4- The Speeders chase at the endor forest. 5-The Last Battle. 6-The Dark side seduction scene. 7-The return of Anakin to the good side of the force. 8- And the last celebration.

Some of those are so good that they can bring tears to your eyes. If some scenes would have been cut, and another director was hired, this would have been as perfect as episode 4 and 5, but still is extraordinary. 9 out of 10.
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The Best Episode
29 November 2006
This one is as good as episode 4, but in a different kind of way. The adventure is there, the action also, the comedy too, but this time around the plot contains a lot of tragedy, that's a new one, and it leaves you with a nostalgic feeling, because it doesn't have a happy ending.

That's what makes this movie the best episode, it introduces the characters you already know and puts them in a real peril; you do care about them. You travel with everyone of them on their journeys, and all of those journeys are fantastic.

The acting is way better than the original and the themes far more darker than before.

The plot surprises are... well surprising and the fate of the characters is uncertain.

What a movie, what an episode, what a story, 10 out of 10.
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It Would Make You Cheer
29 November 2006
What a ride, this is one of the most entertaining fantasy-sci-fi movies around; it has all you would expect from a movie of this kind and much more: action, suspense, comedy, a little romance, adventure, villains, lightsabers, laser guns, space ships, monsters, aliens, speeders, banthas, droids, death star, DARTH VADER, princess with funny hair do, harrison ford, one of the best John Williams score, Chewbacca, Do I need to say more?

No, because this movie is already a classic that has inspired a lot of other movies.

It would not make you cry, it would not make you think in deep issues, more better it would make you cheer. Fantastic entertainment. 10 out of 10.
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The Mask (1994)
The Best Jim Carey Movie By Far
29 November 2006
I have never been a Jim Carey fan, i have always thought that in his movies he is trying too hard to be funny, acting way over the top, trying to play a cartoon character by himself; for me it doesn't work, but THE MASK is something totally different, because you are watching Jim Carey as a cartoon character, with large teeth and a make up that just by watching him it would make you laugh.

Now this character is really a great vehicle for Jim Carrey to make his show, and this times it works more than perfect.

This movie made me laugh a lot, and the wonderful thing is that THE MASK is not overused, making his appearances more enjoyable.

My Jim Carrey favorite by far. "Tell Scarlett I do give a damn", "Jet' adore, jet' adore, jet' wind, i don't care" 8 out of 10.
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Titanic (1997)
THE BIGGEST SHIP OF ALL TIME, the weakest acting of all time.
7 May 2004
TITANIC is absolutely a terrific mega production. It's visually perfect, the special effects are terrific, the score from James Cameron is by far unforgettable, the costumes are awesome, the sound effects are spectacular, and the acting is just the opposite. It wasn't a surprise that TITANIC got all the OSCARS but the acting ones.

I have to say that this movie is really clever, because is not all about TITANIC the ship, is about the forbidden love story of Rose De Witt Bukater and Jack Dawson, and how they fall in love in this terrible tragedy.

The love plot is very predictable and while you are seeing it is not much like other James Cameron Productions, besides I found annoying at times the acting between the very hot Kate Winslet and the fake Leonardo DiCaprio. It's not a believable relation, for me it looks false, and being 1:30 seeing this relation developing it's kind of boring. However not all is bad, the characters of Molly Brown, Calvert, Captain Smith, Rose's mother, and even Fabrizzio and Tommy are perfectly performed.

The sinking sequence is one of the most incredible and realistic scenes I've ever seen in a movie; it's really impressive what James Cameron and all his crew achieved, it's the best dramatic, thrilling, disturbing and realistic sequence that has ever been made.

This movie was really daring, and its PG-13 rate was really criticized, and with absolutely right, because contains brief frontal nudity, (YOU CAN SEE KATE'S BOOBIES, MMMMM), one use of strong language (`..and his f***ing hand, sorry his hand'), some sexuality (`You are trembling.hoo haa') and disturbing disaster situations (Lady holding her son and repeating him: `It'll be over soon', or Tommy being shot by Mr. Murdock).

I would've give it an R, but who cares, this movie is going to be remembered as the movie that more money $$$$$$ has earned. 9/10
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An extraordinary WILD ride
28 April 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Temple of Doom it's a hell of a movie no matter what the people said. It's more exciting, funnier, and more impressive than the first one.

Yes, it's violent, but is not as bloody as `Raiders' is. Temple of doom deserves a lot more than it has, because is a non-stopping action sequel, in which you can't move from your seat while you are watching it; this movie moves, and moves, making you feel the real meaning of what an action movie means.

The plot of the movie is real interesting, is by far nothing like raiders, it's a complete new adventure and situation. It's the search of a sacred rock which has been stolen from a village, and is used to worship an evil god: Kali. Following the adventure with Indiana J. is Short Round, and the singer Willie Scott.

The cast is great, I can't understand why Kate (Willie) was criticized for her acting, her performance is just one of the most funny that I have seen in a female character: the way she complains about everything, the screams, her originality makes me laugh every time I watch this movie, besides for me she is the most beautiful of the three Indiana's girls. The villain Mola Ram is really creepy, I remembered that when I was a kid this guy really scared me just by seeing him laugh.


The action sequences, despite of being very unrealistic, are just impressive and make you feel the excitement through all your body: The plane crash sequence, the scene when Indiana and Short R. are trapped and Willie with all the insects tries to save them, the mine chase (For me this is one of the most impressive and exciting action sequence that I have ever seen in my life), and the falling bridge sequence.

OK, I have to admit that some sequences are a little bit disturbing even diabolic, but `Raiders' it is exactly the same, just try to remember and think about it:

RAIDERS: -In the first scene when Indiana is looking for the idol and the Latin guy who says `Adios señor' is killed by the trap and you can see the blades crossing his body and head, and Indiana says: `Adios Estupido'. -In the Marion's bar scene you can see very clearly how Indiana shots into a guy's head, and the head burst into blood. -In the Cairo sequence, again you can see how Indiana shots a guy in his chest and again in the head of the guy who was driving the truck with dynamite. -In the plane fight sequence all the sequence is too violent: punches, bites, even a guy killed by the propellers of the plane, and in a moment you can see the cockpit of the plane soak in blood. -In the car chase sequence you can see how Indiana really hates Nazis: gun shots, punches, even he murder a guy running over him with the truck. -And for the last you can see how several Nazis soldiers are killed by a mystique force, including two guys melting in a very bloody way concluding with a guy who is burning, to finally see how his head explode. IT'S IMPOSSIBLE THAT PEOPLE SAY THAT TEMPLE OF DOOM IS THE LESS GOOD OF THE THREE BECAUSE IT'S TOO VIOLENT.

`Temple of Doom' rocks¡¡¡¡ (as well as the other two Indiana Jones movies), is by far one of the best action movies ever, so open your mind, relax and tight your seat belt for the wildest ride of your life.

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E.T. (1982)
Inspiring and delightful
28 April 2004
ET really is a touching and inspiring movie. It touches your heart and reminds you about that time when you were just a kid.

I have to admit that when I was a kid I had no interest in this movie, even when it was presented on the TV, I always changed the channel; but on the 20th anniversary of the movie, and with 16 years old, I thought: I have to see it.

And I wasn't disappointed: the movie is not the most impressive in CGI or sound, but it has something that while you are sitting there watching that grotesque creature you fall in love with it, and man, ET goes and I was crying like one of those ridiculous `sentimental girls', I couldn't believe it.

I don't know how Steven S. did it, but with ET he created something that I think I could call: How we could learn to accept and love to each other no matter of the differences of nation, language, or color.

And besides the whole sentimental thing, this movie is really entertaining, especially for Drew Barrymore, (I just knew her for Charlie's Angels) she is so adorable and funny.

This movie is a real delight, so if you think that you couldn't possibly enjoy a sentimental movie rated PG, shame on you.
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One of the best action movies of all time
28 April 2004
`Raiders' is by far one of the most entertaining, exciting, and funny movies off all time. The action never stops, since its spectacular introduction until its spine-chilling ending this movie is absolutely one of the best from Steven S.

The story is about a professor who is an archeologist and an adventurer as well, who is assigned to find the mystical ark of covenant, which is a relic that apparently contains the power of god, and what better villains than the Nazis for Indiana Jones to fight with.

`Raiders' contain everything you could possibly want in a movie: Love, Action, Suspense, comedy, Violence, snakes, fights, ghosts, traps, guns.

The only thing I don't agree with is the PG rate. This movie is by far too violent to be PG (you can see how Indiana SHOTS IN A GUY'S HEAD at two times), the fight scenes are too violent, and for a PG movie there's too much blood… but who cares everybody have seen this movie hundreds of times, and despite of the violence it's really worth watching.

So get ready for the adventure with `Raiders of the Lost Ark'.

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One of the most brilliant alien films of all time
28 April 2004
This movie as well as Star Wars was an icon for science fiction movies, because is brilliant in every kind of way.

The story is really personal and universal at the same time: about how a man's life is suddenly interrupted by an encounter with an UFO, which takes him to a journey of discovery that nearly makes him go crazy. Meantime the government tries to hide the truth about these UFO sightings. The climax of this movie is really spectacular and eye-catching.

The acting is pretty good too, Richard Dreyfuss takes you in his journey to find out what's wrong with him and the rest of the cast give a great performance too.

The Visual Effects are very impressive (even for a '77 movie) specially the ones used on the Mother Ship Sequence, and the Kidnapping of Barry which is one of the sequences that scared me the most when I was a child.

Close Encounters is for this and for much more one of the most brilliant alien movies ever made.

If you like this movie, enjoy it on DVD, and use your Home Theater system, because the soundtrack has been digitally enhanced, and it's so tremendous that I can assure you that in several scenes the windows of your house are going to vibrate a lot.

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Jaws (1975)
Absolutely terrific and enjoyable
28 April 2004
Jaws is one of the most exciting and suspenseful films of all time. When I saw this movie for the first time, I was really scared almost through the entire movie, even just by hear the famous `shark' music.

Everything in this movie is great, since its scary beginning until its awesome conclusion.

The acting is one of the best I've seen in an action/terror movie: The characters of Queen, chief Brody, and Hooper are just amazing, particularly Queen, which from my point of view is the best actor in the movie. He goes from serenity to insanity, from funny to despicable, and he just does it in a perfectly kind of way.

The shark obviously is not the most real shark I've seen in a movie, but, for a movie from 1975 is reasonable. And it still is more impressive than the computer graphics of many current action movies.

The DVD version is by far a must have DVD for those who like this movie, because the soundtrack has been digitally enhanced and the visual quality is by far a lot more better than the original movie.

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Stupid, but really funny to see with friends...
2 April 2004
Come on people¡¡¡, this movie is great.

I have to admit that all is true: very bad acting, a ridiculous story, but who cares. When I want to see a terror movie, I want to jump out of my seat and this movie made me feel that, since its frightening start until the end.

It's absolutely stupid and everybody act real badly: the boy, the guy, the girl (I can't even remember their names). But I don't care.

I invited some friends to see this movie and we all have a really fun occasion, and the girls were all screaming every time, and we were laughing to dead.

If you really want to enjoy this movie you better get a home theater system, because I can assure you that you're going to jump a lot of times from your seat (a lot more than in The Others or The Ring).

And if you are worried about your children (in case that there are some in your house), don't worry at all, this movie isn't gory or violent at all.

Darkness Falls is a movie for young, fun people, who want to have a cool time, so invite some friends and enjoy it.

But if you are looking a very good work of art, and story, and acting, better see The Others.
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Visually amazing, and mind blowing but a little boring...
2 April 2004
I saw this movie for my first time in the cinema, and I wasn't expecting too much, but the movie it is pretty good indeed. The visual effects are outstanding, the locations are great, the plot is really "mind blowing" (tell me about it, I've seen this movie like 30 times and there are some things that i still don't understand).

The bad thing is that this movie stars very slow, and i mean "very slow", with Alexander and his girl and all that, and it turns really exciting like 1 hour later. I invited some friends to see this movie and they all fell sleep, until the Morlocks appear on scene.

But still a great movie, with the spectacular acting of Jeremy Irons and Guy Pierce(Samantha Mumba,though, I'd replaced her for somebody else, the same with his annoying little brother).

Enjoy this movie in a time in which you have your mind completely clear, because it could give you a big headache.

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One of the best action movies ever...
2 April 2004
I can't believe that Vertical Limit has a 6. This movie is absolutely spectacular. It has great action sequences that make your heart pump to the max, and besides it has a magnificent plot that keeps you at the edge of your seat from the beginning until the end.

The acting is awesome; Scott Glenn is my favorite of this one, you can feel his conflict and his feelings through his eyes all the time. Bill Paxton made a wonderful villain in this movie. Robin Tunney is very realistic in her scenes as the sister of Chris and, well, Even Chris delivers a good performance (well, at least better than 'Robin' in BATMAN AND ROBIN).

I can't find a single flaw in VL, the locations are amazing, the visual effects are very impressive, the score from James N. H. is wonderful, and the action is so good that when I saw the movie on the cinema, all the audience were screaming, and laughing, to the point of holding to their seats, specially in that scene when Cyril is holding an ax in order to doesn't fall over the cliff, the best action sequence of the film, in my opinion.

It's unbelievable that JP3 has a better rate than VL; VL is an action-packed movie that deserves a lot more than a 6, because it has all that you can look for in an action movie: Big action, great acting, great history that makes you think (What would you risk to safe somebody's life?)

If you want to really enjoy this movie to the max, I recommend you to see it with your home theater; this movie has an excellent sound that makes you feel like you are actually there, in the VERTICAL LIMIT.

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Volcano (1997)
This movie could've been better. but it's uninteresting to the extreme.
2 April 2004
VOLCANO apparently has it all: Tommy Lee Jones, Anne Heche, sound effects, CGI, a history with great opportunities of action sequences, JUST IMAGINE L.A. COVERED WITH LAVA. It could've had great possibilities of being great, but it isn't. Why?

1. - The movie tries to be better than Dante's Peak, but fails.

2. - The story has nothing interest: Tommy divorced lives with his daughter, and suddenly a Volcano burst from La Brea Tar Pits, and the city suffer from 5:00 am to 9:00 or so.

3. - Most of the sequences are very unrealistic, and the lava looks really computerized and unreal.

4. - The action sequences are nothing but explosions and fires, with no thrills at all. You just see houses on fire, lava on the streets, and some `lava bombs' which look really false. Ohh. and that stupid line: `You don't do anything until you know where it's going to land'.

5. - The way the movie tries to make you feel that all is actually happening, with all the news scenes. That's the worst thing of all: a very unrealistic movie trying to be realistic, that does it.

I think that if the producers would've think a little bit more, they could've have found a better script, and ask ILM to help them in the Visual Effects, and, PLEASE, give to Mr. Tommy Lee Jones a better character to work with, because Mike Roark and Dr. Amy Barnes characters have absolutely nothing interest, neither funny through all the movie.

The only 2 things that I enjoyed from this movie were the music from Alan Silvestri, and the sound effects (by Skywalker Sound) that are pretty good.

A 6/10 and I'm being considerate.
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Great effects, great sound, and nothing else...
1 April 2004
I went to the movie theater with my friends to see JP3, and we all went out of the theater really disappointed.

The movie it's pointless. The plot has no sense at all. Alan Grant said something like this: "There's absolutely nothing that can make me going back to that island", and 10 minutes later he is already there. The group finds the parachute and suddenly a dead body drops from the tree and it's still attached to the parachute ¿why is he dead? ¿why the boy isn't? May be a pteranodon o something like it, killed him before he got out of the parachute...¡¡¡please!!!

The raptors are worse with all that stupidity of "they were smarter than primates... They could talk to each other". OK, If they are so smart how is it that they couldn´t killed that boy? And the last scene, I can't understand why they put that scene: Just imagine: the greatest effects of all time by ILM,the animatronics from Stan W., at least they could`ve had a big action sequence to bring the movie a decent and ending.But noooooo...They have to put a very boring,non-exciting scene with the raptors trying to get their eggs.How is it possible that an action movie could end like that? I don't know.

It sound like i hate the movie but i don`t: -It has its moments: like the pteranodon sequence, the battle of the T-REX AND THE SPINOSAURUS, and the plane crash.

Other good things about this movie (and i mean it) are the outstanding special effects by ILM (I COULDN'T POSSIBLY FORGET THE BATTLE BETWEEN T-REX AND SPIN..) and the sound effects...beyond that, it is really boring and nothing special.

I hope that they took more seriously JP4, and bring the story a worth seeing ending with a great story and more ACTION¡¡¡ because JP3 doesn't have the action I was expecting.

i give it an 8, and i`m being very considerate.
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