
46 Reviews
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Chapelwaite (2021–2023)
Missed this type of horror
19 December 2021
If you're looking for classic horror and you're not a fan of scare scenes like me, you can give this one a try. I like Adrian Brody, haven't watched him in a long while and I enjoyed it. A good actor is a good actor! The show has this beautiful gothic atmosphere. The story is cliché and could definitely be much better, and the pace is pretty slow but I did watch the whole ten episodes in the end. I missed this kind of show, got tired of horror that tries to shake you and get you almost sick. There are still many gore scenes in this, beware, but nothing that made me want to turn my screen off. Halfway into the show, there's a revelation which I didn't expect but liked, and the ending was pretty good and interesting to me, part of it reminded me of an older show that I liked. Maybe better casting for some of the characters could have been done but it was still good.
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Best Sitcom I've Watched in a Long While
20 September 2021
The issues and character lines are so relatable. I love the humour which is doesn't revolve around absurd, over the top situations, instead it's about common family and relationship situations. I haven't liked the main character in a sitcom as much as I like Jean in a long while, and I relate so much to the daughter who's sensitive and cares about everyone while she hides her own emotions not to be a burden to them. I also know people like Celia, the social media influencer, and the son who's used to using the mom...Watching this in September and I love the fashion and decor in the show, too. Planning to buy myself some of Jean's patterned shirts...The plot was not exactly top in some episodes but this show is still such a treat, I binged on it! Wish it was still running!
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Back for Good (I) (2017)
One of the most entertaining German movies I've watched
12 June 2021
It's the story of a reality-TV star. That kind of role looks fake and disturbing on many actors but the lead here (Kim. Riedle) pulled it off exceptionally well. She managed to make her character believable and human. The acting from all actors were on spot, actually...The script is solid, plays out like an American movie intended for big screen, having some of its clichés like the "evil" characters. It shows the ugly side of reality entertainment in a quite entertaining way without sugarcoating it. It also shows the glamour of it mixed with family drama playing in a common neighborhood. The story is nothing too exciting or groundbreaking but makes for a good watch.
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Destroyer (2018)
Different detective story, in a good way
8 April 2021
Some scenes in the movie breaks down rules for American detective movies, I think, which I loved. It's not your usual movie where you can predict the scenes that will glorify the character. Instead, it doesn't scare away from making the character look uncool or beaten up, and it definitely doesn't do that half-heartedly, which makes the whole thing feel realistic. The plot is nothing new, it's your usual troubled detective who didn't come to terms with a past case. However, the handling of it is very different that it's refreshing. Nicole Kidman is in heavy, face altering make up which got my attention too much in the beginning but she's exceptionally good in fight scenes! Didn't see that coming! I felt pulled into the movie because of that...It's a tad bit long, especially the ending with long and dramatic scenes, but it's definitely worth a watch. Oh, and there's a twist! A clever one.
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Altes Land (2020– )
Families, Generations, and Changing Times
12 February 2021
Brilliant two-part movie about the lives of several generations and families, some living on a farm, some living in the city, and some stuck in between. The main character played by Iris Berben is one of the most unique characters I've seen in a movie recently. The story starts in the past, with the character's dramatic immigration to a farm in Germany as a child with her mother, and branches out through war times into the future, to include the character's estranged sister living in the city, her sister's 20-something daughter who's going through a life crisis, and to her neighbours around the farm she keeps living on, including the ones who ran away from the city for a more natural life and now questioning their decision in despair. It has history, drama, tragedy, some comedic moments, and a finely dosed bitter-sweet romance story, heavy on the bitter side, that makes you think. Both parts were interesting and satisfactory to watch. Recommended.
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Teufelsmoor (2018 TV Movie)
Solid Psychological Thriller
12 February 2021
The movie is about a woman with an unsolved mystery in her past who returns to her home town after her father passes away. The story keeps you guessing, and manages to create a dark atmosphere and suspense. Acting from the lead is solid, side characters are also successful. A few scenes are also there to make you jump from your seat. It was a good watch.
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Ad Astra (2019)
Great movie with a basic story but a genuine character and a welcome touch of mundanity
29 July 2020
This movie has all the elements you could expect from a space movie (classified missions, stunning visuals, things going wrong in space...) but uses a unique, calm main character and a script and soundtrack that gives a sense of reality and mundanity. Some people didn't like the realism but I think this is how things could have actually gone in a story like this. Astronauts and others involved in missions are humans. Brad Pitt played the character perfectly. I could feel his depressed side in my bones, together with his love for life. The ending was one of the best I've seen in a space movie, giving the feeling that you ate at a classy restaurant, if you imagine your usual space movie ending is a hamburger. The story is extremely basic. You could have written it after taking a single course on American movie plots, and there are quite many scenes that make you say, come on, that couldn't have physically happened, but overall, I'm touched. Great portrayal of a range of emotions and human relations.
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Badly directed movie rewriting a true story
25 June 2020
I've never seen a story being changed so much in a movie and the movie would still be claimed to be based on a true story. I don't want to give spoilers but fundamental parts were changed and I was shocked when I read what really happened...I think it was a Hollywood project that went as hey, we will make a movie about a transgender person, make them look like the sole victim of an event, give them a grand love story, and...Hilary gets an Oscar!" The scenes and the way the characters acted seemed unattached and illogical at times. I don't think that anyone could believe Hilary Swank's character was perceived as a guy by the other characters, and not just because of her looks, especially for the first half of the movie. The second part was acting-wise better and quite powerful at times, but still had the weird directing going on. The true story is really interesting and heavy, I wish they'd done service to it and developed a masterpiece.
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Nice, light movie
21 June 2020
Relaxed comedy with two great actors playing interesting characters. I also liked the supporting actors. Good to kill time and chill.
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Somewhere (2010)
Has a strong sense of reality
21 June 2020
I don't know what kind of story the audience, including some of the critics, was expecting from this movie. Maybe the amazing life of an actor with loads of drama and violent tears? The reality is closer to Coppola's version, I believe. She takes you into the repetitiveness, the boredom, the superficiality, and the sensation of uselessness. I loved the movie, felt like I was living through the eyes of the main characters. Didn't love Coppola's other movies that much but this did the trick for me. Will search for her newer stuff.
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Doesn't live up to the hype
15 June 2020
I expected something unique and intense but was disappointed. An uncommon way of mixing documentary and (kinda) fiction does take place, but that's not a new idea. I'm pretty sure I saw that before. In general, there's nothing amusing. I know that I could have cared a whole lot more about the characters if the movie was directed in a different way. I also had a sense of gaps lurking, that some scenes were missing.
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Depressive movie about middle aged woman not being able to accept her husband is gone
13 June 2020
The movie is as my title says and maybe just a little more: There's also some curiosity and suspense about the cause of the husband's disappearance. Not the exciting kind, though. Other than that, you can listen to close-up sounds, see a lot of dull color, and witness loneliness and psychological difficulties. If you're looking for a movie with even a little bit of joy or anything bright in it, this is not it. It was pretty boring to me even if I like movies about psychology. I didn't click with the main character at all, which is rare. Critics loved every bit of the movie, though.
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Disappearance (2017)
Brilliantly executed medical and relationship nightmare
10 June 2020
You start driving through the empty streets of Iran and walking the hospitals corridors with a couple who did the "unthinkable" around midnight: They had sex outside of marriage and encountered a medical problem because of it. You pay a small visit to the residence and party culture, observe the striking difference between different generations, classes, and mentalities, and have an effective peak into the troubled couple's relationship. Very good acting and directing. As a person who comes from a similar culture and has had many medical emergencies, I can also say the movie is eerily realistic. It doesn't bore and has a good length. I'd recommend.
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Weird festival movie you can try to enjoy
5 June 2020
It's one of those disturbing movies that makes you question if you're ever gonna finish it. The visuals, the sounds, the characters, almost nothing is easy on the eyes or ears...It's about a teenager with mental illness joining a theater class, her disturbing relationship with her mother, and her disturbing relationship with her theater teacher, and the disturbing dynamics involving the whole theater troupe. You can try to appreciate it as you go but it's not an easy watch. It might get more enjoyable if you achieve the first watch and then try for a second one focusing on its handling of mental illness and relationships while giving the crazy, incomprehensible scenes your own meaning. You know, like an ugly vase you finally begin to see the beauty of.
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Your Name. (2016)
It's okay but not THAT good.
5 June 2020
The movie was clearly made to be on big screen and make everyone averagely happy. The animation and emotion? I expected much more of Makoto Shinkai who was behind the art of the opening and trailer of Ef: A Fairy Tale of the Two. That was stunningly beautiful animation and storytelling! Instead, you can find a more generic style in this one with loads of anime and drama/romance clichés: Cute and generic sounding voice actors? Check! Older and cool character who smokes? Check! Bad parent? Check! Wise and cute grandma? Check! Not-that-beautiful best friend? Yes! I could go on..."I'm adding shrine culture and craftsmanship!" was also there big time. One thing that was totally absent for me was that the romance between the characters was based on...nothing. The soundtrack reminded that of a big screen American animation but sung in Japanese. It sounded musical-like and childish at times. Plot was average to a higher level of average. It's a body-swap movie as one can see in the trailer and that's been done a lot before. However, there's a good twist which made me enjoy the movie a lot in the end, combined with other elements of the second half. I'd recommend watching on in case the first half doesn't do the trick for you. All in all, not a masterpiece or anything but watchable.
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The Workshop (2017)
It gets better and better
1 June 2020
The movie begins in a small town, at a writing course, with creating an exceptionally realistic atmosphere surrounding French youth of different backgrounds and mindsets, with the addition of a cosmopolitan writer from Paris who is their course instructor. All actors give natural and brilliant performances. Then the movie focuses more and more on one French guy with far-right associations and the instructor. Very well done character study in my opinion. The thrilling turn the second half takes surprised me and the ending satisfied me. Not a typical big screen movie but I think it would be very watchable for most viewers.
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Full of problems but very good acting and magnificent decor
30 May 2020
As the other reviewers pointed out, there are historical hiccups, tasteless sex scenes, sometimes vulgar language for the sake of vulgar language, and the chemistry between the characters isn't that great. The script seems to be holding onto what's been popular in the last years in such series and nothing more...Something was especially odd to me. The series mentioned a "Turkish Empire". There is no such historical entity, only the Ottoman Empire and the Republic of Turkey after that...Although Russians were in war with the Ottomans, there are hardly any war scenes. The very few ones included were promising, making you wish there were more. Instead, for four episodes, we watch Catherine's affairs and her love for Potemkin, her hatred for Turks and Germans, great palaces and gardens, and her chats about love with her best female friend. Catherine was a very extraordinary woman, so was her friend. They carried out the Russian Enlightenment together. In the series all they did was have sex and talk about love affairs...What a wasted opportunity. Still, very good acting from all actors, a coherent script, and amazing wardrobe and surroundings make all episodes watchable.
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Late Night (2019)
Feel-good movie with great actors but focusing too much on giving messages
24 May 2020
Very watchable movie with great acting from all actors but even as a woman who cares deeply about equality, I felt obviously force-fed with equality and inclusion messages to the point it was absurd. The movie tried to tackle that with making jokes on itself but that didn't save it. It's already become a cliche: Female director or executive producer and female leads, and then comes loads and loads of messages...I think it's overdoing things. Instead, the script should have been more original and a little bit edgier, and the messages not so obvious or for the sake of giving messages. Still, a good watch!
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Original, fun dark comedy with phenomenal acting!
23 May 2020
This is the best dark comedy I've seen in years. The whole cast is phenomenal, the characters feel so natural! After the mixed reviews I read on here, I reluctantly gave it a try and in the end, I was very positively surprised. Kirsten Dunst is at her best, honestly didn't expect this much. The show does have some crazy dark comedy scenes that are there to be crazy, which I'm not too fond of in movies, but even those were done in an original way. Binged on it, waiting for the second season!
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A Discovery of Witches (2018–2022)
Decent story, probably inspired by Vampire Knight and co.
19 May 2020
I've seen a few episodes and it's quite similar to Vampire Knight, a popular manga by Matsuri Hino, from 2005. This seems to be a grown-up version of the story, mixed with American and British elements. It turned out pretty okay.

Both A Discovery of Witches and Vampire Knight take place in a town with gorgeous old stone buildings and roads, with non-human creatures in disguise around every corner. Discovery of Witches starts at a college with the main character living on campus, while Vampire Knight took place at a boarding school. In A Discovery of Witches, we have a female witch whose parents were involved in a mysterious incident, and who develops curious powers. She's now connected to a book kept in a library, with some missing pages. A similar female character and book were also featured in Vampire Knight. In both stories, the lead male character is a vampire who's insanely attracted to the main girl and "craves" her, but his main urge is to protect the girl and do good for his own species after he did "some things" in his very long past. Both stories feature the idea that vampires can access the memories of a person as they drink their blood, and can erase memories. Both also feature a high council of non-human creatures and the fight against that council by our main characters. Records of non-human creatures' past are kept in a special library, yes, you guessed right, in both stories...The similarities are definitely there. One thing I'm not fond of is, in both stories, sexuality is mixed with vampires drinking blood from others. I guess most people like that? In spite of that, decent show. The acting is okay, special effects are okay-ish, surroundings are magnificent. One could give a try.
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The Past (2013)
Cliche story elements, under average actress, decent structure
14 May 2020
A woman is between her ex and her next, and the next's wife is in a coma. Comas do happen, unfortunately, but we've seen this story so many times in movies! The rest of the story I won't share as it would be spoiling the movie but don't expect anything too exciting. It's two hours long and was honestly boring, especially in the middle. The main actress won the best actress award at an important film festival, that's why I decided to watch the movie, but during the very first scenes, I was already thinking some of her facial expressions look fake. All of the other actors were better than her, especially the child ones...It's a decent movie overall but not the best out there in my opinion.
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Honey (2013)
Unique main character, satisfying story about life and death
13 May 2020
Miele has an interesting and believable main character that pulls you in and keeps you entertained from start to finish. Its story revolving around the contrast between life and feeling alive, and death and the feelings death creates was very well crafted and shot. It's not mainstream but also not too weird to watch. It hits a sweet spot and also leaves a flavor of Italy (and a little bit of Mexico and Turkey) in a good way.
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Fascism and love
28 April 2020
I don't think the movie deserves the worst reviews it got on here. It delivered an accurate depiction of the ruthlessness of fascism, which I am unfortunately familiar with, and of love between two young people. The acting was good to brilliant in my opinion. There were some scenes that were a little too long or not exactly necessary and I can't tell if the script fits the reality of those days a hundred percent but overall, it was a good watch.
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Bad acting from the lead and cliche after cliche
28 April 2020
I'm surprised how this movie got amazing reviews and was declared a masterpiece. The main lead's acting was not convincing at all. I couldn't imagine her as a real model and her facial expressions were too fake for the naive, compassionate character she was supposed to play. The dialogue was total cliche, the story was plain boring. It was nothing I haven't seen before. Someone commented they felt alive while watching the movie. I could feel I was slowly dying! My last hope was that the movie doesn't go too far into serving the older-aged male director's cliche of connecting a young and pretty female character to a much older, wise, male character but it did anyway. I gave a six because the camera and the acting from the male lead was good. It was still a very disappointing watch overall.
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Zweibettzimmer (2017 TV Movie)
Fun movie about two different characters changing each other's lives
3 April 2019
One perfectionist cardiologist and one under educated single mom of three have to share the same room in a rehabilitation clinic because of their orthopedic injuries. One is tangled in her own strict rules, the other is cheerful and easy going but her lifestyle is sure to cause her problems. The movie has a classic, simple recipe which is executed fine in my opinion. Carol Schuler's character is a vibrant character which you'd love in an instant, a character honestly hard to come by in many German movies. Anja Kling is also great as the stressed out cardiologist. Fun to watch, recommended. With subtitles it's great for German learners.
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