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Poor Things (2023)
WTF did I just watch? A young girl gets groomed into a hooker..
24 January 2024
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The trailer was a total lie, they made this look like a quirky Sci Fi romantic adventure. I thought it was going to be like bride of frankenstein. Instead its more like a cheap porno movie. Bella Baxter dies pregnant and they implant her babies brain into her body so she has the mind of an infant. Immediately all the men around her want to screw her and notice how pretty she is, the father even tries to pawn her off on his assistant. Once bella finds out how to masturbate she is obsessed with sex. And for the next two hours we watch a girl who has the mentality of a child screw a bunch of men, all of who are talking advantage of her. She even goes to a brothel and although she agrees to it, we watch her get raped by old men. Dongs swinging in the air and all. The audience didn't know whether to laugh or be disturbed. The one who comes on to her first is "Max" the scientists assistant. He is suppose to be the good guy here... He is such a loser he could never get a girl on his own, he needs to manipulate a child. A typical molester to which the audience is suppose to have empathy for, SICK. This movie should have been 45 shorter, the sex scenes were too long, I was like "OK enough already" we get it, people were groaning in the theater. Two stars for art director, the steam punk setting was cool but wasted. This movie went around in circles, sex, sex, sex, yawn. 2 stars, what a stinker of a perverted film.
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Wonka (2023)
23 January 2024
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I really dont like musicals and I am a HUGE fan of the original, but I really liked this. The songs weren't annoying, and the pacing was really nice. Timothee Chalamet did a GREAT job capturing the essence of what makes willy wonka so interesting. He was clever, imaginative, and wacky. He hit all the nails on the head, he even flashed some Jim Carey moments out of him. I really liked Ms Scrubbits henchmen and the world they created really immersed the audience into another place. The sets and costumes were very elaborate. The story really works well as to how Mr Wonka arrived in town and the other chocolatiers try to sabotage him. The only thing I didnt like was how they HAD to toss in the orphan girl and the reuniting with her mother? Very weird. I know you want to create a good empathy story for the audience, but it was very forced. The original had Charlie who was a poor child living with his grandpa. How did we go from an orphan with a guardian to basically... slaves?? If they didn't make squidworth related to her it would have made ZERO sense. A bit weird again, the oompa loompas were strange too Hugh grant was so out of place in this. It was cringy. Otherwise the movie as a whole worked, and the songs were great. This IS going to Broadway mark my words!!
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A wonderful tale reimagined
14 December 2023
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Guillermo really outdid himself with this film. At first I didn't know what to think.. it was a bit dark but also childish. Pinocchio's voice was piercing at first, I would cringe everytime he opened his mouth. I guess the actor who was cast could sing really well, but the voice was too much. Later on in the film when pinnochio dies the rabbits are annoyed by him too! It was a great joke that hit well, so even the film was self aware of this. After that I settled down after the 1 hour mark the film really kicks in. When pinnochio passes and we are introduced to the "god being" the movie really gets good. The animations started to get more elaborate and the scene with the sea creature was jaw dropping. I thought to myself, "where is this all going" well the character development was so great that I actually cared about gepetto and pinnochio towards the end of the film. He gives his immortal life to save his papa, it was a heart warming moment. Watching pinnochio struggle almost drowning was intense, I was in the edge of my seat. This movie rang all the bells. A classic re imagined in a wonderful and creative fashion. Bravo Mr Del Toro, what a marvel in stop motion. Please see Phil Tippets Mad God if you enjoyed this animation.
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Always Outnumbered (1998 TV Movie)
8 November 2023
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The life of Socrates Fortlow. A man trying to pick up the pieces of his life after serving serious prison time for committing murder. He lives in the ghetto in south central Los Angeles, so it is hard for him to find work. He picks up cans to make ends meet, but the cashiers treat the homeless like dogs. Mr Fortlow tries to go to the nice neighborhood to obtain a position at a supermarket, but they deny him the opportunity to even submit a job application. You feel for this man the entire film, he is trying to do the right thing after doing time, but the world will not do right by him. This is a true lesson 'Stick to your guns" Be honest with yourself. The ending was a really sad and after all this man has been through, he has to deal with the pain of losing a friend. This film is a compelling story of compassion, love, pain, suffering, and second chances. See it if you have the time it is extremely underrated.
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6 July 2023
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Journey to an age undreamed of, an age of mystery and magic, swords, and sorcery. On a planet lit by two suns, evil warlords battle to determine the fate of an entire planet. A mighty warrior rises out of legend to free an enslaved sorceress. Together they forged the mystical sword whos blade cannot be broken. The ultimate struggle between good and evil. Sorcery, lizards, dungeons... scantily clad women, and David Carridine make this one epic cheesefest. Easily one of my all time guilty pleasures up there with deathstalker 2. It's really entertaining. The two dynasties that fight are great. The leader has a pet lizard that stands upright and gets chained up. 7 stars.
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The Shining meets the Changling
10 June 2023
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My title pretty much sums it up, The Shining meets the changeling. I really enjoyed this movie I did not expect it to be good, i was just on Netflix cruising around the horror section when I ran into this movie. It start off like it's a paranormal ghost kind of movie which usually to me is kind of boring I'm not really into supernatural horror, but as the story progressed everything kind of tied together and you realize that the house was possessed almost like an Amityville Horror or The Shining. The main character slowly goes mad and tries to kill his family a lot of people here I am reading didn't like the ending I really enjoyed the ending. It was kind of like a opposite parallel of the theme that was going on with him and the professor and the the book about heaven and hell. Took like a 180 how the wife was being protected by the one ghost and he was being possessed and evil way by the other male ghost and if you clearly look at the end when he goes into the ocean of fire or hell you could clearly see it upside down cross meaning that he went to hell as opposed to Heaven. A little odd that evil did kind of prevail at the end as he was the only one living and kind of butchered everybody but I guess that's what they wanted like a full circle at the end. I thought it was put together well and I really enjoyed this movie was shot very well and these actors especially the male lead was very very good hopefully I see him in more stuff. I'm not too familiar with him, but yes really enjoyed this highly recommend if you're a fan of Amityville Horror The Shining or the changeling.
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Rock aliens
1 June 2023
The story of a guy a girl and an alien and the one night they will always remember. That is the tagline to this insanely fun film. The spaceship is built like a guitar, like a Flying V guitar. It's really freaking cool, and I have to say some of the songs aren't half bad. I'm a huge fan of Streets of Fire now this isn't on that caliber, but it's pretty darn close. Yes, there's a lot of '80s, fifties kind of rockabilly a good mix of everything but I really enjoyed this movie. Every time I do watch it I have a good time with it. Pia Zadora is beautiful. See this movie if you are into rock opera, rockabilly, or 80s new wave type stuff, you will not regret it.
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Smile (V) (2022)
Frown is more like it.
25 March 2023
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OMG where to start. The opening scene is so dumb, and the rest of the film follows this mold. Corny, slow, boring, and waaay too long. This should have been 90 minutes tops. Clocking in at over 2 hours it's painful to get through. Oh a scary ghost is following you? Oh how original. I picked this DVD up for $2 at a thrift store, I paid $2 too much. After I watched it I tossed it in the trash where it belongs. I saved others from having to endure this turd sandwich. And who kills pets in movies?? Terrible all around. Acting was so over the top that it was almost funny. And the ending was SO predictable. They made you wait 2 hours for that!? This is far from Horror. The most scary thing about this film was how much money it reeled in at the box office. Now that's SCARY. Who actually likes this junk!? Now I know why Amazon and Netflix make movies, cause it's too easy to make these modern films. There is absolutely no thought or effort put into these films. So much so a shipping company can compete with Hollywood studios. What a shame. This was the WORST film I have seen in a while.
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Decent hipster attempt
8 February 2023
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Just finished watching go hi-fi although the documentary had a lot of information I felt that they spent too much time on the invention of the first cassette recorder and how the Germans invented the cassette recorder. They had to toss Hitler in there for what reason I'm not sure at that time in history Germany did have many of the modern-day inventions but to say that recordings came from Hitler was just absolutely insane. Again, they spend too much time on this topic they should have went into the first releases of Home cassette maybe different brands of cassette or cassette players or tape players they showed a few advertising commercials but not nearly as many as I thought they would. They should have went into the boom of cassette tapes and some of the bigger releases or Brands there's so many different kinds of tapes that were released around those time periods they they could have did whole segments on certain companies and Brands fill up Sony Magnavox Memorex they really didn't go into too much detail they talk about the 1920s and 1940s Hitler and then BAM they're talking about 2019 and 2020 tape sales. 50 years of history they left out. And theybspent waaay too much time talking about the pxl 2000, yes it was cool, but far from ground breaking or functional. All thebstuff they left out was the fun time when cassettes were one of the largest forms of media. Looks like a Hipster obsessed with Nazis made this. Oh how new artists are relaseing cassettes. Too bad this had LOTS of potential.
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M3GAN (2022)
Girly Chucky
19 January 2023
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Just got out of the movie theater all I can say is that is clearly blatantly a Chucky rip-off a girl chucky nonetheless but still a chunky rip-off. The story follows a little girl whose parents were killed in a car accident the single aunt adopts her and takes her in her home. The aunt happens to be working for a tech company and is in the midst of creating a child's robotic toy doll. She ends up creating it and the little girl ends up being attached to it over time, the doll ends up learning from humans and malfunctioning and killing anything that threatens this little girl over time it just goes haywire and wants to kill everything. This movie was very odd in a few different ways. One is there was no men in this movie that were portrayed in a good way. The boss was a jerk, the two employees were complete Goofs, and the policeman was absolutely not helpful at all. Otherwise we have a single aunt, a little girl with no brother or sisters, and the whole movie kind of centers around them and a doll a female doll Megan. So it's really three girls the whole movie there was one scene that was really odd where Megan is shut off or dead and she's hanging up on wires and her arms are out almost like she's in the crucified position like Christ, and sure enough she comes alive (resurrects) and hurts a bunch of people. But I thought to myself it's kind of weird because the single mother created this alone almost like the Immaculate Conception. Hmm kinda cool.. I thought that was a kind of an odd play on it. This movie was nothing new, there was really no Gore, was kind of targeted towards children. If they made it a little more adult oriented I think the girl wasn't as young and had the attachment to the doll I think they could have did a lot better with it. A few things were just very weird, one scene she pulls off the slicer on a paper cutter and chases this guy down the hallway and she does this dance.. The entire movie she doesn't dance at all she's not programmed to dance!! She sings maybe one or two songs and plays piano but this dance she does is like a little overly sexual for being a doll or little girls doll, so I thought that was really odd just to throw that in the movie. They just remade Chucky! The new one where they made it more like robotic and this totally was the same movie it wasn't even funny. I'm giving it five stars I think that's more than generous go see it on your own be my guest.
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Great movie in the 40s! MASTERPIECE
21 December 2022
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A great movie timepiece set in the 40s. The costumes were fantastic, the sets were amazing, everything looked weathered and worn down. This movie is about Bradley Cooper who commits some kind of crime and then stumbles upon a circus freak Show or traveling Carnival. He ends up sleeping with this woman and starts working for the Traveling Show I'm not sure if he was just a vagabond or run away, but he ends up running with the show moving his way up the ranks.

EVENTUALLY reading old books about mentalism and learning mentalism. He ends up creating his own show with another girl but there's an underlying theme to the whole movie that God's watching and that you can't get away with doing wrong to people. He deceives people about speaking to the dead. He ends up killing this man with this little ancient book which has some mentalism secrets in it but eventually Bradley Cooper's character meets his match. This woman who's a psychiatrist and she shares information with him so he can have better Acts or Target specific people I think there was this wealthy man, a politician. When they try to recreate his I believe dead wife he gets caught and ends up killing him and they go on the Run. Things spiral out of hand. I really enjoyed this movie it's worth a watch wonderful script you just can't stop watching the movie it's so beautifully shot we get Willem Dafoe in this as well. If you have a chance check it out I highly recommend it it's one of the better movies I've seen of the year 7 stars.
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Right in the middle decent watch
30 November 2022
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Another body swap movie. We have seen freaky Friday, Vice Versa, BIG, now this. I have to say I always liked dudley Moore and the way he acts. If you like any of the movies mentioned above you will probably like this movie. It's not fantastic or great but it is a good afternoon watch. I sat down early in the afternoon and watched this, it was pretty entertaining. Typical dad and son swap bodies the dad happens to be a doctor the kid in school on a track team trying to attract the girl and everything ends well. There were a couple funny scenes my particular favorite scenes were when the couch was lit on fire when the woman comes over and tries to sleep with the father and the sun doesn't know what to do, and my other favorite scene is when the doctor has to do rounds and the kid doesn't have any idea what rounds are and just gives everyone drugs. That was pretty funny. Go check this one out if you haven't seen it, like I said it's not great but it's definitely worth a watch. 80s completist must see.
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The Outing (1987)
Such a garbage film
10 November 2022
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This movie was absolutely terrible I watched it three times trying to make sense of it. A bunch of silly kids break into a giant mansion and steal a lamp that happens to have an evil demon Jinn inside of it, then the lamp gets curated by a museum in Texas to which they decide to go and sleep in the basement. The only good thing about this movie was that it ended in around the 90-minute mark again I watched it three times I am a huge fan of trash Cinema there is no redeeming values about this movie whatsoever. No good acting, not even so bad its good. The soundtrack is bad, the plot is bad, the effects and make up are bad.. It is a one and done watch if you like this movie you should probably get your head checked out by a doctor. I have seen many terrible 80s 70s 60s horror movies this is in the bottom of the barrel caution watch at your own risk it's that bad.
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Butchers (2020)
Pretty good horror movie
24 October 2022
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What were you expecting from a movie called butchers? The first scene was very shocking. From the start this takes a bite and never let's go. From start to finish this movie is brutal, no sugar coating. A PURE horror film. Main actor is very disturbing, enjoyed this a lot. See this if you are a fan of, hostel, wrong turn, don't go in the woods, deliverance etc. Very gorey backwoods hillbillie killers. The kids breakdown in the woods, actually multiple kids breakdown. They live on some rural road where every 20 minutes a group of dumb teens breakdown. Always a fresh batch of meat outside. They hack the bodies to bits and feed to an OX that has developed a taste for human flesh. They are literally butchers.. great film.
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Halloween dies tonight!
15 October 2022
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Thank God it's over, these last 3 films were absolutely terrible and should be wiped from the halloween franchise. These make Rob Zombie look like a horror genius. Halloween ends was laughable. First off, the entire series is based around Micheal myers. We don't even see him until about an hour into this flaming turd. Its not the first picture, the cat is out of the bag. We want Michael. Thats all we want. Then when we do finally see him he is hiding in the sewer under a highway like a ninja turtle and preying on bums I guess?? Lame sauce. Next we have this kid named Corey who beats up Michael Myers, yes actually beats him up and takes his mask. Then he gets the evil inside him. Which isn't new. We saw this in multiple Halloweens already. Yawn. Then Corey diaes because.. well he is no Michael myers. He is mortal and weak, feels pain. Micheal Myers has to jump in like a sidekick to Corey and save him from Laurie. OK so let's get this straight. The psycho (Michael Myers) who the entire franchise is based off of, and who Haddonfield is scared of, plays second fiddle to some punk kid the audience has known for an hour... at least make it Allyson or something. What were these people thinking. It's the dumbest thing they could of did. Thank God Halloween ended. Bury the franchise for another 6-10 years. We deserve better than that. Now remake chucky, freddy, hellraiser. I'm sure they will get it right eventually. This movie was so bad its bad.
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Savage Harbor (1987)
Decent and over the top fun at times
7 October 2022
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Lots of fun. Terrible laughable explosions at the beginning. A guy gets shot into the air from a small boat that explodes on land!? Yeah that good, whats not to like? Frank Stallone is looking for what happened to Anne Teasdale. This filck is set around the long beach CA port area. At the one hour mark watching Frank Stallone smoke cigarettes, and wander around seems like an eternity. Rushed scenes of "Have you seen Anne Teasdale" and montages over goofy music make this 5 stars. A few good fights in his one. I did not hate this movie, BUT it had many entertaining moments and BAD bad guys. Lets not forget about how important "bad guys" are. 5 STARS.
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The Munsters (2022)
VERY Funny. Needs a sequel. Instant Cult Classic
30 September 2022
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After reading the reviews I am convinced that people have lost their senses of humor. I laughed out loud multiple times during this movie. I cannot remember the last time I laughed so much while watching a movie. Grandpa was fantastic Lily (Sheri Moon Zombie) was absolutely darling and Herman well, who knew Jeff Daniel Phillips was so funny his facial expressions in this movie are priceless. One of my favorite scenes in the entire movie was when they finally arrived in Los Angeles and the day after Halloween. I really like how they went over the backstory to The Munsters and how they came to America shows them in Transylvania how Lily and Herman met, and how Herman was created. Many things on the TV show weren't explained and I feel like Rob Zombie really went above and beyond with trying to create something original and something that fits well with the storyline of the munsters. I know a lot of people didn't like the fact that the movie was in color but let me say this was a very colorful movie. The sets, the lighting everything was fabulous. This is so far one of my favorite films of 2022. I really hope they give Rob the opportunity to create a sequel to this movie if you are a fan of Horror The Munsters or comedy please see this movie. It's just like the original TV show in the sense that it's wholesome, family, goofy, and funny. There was a couple nods to Fred Gwyne in this movie one being when Herman yells car 54 Where Are You. I absolutely loved that show and I really like how they toss that in there. There is lots of little Easter eggs in this movie please see it. A bunch of haters in these reviews. I myself am in my 40s maybe that's why I really enjoyed this movie the the jokes were a little dry and cheesy maybe the younger generation won't really understand. But the whole point of The Munsters was it was funny!! It was a very funny TV show and I don't know what people really expecting, but I thought they did a great job with this and I gave it an eight. Keep it up Rob, I much appreciate this piece of work. This may be one of Robs BEST films to date.
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4 Stars is generous
30 August 2022
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Just finished up with the black phone. Pretty boring movie. No horror at all, very drawn out. There is a killer kidnapping kids and killing them, Then this kid finny gets kidnapped, thats where it starts to spiral. He keeps him in a room with a black phone, on the other end of the tele is the ghosts of the kids killed who is telling him what to do. This was the lamest thing I have ever seen. The whole vibe of this movie being set in the 70s screams "stranger things / made for TV movie" terrible. Ethan Hawke was the ONLY saving grace hence the 4 stars. The Grabber character was really cool with a black van and black balloons.. We got a couple of minutes of him. Unfortunately that alone cannot carry this Turd Burger. The whole "stand up for yourself" message was childish really. Can we have an Adult horror movie? Why is everything "a message" Just make a scary movie! The most horror thing in this movie is kids fighting. Yes that is how lame it is. You would have to pay me to watch this movie again.
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Monsterland (2016)
Decent attempt at the genre
12 July 2022
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Not a great film by any means, but also not a terrible one at that. It follows your typical "anthology" formula where we see the stories of multiple people. The 2nd one with the "hole in the head" could had been a feature film it was that good. Instead of allowing that story to really unfold we get a "killer mouse" skit that was terribly produced. Not kidding. The only saving grace for this movie was "Hellyfish" which was an over the top Sharknado type short that was surprisingly entertaining to say the least. Watching CGI attack Jellyfish wreck havoc on a bunch of beachgoers was a hoot. I do recommend watching this if your are a fan of Horror, b movies, or a completist.

Its not too bad. 4 stars.
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Pretty entertaining romp
29 June 2022
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I watched this again for the second time after seeing it maybe 10 years ago. It has more of a made for TV type feel to it, but i can assure you its entertaining. Its a light comedy imho. Couple of gripes, the kids dopey "im dumb" shtick gets old fast. Thank god we get some Western Beef, and an employee being thrown into a dumpster and a few creative kills. The ONLY thing I disliked is that he smashes a black cat, on Halloween none the less. Very disrespectful to Halloween, cats, and well... everybody! 4 stars is being extremely generous with this movie. SO much so, Jeff Lieberman should buy me a lobster dinner. (call me) Seriously though, watch it it's funny.
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Beavis and Butt Head SPACE CAMP.. Genius!
27 June 2022
Mike Judge did it again, this is epic. Intelligence, bravery and inspiration are almost non existent. You will laugh, you will cry, you will laugh some more. Then when you think it couldn't get any better BOOM. TP for everybody's bunghole. Yesterday I heard Leonard Maltin saying, if this doesn;t win 7 oscars " I'm going to kill myself" or a rolling stone cover reading "- Turning a new page in modern cinema". Personally.. after watching this, titanic feels like getting stabbed in the eyes. I have rated over 1,700 movies on IMDB to date, this easily gets 10 stars.
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Underrated entry
11 March 2022
This movie was very entertaining. From the moment it started I was glued. Yeah there is no Michael Meyer but it's still is a great movie. Carpenters score delivers and may be some of his best work to date. The filming locations were beautiful and it was very creepy.. Highly recommended for new fans. Happy happy, Halloween.. Halloween.. Halloween 🎃
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The Batman (2022)
Not a GREAT film but not a Terrible one either
7 March 2022
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A few things about this movie were absolutely insane. They ruined Alfred completely. Bruce Wayne is a Super Rich Playboy in EVERY batman movie, he is charming and always goes after a girl. This one he is some little cry baby, who gets saved by his little girlfriend?? Batmobile was a muscle car Yawn,, and all we get is some cheap scene straight outta fast and the furious. Trying too hard to be Too Dark. It was almost comical how serious it was trying to be. This movie has 3 endings, feels like its 5 hours long which usually isnt a good sign. I kept asking myself "when is this over" They ruined riddler turning him into some cheap Zodiac killer wanna be. Its like the movie Seven and dark city had a baby. For over 3 hours long i cant even remember one memorable scene.. Oh he comes out of an elevator and beats people up... LAME. Nothing was explained about his past like we are supposed to know everything and the score was TERRIBLE (sorry) the same ominous tone over and over. Darth Vader would be proud. Oh the ending was so dumb, so the riddler blows up all the sea walls in gotham and the city floods, they put everybody in gotham square garden, why would you have people go into an underground stadium when water will fill it up?? The buildings have 50 stories and you go underground? Made no sense.. I only gave this 5 stars because the director did a great job. The sets, wardrobe top notch. But this movie left me wanting something more. 5/10 I would say this is maybe the worst batman movie ever releases along with batman and robin they would make for an excellent double feature "silly and serious"
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Fitzcarraldo (1982)
One of the greatest films ever made
8 February 2022
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This is it folks, this is the Pinnacle of filmaking.

Werner hertzog really went above and beyond creating this film and it shows in every aspect, of every long shot, and every word that's spoken throughout. A movie about a man with a vision so large, one may think it's impossie. He has a vision to build a Opera House in the middle of the Peruvian jungle, a rubber baron setting his sights on a location where no one dares to tread.. At one point in the film the crew abandoned him. This man moves mountains.. well not Mountains but a giant ship over one. It's a very moving picture, the extras are unbelievable there are so many extras in this film including a lot of local tribes people. A lot of things went on during the shooting apparently. As I sit here and write I am about to watch the burden of Dreams documentary about this film. Klaus Kinski is such a powerful actor every single look it's just unbelievable. I really cannot say there's a better film.. I mean we have the Godfather, Jaws and fitzcarraldo this is really epic filmmaking and if there are any other movies as good as this one I would really like to see them. 10/10.
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Living Death (2006 Video)
Pretty good actually. Overlooked great horror thriller!
30 January 2022
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Don't listen to reviews IMDb I think currently in 2022 this movie is rated around a 4.2 I feel deserves a much better rated I gave it a 6 I was teetering on a 7 while I was thinking about the rating. The story follows Victor and his wife. I guess Victor's father just passed away and he's about to inherit an estate and the wife and the lawyer team up to poison and kill him. Victor is not really a likable guy he's actually kind of a jerk, but that doesn't mean he has to die. I really like this movie because i guess his father collected torture devices and in the beginning we see him using this tortre devices on one of his girlfriends. They used some kind of drug to kill victor to which he goes into a paralysis instead of dying and he ends up living and waking up in the autopsy. As morbid as this may sound this is actually a feel-good movie in the sense that when Victor does come back to life he gets revenge on the medical students that we're trying to hide the fact that he was alive and he also gets revenge on that silly lawyer and I was hoping he would get revenge on his wife unfortunately that doesn't happen. She ax's him in the head at the end of the movie, it did feel a bit rushed by was happy to see that lawyer get put on that torture device. One thing I did not like about this movie was the blatant goldfish abuse at the end of the movie did she really have to dump his pet goldfish on him at the end bad enough that somebody spit in his face at a funeral. (I love fish hope it's ok) so besides the Goldfish abuse I thoroughly enjoyed this movie I would recommend it another reviewer mentioned it reminded them of buried alive which I completely agree with him. It was like buried alive, but it was a lot better. I almost fell asleep during buried alive this movie was good throughout so I recommend this and please don't listen to refused way better than a 4. Solid 6.
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