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IMDb member since July 2003
The Journey of August King (1995)
A beautiful film, highlighting the complex relationships between black and white in the pre civil war south
3 August 2003 - 11 out of 13 users found this review helpful.
This is a BEAUTIFUL film, both in its cinematography and in its story. It is not, as one reviewer put it, about a man who falls in love with his dead wife's servant. It is about a man who risks all to aid a young runaway slave (no relationship to him or his wife). This is a powerful film about a man's struggle to follow his conscience despite a world that insists he do otherwise. I can't believe that until today (Aug 3, 2003), I had not seen this film. Too bad movies like this aren't made more often. Excellent acting, writing, directing, cinematography. A++
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