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Nobody (I) (2021)
I Hope These 'Ashholes' Like Hospital Food
31 May 2024
Wow. The beginning of the movie is good, with good performances by all cast involved. +1 Star.

A great fight scene on a bus even if it was a bit cheese. +1 Star.

And some other great fight scenes but it was pretty unrealistic, hence the 'cheese' comment. -1 Star

But they get to the end, and you have the fabulous Bob Odenkirk, Christopher Lloyd the legend actor still kicking and up for a firefight.

Really this movie is more like a Max Payne 4. Plenty of slow motion gunfights with intermittent cutscenes of dialogue.

Connie Nielsen is still beautiful. 'Are you not entertained???'

So after all is done this one gets a 6/10. Quite entertaining.
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Avenged (2013)
I Have Seen The Gates, But I Have Not Been Permitted To Enter....
13 May 2024
A girl driving out in th CA desert, oh she's at the Grand Canyon! I lvoe the Grand Canyon! Weird tho because after they show a Grand Canyon sign I can still tell she's driving in CA. Ruh roh and after she witnesses a guy being rundown, she helps him into her car. But the hit and runners come back and turn that hit and run into a murder.

Wow, and that one dude is a heck of a shot at long distance with a pistol. The men scoop her up and take her to a house. And it appears they take some time for a bit of rape. Oh I just noticed this movie had a title change. Well that's a minus right there. We don't like title changes.

And it's a shame, because the bad men kill the poor deaf girl. Oh seriously she lived? Oh well there's one of those unbelievable plot points. Oh no. And then apparently a spirit comes back to possess her body? So confusing!

LOL okay when she guts the cop, that was fun. +1 Star. Oh and the close up archery? +1 Star!

And really at this point we're back at a 5/10. The rest of the movie, including the end, is a bunch of violence that really gets kind of boring since you know how it is going to end.
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God Be With You All!
13 May 2024
Wow there's an opening here by Jason Blum who is like the toastmaster for Cheeseball movies. I mean there's a few good ones here and there but lets see if this is one of them!

So the start is like most of the typical purge movies. Oh no it's danger time! The purge is set to begin for 12 hours! Murder is Legal.

Except this one is apparently about people out on the streets this time instead of in a house.

This movie has a lot of automatic weapons fire which occasionally hits. But really it's boring. Not a lot of plot just people running from each other and shooting a lot. I guess some people might like that sort of 'deep' thinking but for me it just didn't do much.

I do love the radio announcement 'There isn't much time left in tonight's purge. God be with you all!' LOL, dumb.

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The Hunt (II) (2020)
I'll Just Quote The End As Far As IMDB Allows....'It's F.....G Great!'
13 May 2024
LOL, the beginning of this on the plane. Fantastic. Have an eyeball!

So this is a Damon Lindeloff joint eh? It's pretty hilarious. A comedic take on the whole rich people hunt down the hillbillies type movie. It's amusing because I figured to see more of Hillary Swank in this than there was. But it still fills the bill.

Some good deaths. And man is there a whole lot of stupid, but in a good way!

The end fight is fun. Like a Tarantino esqe fight almost but shorter!

7/10 !

And IMDB has now made it so a review has to have 600 characters before it can be entered. I really don't expect that to last very long because people are sure to complain about it. But until that happens I guess we have to expect reviews to be long winded and sometimes about absolutely nothing to do with the show in question.
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Battlestar Galactica: Occupation (2006)
Season 3, Episode 1
12 May 2024
At the start of this one we find Adama trying to figure out a way to defeat the cylons but he knows he doesnt have the force necessary to liberate the planet. Meanwhile, Saul is tormented by Brother Cavill. Dean Stockwell is awesome in this part isn't he? Such a perfect part for him rather than that silly time travel show.

Oh and of course Leoben and Kara continue their 'relationship' Haha Love Callem in this and man he went on to a lot of roles in movies and other shows. He was really great in Californication.

So I don't know what the point was here. The Cylons want to live with the humans? The humans keep fighting them with terrorist like attacks. Oh Cavill says we're here to spread the word of God. He suggests executions to help spread that Word!

I love the convo between the Adamas. Get your fat... outta here! Haha, Funny.

I just realized this is a very long episode. It does cover a lot. Oh man when Leoben comes down those steps with Kacey and says hey Kara this is your daughter. Bahahaha.

What I really love about this Season is this is when Michael Hogan actually shines bright! Colonel Tighe is my favorite character in the show.

And Sharon back in a uniform? Sharon Agathon? Baltar signing the death warrant of so many humans?

This is one of the best ep.s in the series.

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If She Gives You Too Much Trouble, Find Yourself A Younger One.
12 May 2024
So we got an election and a battle on Caprica going on at the start of this one. After the reveal of the fix, Baltar is now President and everyone goes to settle on 'New Caprica'. Wow. They couldn't come up with something better than New Caprica?

So everyone is on the surface of this new planet. Even Saul and Ellen move to the surface. The Chief has become Union President! Rallying against President Baltar! Haha.

And then of course the dumb decision to move to the planet is proved as dumb as it can possibly be when a fleet of Cylons shows up to take Baltar and all the surface dwellers as prisoners.

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To Be Continued.....
12 May 2024
So we're still in Season 2, and we're starting to see weirdness emerging in the Chief. Psychodreamboy. And Baltar being antagonized by Six and he and Roslyn prepare to debate each other for the elections.

And then Dean Stockwell shows up as a 'Priest' to counsel the poor Chief after he beats Callie senseless when she wakes him up.

Anyways, a mission to Caprica! Jump Jump Jump!!!! And RaceTrack and her crew of screwups mess up their jump but end up finding a planet which can support life. And Richard Hatch. I'm so glad he got to contribute to this series. His life became all BattleStar after the first series.

As glad as Anders is when he meets Starbuck on Caprica, then he says he lost half his people that same morning. Wow! You don't lead with that? Losing half your people really doesn't translate into smiles and laughter and jokes that same afternoon.

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Battlestar Galactica: Downloaded (2006)
Season 2, Episode 18
We're Alive.
12 May 2024
Lots of flashbacks at the beginning as the stage is set for what this ep. Is to be about. The Downloading! There are 12 models!!!! And model #6 is quite the horn dog! Lucy Lawless! She's so fantastic in everything she's in. And back to when the 1st Sharon was shot and downloaded. She didn't seem happy to find out she is a cylon!

I really hated the Baltar hallucination accompanying Caprica Six. That was probably the dumbest thing in the show. Trapped in a collapsed basement with Six, and Sharon, and Lucy, Anders manages to eek out living when Six decides she's going to off her own species.

It's okay. Cylons want to kill humans but then umm, Cylons don't want to kill humans. I get it.

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Battlestar Galactica: The Captain's Hand (2006)
Season 2, Episode 17
As Of Now I Am A Candidate For The Presidency!
12 May 2024
So at the start of this one Lee Adama shows off what a D-Bag he is when he locks a barracks to have sex with Dee. Both of them freshly celebrating the death of Billy. How considerate.

And then we get the main plot of this one. The Pegasus has a new commander, the chief engineer Garner is now commander. And of course he's even more of a punk than Fisk was. The writers sure don't like the Pegasus crew. Garner has it out for Starbuck and Apollo.

Abortion becomes a fleet wide issue. Roslyn doesn't want to ban it but oh dear it might cost her the Presidency! Like a real life moral conundrum in reverse!!!

And then, Baltar, the goofball 'genius' who really acts like a buffoon half the time and the other half he's staring at walls and talking to himself. He's going to run for President! This really wasn't a great ep either.

But in the end, Garner dies, Lee gets his first command. (I really hated to see John Heard who is so great, used so briefly.) Baltar announces he's running for President.

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Love Hurts (I) (2022)
You Enjoy The Rest Of Your Evening, Sir.
12 May 2024
Wow really? This is streaming on Freevee but it's called 'MOST HORRIBLE THINGS at the moment. That's a huge difference from 'Love Hurts' . Wow. -1 Star for the name change. So right off the bat we're at 4/10.

So some weirdo invites 6 dinner guests and pays them 10k each up front to be there. Weirdo promises them that love is in the air. Oh wait he didn't pay them up front, he promised them 10k to attend. What a ripoff.

Oh well it picked up a notch when the weirdo offered the dufus mechanic an upstairs room with a girl +1 Star!

So the weirdo is trying to make love connections amongst his paid guests? What a weirdo!

Oh I did not see that end coming! But this movie was a bit too all over the place. Even so.... 5/10.
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Battlestar Galactica: Sacrifice (2006)
Season 2, Episode 16
Why Lee Adama? You Amaze Me.
12 May 2024
After that last ep. Where can you go but up? Billy finally professes his love for whatever he name is. Dee....whatever.

This one at least has Dana DeLaney in it. As she and a couple other malcontents hold a bar hostage on some other ship not the Galactica. Of course I don't get why Lee, and Ellen Tighe, and whoever else are always galavanting around the fleet. Don't they have jobs? And why is Lee fracking around with Billy's girl? Haha.

Anyways Dana Dalaney cuts that nonsense short thankfully and holds the bar hostage for the distasteful way her husband was treated. Used and then forgotten!!!

Some good acting in this ep. And the Story is at least 4 steps up from 'Scar'.

And really wow, it would have really sucked if Kara had offed both of Adama's sons wouldn't it?

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Battlestar Galactica: Scar (2006)
Season 2, Episode 15
To Beebee. Jojo. Riley. Beano. Dipper. Flattop. Chuckles. Jolly. Crashdown. Shepherd. Dash. Flyboy. Stepchild. Puppet. Fireball. To All of em.
12 May 2024
To me this is one of the worst episodes of the series. Kat, who a few episodes was just a rook pilot, is supposedly now a super pilot. Even Starbuck is apparently afraid of how much better Kat seems to be than her.

Pilots are being taken down en masse by a hateful vengeful Cylon Raider called 'Scar'. 'Scar' has apparently figured out how to best Viper pilots because Scar has been downloaded so many times. But uh...wouldn't there be a bunch of Cylon Raiders that have been destroyed and downloaded again? Why is this 'Scar' the only one who got good from its experience? No sense.

And of course all this build up for Kat this ep. And plenty of reflection back on Starbuck and her regrets. Then of course the inevitable scene where Kat wins and Starbuck faces the humiliation..

Just a really dumb filler episode. 2/10.
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Well If I Don't See You Down There, Just Make Sure I Don't See You Again.
8 April 2024
This was a amazing performance by Bradley Cooper as Chris Kyle, the LEGEND, legendary American Sniper and a true Patriot for the United States. After 9/11/2001, America said 'We will never forget'. Well Chris Kyle he never did forget.

Eastwood has another masterpiece on his hands here. Telling the story of this dedicated US soldier. The movie covers his multiple tours in Iraq., relationship with his wife and fellow soldiers, and having to confront his own demons with what he had to deal with mentally in a time of war.

And then his work with disabled vets which introduced him to the man who would end his life. A tragic end to a true American Hero.

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Satanic (2016)
I Hate Ads On Amazon Prime
4 April 2024
SO apparently I've seen this before and gave it a 5 but I didn't review it so I have to watch it again. I like the beginning. The initial tards are funny in their hotel room.

So the tards they go to a Satanic shop and then go spying on a Satanic cult, and then they pick up a Satanic girl who has visions.

When the Satan girl is in the hotel room with the tards, probably the best part of the movie. Weirdness! Reminds me of VHS. Never trust a girl named ALICE! Haha.

Anyhow, after that the movie falls sort of apart into a scream and run thing. In other words it pretty much falls apart to blah.

Being generous I'll stick to my 5/10 score.
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La tomba (2006 Video)
The Bruha Is Cute At Least.
4 April 2024
This is like a lower budget version of The Mummy. However, I liked the beginning +1 Star with the fight and the human sacrifices!!!

Unfortunately that's the best part of the movie. As it progresses, the plot descends into confusion and silliness as a few tourists get caught up in a fight to prevent the resurrection of the high priest mummy who is really to be freed after however many thousand years he's been entombed.

I would give it a 2 because I made it to the end, and I'll give it an extra plus just because it showed a little skin with the beginning.


And IMDB has now made it so a review has to have 600 characters before it can be entered. I really don't expect that to last very long because people are sure to complain about it. But until that happens I guess we have to expect reviews to be long winded and sometimes about absolutely nothing to do with the show in question.
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Alien Nemesis (2023)
You Just Need A Little Bit Of Confidence!
3 April 2024
Oh this looks horrible but I'll try it. The credits and music at the opening are horrible. -1 Star

Two female hikers are in the woods when an ALIEN spaceship crashes. Terrible low budget effects. Alien survivor creature has Predator like chameleon camo field.

Girls are hiking to a CABIN IN THE WOODS! WOO HOOO! A movie first!!!

Okay so they find the cabin, then dont spend any time inside it? Instead it's lay out in the sun time? Oh dear.

Glad they wore bathing suits tho! Oh wait! Topless sunbathing! +1 Star!!! LOL One is killed and copied by the alien who then kills the other one! That will teach you to not take off your top!

Okay, next up 2 dudes. Guess what? They are going out to the same cabin!!! Oh its a group of six! And one is wearing heels! That's hawt for camping!

Okay the hawt girl got killed and I'm done. She was wandering in her heels, at night, looking for a signal for her phone. That's it! Didn't even make it halfway through this abomination. 1/10.
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They're Lucky The Little Girl Likes To Sing.
27 March 2024
So with all the fast speed zombie drama, there's a lot of scenes that are absolutely just so unrealistic is makes the movie unbelievable. The scenes where they wrap up their arms with tape and fight their way through the train? That was just absolute rubbish. Then the zombies being blind when they go through tunnels? Like the humans can still see but the zombies can't ? Just rubbish.

Now....even with the nonsense some of the scenes are somewhat fun.

But near the end, when the hero is bitten, he takes forever to change when other people have changed in a matter of seconds. It's just an inconsistent mildly entertaining zombie movie. Not even close to being in the top 10 of zombie movies. 3/10.
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Angel Baby (2023)
Oh You Didn't Know???
20 March 2024
Oh Yes! Rebecca De Mornay give me some Risky Business!!!!

So a couple goes on a retreat to a cabin in the woods! As we all know, nothing bad ever happens at a cabin in the woods! There is no safer place to be than in a cabin in the woods!!! Plus, this really saves on a movie's budget since you don't need to have a lot of extras and face it, filming in the city is expensive!

Of course early on we get a rule breaker, -1 Star for a bathtub scene with no nudity shown. We don't like that. It's so unnecessary.

Then Rebecca shows up. Wow this movie is halfway over and nothing has happened -1 Star.

LAter on there is a sex scene, until of course the demon or whatever reveals. And again, no nudity. Another rule broken -1 Star

So when is the horror supposed to start here?

Okay so there's a fight at the end that is somewhat entertaining. But the end is not good enough for a star.

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Taking Care Of This House Comes As Second Nature To Us.
18 March 2024
Made For Netflix....

Oh joy, another movie where they show a crime scene at the beginning and then flashback to a year before. This is like the 3rd one of these I've seen in 2 days.

So we have a story here about a husband and wife that move into a house in a rural area. The husband. He likes to jog in the mornings and meet new women and sleep with them So he's a gashole. I don't like him!

But the neighbor boys, they have a keen interest in the House and are certainly hanging around the wife. But when they show up there is a shower scene with the wife where there is no nudity. We don't like that! -1 Star.

And at the end I was not impressed. -1 Star for that as well...

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What Happened To Katie Marks???
18 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I really love watching movies from the ERA where you get to see HARVEY WEINSTEIN's name up there as Executive Producer. At least with his name up there you know the movies are usually going to be somewhat good.

This movie, inspired by 'actual events', they say. Gosling is the son of a rich family who falls for Dunst. Father doesn't really approve of his son's choice of WIFE.

There's a 'sex' scene early on with no nudity! Big stars or not that breaks our rule! - Star.

But when Dunst finally starts acting out, Gosling finally starts doing something about it. +1 Star.

I really enjoyed this story and I think +1 for the ending is warranted.

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Don't Forget To Bring Your ID.
17 March 2024
One month's rent up front.... Which is actually pretty cheap. Unusually its one month plus security deposit!!!

So almost halfway through, this movie breaks a rule! A shower scene with no nudity. See we don't like that. -1 Star.

Now towards the end there was a good +1 star moment and that is when girl turns out to be a FINISHER and finishes off Becker. We like that in a girl.

Good advice in this movie is never trust foreign 'Gods'. You can always be replaced!!!!

All in all this is a weird movie. I would say it does qualify for the 'horror' genre. Although I could not really call it more than an average offering.

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I See You (II) (2019)
I'm Not Done Having Fun Yet....
16 March 2024
Oh dear I rated this movie and didn't post a review? Shame on me. I know SO MANY PEOPLE care about me leaving a review here!

Like another reviewer said, this is like two movies in one. But they sort of merge together at the end. I really liked how it was done, even if I didn't believe that it could happen the way it did. It was a fun movie, and the end was pretty cool. And Helen Hunt obviously got a face lift at some point which she didn't need. Shame.

This movie passed the smell test. I don't think it broke any of my rules. And I'm really having to stretch this out to get to 600! Oh man I did it tho!

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I'm In NA okay? Not AA.
16 March 2024
I love Eric Bana. He just barely lost in that epic fight vs Brat Pitt! He will always be remembered for defending Troy with honor!

Okay that being said, this is the tale of a couple of Cops dealing with some serious paranormal stuff.'

But then it gets pretty creepy. And it does deliver on the 'horror' level. The Cops have to enlist an exorcist/ priest to their cause, and that's when the real fun begins.

The end of the movie also comes off as being a true story? Not sure if it is or not but if it is that's pretty cool too.

And IMDB has now made it so a review has to have 600 characters before it can be entered. I really don't expect that to last very long because people are sure to complain about it. But until that happens I guess we have to expect reviews to be long winded and sometimes about absolutely nothing to do with the show in question.

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Food Fight!
11 March 2024
Just had the pleasure of watching this again for probably the 1000th time. Who knows how many at this point?

This movie is so great. A great cast of young stars most of whom went on to be current greats. The fantastic John Belushi shines as Blutarsky. What a great role for him!

I don't think there's ever been a fraternity movie or for that matter a college movie as good as this one. Not as a comedy anyway. There may be more serious movies that are better.

And in current times you can't get away with making movies like this without the woketards getting all uppity. It just can't be done.

This is an American Classic!

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Ayla (2017)
Whatever Makes Your Parakeet Sing. Ol' Billy Don't Mind.
8 March 2024
Well this starts off pretty boring but at least it shows a couple t's in the sex scene which meets our requirements for putting a sex scene in a movie. +1 Star

Dude doesn't see chica's reflection in the mirror during that so that was the indication of something bizarre going on!

So then the movie goes through a period of very slow dialogue. -1 Star.

And a really long boring driving sequence. -1 Star.

And then dude gets locked in a room and screams and then somehow gets out and then goes and digs in the dirt and comes out of there with a naked girl that I guess is supposedly his sister? Very bizarre but ... -1 Star ANYWAY! More driving? Couldn't they have just put in there like '2 days later.....'

Then Old Billy runs the Sunshine Motel. We like Old Billy. This ain't Old Billy's first rodeo!

Oh and naked girl is awake now and somehow has clothing! She likes bouncing on the hotel bed.

Then more driving? You really gotta be kidding me. This certainly ain't no RAIN MAN. Boring driving! -1 Star.

Okay so then some mad hotel sex. +1 Star Brother and Sister tho?

Or am I confused?

Okay and then it's over. Amazingly bad. 2/10.
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