
5 Reviews
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Lots of Promise, Poorly Executed.
30 September 2022
A great premise and a good book. Could have been Booksmart meets The Exorcist. But Elsie Fisher is awful as Abigail which torpedos most of the film's promise and none of the cast are helped by a very lazy and poorly crafted script. The whole films feel very rushed, there's no connection to the main characters as most of the back story and bonding has been ditched I'm favour of getting to the horror elements faster. Which leads to the final strike against this film, in that it's about as scary as an episode of Scooby Doo. Constantly shifting in time between young teen/family friendly and adult. It just never really knows what it's doing. Amiah Miller does however deliver a good performance despite the bad material and myopic direction she's been given.
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Perfectly mindless fun
20 August 2022
Too many thin skinned "men" and gatekeeping losers coming here to trash the show with paper thin reasoning and pseudo-intellectual nonsense.

It's perfectly decent. Doesn't change the world or do anything ground breaking. It's entertainment and too many people have fallen into this camp where everything is either "the best thing ever" or "you ruined my life and I'm cancelling you"....people aren't allowing for things to be "alright" or "decent".

So if you HATE a perfectly executed bit of mindless entertainment then for me it probably says more about you as a person than the quality of the show itself.
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Joker (I) (2019)
Derivative and Uninspired
19 October 2019
There is doing an homage and then there is borrowing wholesale from other material. This film is little more than a remake of "Taxi Driver" with elements (most notably the end) borrowed from "Network". In the case of "Taxi Driver" there are whole lines of dialogue, characters and scenes that are lifted from it and placed in this movie. Except the execution isn't as polished, the acting not of the same caliber and the story not as original.

Watch "Taxi Driver" and "Network", this film was made 40 years earlier and was made better.
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The second best Star Wars film, easily!
17 April 2019
I teach film production and screen writing, i have an honours degree in both subjects and have done the job for a decade. In my dispassionate and professional point of view "The Last Jedi" is the second best Star Wars movie. It's well shot and aside from the Finn fools errand section it's very well written.

There have been a lot of very vocal "fans" that have slated this film which is their perogative I guess but each point they have (Finn and The Casino aside) that they raise is easily rebuffed and usually contradicted by similar events that have already happened in the Star Wars films. Once those points have been disapproved most of these so called "fans" still maintain their hatred for this film which means it ultimately boils down to personal dissatisfaction at not being given the exact movie they wanted and not getting answers to questions they either demanded or expected. This film has laid bare the awful entitled attitudes that a lot of so called fans have toward Star Wars and it's made the universe that I've loved since I was a child a little more toxic and made the fandom look like a collective of petulant children crying that dinner wasn't cooked the way they liked.

It's a good film that changed things that NEEDED changing to stay fresh.
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Juno (2007)
Great snappy writing, Why they Critics!?!?!
29 September 2008
This film is great, the story is sweet and well told. The dialogue is extremely well written, granted i probably find that because i grew up with girls like Juno. Mouthy and sure of themselves.

Granted there are some flaws, like the love story's arc doesn't really exist, but the dialogue and characters are fantastic in particular Bleeker.

Acting wise, Ellen Page is brilliant as usual. Jennifer Garner is awesome which took me by surprise, Jason Bateman is great at playing a man-child. The parents are underrated in this film also.

I don't understand the people who have slammed the film, in particular slaggin the writer off. But then again those who cant make films become critics and its doesn't take any talent to rip apart someone else's work when you cant do any better yourself, so here's an idea, stop being a sad fool behind a keyboard living your life like the comic book guy from the Simpson's and go make a film and subject it to be slagged off by everyone else.
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