
140 Reviews
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Midsommar (2019)
From the land of Greta Thunberg
24 September 2019
Man what a load of tripe! But then again nothing surprises me seeing it's a Swedish production, lots of weird stuff comes from there, Greta would love this show.

Rock solid 1 star out of 10, and I want my 2 1/2 hours back I wasted on this.
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I am all for gun ownership.
13 September 2019
The first review of this documentary got a bit worked up I think, now I do agree with the second amendment, law abiding citizens should have the right to own firearms, but with that comes responsibility. I reside in Australia where we don't have the right to bear arms, it's a privilege! I enjoy hunting, target shooting, and I am all for background checks, a safety course, and some restrictions on what firearms are allowed for hunting, and all for enforcing that firearms are looked away out of the reach of minors or those that intend to use them for violence. Now will that address criminals that shoot and kill others? Nope as they most likely bought their firearms on the black market. This doco never ever mentions any of the points I made, and don't see this doco as a ''gun grab'' by the left, I see this doco more as tragic stories where people were killed and hurt, some could have been avoided, and some couldn't. The doco is done well, slow paced and just shows victims from gun related incidents.
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9 September 2019
If you like silent films and black and white photos, then this is for you! Now I understand some reviewers did not like the way this doco was put together, as it is kinda odd, the music is somber and feels like a funeral the way through, but if you love silent films and the history attached with it like I do you will love this incredible story of cinematic history, frozen in ice and time. And shame on those that scored this so low, after all us that come on IMDB are here for the love of films, and this doco is magic just on what they found in Dawson City.

This doco could have been done somewhat different to capture a wider audience, but I am glad I came across this masterpiece!

10 out of 10 for me.
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Best film of 2019, well for me it was.
4 September 2019
Great story, great cast, and the best film I have seen in 2019 and I watch a few hundred a year. It surprises me the overall low score, and don't get it why people scored it so low, sure no action, no superheroes or vampires that walk in sunlight, just a well written drama that hooked me from the minute it started, the last 20 minutes gave me shivers.

Superb film 10 out of 10 and shame on those that scored it so low, or is it just an indicator of what the public deems a great film these days?
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In Defense Of (2018– )
Timothy ''patsy'' McVeigh
25 July 2019
Just watched the first episode and it is kinda interesting to see another side of cases like this, although for those that are red pilled know this first episode stars probably the second most known patsy beside Lee Harvey Oswald.

First episode is OK but seeing the truth is not shown here I can only give it 6 out of 10 stars. I am looking forward to watching the other episodes. And regarding Timothy ''patsy'' McVeigh do some research on the net and you might wake up like others like myself.
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The Society (2019)
Under the dome 2
10 May 2019
This is like under the dome, yeah another one of those very forgettable TV series, well this one is even worse, it's cast is a bunch of spoiled teenagers stuck in a town due to the roads being blocked by fallen trees, man who ever came up with that ground breaking scenario should get an award, NOT!

I am sure we will see many reviews with a 10 star rating, but guess what, in time us viewers will vote this down to what it really should be rated at, anything near 1 star is more to the real ratings.

solid 1 out of 10 for me, nothing new, seen it all before.
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Days Gone (2019 Video Game)
Not living up to the hype
26 April 2019
Like many I have been waiting for a long time for Days Gone, and I was hoping for something new, something fresh, a new take on this type of game. After playing for about 10 hours I am sad to say it did not live up to the hype. It's really nothing new, a bit of a mix of other games from the past. The graphics are OK but nothing that I have not seen before, gameplay is OK but gets all the same in no time, I had to restart my PS4 a few times due to some of the function buttons not working, no big deal but kinda annoying. Overall the game is OK, but not worth the premium price I paid for it, my advice wait till it comes down in price. Now my take on this game is based on other games that have come and gone, so it kinda has to live up to a high standard set by other games, and Days Gone just does not deliver, I find it overall bland to look at, guns are limited, no real new types of skills or gadgets that I have seen in other games, it's just a bit of a repeat of things done before, it reminds me of an early edition of GTA with zombies, and tries very hard to be like the Last Of Us with it's cut scenes, lots of dramatic music but no tension at all. If this game was released a few years ago it might have gotten a better review from me, but even then it is still very repetitive and bland.

Sorry boys and girls, I can only give it 5 out 10 stars, and it is sadly going to take the price of the biggest letdown of 2019.
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Naked and Afraid (2013– )
Naked, staged and scripted.
22 April 2019
Just more managed TV viewing, I only watch it for the locations, but don't take Naked, staged and scripted. serious.

3 out of 10 for me
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Battlefield V (2018 Video Game)
Roll of the dice AND EDIT OF SCORE
12 January 2019
I got this game cheap as it was on sale, based on my years of playing BF I was not expecting much. I have played all but the first one, Battlefield Bad Company 2 is where I started, and that set the standard for online gaming for me, I put 2000 hours into that years ago, sure it had problems but what a online game that was, great time waster to play with friends from around the globe, and was even ranked in the top 5000 globally, yeah spend way to much time playing it.

Anything that came after felt 1/2 done, boring and had no soul as in ''I have to play it'', BF one was a step in the right direction but did not get me all worked up, sure it looked the part, huge maps but just did not do it for me.

Now BF V was out for a while, I played the beta before that and was not going to get it based on that, but I got the game on the cheap and glad I did. Sure it is very fast paced at times as mentioned by other reviewers, kinda why I don't like Call of Duty, but it kinda depends what map you play on, get the bigger maps and it is fine, weapons are good but fail due to the lack of stopping power of anything 12G, hitting an enemy full on at less than 20 feet and they don't go down and kill me is very annoying. The rest of the weapons are good, although I find the medic class under powered. All vehicles are down well. It has got a few bugs, the worst I found is deploying an ammo crate that just disappears in the ground, but it works fine if I use the ammo pouch.

The ranking up is way to fast, it took me less than 65 hours to get to max 50 rank, I also don't care for the amount of effort they put into all the outfits and coloring of the weapons, yeah fine for kids, but not for this long term gamer, they should have spend that time on a better upgrade system for the weapons.

I have sat back in a safe place on the larger maps and looked at the action, planes doing their things, vehicles blowing up bullets flying everywhere, and it looks great, I have have had some epic rounds and do feel this game is a step in the right direction.

Cons for me, it is not hardcore enough for me, no way to turn the small map off, the spotter for the sniper makes it to easy to get your team score up, a few bugs here and there, not enough ranking up for your weapons, way to much of the silly color schemes and outfits.

Pro's for me, some of the larger maps are great, it all looks and feels great, weapons are good, but do need work in some classes, I have had some epic battles depending what your other players are like, get some duds and man you get slaughtered real fast.

I am glad I did not get it at full cost, but glad I did pick it up on the cheap, as it is not as bad as others make it out to be, sure it is at times fast and furious, it has some bugs, and needs work on the weapons classes, but it is a step in the right direction.

BFBC2 is still the benchmark for me, that game is a classic, this game got a solid 7 out of 10 for me, get the game cheap and give it a go.

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Bloom (2019–2020)
Bloody ripper of a show, NOT!
3 January 2019
I have lived down under for nearly 4 decades and can count the amount of OK shows produced here on the one hand, and this one is not one of them. The acting is OK but nothing worth giving an Oscar for, the story is corny and way to much Aussie she be right mate things in it, to take it serious.

The other paid to give a high ratings on here are just that, as some gave it 10 stars! It's nothing worth wasting your time on as life is to short and there is plenty of other shows to watch that are way better than this skippy rubbish.

Give it a mis, 1 out of 10 stars for me
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The Last Alaskans (2015– )
Best TV show I have ever watched
4 December 2018
I am getting close to the end of season 3 and loved every episode, the scenery, the animals, the people, make this a must watch program. It has a magic to it that is just hard to pin down, but it is by far my favorite series of all time, I can't wait for season 2018, although sad that Bob past away.
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The Crossing (2018)
More snowflake flaky TV viewing.
21 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Going by the first review on IMDB done in 2017, yeah strong indicator of another paid for reviewer, I thought maybe this could be worth watching. Well I was wrong again when it comes to trying to find something on TV that is not a stinker of some sorts or a rip off of something that was already bad enough. This reminded me of one of many other snowflake programs, but it really reminded me of ''Under the dome'' yeah another dumb as they come snowflake series. But what did it for me with this show was when the female lead actress that came from the future towards the end gets asked her name, call me ''Reece'', LOL yeah lets pick a name from one of the best sci fi films of all time and slightly change the spelling but we the makers of this snowflake program will, look it up Reese from Terminator 1.

Anyway I have lost enough of my time on this snowflake rubbish, it ain't going anywhere, it will just dribble along with no direction and will fade into nothing like many other shows we have had to put up with, solid 1 out of 10 and don't be fooled by that reviewer from 2017, this sucks hard!
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The Trade (2018–2020)
Endless misery
26 February 2018
I have seen a few doco's like this over the years, but this one is as raw as they get. I think drugs will always be part of the world we live in, but how to combat it so less people will die and less people make a living of it has so far been a losing battle. I don't see how humanity will come with a fix for this problem, unless Christ returns or these hard drugs are made legal and are manufactured and supplied in a controlled manner so people can be treated for their addiction/illness. The hard tactics as in jail time and policing it has only cost trillions of dollars and has not stopped people dying, the criminals all the way from those that manufacture, sell and distribute are the winners, including lots of corrupts officials that profit from the drug trade.

Now I am sure there will be lots of people that will say, how can you made drugs legal? Well the trillions of dollars that have been spent on this problem has not slowed this problem down, and will never ever solve this problem. Make it legal, treat it as an illness, manufacture these drugs cleanly, set up clinics where people can get their fix and get counseling, that way adictics won't have to resort to criminal activities, it will take the criminal element out of it.

But as much as I think it could be the way to slow this problem, even fix it in time, there are way to many high up people that profit from this and will oppose anything that could jeopardize their cut of the trade.

Anyway the doco is raw and has some real insight to this drug world. I even go as far to say that young people should sit down with their parents so they can see what happens when you go down the road of drug use.

10 out of 10.
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Waco: Madman or Messiah
8 February 2018
I remember this event well, shocking story, and it is good to see a doco like this that sits on the fence (to a point). This doco shows lots of stuff I had not seen before and the interviews with survivors from both sides made this for captivating viewing.

I am a Christian and know the Bible well enough to see and know that David Koresh was a false prophet/messiah, any one that knows or has read the Bible will know that God warns us about wolves in sheeps clothing, and David Koresh was just another one of them. Anyone that follows some one that claims he/she is the second coming of Christ should look at that person and compare them to Jesus, Jesus would not have multiple sexual relationships, Jesus would not drive around in a classic American muscle car, and I can come up with so many other points to show David Koresh was just another conman.

Now besides David Koresh being a fake, it does not take away the FBI/ATF got this completely wrong, they are directly responsible for the murder of many people. Watch Waco: The Rules of Engagement, as that clearly shows that the FBI/ATF murdered many people. Now I get it, the government wanted to check their weapons, check if David Koresh was having relationships with under age girls, and I agree they should have looked into what was happening, but the way they went about their jobs was as bad as you can go about it, causing the death of many children and people that were fooled by a madman, including several government agents.

Overall this 2 part doco is well done and shows both sides of the story. 10 out of 10.

For some reason IMDB shows I gave it a 1, I gave it a 10 out of 10 and is worth watching if you want to see the truth about the madman and the mistakes the FBI/ATF made.
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Panorama: Germany's New Nazis (2017)
Season 65, Episode 35
Leftist propaganda!
19 September 2017
Don't get me wrong breaking laws and causing mayhem and acts of violence are a no no in my book, but what about showing all the crimes committed by so called Muslim refugees? This program is nothing more than propaganda at best.

1 out of 10
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Dorothy Mills (2008)
As flat as a Dutch pancake.
19 September 2017
Overall not a terrible film, but not worthy of the high ratings some gave it. Carice van Houten acting was horrid to say the least and why did they cast her in the role with that Dutch accent is beyond me, the actress that acted Dorothy's role was way better. I gave the story a 6 but the overall score was dragged down by the flat as a Dutch pancake acting performance from Carice van Houten, and that's coming from me that was born in Holland.

5 out of 10
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From the land of Borat
3 September 2017
(This review was deleted by IMDb based on an abuse report filed by another user) Again I really question the rating of this on IMDb! out of 107 voters, 28 gave it a 10! I am over IMDb, I review films on here as to give my spin on either a good or bad film, but as soon as I point out the truth about something really really awful, my review gets deleted! No bad words are ever used! and clearly no IMDb rules are ever broken, and I don't even get notified of a deletion on here, have the courtesy IMDb to let me know why you delete a review, or does IMDb don't care about us movie watchers? or is IMDb there to protect film makers from criticism? And on this horrible excuse of a film, don't waste your time! it is awful! 1 out of 10
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Brutally bad
3 September 2017
(This review was deleted by IMDb based on an abuse report filed by another user) Come on people what is going on? so many real bad films, 2012 is really going down as the year for really really bad B grade crappy films, and this one is up there with the worst, or should that be the best of the worst? The acting is as wooden as a stick, and I am convinced their was no director on set! The script tries way to hard with lots of profanity, a clear sign of a low quality production. It does star two know faces we have seen before on the big screen, and they clearly stand out as the real actors, the rest are very forgettable.

I love a good gangster film, but this ain't one of them, it is just another poor attempt to get your money.

Don't watch this, as life is just to short, 1 out of 10!

UPDATE!!! as per IMDb stats 25 out of 55 voters gave this film a 10! what does that tell you? it rates higher then The Godfather, rates higher then Goodfellas, get my drift, they are scammers or worked on this film! VOTE THIS CRAP DOWN PEOPLE, that way we might stamp this crap out!
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Temple (2017)
Fook mi and Fook yu
2 September 2017
Man what a total mess this film is, I am sure it will scare to pants of Japanese viewers as I used to be friends with a Japanese exchange student years ago, and he would scream at stuff like this and have sleepless nights for days. The story is as thin as it gets, the chick actor should take some acting lessons as she was horrible. But I did enjoy some of the scenery but that was probably the best part. Big fat 0 out of 10 for this one! And Fook mi and Fook yu is not offensive language merely a reference from Austin Power.
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Trail and conviction by media.
30 August 2017
I have just watched the 3rd episode, and find it odd that others gave this series a score of 1! It is well done, objective and very informative. I have been aware of this case from the day it all unfolded, so it was great to see the ins and outs. I was going to say, yeah Scott is guilty, but as much he had a motive, was a cheater and acted odd during the whole sage, I am yet to see concrete proof beyond a reasonable doubt that proofs his guilt, surely people can't be found guilty and put on death row based on no real hard evidence, and besides that there is enough doubt that comes from witnesses that contradict many angles to his guilt, sure he is a cheater and so on, but I am yet to see hard evidence he is guilty, no witness, no DNA evidence linking him, no crime scene, and and based on that he is on death row?

Now many will say he cheated, that's motive, his wife was found in the same waters where he went fishing, he must be guilty! Well again it is at best circumstantial evidence and in my eyes not enough to convict some one. The few witnesses that came forward that raises all sorts of questions as was his wives body in his boat or not when he went fishing, was his wife in the park walking the dog and so on seems to have way more weight to it to show he did not do it, as to the evidence so far shown that got him a seat on death row. If you look at those points alone the law can not convict you of that horrible crime, so far the evidence is very circumstantial driven by human emotions and a bunch of reporters hell bent on their way of justice. I also think the police did not follow up enough on certain things, the breaking in across the road, dismissed by the word of the criminals that broke in, whilst a reporter that was there 24/7 did not see their van and the day they broke in, witnesses that saw Laci walking her dog, again the police just brushed all that away way too easy.

Now my gut feeling tells me he did do it, but again show me hard evidence he did it, I am yet to see any, but then again that's after 3 episodes, maybe there is more coming to really indicate he is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, if not he has been judged and found guilty by the media, and surely that's not how we want our law system to work, and maybe it explains why he is still alive today.

I am sure some readers will disagree and say hang him high, but let's be objective after 3 episodes, look at the evidence, don't go with your gut feelings, don't feed off the media as that's not proof.

Not sure if I will add to this review after watching more of this captivating series, but for those that voted with a 1 for this series need to reconsider as I gave it a 10 just based on how well this series is put together, regardless if Scott is guilty or not.
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Shot Caller (2017)
I agree with the other reviewer
25 July 2017
Best film of 2017 so far! Great story, acted superbly and hard as nails story wise. If you like a great crime prison film look no further.

Not going to ramble on just watch the film if you like a solid prison crime film.

10 out of 10 for me, hands down best film of 2017 so far, hope I have typed enough text to get this review posted.

10 out of 10!
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Twin Peaks (2017)
Just awful
25 May 2017
I watched and enjoyed the first film followed by the series many moons ago, yeah I am showing my age like the cast of Twin peaks. The original pilot is a classic, the series that came from it was OK, and at the time it was not bad. This new go at this is just terrible, just because something was a hit years ago does not mean it will work again. And sadly this stinks. They should have left it alone as this series is just dragging down the memories of the past.

I did enjoy watching all them oldies from about 25 years ago, damn some have not aged gracefully.

I gave it a 1 for old time sake, don't believe the ratings and the hype, this is about as bad as TV gets nowadays, but it does not surprise me as most made for TV stuff is junk to say the least.

1 out of 10 vote my review down as much as you like, want a real view of ratings on here check for reviews done by long term members, most on here are paid for reviews, this show is a bit like IMDb, used to be great but has lost the plot some time ago.
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12 May 2017
Scifi = little science lots of fiction! Oh no E.T is real, lots of spacecrafts have crashed on planet earth, yeah right, you fly across the universe in a high tech spaceship, make it here, and then you crash? LOL, what a pisser.

Follow the money trail with most things and it leads to greedy corrupt people, look at all the names and faces in this fantasy show, all are criminals at best, all are in it for money.

I am a Christian and have predicted in the late 80's governments will fake an E.T landing of some sort and Hollywood has been real busy feeding the masses with their SCIFI shows and films, as it would be the perfect way to undermine Christianity. The flip side to accepting there is only the one God is, you are a being that came from monkeys, stuck with a whole lot of other monkeys on a planet hurtling through outer space with no real purpose bar to eat sleep defecate and breed more monkeys, well I have made my choice for not coming from monkeys, you make that choice and all this sort of make believe is all make believe, simple.

There is no proof in this show of ET of any kind besides film and pictures of the poorest quality, sure lots of people saying they saw this and that, but it is all part of the lie to string the taxpayer along and for the elite to undermine Christianity. NASA is just one of many of these organizations that feeds of this taxpayers pit of money, all these people in this show feed of the same pit of taxpayers cash. No proof that can be taken into a court of law that would stand up, it is all hearsay!

I watched this with a huge grin on my face and reminded me when I used to watch The X Files on my TellAversion, all make believe.

Big fat 0 out of 10.
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American Gods (2017–2021)
Yeah right
1 May 2017
Check the ratings, so many 10 star scores by voters is always an indication that it really is not that great, and it is not! What do you do when your script has now direction or clear story line, well throw in some F words, bit of nudity and lots of effect to make up for a show that is really nothing more than just that, snowflake junk!

Don't believe the ratings and reviews on here giving it a 10, as that would mean it is up there with the best made for TV stuff ever, take away the effect, F words and nudity and you are left with a whole lot of nothing.

Solid 1 out of 10
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Oasis (2017 TV Movie)
Snowflake TV
27 March 2017
I was in no way going to get my hopes up, and in no way was the score on IMDb going to be any indication how good or bad this show is. Sure I tend to stick with the more busy long term reviewers on here as they at least call it for what it is. But after watching the pilot I can't say it is great. It has a cheap look to it and the acting is somewhat stiff, storyline is a mix of a few films and series of yesteryears, but I am sure for snowflake gen this is the best show since sliced bread.

I can't say it was horrible but far from great or even good as some reviewers seem to call it, I gave it a very very rich 5 out of 10, and all hinges on the next episode, but my prediction I will probably pull the pin on this snowflake show.

5 out 10
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