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The Heiress (1949)
"Nor Hell a fury, like a woman scorn'd".
30 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Olivia De Havilland is a timid, quiet, plain but sweet young woman who is living in the shadow of her emotionally abusive father. All she wants is to find her place in life and that one great love. Montgomery Clift pretends to be that love but he has hidden, greedy motives which reveal themselves in a cruel way. In learning what love is, De Havilland's character is hit with two cruel blows. One is finding out her father has little regard for her, and the other is learning her special love cares only for the money she inherits.

But in these blows, she finally finds a backbone. She stands up to her father and then becomes strong in dealing with this man who deserted her. It is so ironic at the end when Montgomery Clift is pounding at the door, and De Havilland is walking up the stairs. As he watches the light fading away, it is a symbol of his chances of riches fading away also. For De Havilland it is both sad and strengthening..sad because her sweet innocence is gone, but strengthening because she can finally extinguish the love for this callous and thoughtless man.
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More fun than Jumanji!
10 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was delightful with both fun and nerve tingling action scenes. There was also plenty of humor in parts. One of the funniest is when Lisa, the sister, is frozen and slides down the stairs to land at the head of her younger brother. It was also a giggler to have her fall for the older astronaut only to have a quirky end to the adoration. Kristen Stewart as Lisa is a gorgeous young woman. Jonah Bobo and Josh Hutcherson are so realistic as brothers who are at each other's throats until each has to help the other win the game in order to go home again. This movie will keep you on the edge of your seats, make you grin and then make you feel good at the end. It also goes to show that even the youngest of brothers can be a hero and save the day! Zathura is a wonderful addition to any movie collection.
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I Am a Thief (1934)
Everyone wants the Karenina diamonds
16 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The Istanbul Express is the setting for murder and mayhem by all those who want these beautiful diamonds. They will stop at nothing to get these diamonds and will use murder, insanity, careful and shrewd planning and imitation copies to get them. This is the time when elegance and mystery abounds in this classic film noir. There is a grouping of wonderful actors and actresses in this movie including Mary Astor, Ricardo Cortez, Dudley Diggs and Florence Fair. If you like Mary Astor, then check out this enjoyable murder mystery. She is at her witty best here especially when her pretty little neck is being threatened.
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Warrior Queen Boudica (2006 TV Special)
Excellent documentary about a warrior queen of the Brits...
11 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Unlike the 2003 movie named "Boudica", this documentary was both fascinating and very historically correct.

Boudica is married to Prasutagus, king of the Iceni, a British tribe living during the time of Roman occupation of Britian. Prasutagus has entered into a client relationship with Rome, however with his death, Rome ends that relationship. The Romans burn, pillage and destroy Iceni settlements. Even the royal house of Iceni is not immune to the violence. After years of acting in partnership with the Romans, the soldiers flog and humiliate Boudica in front of her people. Her two daughters, princesses of Iceni are raped by the Roman soldiers. Their lands are confiscated, their people are enslaved and other acts of violence occur. These acts inflame Boudica and her people. She vows revenge and then gathers up an army including the southern Trinovantes. Together they vow to destroy the Romans and drive them out of Britain. The warfare continues until the Roman army led by Suetonius Paullinus the governor of Britannia and a Celtic army of over 200,000 meet in battle.

Here is an account of an extraordinary woman who led her people into revolt against the heavy handed and suppressive Romans. I won't tell you the rest of the story. You should see this documentary for yourself and be treated to an interesting but tragic true story of this mother, wife and queen of the Iceni tribe.
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Dante's Peak (1997)
Halfway decent movie...
25 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
It's a fun movie if you want to spend an evening not being scared or nervous. Pierce Brosnan plays a volcano expert discovering simple mountain town "Dante's Peak!" It's been named the second most desirable place to live in America, but of course, there has to be a snake in this Garden of Eden. The slippery serpent is a volcano, and it ultimately blows its stack and threatens every one in the area.

Linda Hamilton is a mother with two children who becomes Brosnan's love interest who rides out the explosion with him.

Most of the movie is enjoyable, but the scene with the trucks is a little far fetched. No matter how fast you drive a Forestry truck, it won't last driving through molten lava, and a 4 wheel drive truck usually cannot travel underwater for long.

5 out of 5 for special effects and tension!
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What a treasure!
30 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is so fun to watch. A complete and wonderful gem both in plot and acting. Robert Montgomery is dashing and brave, while Rosalind Russell is lovely. Frank Morgan is in his before Wizard of Oz days, and he brings a funny kind of persona to this film. There is no mistaking his Oz voice though. Seems like he was perfecting it even then. Reginald Owen (Scrooge) is delightful as the villain! All of the cast members bring Robert Louis Stevenson's story "The Suicide Club!" to life even if the very name denotes death. I found myself captivated by the charm and wit of both Montgomery and Russell. It's a must see for any classic movie fan.
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Fail Safe (1964)
How can you choose?
21 January 2006
It's late in the evening, and as a leader of a country, you are trying to figure out what's best to save millions upon millions of lives by taking millions of lives. Your planes have launched mistakenly and will drop a nuclear bomb on a major city of another country. It's a country intent on besting you at every turn. On the other side of the world, this other country is suspicious of you and demands retribution if even one bomb makes it through. When it does, you make a decision to keep world wide nuclear war from breaking out. You give the order to bomb one of your own biggest cities with the same amount of nuclear explosives used on the foreign city. You sentence millions of people to die for a mistake! Your own countrymen!

What an excellent movie! When a colonel cracks under the pressure, it brings home how hard it would be to make and then follow through with such a decision. Henry Fonda is remarkable as the President of the United States. You can see the struggle in him as he tries to make sense of what happens and then follows through with a horrifying decision. Larry Hagman is excellent also as the interpretor who helps the President keep in contact with the leader of Russia. The scenes switching from one desperate face to another is spell binding, and you sit at the edge of your seat in fear.

Could this happen in our time now? It could and that is what is so scary about this movie. It gives one pause to think of how so much of our lives are dependent on just a push of a button.
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Strange but funny revenge and seduction movie...
22 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Wes Stern plays nerdy college student Colin Slade who loses his scholarship. He blames college president Larry Hagman, and Stern sets out to ruin Hagman's life by seducing his daughter, his wife and his girlfriend..all in that order.

Hagman is running for a Senate seat on a platform of decency and righteous living. He doesn't tell the voters that he has a mistress or has a wife who is a bit on the strange side. Mrs. Camber is played by Joan Collins who always finds these odd movies to play the seductress of younger men.

Hagman is wonderfully campy in this movie, and his attitude and mannerisms remind you of his Dallas days. "Do as I say and not as I do" mentality. The scenes of a nude film of his on-screen daughter being substituted for "The Sound of Music" was hilarious, If you want a campy movie to watch on a cold Friday night, this is the one. However, don't expect to exercise your brain with trying to figure out any plot twists. There aren't any!
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The Lover (1992)
Beautifully and elegantly erotic!
20 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I found this movie while searching through a movie bin for Christmas presents. It is a must have for your DVD collection but be aware there are very explicit scenes throughout the whole movie. It is not for the faint of heart! Amant, L' borders on almost pornographic eroticism. Some could say it is too explicit, however, these scenes are necessary to show what passions can be awakened and how confusion can come from such an awakening! The scenes between the girl and her Chinese lover are beautifully filmed, and the accompanying music triggers a dream like quality. The scene where he washes her after their first time together is sensuously tender! The sadness of this movie is how they can't understand or fuse their passions with their hearts. He cannot hope to be with her..he is tied to the social customs of the time. She cannot hope to be with him..she is also bound by social customs but also in not being able to give her heart to him and these elements transfer over to their affair..They are tender at times but cruel at others. It is the yin and yang of passion...the pleasure and the pain! In the end, they learn the tragic truth of it..the Yin and Yang of love and passion..the pleasure and the pain. Can you give sexual love without involving the heart and soul? It seems to not be an easy question to answer! Excellent movie!
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A charming movie
10 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure how I missed this one when it first came out, but I am glad to have finally seen it.

This movie takes place in and around the 19th century red light district of Okabasho, Japan. It tells the tale of prostitution, caste systems and women who are strong in a society based upon the strength of the samurai code of Japan.

It is uniquely Akira Kurosawa! Even though he died before he could direct this movie, his adaptation of the screenplay shows. His view of the Japanese world and caste system is renowned and sheds light upon how these systems interact with each other. The characters may revolve around each other, but the caste system stays intact when each character goes back to the world they belong in. The samurai warrior who drifts into the good hearted and loving prostitute's world goes back to his life, while she embarks on a another road with a man who is part of her caste system..lowest of the low. Many prize the world of the samurai above all others, but yet, it is the lower caste inhabitants who can support each other and who can love without restraint. The samurai in this movie turns out to be the weak one, while the classless lovers prove to be the honorable ones.

The movie deserves a higher rating. It is a tale of survival of women in feudal Japan. During this time frame, men were thought to be the survivors..the strong ones while women were thought to be just mindless and weak property. This movie highlights the strength of Japanese women and how they did what they had to for survival, and how their strength enabled the Japanese culture to continue on as it has.

I recommend "The Sea is Watching" to anyone who is a fan of Akira Kurosawa and even if they're not a fan. It is a lovely, quiet and soul sustaining movie, and one to be treasured for any movie collection.
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Friends to the end...
29 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Bette Davis and Miriam Hopkins reunite after being together in "The Old Maid!" It sets practical but lonely Bette against flighty but happy Miriam. Bette plays Kit Marlowe..a single, successful author coming home to the small town she grew up in. She meets up again with childhood friend, Millie Drake played by Miriam Hopkins. There's always been a bit of a rivalry between the two, even though they've been friends. Millie has a daughter, a husband and love. Kit has a successful career but no one really to love in her life. Kit's visit triggers jealously in Millie, so she decides to become a successful author like Kit. She writes a steamy, sexy book and Kit helps it along with her connections. Lo and behold, the book becomes a best seller, starting Millie on a career eclipsing her old friend's career, but she loses her husband along the way when she lets success go to her head.

The subplots swirl around these two women...Millie's envy of Kit and then Kit's help turns Millie into a success but she loses her husband who becomes infatuated with Kit. Preston professes his love for Kit, but she in turn tells him no because of Millie and her daughter. Kit falls in love with a younger man, but she finds herself unwilling to commit because of his age. He in turn falls in love with Millie's daughter. When Kit finally realizes what she has and wants to be with him, he admits to her how he has fallen for another woman..the daughter Kit never had..the daughter of her best friend. The threads weave in and out of these two women keeping them bound together.

When Millie finds out Preston was attracted to Kit long ago, she sets this scene up which is one of the funniest I've seen from Bette Davis. Millie admits to Kit that she told her daughter Kit and Preston were having an affair. She goes off on a self-pitying tirade at Kit. Kit tries to reason with her to no avail. Finally, Kit leaves the apartment only to come right back again. She walks over to Millie and then shakes the life out of her and throws her down on the couch.

After reading interviews by Ms. Davis about some of her frustration at some roles she has endured, it was a revealing look at how she wanted to shake the life out of some producers and directors. Ms. Hopkin's hair and shoulders were just shaking with it, and you have to wonder how many takes it took for this one.

The end finds them there in Kit's apartment drinking champagne and watching the fire. They've shared more than just a friendship now. They're shared the loss of love but have kept their friendship intact.

This is a delightful movie, and one worth watching. It reminds us how friends alway stick no matter what. No one is perfect and each have faults and good qualities. It is true "old acquaintances" can accept both good and bad and stick to the end!
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Wonderful entertainment
12 November 2003
This has to be the finest of the Scrooge films. It is timeless and an enjoyable movie to watch year after year. The actors and actresses make their parts come alive and invite you into the story. You are Scrooge as he is waiting for the ghosts to appear and feeling the apprehension as each appears. The ending has such exciting enchantment to it, and you cannot help but be swept along with it. This is good entertainment for each and every holiday season.
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