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FBI: All the Rage (2024)
Season 6, Episode 1
Good if predicable
18 February 2024
I'm a long time watcher of the FBI series of programs. I tend to enjoy them all as the production values are solid and the cast are pretty good too. My only issue with the show along with its sister shows is that they are often too predictable. They tend to telegraph plot points such as "the suspect must to be taken alive. Usually means the suspect is going to get shot dead somehow. Or the one where you're returning an officer to active duty who hasn't been on the street in a while and you're worried he's gonna get hurt. Of course he's gonna get hurt or die. Then throw in the usual foot chase in which the suspect escapes the first time...somehow. I understand it's a procedural, but let's not be soooo procedural.
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Rod Steiger chewing scenery like pit bull
13 February 2024
What a cast. Roger Moore, Elliot Gould, Anne Archer, Art Carney and Rod Steiger coming unhinged in nearly every scene he appears. His over the top acting borders on comic and seems more in place in a Saturday Night Live skit than in this movie. Sure he has an axe to grind given his history with Moore's character, but it feels a bit out of place and unnecessary to the movie. This is otherwise an enjoyable mystery thriller wherein most of the other actors speak at reasonable level and take us through a web of clues and murders that may or may not be connected to Moore's psychiatric practice in one way or another. I found it interesting and enjoyable of not a little jarring when Steiger walks in.
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The Mail Lady (2023)
7 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's like Basic Instinct except that she's a male lady who falls for one of her men on her route. And it only gets worse from there. We see her trying to entice him into a relationship multiple times by way of video chats and anonymous videos. Mostly, she whispers and tries to arouse him. When they finally do come together, there is no nudity and she is made up in garish make up. The lead actress is mildly attractive, but holy wooden actress. And given that she doesn't robe in this film, it's a wonder how she got the role at all. I mean, what was she offering to the part? Anyhow the last 15 minutes are holy absurd and the ending will leave you rolling your eyes.
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The Creator (2023)
Charisma Deficit
23 October 2023
Am I the only one that thinks JD is getting work on the strength of Denzel's credentials? How did he get this role? So miscast. Where Denzel is one of the most charismatic, charming and versatile actors of the last 50 years, JD is wooden, sullen and slurs his words. He is so absent charisma, that the set pieces and in this case, the robots have more life in them. The movie is so so and the special effects are what you would expect to see in a film of this big budget and summer blockbuster release time. It lands with a dud. Can't empathize and can't invest in a lead actor that seems to walk through some scenes and overact in the others. Such a disappointment.
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Based on a True Story (2023– )
Mostly enjoyable caper
20 June 2023
This felt like a summer paperback that you whip through quickly, find it to be a nice distraction and then completely forget as you move on. If you can have a light touch about a serial killer thank this is it. The story is an original take on the killer podcast plots than we have seen lately. The cast is solid but both my wife and I found Kaley Couco who we loved in BBT and found great in Flight Attendant, seems a bit lost here. She is pregnant in the story and in real life also so there is that. But it's her "bug-eyed" surprised look which is present waaay too often that we found off putting and it felt like she was trying too unrestrained. Dial it back a notch.
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Muddy, uninspired
28 May 2023
Odd take on one of history's great rock and roll bands. It's a shame that more effort wasn't made on both the audio and visuals. Given that the seminal concert film of all time (The Last Waltz) was also produced in 1976, the blueprint was there for something more. While you see fleeting glimpses of what could have been something special, the intercut videos of the "thoughts" of the band are a distraction. Add to that fact that some of the audio is muddy and video too dark to watch, you wonder only what could have been. I am reminded that despite the success of Led Zeppelin, the greatest live band in the history of the UK remains The Who.
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Nailed it!
18 May 2023
As a kid of the 80's I was immediately able to identify with this time and place in history. This one really nails it in so many ways. John Hughes pretty much owned the genre and the time and this may be his peak form in all ways. The cast is rock solid with talented young actors. Interesting to see how their careers has evolved now almost 40 years later. I saw friends and family in the characters here that are grounded in some reality. No cell phones or computers to distract. This is how young people used to communicate and get to know each other. A snap shot of teen life as it used to be. See it.
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Ghosted (I) (2023)
A mile wide and an inch deep
12 May 2023
Looks like Apple films is taking a page from Netflix with this highly packaged sexy action thriller. Filled with slick big music hits slick production, great locations and just enough big star cameos, and explosions to make you forget the forgettable pedestrian plot, this one delivers. Blink once and you'll think it's the latest vanilla thriller from another streamer, blink twice and you'll forget the movie altogether. Yes the stars are gorgeous and we like them just enough to pull for them to escape the bad guys (and maybe this movie as well) by the time this one reaches the finish line. This one is so average, I'm sure they're already planning the sequel.
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I Walk Alone (1947)
Soft noir, but...
9 May 2023
As a veteran viewer of more than 100 noir films, I have to say that this one falls pretty short in fitting that specific category. Sure, it was produced in the 40s and yes, it features one of noirs most visible talents in Lizbeth Scott, however, I would call this more a straight ahead crime drama with a romance sub plot. There is very little menace here, other than occasionally from Lancaster himself, who is essentially more romantic lead in this film than some criminal thug straight out of prison. Kirk Douglas in one of his earlier roles is a featured player but has little screen time by comparison. Last, the musical score has more sweeping romanticism than than some love stories I've seen. Worth watching. Soft noir.
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Prescient episode on right wing nuts
24 April 2023
Now that Roe has been overturned by the activist conservative Supreme Court this episode becomes more pointed. This episode helps to expose the lies and warped motives of the anti choice right wingers who will take their fanatical beliefs to an extreme where they will take a human life to protect an embryo. Nicely exposes their hypocrisy in claiming to protect unborn life but are willing to force their religious beliefs on others and smear good doctors and others and go so far as to murder those same doctors in order to defend those beliefs. While Goren is his usual genius self, this episode is largely seen through Eames.
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Entertaining and atmospheric
9 March 2023
As a devotee of the Sherlock Holmes genre, I found this retelling of Hound of the Baskervilles to be both faithful and immensely entertaining. Richardson inhabits the Holmes role with aplomb and Churchill is more than capable as Watson. Those who are familiar with both with note that their roles here are more inspired by Rathbone and Bruce film film versions than from the icons in original stories. However, the film really excels in creating the proper atmosphere with the constant dreary fog and the many scenes on the moors are the best in my opinion of the many versions of this story existing on film. Definitely worth your time.
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Desire (2011)
Quite good erotica
6 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't understand the lousy reviews. First, this is a French film. If you're not fluent in French, then you have to get comfortable reading subtitles. It's an interesting story of two women who meet each other and go from being strangers to lovers. There is some interesting background For both characters that are revealed slowly over the course of the full daily spend together. Yes, there is substantial nudity. It is germane to the movie. If you're not comfortable with a lot of nudity, then you should probably not watch this movie. However, I think it can be enjoyed both by couples and by singles if you know what I mean.
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Best Seller (1987)
Plodding thriller?
2 March 2023
This one has not aged well. The music, mood and atmosphere all feel dated and weightless. Woods is more intimidating in real life than he is here as a killer(?) who tracks women around and stares at them in menacing way. There is a subplot involving a dirty senator from the past and Brian Dennehy gets dragged along for the ride. Why? Well he's and ex cop and now a writer and Woods wants him to chronicle his life and deeds for posterity as the roll through the city leaving a trail of bodies. I think. It's remarkable how slow this moves and how empty it feels. It's about an inch deep. "Why don't you just be a good cop and leave the killing to me." barks Woods near the end. Inch and a half.
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Yellowstone: The Dream Is Not Me (2022)
Season 5, Episode 7
Thin plot lines
27 February 2023
And under developed stories. My guess that Taylor Sheridans great and deserved success has him speed thin. 1883 and 1923 and reportedly dozens of deals in development and he may be tapped out for time and story. The bar was set pretty high with the first few seasons but like many shows before it shows it's age. Several episodes this season felt like cowboy music videos stitched together with woefully under developed scenes and plots left me feeling hungry for more. Kasey has largely been absent this season and the bench strength they had last season with strong guest star story archs are also noticeably absent too this year. Just give us More story and less music video.
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Wow. Unappreciated Gem
17 February 2023
I fumbled on this one as a recommendation given my unquenchable thirst for film noir. While this is not noir, it is noir adjacent enough to get your attention. Featuring a snappy jazz soundtrack, there is just tons of great footage of 60's NYC that you really get pulled in to the space and time. Juliet Prowse is so likable and vulnerable as the victim of random crank calls from a man who seems to know just a little too much about her home and life. With great support from Elaine Stritch, Sal Mineo and Jan Murray. While the plot hopscotches a bit I found this more than worth the time especially for the wonderful Prowse. It serves a as a great snapshot of Manhattan in transition, as well as stylistically how films were maturing from 50's sanitized sex and violence to what would by the end of the 60's deliver Bonnie and Clyde, Straw Dogs and others. Highly recommend.
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More please.
11 February 2023
This was simply fascinating for a lifelong Beatles fan. Bit would be great for any fan of music, musicians or composers.

While it hopscotches around the rich Beatles catalog, they cover a lot of ground and Paul shares some great stories not heard before. I was able to binge it one morning before breakfast. Rubin is both a fan and a brilliant producer as they work the board together and essentially deconstruct many of the songs in the Beatles catalog, along with some of Paul's own solo work. It all comes together beautifully.

This will be a great companion the Beatles Get Back brilliant documentary for any fan.
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Causeway (2022)
See this for Brian Tyree Henry
20 January 2023
Yes this is another vehicle for JenLaw to show off her ample assets. She is reserved and nuanced here and allows Brian Tyree Henry to steal nearly every scene that they share.

BTH is a revelation here. He is a large man that delivers a simmering and sometimes explosive performance and does it with an understated strength. I hope that Hollywood is paying attention and gets him some higher profile roles.

While this material seems somewhat familiar, the female lead makes for a different turn on the whole vet returning from war genre.

Coming in at a tight just over 90 minutes, this one is well worth a look.
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Amsterdam (2022)
Reach exceeds grasp
10 January 2023
There's a lot going on here. So much potential. The cast is marvelous. Maybe too marvelous that nobody can truly shine and anchor the movie for the viewers.

There are really brilliant individual scenes. Wonderful dialog, set pieces and costume design. We are immersed in both post WWI 1918 and the rise of fascism in 1933. The film moves between these time periods and unfortunately it only adds to a confusing plot. There is an extended flashback near the start of the film that felt overlong and jarring in its placement. But once you get to the 2nd half of the film, things start to come together more coherently. The obvious political statements regarding parallels with current political strife are not surprising but sometimes heavy handed.

Director O'Russell had considerable ambition here but in the end, fails to pull it all together. Enjoyed the individual performances.
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Campy noir...enjoy
9 January 2023
Do not make the mistake of viewing this film as straight up film noir or a murder mystery movie for that matter. If you do, you'll probably bail out early. Don't do it. You have to stick around for Brendan Fraser alone. He chews the scenery in a way that made me smile big every time he came on screen.

Yes the movie has lots of serious big name actors, but if you just roll with it and see it more as a campy satire on noir, there is much to enjoy here. Also includes Travolta, Freeman, Famke Janssen, Robert Patrick and even Travolta's own daughter to fill out a formidable cast of characters. Set your expectations properly and enjoy.
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Hidden gem of a "Christmas film"
26 December 2022
Great anti holiday movie in the vein of Bad Santa or Die Hard and others. If you're looking for for something to watch other than the old classics, this one is a nice surprise and worth your time.

Elliot Gould is great as a bank teller with sudden inspiration to steal when he realizes the bank is about to be robbed. Christopher Plummer plays against type as a sadistic Santa who enters in to a cat and mouse game that gets more serious as Plummer loses his patience with Gould. It's a little bit crime caper a little bit comedy sprinkled with some Auden violence. Fits in very well with a successful 70's movie formula and very satisfying watch.
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The Killers (1946)
First rate noir
3 December 2022
This one is classic. The film debut of Lancaster along with the first real role for Ava Gardner other than a string of uncredited arm candy roles. It catapulted both their careers in to new highs. Throw in a handful of familiar character actors and a couple future stars and you have cast stacked to deliver.

The production values are first rate and the cinematography exceptional. Oscar nods well deserved for this one. Told in flashback style as an insurance investigator looks into the murder of "the Swede" this story unfolds in a series of vignettes as he interviews friends and acquaintances in an attempt to uncover the truth around the death of "the Swede." Highly recommend.
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A feast for Bond fans
8 November 2022
I first must condors that I am lover of almost all things Bond - except for maybe Timothy Dalton 😉 and this was a real joy to watch AND hear.

While not totally comprehensive presumably due to some licensing restrictions, this documentary hits all the high notes so to speak. Lots of interesting interviews and details provided by a myriad of people, including song writers, composers, singers and actors.

Bond uniquely has a place in film and music that no other series of films has ever been able to capture. Some of these songs became big hits for the artists who were often Bond fans themselves.

Now that Amazon owns the catalog, I expect bay we will see more profiles of the films.
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Show is starting to hit its stride
10 October 2022
Season 3 opens with a new lieutenant, some improved sets and a couple cast changes.

One of the highlights of this episode is at the opening when Richard Belzer as Det Munch has a cautionary soliloquy on the pervasive coming expansive technology and "information superhighway." It would have been really eye opening when originally broadcast in 1994 . And in retrospect is incredibly prescient and all too accurate as in describing a future society that largely comes to be.

This episode centers around the violent death of a young woman who worked at a local women's shelter and was recently cited by the mayor.

This show is just hitting its stride and will come to influence so many new procedural dramas to follow.
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Law & Order: Gimme Shelter - Part Three (2022)
Season 22, Episode 1
Wobbly start to new season
3 October 2022
I've have been watching since the beginning. And the writing has really faltered this series of late. This one was cookie cutter and the 3 show L&O arc collapsed under its own weight. It had promise in the first hour but simply devolved and fell apart in hour 3.

We all know and love the L&O formula. We know where things are generally going but it always remained fresh somehow. And the plot and writing has always been snappy enough to give the actors something to work with. It just feels pedestrian lately. The ad Hominem at the end of this episode by Jeffrey Donovan was so maudlin and overwrought, Jerry Orbach must be spinning in his...
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Blonde (2022)
Sparks a lot of emotion
1 October 2022
From the reviews you can see that there is a lot of strong reactions to this fictional biography. Yes, it's loosely based in fact, but there is creative license here people so take a breath. Everyone knows what happens in the end, so no spoilers here.

First, Ana is totally luminous as Marilyn. She looks amazingly like MM and embodies the charisma that made her likable, desirable and leap off the screen. The film plays like a David Lynch fever dream loosely laid over a well-known public biography of how Norma Jean was discovered and became a film superstar and sex symbol in her 20's eventually falling in with Joe DiMaggio, Arthur Miller and the Kennedy's.

The 3rd act is a mess as we hurriedly see MM pop pills, bristle at her popularity and demanding public and act out on the movie set. And then, finally, the spiral toward her final demise. This film won't answer your questions as to who and why, even though it drops hints. But it may give you a glimpse inside the head of what a circus ride of a life she must have lived and endured. So worth a look.
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