
468 Reviews
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Humane (2024)
Quite good.
26 April 2024
This one is definitely a success! Considering its cast, something was lurking under the water from the start, and little by little, it grew and became an original movie, with great moments and a lovely finish.

One of the best plot developments I've seen in recent times, wonderful actors, beautitul dialogue, quite an experience I tell you.

Definitely something to recommend, just give it a little time, let it work its magic and be amazed! Looks like a small production, if only not for the actors, but beside that, it had that indie feel to it. Something fresh and delicious, home made! I'm quite sure a lot of people will appreciate Humane.

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Dead Till Death (2021 Video)
Great indie movie!
7 February 2024
If you like movies like Rubber, One Eyed Monster or Tucker and Dale vs Evil, this one will hit the spot. Done on a microbudget probably, the people involved in Dead till Death simply used everything they had on disposal in order to make a cute little production, 43 minutes only with intro and end credits!

Yet, it brought many laughs, lots of giggles and great absurd situations. It definitely is something to recommend because it feels like a lovely way to pass time, especially if you have some beers with you. It makes the experience that much better. Also, the message send by Dead till Death is a great one, with an excellent delivery.

Thus all in all, check it out. You will not be disappointed.

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The Piper (II) (2023)
Nothing special.
21 January 2024
Well, The Piper wanted to be a good movie, with its own plot and development, reaching to a nice climax and delivering all that it could.

Sadly it came off as boring and unsatisfactoring, it did try, but never quite delivered a punch. A few swings, some effort, sweat, simply put - unoriginal.

A movie like so many others before it, with a mytical creature, some supernatural elements and that is all. The creature itself makes very few appearences and it's not because it wanted to have that Jaws effect, but because the script didn't know what to do with it. Perhaps it relied on its third act, which does deliver a little but too little too late.

All in all, not a movie I'd recommend, I think it could and should have been better.

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Loop Track (2023)
No budget, incredible result!
21 January 2024
An absolute amazing accomplishment done with very little money, lesser known actors, in New Zeeland!

Once I saw Carnifex 2022, I kinda knew that this was the standards for Australian horror movies. After Razorback, Rogue and Carnifex, the difference was made by budget alone.

Here comes Loop Track, with its own tone, characters, making you guess all around, great shifts, amazing surroundings, simply put, what a rush!

A rush that starts as evasive and slow as possible, only to build momentum and then let it all out.

I couldn't possibly recommend it more, because it's just such a fun experience, somehow feel good, satisfaying view.

I do not think you can go wrong with this one. It simply is a must.

I'm not going to say anything else because I fear I'm going to spoil it. And I really wanna stay away from giving away any information.

Take it. Grab some snacks. A cold beer because this movie will make you feel the heat from the bush. Sit back, relax and enjoy!

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Super fun.
12 January 2024
I honesly have no idea what the budget for this film was, because it looks rather cheap but has some quite popular faces in it. Anyway for mister Winter this one hits a little close to home for sure, another movie with and about music, finding the perfect song, finishing the ultimate album.

A lot of jokes, that are inside jokes inside the movie, which really felt nice. Great cameos, excellent practical effects instead of CGI, funny dialogue, good characters and a lovely development. Destroy all Neighbors is one fun watch, definitely something to recommend, goes great with junk food and beer.

I can't believe I'm saying this but I feel that lately, smaller horror movies act better than the big ones. They still have heart, passion and often manages to reach their destination. This one, as many others of its kind, succeeded.

Well done to the people involed in it. Excellent final product.

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The Woodmen (2023)
So bad.
30 December 2023
Yes, one has to take the budget in consideration before properly grading a horror. The Woodmen almost has none, thus we have to be more tolerant and appreciate it for what it did with what it had.

But other than an interesting idea, nothing really worked here. 75 minutes of movie with plenty of overstretched scenes, bad development, ok acting but bad characters. I tried to enjoy it but it was difficult if not impossible. Comparison with the likes of Blair Witch are useless, it was nothing near as good.

Very little to say about it without spoiling the movie, because it is a small production, with nothing new or special about it, all I can say is I couldn't possibly recommend it to anyone.

Lots of growls and that is the movie.

If you want something good try Horror in the High Desert. That one succeeded!

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A little meh.
8 December 2023
Ok, so this one had a lot of good things going for it, the acting I genuinely think was good, nice characters that did their job, the annoying ones did annoy you and you did root for the good guys.

The plot is simple but on point, nice flow in the development, yet something was just a little off. It could be that the twist reveals itself perhaps too early, even tho it is on purpose. Maybe we just didn't have the proper time invested in everybody's plan in order to emphasis enough.

Whatever it is, for me The Sacrifice Game is an ok movie but definitely not something to recommend. Even for the Christmas horror list, I'm sure you've been a good girl/boy and deserve better. If I could put my finger on something, I think it's on the fact that it does come off as boring and a little pretentious at times. A lot of unnecessary dialogue that we could have done without and maybe less focus on explicit violence.

So there, I did found a few, flaws, in my opinion.

But if you do enjoy it, I would totally understand. I think it is indeed a well done movie, a lot of effort and passion was put into it, but sadly not my coup of tea.

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When intoxicated.
1 December 2023
If you are high by any chance or perhaps a lot of alcohol got into you, there is a small possibility to like this. Not to understand it, but to enjoy the pretty colors, scenary and really weird passages of time used here.

Dark Sisters is not really a movie, but more monologues than anything else, long descriptions, plenty of words used over and over in order to achieve a proper run time I imagine. I really wanted to find some purpose to it, to excuse it's budget and see the forest beyond the trees, but there was no forest, nor trees for that matter. If simbolism is the main theme here, it's just too much, you still need a plot, proper characters, genuine development, anything that keeps one's interest alive.

To me this movie is like watching a plant grow. I know it sounds magical but it takes forever and does exactly what I would expect. So why waste the time?

Dark Sister is one of the most pretentious and boring experiences I ever had, a movie I honestly wish I didn't encounter. I warn you, you will get very little out of this one. Like trying to get water from a rock.

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Anthology done well.
30 November 2023
I watched this without knowing it's an anthology, so I dived right in.

The first story, also the shortest, was quite well done honestly, had a lot of effect. After that one I realized there are more than one movies here, but I kept going and going. Even tho I am not a fan of these kind of mini series, I had fun with Night of the Missing.

It's a production that looks quite good, nice vibe to it, interestingly enough, original stories here, everyone involved did a really good job. Thus I shall recommend it because you too might get a kick out of it.

But it is important to be a fan of anthology movies otherwise this might be a swing and a miss.

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Incoherent and messy.
28 November 2023
Boy did I wanted to like this. Seeing Lorry Petty and Richard Tyson on the cover, got the nostalgia kicking in. I knew it was surely just click bait actors that have as little time as possible on the screen, but I still just wanted to enjoy it.

Anyway I honestly believe the title refers to the viewers, all of us, with no exception. Death by boredom, sudden loss of interest, too many times checking the run time and so on. Very little to say about it, the idea sure was interesting and only the first 5 minutes sort of look better.

After those 5 minutes, you'll see the editing, the effects, the kills, actors, dialogue, all is C class. No B movie here, its further down the well, a class that doesn't really need checking. Even for a indi project, it's still pretty bad.

Anyway, absolutely no reason to recommend it, I don't see how anyone can enjoy this and feel good about it. You've been warned.

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That's a Wrap (2023)
Wants to be meta but fails.
21 November 2023
This production right here looks a little cheap to be honest, thus I do not believe it had much of a budget. Considering the kill shots, it definitely tried to rely more on creativity, but sadly they went with the shaky camera.

Now it does look like That's a Wrap decided to make fun of the slasher genre, forgetting that Scream made an entire franchise that is still going strong even today, with this exact theme. So if you don't have the budget, if you are not coming off as original, why choose this path?

Anyway, Scream was fun, complex and unpredictable. This one has close to no plot, you can describe it in one sentence, but that would mean spoiling it.

Anyway it's just about a killer with a mask, killing people, while sometimes remembering that it wants to spoof the genre.

All in all, bad dialogue, bad characters, weak acting, no development of whatsover, just scene after scene with a new weak kill.

I won't recommend it sadly, it fails as a horror comedy or plain slasher.

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Dark Parasite (2023)
Pure boredom.
20 November 2023
Yep, sadly it's all true. I don't like it one bit when I'm harsh to a horror production, especially if it made with a small budget but Dark Parasite has nothing to show for. It has a run time of 85 minutes, and for 60 of them, it's just mondane.

The other 25 minutes are slightly better, but from like a 2 to a 3. The problems here are multiple, first they show their monster right away. Second they go for CGI instead of something practical, because in low budgets, practical effects look good and grow old even better while CGI does exactly the opposite. Continuing with the bad, the plot is paper thin, not one likeable character, and the longest dialogues I have ever witness. Tarantino would get mad bored watching this, trust me. All the extra lines are because of the lack of plot, action and to stretch the run time for as much as possible.

Dark Paraside is a complete flop for me. No reedeming factors, no pleasure from watching it, not even so bad it's good.

No way to recommend this.

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Poor man's The Strangers.
17 November 2023
When I say "poor man's" I don't refer to cheap, low budget or anything like that. The camera work is quite good, you couldn't really tell it apart from a more professional production, good editing, nice cuts, it all works.

But the rest of the movie is somewhat ridiculous honestly, people that make such bizarre decisions, so much dialogue that does not belong there and one laughable ending.

Very few good things to be said about this one, it has a Strangers vibe mixed with You're Next, but it really didn't work whatsoever, also, something that particularly stood out is the fact that the eye candy comes from a guy, obviously ripped and probably a natty too, who is topless a little more over half the movie. The camera really focused on his physique a lot, it reminded me a little of Return of the Living Dead with the permanently naked chick.

Anyway, it is not something to recommend, not even to pass the time. Luckily it does have one trait that always betrays bad movies: right at the very start, there is a song by a band on stage, and the song, is full. Not a few seconds or scenes for the atmosphere, but an entire song. Now you know.

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Squealer (2023)
Just so bad.
14 November 2023
Highly unoriginal! The plot is exactly what you get from the description and nothing more.

It is one of those movies that are painfully to watch and you keep checking the run time to see just how much more you have to endure. It really is a test of patience and will, one that I passed barely, with some breaks, checking the phone and rolling my eyes about 100 times.

I simply found nothing to like about it, it's not even so bad it's good, no horror, action, tension, interesting characters, dialogue, just a freaking bone would have suffice. Sadly, no such thing here. And what is happening with Tyrese Gibson, how did he end up hin this one. I don't consider him a good actor but surely he can do better than this. He had made a name for himself.

Anyway, back to Squealer. Such a waste of time really, if any effort was put into this, I don't know where it went. Very dry movie that leaves you with that memorable quote 'I'm not gonna get these 90 minutes back'.

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A rip off.
11 November 2023
Yeah, this is Asylum work right here. Get an idea from a future movie, slightly make it different and call it your own. Never been a fan of this, even tho a few such productions were 'so bad its good', but sadly Freddy's Friday misses the mark.

It really is a bland movie, with hollow characters, little to no plot, 0 development, what you see from the very first minutes is also the ending, and one truly laughable third act fight scene. One of the absolute worst, like those 70's low budget kung fu scenes.

No reason to recommend this, it is quite bad, no real moving forward with the story and an ending to fit the entire movie. Look elsewhere, this is bad

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Die'ced (2023)
Nothing new.
9 November 2023
This is a project movie for sure, one that looks alright overall but brings nothing new to the table.

I think it took a lot from Terrifier instead of trying to be its own movie with its personal killer but other than that it's a really straight forward production.

It has only 60 minutes runtime but the credits end after the first 10 minutes and we get post credits that also last 10 min. So there is very little time for great things to happen.

It is a movie like many before it, one that can't be considered good in todays times because it lacks quality, suspense, thrills, it just shows a mad man going around killing people.

But I have to add, Die'ced does not look cheap. Clearly not a big budget production but the people involved here did their very best. Even the kills are filmed in such ways that they look as real as possible.

I can't recommend this one but I won't dismiss it either. It did all that it could have done.

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Locked In (V) (2023)
Definitely better than 100 feet.
2 November 2023
I've always been a fan of Famke Beumer Janssen, ever since I saw her in Nip/Tuck. It proved that she has range as an actress, playing throughout time, bad girls, good girls, heroes, superheroes and so on.

Now about Locked In, the only real problem here is that this one has close to no horror in it. It has a Crimson Peak vibe to it, but doesn't get anywhere near it, or say House on Haunted Hill. It is a thriller, a good one to be honest, with a great mix of tension and mystery to it, it will keep you guessing but doesn't offer any scares. I mean except a few dream scenes, as I previously stated, there are no horror elements in this one.

But if you are in the mood for a sort of Spanish thriller, because they really are amazing with this genre, I think you should definitely give it a go. I had fun with it, just a tad anti climatic, I think it could and should have done better with the ending, but all in all, a nice way to pass the time, especially during the night. Good writing, dialogue, excellent cast, good development of the plot and a satisfying conclusion that could have been even better I think.

Locked In, good for what it is, but no horror.

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Amazing movie.
27 October 2023
This one is absolutely the year's finest. Even tho I was sure Dark Harvest was going to win it, When Evil Lurks is a step above.

Everything about it was great, the universe that was already established and we got little pieces of info about it every now and then, the characters, the kills, the aftermath, it was just an incredible ride.

I can't say too much about it without giving away the plot, but the people who worked on the movie truly deserve lots of pray. The execution was as fine as it could be, the tension build, the rules that are already present there, a movie about evil that is as fresh as it can be.

It's like seeing The Exorcist for the first time.


Highly recommend it. Get it, watch it, enjoy it. It works in every level.

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Solid effort.
25 October 2023
Aahh, the gas station horror, how I've missed it.

I've truly fallen for this genre after seeing Splinter 2008, an amazing movie really, that has a touch of The Thing, my favorite horror ever!

About Night of the Hunted, I honestly believe it's a production that came quite close to something great, it has its moments but fails to expand properly and give us a better survival. I like the concept, the plot, the character background and the work done by the actors, it just never seems to reach its potential.

If you look at movies like Pontypool 2008 or P2 2007, you realize that there is a lot of wiggle room even in a contained space. What you do with the characters and how you slowly develop the action will decide if you're going to win over the audience or not.

Sadly Night of the Hunted comes closer to similars like ATM 2012, because it makes for an ok one time view, but doesn't have that kick to leave a mark and to make you recommend it to others.

But I am going to do just that and say that while it lacks the excitement of Vacancy 2007, it still has a lot going on for it, thus you should try this as long as you lower your expectations just a little. I for one would love to see more such movies, they can turn out to be really good.

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Disco Inferno (2023)
23 October 2023
Cute short, that I only saw because I didn't notice it was a short.

It felt like a real movie, not happening fast or rushed, that just ended. So if you don't know this is a short, I don't think you'll be able to tell either, it just quickly ends and it just leaves you there hanging.

Anyway for short movies IMDB should really change their 600 characters policy, because there isn't too much to cover.

It is a 15 minutes production, with good actors, nice location and an interesting plot to be honest.

It tries some character development, very little tension, it just fails with the ending. It simply happened too fast and it had nothing to do with the characters, they were just in the back seat, leaving the villain to be cut short by the movie's runtime and not a proper development.

Thus being said, sure I can recommend it, but more importantly those involved in the movie should prepare to make the bigger step. So far so good.

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Wrong turn 8 with cross-species.
21 October 2023
When you have no budget for a horror you either pick the in-the-woods genre or the zombie flick. This one obviously picked the first one.

Now about the movie itself I have very few things to elaborate because as the saying goes, if you have nothing good to say, stay quiet.

The monsters here are terrible and they make no sense. They provide no scares, no tension or suspense but sadly, only torture porn. A lot of explicit on screen torture in order to shock, because it just couldn't do more. Very cheap production that relied on never ending screams, dark scenes and very bad characters. Such movies should stop appearing, these aren't the 80s anymore, when people where still experimenting. It just isn't something anyone would like to see.

Can you imagine inviting someone to view this one?

  • Hello, would you like to see a horror about three blind rat men that go around killing people in the woods, as graphic as possibe on a micro budget?

Sadly..Three Blind Mice was made. I'm quite furious I got to see this..but someone had to take a bullet for the horror community. The one good thing I can say about it is the fact that it shows the villains from the very first scene and once you lay your eyes on them, you'll know what to expect.

Avoid this. Try movies like Creep 2004, Mimic 1997 or Devil's Pass 2013. Those are fun.

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After the Russian experiment.
21 October 2023
After I read about this movie I knew from where it drew the inspiration. But being a UK production, it was bound to be different. And it sure was, very different than the Russian nightmare, which I think would look amazing on screen given a proper rating and execution.

The Sleep Experiment is a mellow version of what we could have had, but still interesting and fun experience. Very good characters, nice development of the three acts and a finale that was maybe a little too ambitious. But dare I say, I appreciate the effort and trust it had in its own powers, to be its own thing and show what it wanted to show.

Overall, I do recommend this one, it is quite tame indeed but nevertheless a nice add to the horror list.

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Flashback (I) (2023)
Not bad.
21 October 2023
Very cute short, with an interesting premise, used before in cinema but still, not something you see too often.

The plot was good, the execution was nice and the actors did their job.

This is exactly how I see a good short, doesn't overstretch, doesn't try to cover more than it should, it just shows its idea and leaves space for a full length movie in the future.

The people involved in Flashback did a really good job and I hope to see more of their work. With a bigger budget I'm sure they will do proper work and hoppefully achieve something great.

Recommeded for a short, I think there is definitely room for more.

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Vindicta (2023)
What a mess..
19 October 2023
Somehow, I had some hopes for this one. The cast is good, the premise was interesting, it just needed a good direction and execution.

Which completely lacked sadly. A movie that is very fast forward, few stops, always on the run, until the flashes start..and end with the movie.

The origin story here takes forever and becomes annoying and infuriating, the development stops, the killings take a back seat and we are in a third act that does nothing but hit us in the head with why is this all happening.

It started quite good I must say, very raw movie that showed exactly what it wanted to show with no holdbacks, but it became sort of a joke while moving on. Scenes that looked ridiculous, dialogue written by kids, out of the blue nothing seemed to make sense anymore. I really think it had some nice vibes from Sin City and V for Vendetta, but wow did this turn bad.

You should give Major Grom: Plague Doctor a chance, that one actually is a good movie and has the same style.

Vindicta is not recommended at all, movies like Daredevil, the short version or Elektra are its equals.

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Dear David (II) (2023)
Contrary to other reviews, I liked it.
18 October 2023
I have to say I'm a little surprised by all the hate I found on the page regarding Dear David.

It's a fun movie, attacking a nice subject, one that isn't overused, has some moral weigth to it and a great ending. I especially liked the fact that it reminded me of In the mouth of Madness, that great paranoia feel, not knowing what is real and what is fake. Thus I feel obliged to recommend this one, because it is a lot better than the latter over hyped horrors that appeared. It isn't afraid to be real, raw and take it to the next level with solid scenes that make your skin crawl, but just a little indeed.

Overall Dear David was a nice experience for me, so I am going to advise any horror fan to give it a go. It's definitely a nice add on to the list and it is worth a view. I think I would have enjoyed this on the big screen honestly, because it relies a lot on tension and not jump scares, thus if the mood and surroundings are good, I think the movie will look a lot better. Also, seeing Justing Long on the screen in a horror is always a bonus!

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