
37 Reviews
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Fosse/Verdon (2019)
29 May 2019
I am not a fan of Sam Rockwell. He would not only have been my last choice to play Bob fosse, he wouldn't have even made the list. His creepiness preceeds him. Michelle Williams was fine. Not too familiar with Gwen Verdon, so I have no idea if it's an accurate portrayal. I enjoyed her performance nonetheless. I hated the non-linear structure of the story. Why not just tell a straight linear story? I guess they were trying to amp up the "drama" by jumping around in time and making these two egotistical, manipulative people appear interesting. I think I'll go back and watch "All That Jazz". I enjoyed that version of Fosse/Verdon.
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Life Itself (2018)
7 May 2019
I was hesitant to see this because of the negative reviews from critics. I have been retired for a month now and have watched more TV than I ever have in my life. I was scrolling through titles on my Amazon prime and came across this one. I don't think I'll ever really trust a paid critic again. I could have passed this one by and never known such a lovely movie because I didn't just watch this movie, I experienced it. Like life itself. It may not be your cup if tea, I didn't think it would be mine. I was wrong. I'm glad I saw it. It was wonderful.
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True Detective (2014– )
Wow - what a disappointing finale
25 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
We waded through 7 episodes of Mahershala Ali mumbling and fighting with his wife - following all kinds of red herrings and misdirections, too many characters, and it just ended with a fizzle with episode 8. I'm glad the girl was okay, but it was just too much trouble to get there. Good acting (especially Stephen Dorff), moody atmosphere, etc, but the end didn't justify the means. Not sure I will bother with the series if it returns.
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Robin Hood (2018)
Thompson submachine arrows?
21 February 2019
Interesting. I wonder if there really is such a thing. It looked cool. The bow and arrow work was impressive. I liked Robin, Marian, Tuck. I mean I like the actors playing them. I would have liked to have seen more Friar Tuck. He was funny and interesting. This retelling of Robin Hood - you already know. Steal from rich, give to the poor, blah, blah, blah. I had one split second of sympathy for the Sheriff of Nottingham. It fizzled quickly though. If the makers of this movie wanted it to be truly different, they would have kept going on that theme and made a different character arc for Nottingham. Anyway - don't pay big bucks to see it. Rent it at Redbox. It wasn't terrible the whole way through, but it wasn't great either. The tone was all over the place. I hated the "modern" aspects of it. Where did Marian find a Clinique counter in the 13th century?
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Thump Thump CLAP, Thump Thump CLAP
15 February 2019
I watched this last night from Redbox and I will be buying the Blu Ray. I watched it with 2 mid-30 year olds (I am 60). We were all pumped and singing along to every song. It says something about a band's music that can transcend a gulf of so many different ages and preferences. I came away wishing I would have paid more attention to Queen when I was in high school. I loved Bohemian Rhapsody. I had the 45 single and played it endlessly. I've always loved rock music that incorporated orchestral music. I was a huge fan of The Alan Parsons Project. I still have all their Albums. I only had 2 Queen albums, A Night at the Opera and A Day at the Races. I didn't listen to them as much as TAPP, because you grow up, get married, have kids, and just leave that part of your life behind and move on. I was sobbing by the end of the movie. It really brought back fond memories of my teen years. If the movie is in any way accurate, I would have loved to know Freddie Mercury personally (who wouldn't?) He seemed like an incredibly nice man. I don't know of too many men who loved cats like he did. We have 7 cats and really loved that aspect of his life. I'm rambling - rent it today. It was really wonderful.
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Incredibly Good!
20 December 2018
This movie had more twits than Lombard Street! The acting was superb. Anna Kendrick is the bright spot in every movie she's in. The chemistry between Anna and Blake Lively was amazing. I wonder if these two women are friends in real life. The plot is.....difficult to explain. Blake Lively disappears one day and Anna tries to play amateur detective to unravel clues as to her whereabouts. It was suspenseful, funny, beautiful, great soundtrack. What more could a movie ask for? Rent it today.
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OMG-I am literally sore from tension!
6 December 2018
I think this movie is the best of 2018! What a thrill ride! It is a sequel to Rogue Nation, but I think this is a great stand alone movie for the casual MI viewer. I have never been so excited watching a movie before. The stunts were jaw-droppingly good! Tom Cruise must have cat DNA or something. I won't bother with the plot, it was good, but the action was like nothing I've ever seen before. I am buying this movie today!
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The Thaw (2009)
Bleak. Terrifying. Plausible.
30 November 2018
I think I may have figured out the low rating for this movie. Nobody wants to believe this could actually happen. What a disgusting, horrible way to go. What a terrible way for the world to end.

The plot is simple but effective. Research team discovers a woolly mammoth buried in a melting ice patch. Said mammoth is unearthed and the team discovers that the mammoth is home to a virulent strain of parasite that lays eggs, hatches, then consumes its host.

This movie is completely terrifying mostly because it is so plausible. I believe global warming is a fact and it's just a matter of time before something rears its ugly head to destroy all of mankind. Makes me want to bury my head in the sand....oops! Just got bit. Bye World!
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Tomb Raider (2018)
6 November 2018
I agree with many of the reviews on this site. It was just sort of "there". I like Alicia Vikander, but, the problem I had with Atomic Blonde, I had with this one too. Tiny women CANNOT and WOULD NOT be able to fight a man, unless said man had some kind of injury or handicap. Women just don't have upper body strength like that. I know, it's only a movie, but it takes me completely out of it when women go up against men in hand-to-hand combat. Unless they're a superhero of some kind - it ain't gonna happen. She was fast and strong, but, it still felt fake. I guess these types of movies are not to my taste anymore. Once you've seen Raiders of the Lost Ark, everything else pales in comparison.

The plot is like the plot of hundreds of similar movies - I won't go into it here. It was not a terrible movie, it was just underwhelming. I wouldn't discourage hardcore fans of this genre from watching it, but I am going to steer clear of these types of films in the future.
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There's a lot to like.....but.....
31 October 2018
This movie, about two best friends who are thrown into the deep end of the spy-spoof pool, was entertaining, funny, had a good cast, but it was way too long and if I see Justin Theroux, I am positive he will be playing a villain. He's been totally typecast over the years. He managed to break out of that role in The Leftovers. He was very good in that show. This movie, though, was predictable. I still enjoyed it despite its flaws. Mila Kunis and Kate McKinnon had great chemistry and, for me, they carried the whole thing. Sam Hueghan, from Outlander, was just okay. He didn't have very much to do but stand around, get shot and stabbed and look gorgeous. It took me awhile to realize it wasn't Alexander Skaarsgard from True Blood. Anyway - if you like spy spoofs, you'll probably like this movie.
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It's the little things that make this film great!
26 September 2018
This is about two con artists who try to swindle $50K from a naive "soap queen". The parts that made me laugh the hardest were small scenes, some you might not notice until a second viewing. The woman who accompanies Michael Caine out to his brother's quarters says "What's he doin' out here"? I giggle thinking about that scene and the scenes that follow. Her face is priceless. I also loved the cork on the fork scene too. Steve Martin trying to remember the name of the acquaintance he met on the train....Dang! Writing this makes me want to go watch it. I'll be back.....
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Life of the Party (I) (2018)
Not edgy enough...
18 September 2018
Or funny enough, or short enough. I'm sure a lot of folks will be satisfied with this movie about a mid-40s divorced mother who goes back to college to finish her degree at the same college as her daughter, BUT, I found it boring. I like Melissa McCarthy, but this one just didn't do much for me. The romance between her and a college hunk was totally unbelievable and every bit as creepy if the tables were turned and it was the male lead who was in his mid-40s and dating a twenty-something college girl. I cringed every time these two linked up romantically. Most of Melissa's movies have been hit and miss with me. If you like this type of movie, you'll probably like it. I just didn't.
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Loved the chemistry between Charlize and Seth
16 September 2018
I really liked this strange movie about a coward in the west. For me, I belly laughed several times. It's one of those movies that I will sit down and watch whenever I come across it while channel surfing.
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Castle Rock (2018–2019)
Are You Kidding Me?
31 August 2018
I don't get the high praise from some of the reviewers. It is NOT a slow burn - it is a NO burn. It is so disjointed and confusing, I can't even write about the plot. It doesn't seem to have a plot. Just a lot of weird happenings in a small Maine town that's trying to be mysterious. Just because it's a mish-mash of sound-alike characters from Stephen King novels, doesn't make it good - or by episode 9 - even watchable. I've never been so disappointed in a series in my life! I'll finish the season, because I'm still waiting for the obligatory "oooooh" moment. I suspect I'll be disappointed until the very end.
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Preacher (2016–2019)
I'm Loving Season 3
23 July 2018
I was underwhelmed by Season 2 - but so far, Season 3 has not had one wasted moment! I am loving Cassidy's storyline. I root for him BIG TIME. This series is so quirky and different. I love it!

I miss the IMDb message boards, which is probably a better fit for my comments since it's not really a "review" but just my opinion of Season 3.
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Early Man (2018)
Worst. Movie. Ever.
24 May 2018
This was about early man vs bronze age people in a football game. I know it was just a cartoon, but it's hard to watch any movie where basic rules don't apply. You just can't have humans and dinosaurs in the same place at the same time. I just couldn't get past that very first scene! We rented this thing from Redbox for $1. We overpaid. I generally love animated movies, but this one was NOT funny (except the sliced bread line). It was also visually ugly. I'll have nightmares about those characters. I wasn't a fan of Chicken Run either, but it at least had an interesting plot. This one was just a miss for me from beginning to end. I almost needed to watch Zootopia right after this one just to get those awful visuals out of my head!
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The Terror (2018–2025)
Atmospheric and creepy
27 March 2018
This miniseries about two crews looking for a passage from England to India and China through the frozen north is very promising. I watched the first installment last night and was impressed with the acting, story and characters. I will watch future episodes in the dark. My tv doesn't have the best picture and I feel I may have missed some very subtle moments. It is beautifully filmed and the acting is top notch! I just wish I had a better tv! This series deserves it.
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Skip this - save your money!
7 February 2018
This movie was about bad moms getting together with their families and wreaking havoc during the week before Christmas. Oh, what an abomination this was! I hated every single minute of it except one line by Christine Baranski. Seriously, it was terrible. There was not a sympathetic character in the bunch. I thought Amy's father had dementia, turns out, his wife said he had the brain the size of a walnut. That was not the funny line I was referring to by Christine Baranski. She was playing Leonard's mother from Big Bang Theory. Exactly the same character. These actresses can be very good given the right material. This awful thing was not that material. When I found out my daughter brought this home from Redbox, I physically cringed. I hated the first one too. Funny thing is, she hated it too. I can't imagine why she would want to rent it. Well, it's my turn to pick the movie next time. I'm picking Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore. Not a comedy, not about Christmas, but has some of the best writing and acting I've ever seen. It's one of my all-time favorites.
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Atomic Blonde (2017)
13 December 2017
For all its action scenes, this movie bored me silly! Charlize Theron plays some sort of secret agent trying to locate a list of names of other operatives. This has been done so many times, it is just boring! The actions scenes were good, but if a real woman was hit like she was hit, she'd be in a coma. I just couldn't suspend my disbelief that a person can get hit that often and, not to be sexist, and in the places she was hit, to actually survive. If she could have avoided being hit, I could get behind that, but she was hit in the stomach at least 3 times (that I noticed). A 115 pound woman CANNOT and WOULD NOT be able to sustain hits like that and still walk away. I know it's only a movie, but let's be real here. It took me completely out of the movie. If she was really that awesome and smart, she would have found different ways to evade her attackers without putting herself in harms way. To me, that would have been interesting to see.
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Urban Cowboy (1980)
Not of fan of country music but I loved this movie
30 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I hadn't seen this movie in over 20 years, but it was on TV this weekend and I sat down and watched it. I remembered why I loved it. It's not rocket science or brain surgery, but it is solid entertainment with some really great performances. The story is simple enough: Girl meets boy, Girl marries boy, Girl wants to ride the new mechanical bull at the local many-acred honky tonk, girl loses boy, boy..... well, you know what I mean. The plot is simple but effective. I loved the dynamic between the 4 leads. They were excellent. Scott Glenn has never looked better and seethed with bad boy sexuality. He'd be great for a one- night hookup, but he's a little too dangerous and cruel to keep, but oh boy, was he sexy as hell. Call the movie silly, a guilty pleasure, something to be dismissed, but it is great entertainment and the performances of all involved made it something special. To me, anyway.
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The Mummy (2017)
Overpaid to see this on Redbox
11 October 2017
This was just awful! I like Tom Cruise, but they could have gotten a no-name actor and stuck him in this role and saved the money they paid Cruise to enhance the special effects. And the plot. And the screenplay. The only mildly entertaining portion was Russell Crowe as Henry Jekyll/Mr. Hide. It was awful too, but, Crowe makes me smile no matter what he's doing. I love this guy's mug. They could have used a cardboard cutout for Annabelle Wallis for all the spark she brought to her role as the "archeologist". I think it was a bad idea to make the mummy a woman. That may sound sexist, but it just felt wrong. The 1932 version of The Mummy, with Boris Karloff, was kind of boring, but the first 10 minutes of that movie still sends a chill down my spine. It was so incredibly creepy when Imhotep slowly opens his eyes when the guy in the room with him begins reading aloud from the sacred scroll. That tiny piece of screen time blew this current version out of the water! You don't need big explosions, face sucking deaths and camel spiders to make a scene scary. Just have the 2,000 year old mummy slowly come to life and walk away from his sarcophagus. It'd drive you mad to see that.
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Snatched (2017)
This was good - ignore the trolls
17 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
We watched this last night on Redbox and thoroughly enjoyed it. If it has a downside, it's Goldie Hawn. I don't know if it's the character's fault or the actor's fault, but I thought she was wooden. She seemed more like a grandmother than a mother. Anyway, that's a small gripe. Amy Schumer has comic timing down to a fine art. Even though this mother/daughter buddy comedy isn't exactly original (what is, these days), it was hilarious - when Amy was on screen. It kind of dragged on a bit in scenes her character was not in. Basically, Amy buys non- refundable tickets to go with her boyfriend on a trip to South America. He dumps her right before the trip and she tries her best to get someone to replace him. She doesn't find anyone and convinces her mother to go with her. They have an adventure. That's about it as far as the plot goes. Just rent it. You'll like it. If you hate Amy Schumer, you probably won't like it.
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I really, really, really wanted to love this movie
16 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
How to be a Latin Lover is about a brother and sister who grew up in humble surroundings. A tragedy happens that leaves them homeless. The sister believes in the father's mantra that working hard will get you what you want out of life. The brother takes a different road to reach his goals.....becoming a gigolo. It works for him until his elderly wife begins an affair with a younger man and dumps him unceremoniously on his butt. He's never had a real job or had to do anything on his own. He shows up on the doorstep of his estranged sister and she cautiously invites him in for one night - which turns into many months. Comedy and heartfelt moments ensue. I loved the trailer for this movie and watched it many times - laughing every time I saw it. Unfortunately, those were the best scenes in the movie and seeing it in all its two-hour running time, dampened the experience for me. It seemed to drag and by the 1:30 mark, I just wanted it to be over. I knew how it would end and I just wanted it to stop! It's not a bad film. Some of the scenes could have been edited better and made into a tighter, more interesting film. I liked it, but will not watch it again.
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Claws (2017–2022)
Good premise-a little too sexually graphic
12 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is a new TNT series that is trying to compete with HBOs raunchy, sexually explicit, violent series The Sopranos. It's about Desna Simms, the owner of a south Florida nail salon and her 5 employees. She's juggling the salon, her co-workers, her autistic brother, and the mob. She wants to move to a more upscale salon but doesn't have the cash. She made a deal with the local mob to launder money for a clinic that will give prescriptions to any addict that walks in the door. Russian men are always in the clinic. They appear to be observing, not partaking in the festivities....yet. I liked the pilot, but I don't have to see explicit sex scenes. Couldn't they just leave that to the imagination? I don't feel it moves the story forward to see someone getting their carpet munched! I love all the characters, except Roller and Uncle Daddy. They are SO one-dimensional. They should practically have BAD GUY stamped on their foreheads. I love Ms. Nash. She was fantastic in "Getting On". She's great here too. Very sympathetic character. She's doing bad things for the right reasons. Still not a good combo. Never get in bed with the mob. it could be fatal.
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XX (2017)
Pretty Good - spoilers
30 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
We rented this last night and it was pretty good. It's 4 tales, unconnected to each other, with strange, stop-motion vignettes between each story. The stories are:

"The Box" A mother and 2 kids are riding the train from the city to home. A man sitting adjacent to them is holding a red-wrapped gift. The boy asks what it is and the man says "A present". The boy asks to see it. The man opens the lid and the boy looks inside. We never see what's inside and the boy says "nothing" when prodded by his family as to the contents. Chilling story. It's up to the audience to determine what was in the box.

"The Birthday Cake" A rather OCD mother is preparing for her daughter's birthday party. Many, rather snooty people are invited. The woman discovers her husband is back from a business trip. He's dead. She won't let that incident interfere with her daughter's party. This one was more comical than scary.

"Don't Fall" A group of 4 friends are on a camping trip. One of the women is particularly frightened of her surroundings. Her brother is a little unsympathetic to her about this. They are exploring the area and come upon a cave-like area with paintings on the wall, supposedly in blood. One of the friends is attacked by an entity that looks like a figure painted on the wall of the cave. Suspenseful, if not a little done before.

"Her Only Living Son" A single mother, raising her son, who will soon be turning 18, is dismayed by his horrible behavior, even though everyone else thinks he is wonderful and destined for great things. This one is a direct follow up to Rosemary's Baby (my opinion).
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