
79 Reviews
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Excellent adaptation of the syndicated series!
8 March 2024
I was a fan of the "Poor Man's 'Twilight Zone'" as some have dubbed the anthology TV series this movie was based on. They had some really good segments. This movie continued that model.

I was really impressed with what they came out with! Unlike try to rehash or remake some episodes of the original series, they presented new stories for the big screen. (POSSIBLE SPOILER: Really four of them if you count the boy telling the stories to his woman captor!)

Many movies based on TV shows don't make the grade (especially today). This one did it right. I mentioned The Twilight Zone which also had a movie update (released in 1983), I rate the Tales from the Darkside movie over it!

If you are a fan of the TV series, this will be a treat. If you have never heard of the series and horror movies are your thing, this will not disappoint!
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Street Justice (1991–1993)
Good Show
5 March 2024
In the mid eighties to nineties, the syndicated market seemed to be doing well for itself. Though I'm not sure that it really "took off," but several dramas, comedies, action adventures, crime dramas, sci-fi and thrillers found audiences enough for more than just one season.

Street Justice was another quality show from the first-run syndication era.

Movie star Carl Weathers led the show with some memorable perfomances by Bryan Genesse, Charlene Ferentz, and Marcus Chong. The crimes and personal problems they faced made for very watchable shows and we really got into these characters. While Carl Weathers' character Adam Beaudreux, a by-the-book cop tries to do as such, it's not always the case, especially when it comes to young friend and fighter, Grady Jameson.

The lovely Charlene Fernetz played Malloy who owns a local bar and gels well with Adam and Grady.

Troubled gang leader, Miguel Mendaz, played by Marcus Chong joins the cast later and brings more interesting stories as he tries redemption with the existing characters/cast.

Very few people remember this show and will remain as such. If you happen upon it, check it out. It comes from an era when syndicated first run shows started to pick up some steam before the market as we knew it started to fade away when time for these shows were hogged by the bigger entities.
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Another winner from Filmation!
5 March 2024
Adapting existing properties for animation or live action is nothing new for Filmation. Works like The Lone Ranger, Shazam, Tarzan, Star Trek and many others come to mind.

The popular Mattel toyline "Masters of the Universe" was underway in the early eighties and Filmation secured another opportunity!

Fall 1983, He-Man and the Masters of the Universe hits syndication and another hit cartoon was under Filmation's belt!

Excellent fantasy stories kept kids running home after school to catch the next episode. Each show had a hidden lesson and that was expounded on at the end of each episode in a PSA.

I never collected the toys; I played with a neighborhood friend's who did, but this was my go-to cartoon from 1983 - 84. It was a good time to be a kid and while enjoying the fantasy, you learned lessons from the show; something you don't see in most children's shows today.

I still enjoy if it sees a spot in any of the re-run channels. This is a classic that can be enjoyed countless times!
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Combat High (1986 TV Movie)
Not a bad TV entry for Neal Isreal
5 March 2024
I'm a big fan of the original Police Academy movie and was excited when Combat High was announced for the NBC movie of the week. Of course Police Academy creator Neal Isreal had to tone it down for a TV broadcast, but he delivered for audiences.

Similar to Cary Mahoney being "sentenced" to the local Police Academy, pranksters Max Mendelsson and Perry Barnett get a similar punishment after their antics take it to local authorities ordering them to a military school.

Pranksters in a rigid military school setting made for another great story of buffoonery clashing with authority.

A good mix of veteran actors with future stars made this a worthwhile event.

Obviously, it didn't make the same waves as Police Academy, but it was funny enough in my opinion. Isreal ended the tele-movie with the possibility of more, but it was not to be.

Take it or leave it, this was a decent TV movie.
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Slow start, but great pick up in pace later!
14 December 2023
What began as a very slow pace blossomed into a Walking Dead iteration that fans can enjoy!

It is a shame that it began slow, but it is a challenge to start a prequel (albeit with different characters and different geographical location) to an established show.

While it was indeed a slow start, it was very watchable in my opinion. You see how our characters cope with the sudden building crisis and the eventual breakdown of government and the rest of society.

We watch as a family struggles to regroup and how they are affected by the Zombie Apocalypse. Like the source show, we see the painful reality as friends and family succumb to the world of the undead.

The pace did kind of slow down again towards the end of the series, but not as slow as the beginning.

If you are a fan of The Walking Dead, if you have the patience to get through the slow first season, this iteration will be a delight.
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The Walking Dead (2010–2022)
Excellent Show
13 December 2023
I started watching the show in 2013. I started on Netflix and binge watched until I was caught up with the current season.

What I saw was a well written story that was character and plot driven and not your usual horror story where monsters have taken over the world with no real direction.

It was tough seeing characters we love either disappear or get killed, but considering the nature of the story and world they were in, that was expected and added a sense of realism.

Unfortunately around season 4 or 5, the show started to lose its magic. Something was missing that made the show ver attractive the first seasons. Some fans tuned out.

Though the magic left, at least the writers put out something to look forward to, especially during season finales.

The Walking Dead delivered for over a decade and though had some shortfalls in the middle of its run, it still put out watchable stories.
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Tales of the Walking Dead: La Doña (2022)
Season 1, Episode 6
7 December 2023
A ghost story within an already established horror theme?

I don't mind ghosts or supernatural stories or movies so long as they're well written, but I guess the creators for Tales were desperate.

Do more TWD stories or format need to be told? Sure. Again, it's curious to find out how the rest of the world has been handling the Zombie Apocalypse outside TWD and FTWD. But there's no need to add other horror elements best told in other works.

I don't know if this was supposed to be a mini or limited series, but based on viewer and fan response, it's safe to say we won't get new material anymore.

This ghost story has just had TWD jump off the deep end. We didn't need another horror element added to the world of TWD. What makes TWD separate from other horrors is the human element fighting an unknown virus that set off the dead.

This mumbo jumbo episode didn't need to be in TWD!
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A good idea, but...
7 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Do we really need another series?

As I indicated in my Walking Dead World Beyond review, stories outside the main two series need to be told as the whole world was infected with this virus.

These six episodes of this TWD anthology were intriguing as again, it's curious about how the rest of the world has been handling the zombie apocalypse.

But unfortunately, I think we're at a point where TWD is beginning to grow long in the tooth. The original show started to lose its magic around maybe S4 or S5; while FTWD picked up steam around S3, they too suffered towards the end; World Beyond has failed to make waves with fans.

Tales of TWD seems to have garnered mixed reviews from fans; not a good sign.

None of the other series (whether regular or mini) had a proper ending meaning a cure to the pandemic and a return to a functioning society. Perhaps a new Tales of TWD can reassemble the casts of the previous series and have individual episodes then build up to one dream episode where all the cast get together once the cure is found.

Quite frankly, the televised TWD universe needs to have a final ending once and for all because the new material that had come out in the last three years is not well received and the last few seasons of the regular shows have faltered.

So either make whatever new material comes out specials, or have THE special finale that ends it all.
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Good Initiative, Poor Execution
7 December 2023
Good attempt at trying to capture what else has transpired outside of the areas of the original Walking Dead plus the companion series Fear The Walking Dead. After all, it was the whole world that was affected by the virus.

I personally had no problem with this approach; 'teens who were raised in the Zombie Apocalypse. It made for an intriguing look into how kids grow up in this more-than-mean world.

But looking back, I find it incredulous that these kids were raised in a semi-normal enclosed society. It's okay that they were raised to have some kind of education and all, but they also should have been raised to be fighters until of course a cure is found and society can pick up the pieces and try to jump start some sort of working government.

When this little band sets out for the world out of the walls, they don't seem phased by what may lie ahead. Again, my assessment is they weren't really trained as fighters, but they seemed like they were ready to conquer the world with the dead moving about. Yeah, it's just a TV show, but too farfetched as their personalities didn't really show they were ready for the dead world.

I'm a big fan of The Walking Dead and have seen almost every iteration to date. This one is indication that maybe it's time to call it quits for further new shows.
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Fear the Walking Dead: The Road Ahead (2023)
Season 8, Episode 12
Not a bad ending, but nothing special either
7 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This iteration of The Walking Dead picked up around S3 or 4 (I don't remember) and became TWD iteration people can appreciate.

Then we come to the final season and with many disappointments and while the finale wasn't bad, it was not special.

I didn't like the up and down on whether Madison should kill Troy in this finale.

Where was fan favorite Morgan?

I thought the lies and what not of Troy's daughter, Tracy's lineage was annoying!

And like all the other finales of TWD shows, why haven't they come to a cure to what happened to humankind's plague that reanimated the dead? For possible future iterations or sequels?

It was nice to see the remaining characters from S1 come full circle; but the execution could have been better.

I loved TWD, FTWD and even the less received World Beyond; but this is my finale as well.

But this finale could have been much more special than it was.

I am done with The Walking Dead as a viewer of any more iterations.
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Cowboy Bebop (2021)
Wasn't too bad
12 June 2023
Animated to live action work is a big challenge because you already have in your mind what the material is "supposed" to be. Sometimes, the adaptation of the source material goes overboard and then you have angry fans and cruel critics.

I thought this live action adaptation of Cowboy Bebop was okay. The three main players did alright with what they were given. They had a good chemistry going.

The dark themes and action from the animated series were done well; not great mind you, but enough to come back for more.

The villains in my opinion didn't really live up to the source material. There was something lacking in them.

One villain who was my favorite who was featured in Session 20 of the original made his way into this adaptation; he didn't seem as diabolical as his animated counterpart. And in the original, while this said villain got his own episode his own plot in a stand alone story, for the live action version, he recruited by the main villain to wreak his havoc with our protagonists. That didn't work too well in my opinion.

But other than those gripes, the creators of the live action version did get the bounty hunter aspect of Cowboy Bebop right and Yoko Kanno and the Seatbelts were tapped to return to do the music for this one as they did for the original, a big plus.

It is a hard sell to adapt any animated hit into a live action fare, and Cowboy Bebop was no exception. So called hard core fans didn't really like it.

But despite some of my criticisms, I didn't think it sucked too bad. While not perfect, they got a couple of things right.

It's a shame there won't be more seasons coming out. Ed who was prominently featured in sixteen Sessions of the original debuted briefly on the final episode and it appeared will begin future episodes. But to no avail.

This iteration of Cowboy Bebop was not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but it had potential and should have been given another season or so.

Check it out and see what you think.
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23 May 2023
Top Gun Maverick was NOT a sequel that needed to be made; there were no loose ends left by the original, nothing really that needed to be resolved.

Then the word came that a sequel was in the works. Unfortunately it was delayed with the death of original Top Gun director, Tony Scott who was set to lead again.

While, I was excited at the prospect of a Top Gun Sequel, I maintained a "wait and see" attitude as it had been so long since the first movie and sequels have a hard act to follow.

Once it was established who would be taking the director's chair, they set out to ask the Navy's permission for support of this movie, assembled the cast and crew, then put their efforts into it. It paid off as they brought us another great presentation!

Again, sequels to hit movies are no easy feats. Tom Cruise and company delivered as we were entertained with an above average continuation, plus (again) exciting flight scenes thanks to the Department of Defense and U. S. Navy.

Again, this was not a sequel that needed to be done, but Paramount and the Top Gun Maverick cast and crew did their due diligence to to deliver a spectacular sequel to a hit movie!
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Why oh why...
23 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't care what other fans say, "Fear" picked up steam around S3 or 4. Unfortunately, every long running show has its bad apples, like this episode.

I really hate it whether on the big screen or TV when the main characters go through hell or other big challenges coming out on top in the end, only to go back to square one when the next movie or episode comes along.

How they made Morgan just give up really floored me. It went against all he was taught back in the original TWD. And his love interest and mother of his child, Grace; she chickened out too against the building tyranny we saw towards the end of S7.

I will continue FTWD until the end as I am a big fan of the franchise. I was just disappointed in this season premiere.
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Still the Beaver (1983 TV Movie)
NOT Great, but Decent and Watchable
23 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Of all the TV show reunion movies I've seen, I thought this one was the most watchable.

Ninety percent of the original plus background cast came onboard for this "What are they doing now?" sequel.

The absence of the late Hugh Beaumont who passed away two years before this tele-film is well incorporated into the story (though Ward Cleaver died in 1977 vice his actor in 1981).

As I've written about reunion movies before, they are a hard sell as capturing the magic of the original series is not an easy task, "Still the Beaver" is no exception.

While it was nice seeing our favorite characters reprised by most of the original players, there was really something intangible missing about this reunion.

Those of us who grew up with the original show (whether through original broadcast or reruns) knew that Beaver was kind of clumsy in his actions and decisions. Unfortunately, they made adult Beaver that way. I didn't mind that he was facing challenges, but the writers should have approached it another way, not something reminiscent of the clumsy trouble he got into as a kid.

But other than that, it was good to see most of the supporting cast reprise their roles. While there was something (intangible) missing from this reunion movie, they kept the heartwarming aspect of the original series.

(Apparently, this movie impressed some people as a follow on TV series was produced for cable. It appeared to have some success as it ran for six seasons. Many reunion movies are made as a possible back door pilot for a new sequel series but fail with the possible sequel series never coming into fruition. Not the new Beaver.)

Was "Still the Beaver" the greatest reunion movie ever? No, not by a long shot. But even with its flaws it is very watchable and nice to see what our favorite characters have been doing since the last episode of "Leave it to Beaver."
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23 May 2023
Reunion movies have always been a challenge. Capturing the essence and the magic of a series they are trying to continue is always hit or miss, with little to no middle ground.

I was excited when I heard this TV movie was in the works as I really enjoyed "I Dream of Jeannie" (and still do, albeit through reruns). When I heard Larry Hagman wasn't returning, I wasn't that phased (I was just thirteen at the time), I thought "Dallas" "ruined" Hagman.

(I later come to respect Hagman on his declining to reprise Tony Nelson. While his "Dallas" schedule was said to negate his availability for this sequel, he allegedly indicated when offered to reprise, "What's old, should stay old." He wanted to be known for a diverse career and that was okay. With the way this movie turned out...maybe the original should have been left alone.)

But when I saw the final product, I felt there was something missing in this sequel. No, it was not Hagman, but the magic that made the series a hit and drawn viewers.

Even if Hagman returned, we still have this disappointing fare; the actors/actresses are only a fraction of what makes a great TV show or movie. I don't fault Wayne Rogers for taking on the role, but it was hard to convince fans that he was Tony Nelson plus the poor writing of the movie didn't help.

Then you have the ending; I'm not sharing what has already been posted, I don't know what the writers were thinking, but it was really a blow to Jeannie fans and as was said, it didn't align well with the (just as lame) follow up movie.

Reunion movies to hit TV shows are/were a great idea. Unfortunately writers have/had their work cut out for them to make a very watchable fare. And most found less-than-satisfied audiences.

Regardless of which actors reprised their roles or otherwise, the writers should have put more thought in this reunion movie.
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Not bad, Check it out for yourself
23 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
When I saw this in the early eighties, I was into westerns like "The Big Valley" and "Bonanza" reruns, plus I enjoyed Filmation's Saturday Morning animated series "Tarzan/Lone Ranger Adventure Hour." So I was excited for this come out!

I actually (first) saw this during the ABC Sunday Night Movie's (theatrical) premiere presentation in 1983 and I really got into it!

Forty years later, on Tubi, I catch the movie, and I still enjoy it to this day!

No it's not perfect, and I echo everyone's sentiment and criticism that the "Masked Man" didn't appear until about halfway through the movie, but this feature really gave a very decent and watchable plot.

I mean what's not to like? We have the usual western fare, the origins of the Lone Ranger, a well represented villain and his band of (organized) rustlers, and a faithful rendition of the William Tell Overture.

I don't know if it was the marketing, the long time (previous) Lone Ranger fans, or the drama that happened behind the scenes that "killed" the movie, but you should check it out, especially if you are into westerns.

I rate this one above any iteration that came afterward (and there weren't many), namely the 2013 iteration.

See it for yourself and decide if you like it or not. I will watch it again when I get a chance! I thought it was watchable!
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Logan's Run (1977–1978)
Good show
22 May 2023
I actually saw this before the movie. It aired right after Wonder Woman's second season on CBS. It was Friday nights and how exciting with SciFi and a super heroine!

Unfortunately, I only saw the first episode and really couldn't see the rest as this was past my bed time (I was six at the time). But I remember liking what I saw.

(I later saw the syndicated run of the movie it was based on and thought I was going to see the first episode; while I was NOT disappointed, I did enjoy the movie immensely!)

Fast foward to 2022, Logan's Run the TV series is being streamed on tubitv. I re-acquaint myself with the show and watch the whole series; in my opinion it was a well made what-if further adventures of leaving the domed city.

Logan, Jessica and REM the android make for a weekly adventure facing many challenges in the quest for Sanctuary. They face many friends and foes along the way in several exciting plots.

Unfortunately, most TV shows based on movies fail to make the grade. Whether from fans of the big screen original, critics or both. Even with decent to well written stories, a hit movie adapted for the small screen has big shoes to fill and convincing an established audience, plus newcomers if they want to remain on air.

The Logan's Run TV series was not perfect by any means, but had very decent episodes worthy of the SciFi genre it is a part of and for fans. Its a shame it became another statistic of failed TV adaptations of movies.
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Pollyanna (1960)
Happiness is Contagious with this classic!
9 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Forty years ago, I was with my mom at the local library borrowing VHS tapes. My mom picked up Pollyanna and I sulked and pouted as that didn't look like a film most eleven year old boys would enjoy! Of course my mom wasn't thrilled with my attitude.

Then when we went home and played it on our VCR, I enjoyed it! At the time I didn't fully understand the story---few elementary school aged boys would pick up apart movie elements---but there was a certain glow about Pollyanna.

I ended up watching the movie again and my mom was delighted plus surprised! She even let the librarian know how I reacted the first time when she picked up the tape and the subsequent delight.

Fast forward forty years later, I catch this classic on Disney+, and like that eleven year old boy four decades earlier, I (still) enjoyed it! The difference was, I understood more what the story was through adult eyes.

The town had a stiffness about it because of Aunt Polly; even (religious) clergy seemed to to bow down to that said stiffness making for a less-than-colorful town devoid of laughter and happiness.

Recently orphaned Pollyanna comes into town to live with her Aunt Polly and with that, the town starts to lighten/loosen up and everyone starts to be happy and the joy that was missing in the town blossoms.

That is basically what happened with me as that eleven year old who only liked "space movies" and other action themed material that young boys loved! Again, I didn't understand the mechanics of the Pollyanna, but that young eleven year old definitely saw an appeal in it that he borrowed it again from the library!

I recently purchased the two disc DVD set and saw the enclosed great documentaries; my happiness was complete with Pollyanna!

There is a contagiousness that Pollyanna brought to the town that brightened it. For the viewer, whether you understand the plot or not, that contagiousness can spread to audiences!
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Snowfall (2017–2023)
You'll want more after each successive story!
8 May 2023
No real good guys, no real bad guys, outstanding character development, what's not to like?

We have a government agent thinking he's doing the country right by supplying cocaine within the streets of L. A.; we have this young man who is just trying to support himself and family by selling cocaine; and we have a myriad of supporting characters that help make this very watchable every week.

Each successive episode and season, you get excellent character development plus good plots. The characters face many challenges, make decisions good and bad, and how they affect the friends and family around them.

Several get lost on the way, but that is to be expected considering the nature of the story.

It all leads to well thought out finale.

Again, this isn't a traditional good guys versus bad guys fare, but how the players think what they're doing is right for them, their society or country; how their actions and decisions affect everything and everyone; how drugs and money corrupt.

You'll want more after you finish every episode!
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Cobra Kai (2018–2025)
Excellent Continuation to the Movie Series!
29 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Whenever a TV series based on a movie (series) comes out, it is usually subpar as it is really is an attempt to cash in without any tough given into writing a quality show.

Not Cobra Kai. I think one of the best ideas is the title; instead of using the familiar "Karate Kid" they use the a group from the series and build from there. That way 1) fans of the movies know what it is, and 2) a new generation will check it out with a new name.

Also, the focus on former nemesis Johnny Lawrence was a plus. And a very big plus (you hardly see on small screen sequels to movies), those still living cast members from the movies have reprised their roles when needed!

Perfect blend to attract old and new fans to the franchise!

Though like any excellent series, it's not perfect by any means. So here's a few of my gripes:

Johnny Lawrence still down after his defeat; while it was agonizing that he lost the All Valley title, I think it's a bit exaggerated. Thirty some years after a big loss in his 'teens and he's still down about it? I'm sure it's feasible (in reality), but in my opinion it's a bit over the top. I guess judging from his school and home life, too much was expected of him that he couldn't handle it. While the defeat was still in his head, I wish the creators would have toned it down a bit.

Non-tournament fight scenes; they've gone all out with the outside-the-ring fights. It's kind of reminiscent of the "chop socky" flicks of yesteryear. A bit exaggerated as well. While the movies had fight scenes, they weren't the highly choreographed fights of those aforementioned chop socky films. Cobra Kai has many of these scenes and while not bad looking, it kind of takes away from what the Karate Kid was.

But even with its (little) flaws, the writers have kept viewers coming back for more. It is said that good writing and its execution on film will keep fans and Cobra Kai is no exception.

As of this writing, five seasons have been completed and season six has been announced as the final. Let us hope that the writers keep it up and give us a quality finale.
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Odd little show, but good lessons to be learned!
27 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know what attracted some viewers to this; maybe the semi-steaminess? But it got people hooked.

It's not Emmy material, but it does get the point across about cheating on your spouses and the consequences that follow it.

Some of the offenders get burned real bad towards the end of some of these episodes, but it's really hard to feel bad for them! Example, one of them was taken into custody because the one they cheated with made hell for them.

Another winner is the one lady who was about to lose her family and go with her new love interest only to find out he was cheating on his own wife and was going to choose his wife over her!

There is some entertainment value in this odd little show, plus a lesson to be learned when you try to cheat on your spouse.

Take it in!
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A Teacher (2020)
Good Take on a Disturbing Subject; this time Hannah Fiddell has the time and resources for more development!
29 November 2020
I am a fan of the 2013 indie movie of the same name. While in my opinion, the story was told well, it was lacking in character development and back story.

This time around, creator Hannah Fiddell does it right with more resources and time to tell this story of a disturbing subject! Fiddell has a ten episode arc at her disposal vice the seventy five minutes she only had for the 2013 movie.

Of course, it is different from the movie (besides all the lacking elements from the latter ), but the point and plot of the illicit relationship is told well.

The events leading to the relationship and back story---what the movie lacked---is well executed.

I echo the sentiment that this is NOT glorifying the disturbing subject matter at hand; it can serve as a lesson of how such a relationship can compromise all involved adversely.

I just finished episode 5 and so far have been impressed with what I've seen. Like the movie, it's not about showing explicit sexual situations, but telling a story.

Small screen remakes or adaptations of movies (indie or mainstream) rarely make the grade. This is a big exception as this series meets and exceeds the improvements over the source material!
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CHiPs: Force Seven (1982)
Season 5, Episode 27
12 January 2020
Sad and hard to watch. For one, the fighting sequences were poorly choreographed for this attempt at a spinoff for a new series; and two this was Larry Wilcox' last outing as Jon Baker on a substandard episode.

Good concept of some police special forces unit, but it didn't fare too well. While Fred Dryer and company are good actors, they failed to win any fans or the network at a shot at a new series.

While (kind of understandably) Jon Baker didn't have a proper send off (as Wilcox just up and quit the show), I couldn't belive he was only seen the first and final acts of this episode.

Very forgettable episode that is best left alone.
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CHiPs (1977–1983)
Not your typical police show
30 March 2019
While this was classified as a crime drama, and had plenty of bad guys, our heroes rarely drew their firearms when dealing with the antagonists of the show and there was little violence.

What we got every week was well written stories that caught the viewers' attention. The real life California Highway Patrol (CHP) was the featured law enforcement organization with their two main heroes, motorcycle cops, Jon Baker and Frank Poncherello plus a myriad of excellent fellow officers.

The series followed how the two cops and the rest of their station performed their careers and their lives outside the CHP, whether personal or dealing with others.

The portrayal was probably more accurate to how police work is done in real life. No doubt there were liberties taken, audiences still appreciated the stories put out every week.

While we missed Larry Wilcox's Jon Baker for the sixth and final season, Tom Reilly as newcomer Bobby Nelson was able to win some fans.

This cop show was wholesome entertainment that was enjoyed by all. It wasn't too "kiddie" or watered down to have a bland show or too "adult" with too much violence or other grown up themes aimed only at the latter, but just right. The cast and crew of CHiPs had an awesome formula that delivered for six seasons.
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Son of God (2014)
Too dramatic
26 February 2018
I am a fan of movies about Christ and like to see how the various takes on his life go. I grew up on 1977's Jesus of Nazareth, and saw 1961's King of Kings through TV airings and DVD. Unsurprisingly, they were pretty dramatic.

Then comes 2014's Son of God, which I found too dramatic.

What is the difference between 2014's take and the earlier depictions? For the latter, you feel the message of Christ and the New Testament, very powerful in my opinion. For Son of God, I felt they were trying to cater to a "modern" audience. While I didn't think the acting was bad, I didn't feel the Gospel in this depiction.

While I also thought there were some good additions or takes (like expanding the role of Mary Magdalene), I thought they dramatized too much some events from Jesus' time.

If you are an atheist or agnostic, this can be an enjoyable fare for you. If you become a believer afterwards, more power to you.

If you are a believer in Christ and into his teachings and regularly worship him, I'm not so sure you will feel the message of the New Testament and Christ in this movie.

I for one could not feel the message. Again, too dramatic for me.

See it and form an opinion for yourself.
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