
10 Reviews
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Me Before You (2016)
Pretty good
1 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I liked this movie. I like the dialogue its quite charming and the comedy bits work really well .I was pleasantly surprised that there were not cliché moments and the flow of the story came naturally . The 2 main characters have great chemistry and Emilia Clark is simply adorable .Its a simple story told well.

The director of the film did a good job overall however there was 1 problem with this movie and that was the soundtrack they used . Except the 2 bits of classic music the rest of it was simply abysmal and it really hurt the movie . It gave that cheesy soapy feel of a telenovela episode.

But getting past that i really enjoyed this movie more then i thought i would and i would recommend watching this . Have fun!
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Game of Thrones: No One (2016)
Season 6, Episode 8
WTF happened to arya storyline ??
13 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Last week episode was great, character driven with superb dialogue and in all this near the end we get a few minutes of Arya's story . And it just didn't make any sense .

She knows very well that since she failed her mission the faceless organization will send people after her , Jaqen even warns her there will not be a "3rd time " , so the character knows she is in mortal danger . Despite all this you see her casually roaming around the city booking passage on a ship and looking at sunsets without a worry.

You would think that after all she has been through she would be more careful , paranoid , wary of everyone . And then the waif in disguise as a sweet old lady doesn't raise any suspicions from Arya even tho she saw that face last season in the hall. Even if this is all a ruse to catch the assassin that she knows they will send after her she wouldn't be so foolish as to let anyone get close enough that they would have a chance of killing her , she had a lot of training, she knows how they operate and this reason wouldn't work either . So with a slash across her belly and 2 stabs the last one even had a twist she manages to get away .

Because of the above reasons Arya scene doesn't have any logic unless there is a twist to be revealed and we all had speculations and various theories to what might happen.

It turns out this week it was exactly what we saw no twist no logical explanation for the characters behavior just awful shameful writing to get Arya from point A to point B . Even more so it appears she has just a flesh wound .And no she wouldn't have had time to heal it was a matter of hours when the waif found her again not weeks but hey screw logic , D&D need to get her to Westeros .The way Arya manages to defeat the waif by trapping her in a room pitch dark works fine , problem is everything leading to that are all the issues listed above .

Anyways onto probably the last scene between Arya and Jaqen he says "Finally a girl is no one" why would he say that ? Isn't it obvious ? She refused to carry out the mission you gave her , she killed the assassin you sent after her, she is threatening you with Needle . This was worse then the Dorne plot.

The rest of the episode was decent ,Dany comes home and finds out her children have been naughty , Jaime did well in the end , Cersei is screwed , and The Hound found a new pair of boots , my favorite scene this season so far.
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Silly, illogical, ridiculous.
24 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Saw this movie as there was nothing else on cinema this week, and seeing Russel starring in this one , i thought it couldn't be that bad . Damn i was so wrong.

The first 20 minutes are just badly edited the way they try to setup the story , as it is just confusing in the way they transmit information to the public . Long pointless shots from start to finish of the movie that are sooo boring and just make you roll you're eyes out.

Illogical, the only thing missing from the way Russel manages to find his kids, was his dead wife appearing as a ghost and pointing the grave site , at least we would have had some supernatural elements in the movie and that would have been an explanation.

Russel's love interest is so forced and out of place you just want to bang you're had on the table .

The music is just so awful over the top, and really annoying , the only good music was the one song from the army , those guys can sing ! The fighting scenes are reasonably done , even tho some lack some common sense in the way they planned them . The movie has some beautiful landscape shots .

Overall avoid the movie , from the moment you see a character you know what will happen to them as the movie reaches his conclusion everything is as was predicted , even tho the way they reach is illogical, ridiculous and really just silly .
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How could they fu#% this up so badly ...
20 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Especially considering they did LOTR trilogy . Awful script , badly edited , comic/drama mashed together because the director presumed that amongst all that carnage you need to laugh ... The shitty henchman from the village that was put for comic relief had more screen time then the dwarfs in the mountain , are they fu... kidding me...

The big fight , they should have put a few kids from kindergarten to preview the fight , because even them would have asked questions like where did the magical goats appeared from ? , the floating elves over the entire dwarf army, the killing spree reindeer... and many more. For me the funniest moment had to be the giant ogre slamming the walls with his head, that alone was worth the price of admission .

The CGI was better 12-13 years ago when they did the first movies , maybe because they didn't use so much of it... On the positive side the cast did its best with what little they had to work with and i liked they showed Galadriel's true power .

A special mention for Guillermo , that guy is a fraud that ruins everything he touches , he had 1 good movie some years back the one with the labirint, and since then he's been making nothing but cheesy movies that are suppose to be great cause all the special effects . Attaching this guy to this project was a major mistake.

The ending left various unfinished subplots, but who cares .. this movie will make billions . Such a disappointment , because once again these people did do the LOTR trilogy ...
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Pacific Rim (2013)
This was so lame ,predictable and boring...
14 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know what other movie people saw, but I for one I'm not impressed by some special effects anymore . Got to see this movie with some friends and based on the reviews I saw on this website we thought it would be fun .

The movie started OKs first 20 min they build it up nice , then could have skipped the next hour, utterly pointless , the story predictable, full of cliché lines and just a waste of time, and I don't know what was wrong with the girl playing the "love interest" but when she was attempting to cry or give some longing look i started laughing and when they tried to make a funny scene you could see it miles away and i wanted to cry how awful the script was. And Charlie, I like him in SoA but he didn't have to go to that much trouble to play Jax in this movie as well .

Well the action scenes we're OK I suppose if your into big things.. and even those had their "genius" moments like the sword and its "analogical" ...moment , granted If the intention was to ridicule and make me laugh at the absurdity of its logic then it did its job.

By the time this movie was nearing the end , I was at least hoping the director of the movie could have the decency to just kill them off, instead i got to see Jax fondling that annoying 14 year old (yea ... i know the actress is like 30+ but that doesn't change the fact that in the movie she looks and acts like 14-15).

In conclusion if this what entertains people in this day , then by all means, let the monsters loose , at least we get a good show ...
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Could have been better .
21 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
First of all , seeing this movie in 3D is pointless, and its a total rip-off . You can take your glasses off and still the picture quality is good, so the producing company legalized robbery and made me pay twice the amount for a ticket on a movie that is sold as being in "3D". But its not the only movie that did this , i see its a common practice these days.

As far as the script is concerned , the dialogue could have been better and there we're quite a few cringe and clichéd moments , especially how they handled the love story between the mermaid and the missionar.

And while i do get its supposed to be a fun adventure movie for everyone , they could have worked more a bit on the villain, its so one dimension and the way they choose to portrait Blackbeard's cruelty was laughable and not in a good way .

Overall the movie was pretty OK, had some good lines from Barbosa as always , but i suppose after 3 movies to me it just becomes formulaic. The movie is worth going to the cinema but only for the normal version, the 3D is a rip-off cause of these damn greedy companies.
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Unstoppable (2010)
This is NOT how you make a suspense movie!
12 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
While the first half of the movie was good , it had a good buildup , the characters we're properly introduced , and the first suspense scenes we're pulled off quite nicely , the last 40 min of the movie i found to be a disaster .

Don't get me wrong the fast action sequences with the moving trains we're shot quite nicely , the problem lies with the script of the movie , the same pathetic line used 10 times , with a few variations to it . Not to mention that the only way the director of the movie thought to create suspense was by showing to the viewer the desperation on peoples faces in praying positions and muttering some desperate words . Seriously who would buy in to such crap ? Not to mention the cliché of the entire situation and one dimensional characters , greedy corporation guys and the guys on the trains not giving a damn if they live or die .

Instead of finding this movie suspenseful i found it ridiculous. Granted that the movie was based on "real facts" i would be insulted by this , another Hollywood garbage, that was lucky enough to have a star like Denzel Washington , great actor , just awful direction and script in this movie to work with.
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Most ridiculous script ever...
15 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
It rarely happens that i go at the cinema and see a movie that i hoped to be good and entertaining and leave not only with disappointment but actually furious that i was tricked by this movie's trailer to waste my money on the ticket and 2 hours of my time.

Its full of cliché , predictable , boring and dumbing , after 30 min in the film the kid finds out why his mother had to put with his step-father " The only thing that kept the wrath of the gods from finding you was his great stench that kept you hidden " , this is the moment i should have walked out of the theater , i was foolish and stayed until the end, and i am writing this review now in the hopes that people don't go and waste they're time on this movie the way i did . Pierce Brosnan expression when he has to tell his ridiculous lines is evidence enough how completely stupid this movie is .

The actors are not bad , the action scenes are OK made and the special effects are nicely done , but i would like to present the script writers of this movie with a new edition of the Spanish Inquisition for what they've done here. Tell your children to read the book , this movie is insulting to human intelligence the way it was written.
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Good idea , just awful script that ruins it!
3 October 2009
After reading some comments here that are praising the show , i decided to give it a try and watch it .

Now the premise of the show has quite a good idea to start with , but besides the idea, a really important part is how you put it into practice . After watching the first 2 episodes i came to the conclusion that the script is really poor , the lines are often corny or just overused i have heard them over and over again , and when they do try to show some emotion , like when Teddy Rist has a flashback with his lost kid , its in a totally innapropiate moment of the episode , and the first thing that comes to mind " OK this is just lame " . Besides this the characters seem weak in execution , but i blame that on the scrip for failling to develop them more .

On a positive side the scenery seems real , and the direction of the film seems to be quite enjoyable , traveling the world to do great things with your money and power is really cool . Unfortunately the script of the show is so bad i just cant watch it .
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What the ...?
22 September 2009
Worst movie i have ever seen , the script was absurd most of the time, i would say "see it to believe it " but it would cause a conflict of interest . How could they make something like this , what we're the actors thinking when they read the script ? it probably must have a white check attached to it .

The acting ... well the thing is there was none , and the way the scenes we're put together they made no sense at all.

Just don't see this movie , the only thing it shows is how low the producers/director can degrade themselves into a pathetic attempt to make a quick buck .
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