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I didn't like Bridgerton; I really liked this
16 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I, like the rest of the nation, sat and watched this series' insipration, "Bridgeton' during the pandemic. At first, it was mildly diverting for me, and I should probably acknowledge that I am not the target audience for that type of series, ut I did find the courtship and the anachronistic elements interesting. But the reason the series lost steam for me relate directly to why I found "Queen Charlotte" so good.

"Bridgeton" did a wonderful job building the romance, laying the foundation for what at the time period to be the brother's expiration of his sexuality, and the fascinating characterization of his younger sister, who wanted nothing to do with the niceties and protocols and gender constraints of the time. Where it ultimately failed (for me) is where "Queen Charlotte" succeeds, and the reason is simple: Queen Charlotte is not beholden to the books. A wholly original story inspired in equal parts by a character whom even in the original series was fleshed out for television specifically, and her historical source, Queen Charlotte does not have to let down their audience by never delivering on the strong characterizations and topical breadcrumbs it lays down. Whereas in bridgeton, the brother's exploration of his orientation hinted at so strongly and masterfully by the writing and acting, never comes to be because that is not what happens to the character in the book, same with his sister ultimately both are let downs for an audience of who's appetite was whetted.

"Queen Charlotte" as an original piece is able to lay down exactly the markers and breadcrumbs at once, and then follow up on them appropriately. And because it doesn't have to tell any story beats that are unnecessary for the thrust of what it is trying to do (for example the last couple episodes of "Bridgeton," after the main characters courtship has been resolved, feel like an entirely different show altogether). QC is more tightly written, more intentionally written, and doesn't have to balance being relevant and provocative to modern television audiences with being true to the books source material.

QC also very craftily utilizes the source it does have, which is the true story of Queen Charlotte and King George, the infamous British king who would not only go completely mad, but preside over the losing of the American colonies. It takes liberties (making Queen Charlotte's Moorish ancestry a far more significant topic than it would have been at the time, but doing so in a way that makes the show excellent and contemporary and serves as a frame to parallel modern issues), but they are already in line with the anachronistic and fancifully enhanced semi-historical world crafted, introduced, and will received in the first series, so I have no complaint with that. It is semi historical, semi-fictitious, but the emotions and the universal experiences at the heart of it are very relatable. I suspect many people cried as I did during the finale.

I doubt I will ever return to "Bridgerton," but I absolutely look forward to another visit to the universe either as a sequel to this series or another offshoot of equal quality.
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It tops the first one...and it doesn't.
16 June 2023
This film is a feast for the eyes and represents, at least my untrained eye, a real leap forward what we can get, and what we should expect, from big budget cartoon action. Visually this film is sumptuous, detailed, interesting, and technically magnificent. If it sounds like I'm gushing, it's because I am, at least in this specific way about the specific aspect of the movie. It seems like forever we've been relegated when it comes to cartoons to very basic children's fare, incredibly ambitious children's fare that in many ways is wasted on the audience, or or paint by numbers animation, following one of say five or six studio templates. Even as stories became more emotionally complex, the animation felt safe. This genuinely represents a new day, and I felt the way I felt anytime I've seen the very first application of a new entertainment technology.

And of course what makes all of that work is that the underlying film is worthy of this advancement, which I don't think was guaranteed considering this is quite obviously the middle entry in an already announced trilogy. That said, I don't believe the underlying film is necessarily better than the first. In fact I think the first was a better film than every way but the animation and direction. I will freely admit this is because I judge movies, even ones that are in the middlefield and a trilogy, by how well they stand alone if you took away their showiest element, and I think that this film would lose enough without its showiest element, that it would fall short of the original story, characterization, and emotional impact. I also don't think the film was served by stopping short mid story, as if they simply made a longer movie and split it in half with a razor vs. A true standalone movie, but that was their choice and even though I am including it in my critique, I am still reading this movie high and talking about how brilliant it is, so everything is relative.

Finally I think this film might have benefited from the Coco Chanel rule which was taking away the last thing they added. It really was a little over stuffed which I think might be a little overstimulating for some, particularly since this film is designed to appeal to all ages. But again, minor quibble.
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My Policeman (2022)
A very solid adaptation
24 November 2022
I really appreciate what this film was attempting to do and how much of that it succeeded in doing. And, to get the central question off the table, Styles is quite good and impressed me with his ability to play the character he plays. I'd actually thought, from early descriptions of the two lead characters, that he'd play the other one. Without giving anything away, the other character seemed more like something aligned with Styles, but I respected very much that he played a character who was actually something different from him. It was nice to see and it remains nice to see how is career is developing.

Emma Corrin brings the same delicate, highbrow, yet appropriately soapy chops to the role here that she did playing Princess Diana in "The Crown," but the character isn't given enough dimension to allow her to make me feel the way she made me feel about Diana.

I think if you like the genre, the story, or Harry Styles, you'll like this film. And if you're a fan of the book, I don't think you'll be disappointed.
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Don't Worry Darling (I) (2022)
The film didn't work
24 November 2022
Something didn't work in this film. There were so many magnificent ingredients for a great film, but they didn't gel.

The film is unevenly directed. Tonal shifts and some actors were acting as if they were in a different film entirely from each other, differing levels of energy and commitment, it felt like, and the film never tackles some of the most interesting nuances of the central questions it raises, which feels almost like a fatal flaw for a film that is trying to tackle something this nuanced and layered in the first place.

Wilde is a competent director, but I think maybe not acting in this one would have been a better idea, because she might have been able to better see the forest for the trees.
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Once Upon a Time (2011–2018)
Like many shows that go on too long, this was great, then wasn't...
24 July 2022
This show simply went on too long. The concept was great and proved popular, and that meant the producers and network went all in for more upon more (there was even a spinoff) and the show suffered over time.

The original premise (and I highly recommend the first few seasons) centered around specific characters we invested in and cared about. Much like the show GLEE, these characters were eventually shifted to focus on a wider variety of characters and stories in the larger universe, and as some actors left the show (one can't help but wonder if that shift in focus was part of it) several years in, this became even more of an issue.

Also, there seemed to be a mandate (unofficial and potentially self-imposed, but a mandate nonetheless) to take the original creative "twist" of the show and turn it into a gimmick, with as many characters from fairy tales and classic literature shoveled into the show one after another, some for the long haul, some for cameos, and it became tiresome. Then we had a time jump that marginalized the characters even more, and...I just lost interest.

I'd give the first 2 seasons or so a 9, and eventually that would fall to a five by the final episode. So definitely watch it and enjoy knowing that you don't necessarily have to finish it. My recommendation would be to stop at the time jump.
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This is a gift for those who loved the first (and similar shows)
24 July 2022
Here's the bottom line: if you loved the first show, you'll love this one. If you love this type of show, the kind of light action/lightly procedural show that used to be syndicated and then later flourished on basic cable (TBS and TNT, most of all) like V. I. P, Psych, The Librarians, Monk, Relic Hunter, etc. You'll love this one. It's so beautifully and firmly in that lane. It knows who it is , what it is, and what it's trying to do. If you want edgier fare: bad language, sex, hardcore violence, and gritty realism, you won't find any of it here. If shows like this have to choose between depressing realism and an unrealistic happy ending, they'll always choose the feel good ending and that's absolutely okay.

It's not just a retread, though. It's a sequel, set the same number of years later. For mostly off-screen reasons (including the tragic false accusations leveled against Timothy Hutton -- who has since been cleared -- but were still being investigated at the time this show was developed; and prior commitments for some stars) the show's original cast has been supplemented with a new young hacker (with a key connection to a legacy character who still recurs, appearing in about 1/3 of the episodes) and a through-line story addressing the complete absence of Hutton's character, who looms large and will hopefully return in what will no doubt be a joyous reunion, and that allows for some freshness. This is also true of the show's transplantation to New Orleans, which gives it a new set of timely stories and some fun southern flavor for both the show and the characters to play with (in a way that is never disrespectful).

All in all I enjoyed it a lot!
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The Gray Man (2022)
Wastes all it has going for it
24 July 2022
The film should make and sell itself, right? I mean, you have Ryan Gosling, Chris Evans, Billy Bob Thornton, Alfre Woodard, Ana DeArmas, and Rege Jean Page in leading roles AAAAND you got $100 million dollars to make it. Did I mention the Russo Brothers agreed to direct it AND it's based on a popular book franchise? How did it all go so wrong?

Look, I'm not going to say it's not generally entertaining. If you're into big fight scenes, huge armed confrontations (guns and missiles blazing) and stuff blowing up, this has all of that, literally every 5-10 minutes. I'd also say if you're into quippy one-liners and "I'll be back" and "They were all bad" type action movie lines, they're there too (sometimes several times in a single minute) but I can't say that's a plus as that's where things start to go bad.

This is almost a parody of an American action film and in some cases Rege Jean Page and the young woman who plays his sidekick at the CIA are the worst offenders, delivering their lines like they are in a FunnyOrDie skit 100% of the time...with arched eyebrows, whispered growls, slamming tables and laughable "YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!" intensity a good half the time. Evans is clearly playing a character, so the campiness works for his character, and miraculously, Gosling and Thornton take the same script and some how ground it in invisible/unspoken backstory and foundations to make it feel believable (the actual backstories are so underdeveloped you don't care when they are called back to).

By the end, when they give a completely undeveloped and unlikeable character a (if not 'the') completely unearned "big victory" in the film instead of the film's multiple primary protagonist leads, I was done.

It's just not good, sadly, and I hate saying that.
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The Terminal List (2022– )
Strong entry to the genre/category, but dark as heck (as in color and shadow)
10 July 2022
I have no idea who okayed the weird dark filter over the entire show, but it's genuinely distracting. As far as shows in this genre go, it's pretty well done. Nothing to write home about, but if you like the premise and the actors (and there are a lot of likeable people in the cast), you'll probably like this one.

There's a bit more I'd like to say but given the nature of the show I don't want to give spoilers away, so I'll leave it there, but be prepared, the show is dark...literally so!
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100% a vanity project, but also a really good movie
10 July 2022
This movie is way better, way more substantive, and way better executed than the iconic film it is a sequel to. And my praise is not just relatively speaking, the film is an actually good film. In fact, 90% of my issues with it all stem from it's role as a sequel and would be irrelevant if it was a standalone film. The story is tighter (though it still has a few blockbuster-sized holes -- and some intentionally vague stuff designed not to offend any potential viewers in any potential markets -- in it, you just go with them, as we do when it comes to blockbusters in America), the acting is strong, and the emotional stakes feel more authentic within the larger context.

It's 100% true it's a vanity project for Cruise, and I justify those aspects (including a few unbelievable things if you know anything about the Navy, Navy pilots, or flying a plane--all things my dad and brothers did/do, giving me an inside view) by saying as a movie star, he's earned it and knows fans will go along with it. Tom Cruise isn't needed for this movie to be good, but he's needed for this to be a TOP GUN sequel and they make decent use of him.

I have to join the chorus of folks who find that Kelly McGillis and Meg Ryan got shafted. Not because there aren't valid story reasons for them not to be there as the script was written (or in McGillis's case, even get a true nod) but because the script was written in that way, while still finding a way to include Val Kilmer (deservedly) who can't even speak anymore due to the ravages of his real life cancer, and touch up his appearance significantly. It's common industry knowledge that TOP GUN tested poorly but the romance aspect with McGillis tested well, leading them to do substantial reshoots to add more of McGillis, more romance, and a sex scene that wasn't originally shot. Sure, she isn't a conventional romantic lead anymore, having gained some weight and allowed her hair and appearance to deviate from Hollywood standards, and that's a real thing. But she was an essential part of the film's success. If they'd wanted to, they could have written a phone call, an interview on a podcast, or done any number of things -- same as they did to include Kilmer -- to honor her contribution and reward the many female fans who not only flocked to the screen for the romance but literally made Tom Cruise the bona fide movie star (not just rising star) he was after the success of the original. When Cruise & Co. Controlled all aspects of the film, they could have included McGillis or honored her (as they do, in a very substantive way, the absent Ryan) but choice was made not to. I don't think she should have been the romantic lead (who goes all the way to marriage and kids with the instructor they had an affair with while away at a training program--not many, so it's realistic they aren't still together) and I do fault the film for that.

But at the end of the day, if you never think about the first film, you can't say it's not a great film, and enjoyable. I recommend.
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Pleasant enough diversion, but neither new nor great.
2 July 2022
There's nothing really new here. Nothing feels fresh, nothing feels particularly engaging or exciting. It's good enough, competent at what it sets out to do, and does it in a very serviceable way.

I enjoyed it well enough which is why it gets a seven (really more like a 6.5), not a five. No part of it was a chore and I was always incentivized to finish it, not give up watching and just read the recap, but there really is nothing in particular to recommend it over anything else available to watch. What it really comes down to is whether you like this kind of story and whether the actors, setting, etc. Appeal to you. If so, it's a nice way to pass the time.
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Elvis (2022)
Really well done!
2 July 2022
I actually don't have a lot to say about this one other than to recommend it if you're into Baz, Elvis, Tom Hanks, or Austin Butler. Fans of one or all of those men will find this to be a rollicking good time, I suspect.

The reason is each does something both familiar and new with their own work and/or the characters and story we're already so familiar with, without ever being disrespectful to the source, IMO.

And no music film works unless the musical performances are exciting, interesting, and worth the price of admission. This film delivers on that front. Highly recommend.
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Chloe (2022)
Better than I expected; hits and misses
2 July 2022
I am not sure what I expected, exactly when I randomly clicked on this series, but I didn't expect the level of skillful psychological and narrative layering that the show delivers. It's not at Hitchockian levels, nor even the best we've seen from limited series, but it's really solid and a nice surprise to realize you're watching something better than what you'd planned.

It's largely what you see in the teaser, and I don't want to give anything away, so a lot of how much you'll enjoy it is really based on how into the genre you are and whether the trailer resonates.

All other factors are pretty much as you'd expect. Acting is solid, writing is solid, etc. Etc.
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It's exactly what you think it is, for better or worse
1 July 2022
One of the existing top reviews called the film a "comfort zone" movie and I don't think I could find a better way to describe it. If this is your jam, your speed, your vibe when it comes to generally charming, nicely appointed, relatively predictable films of this sort, this is your film. It knows what it's there to do and it does it really well.

But I wanted more from it. I don't hate it the way some others do (I suspect that may be more a function of the filmmaker bragging how they got a picture deal by bluffing when they hadn't even written a script yet, while so many others struggle to even get a meeting or sell their first script; and I think those points are valid, but I don't think they have anything to do with the film, which, as I nice.)

Everyone we know in the film has done better work and I suspect this film will not be the best work this filmmaker has ever done. But there's no reason to trash the film. It's a really lovely way to spend an evening at home. My advice is to watch the trailer first. If you like the trailer, you'll probably like the film.
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Gaslit (2022– )
Wish they'd been a bit more accurate (as it's relevant)
30 June 2022
This was, overall, a nice watch. Well acted and well written and I'm always a sucker for well designed and appointed period pieces. Julia has enough of the elements to remind me of the actual historical figure she's playing and I bet, coming from Georgia, she's familiar with the type. It feels like it.

But they make a key mistake I have trouble brushing away and, honestly, I don't want to: they whitewash the unpleasant parts of the woman this is about, who had views ranging from unpleasant to outright bigoted that she was just as open and loud about. By rewriting, ignoring, and washing away those parts of her we're denied the honest, complicated, powerful portrait of a flawed woman of her time who did such an important and ultimately honorable thing.

There's no reason to make her a hero to the point when people go to research her they are surprised and put off. The kind of complicated character we're talking about is pure awards-bait for actors and writers. Think of Mare of Easttown, for example, Ray Donovan, even Archie Bunker. A character does not need to be all good or all bad or purely likeable to be compelling and even respectable for the good things they did do. They really missed the boat on that part.
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Ms. Marvel (2022)
I've found every episode delightful and exceeding my expectations
30 June 2022
This is not a show I had a lot of expectations, positive or negative, going into. We don't really have a lot of data on how Marvel treats teens (most of the Spider-Man stuff has been under the Sony banner) or women and minority central characters, as there have been so few so far, relatively speaking. So the show had a blank slate with me. I was prepared to be impressed and I was also prepared to chalk it up to "well, they tried (or didn't)" and just pick up whatever I needed for continuity.

I am SO thrilled to say I've loved this show. It gets right about high school and teen life so many smaller things I haven't liked about the MCU depiction of teens. While still Disney/Marvelfied--but NOT like a Disney Channel show in any way--that seems to be a common line of attack by people who haven't seen Ms. Marvel and/or a Disney Channel show before--it feels much more like something written by people who've been in high school recently than much of the Sony/Holland Peter Parker ones did.

But it's the characters, the story, the world, and the progression that have impressed me beyond my few expectations. This is the first Disney+ show to feel like a film to me. That's not a commentary on quality (I loved WandaVision, Hawkeye, Loki, and Moon Knight, especially as incredible limited series/TV shows) as the things unfold and look/feel like the MCU films do.

Many have already pointed out Iman Villani is a star from her first 10 minutes onscreen and I think that's true. But so are several other cast members. The show is REALLY, REALLY well cast. The relationship between Kamala and Bruno is near perfect, and I find myself genuinely invested. I think they are doing a very good job of reflecting the uniqueness of the world (Pakistani-American community in New Jersey) without othering it, and it feels as rich and vibrant as the fictional worlds they so often build in Sokovia, Wakanda, etc. That sounds strange at first, but you often see real life communities given the short shrift for the ones people can imagine up. This treats a real life world with as much respect and attention--while also not overemphasizing it to the detriment of the story. There's no "wokeness" or "agenda" here unless you feel simply having to view something and hear about it at all is having that thing forced on you. They attend church (and recreate a single scene from the comics) for about 10 minutes in one episode to set up that location which is important for the rest of the episode (including the superhero action later in the show).

I'm super pleased.
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Fire Island (I) (2022)
I enjoyed it very much
30 June 2022
I will leave the more extensive analyses and critiques to gay men and AAPI reviewers, for whom the representation in this film is so overdue. I don't want to speak for them, and I suspect that there are aspects of gay culture, AAPI culture, the "gaysian" fusion experience, and even being male that I wouldn't get or appreciate as a straight woman. So I'm here to say the movie was FUN, it was enjoyable, and it was both of those things for a straight woman who is not Asian.

Too often I see people avoid certain art that increases representation, because they feel that if they can't see themselves in the story, it's not for them (franchise stuff excluded, it seems). That's not true here.

That's all I came to say as that's what I think I'm best equipped to add to this conversation. But I agree wholeheartedly with many of the people who loved this film within the reviews.
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Not necessary, but delightful for fans just the same
30 June 2022
I've read the criticisms, but they miss the point. When you see things like "past its prime," or "not necessary," or even "money grab," they aren't necessarily wrong (or right, however). All of that is debatable. What they are is irrelevant.

This is a return to revisit old friends. Old friends who have more than put in the work over the years to establish a fast and treasured relationship with their viewers. And just as in real life relationships of that length and affection, there may be ups and downs and periods when you are closer than others, or when your stories are more mutually relevant than others, but it's always nice to catch up.

As a stand alone piece of cinema, this is probably an 8. As a welcome entry for fans in the Downton Abbey franchise, it's probably a 9.5 or even 10. So for that reason, I've given it a 9. If you like the world, you'll probably like this very much!
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Moon Knight (2022)
Satisfying watch; like a long film
30 June 2022
This show was such a satisfying watch. I know lots of people found it to be a slow burn at first, and were frustrated they didn't get all of the answers they wanted in the first three episodes, but the wait was worth it.

Each episode laid a very specific brick and I, looking back, wouldn't change anything because it unfolded beautifully.

The acting by all three leads is perfectly dialed in for each character.
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Bridgerton (2020– )
Quite magical and compelling, until it wasn't
21 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I found this show so magical, rich, and interesting, until the characters married and moved away. I think that should have been the end of the season. The momentum of the will they or won't they was amazing and every note was pitch perfect. The final episodes had none of that and I think I'm done with the show for that reason. The rich diversity, btw, isn't a problem. It's what makes the show feel so fresh and different from the start and the show floats on its leads' sheer charisma, especially at the end, so the casting is a huge plus.

I don't blame the showrunners. They followed the books. So we are where we are. But I did lose interest in and even affection for several characters by the time the season was over.
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Powerful subject, slightly problematic execution
13 November 2021
I saw this film as part of the Las Vegas International Film and Screenplay Festival, and was immediately fascinated by the premise. It must be said, right off this is a big swing for all involved: writer-director, actors, from tackling the sensitive subject matter to the bold choice to shoot it in black and white. I appreciate all of it and artistically, it elevates the overall piece.

But I have to say the Australian (and British?) accents, where you wouldn't expect them, took me out of the film a lot. I do suppose the use of a specific regional accent would be better than a scenery chewing exaggerated German accent on Adolph Eichmann's part, but it really was distracting.

Also, as bold a choice as the B&W was, I hope the team goes back and revisits the grading of the film so it doesn't feel as flat or videotape-like. They made a really powerful and bold choice with black and white and captured some great light and dark. I hope they bring it out more and deepen and shade with contrast, shadows, and the like before the final release, because it is almost there.

Ultimately, still a powerful swing and I respect it very much.
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Beautiful film with just a few challenges
13 November 2021
I saw this film at the Las Vegas International Film and Screenwriting Festival, and found it very interesting. First, it is a vbeautiful film. It's clear the film makers had access to a lot of locations in Macau and used them to the best of their ability, elevating the script by presenting it in a wide variety of interesting visual settings.

I was confused as to whethrr this was an indie film with unsually good access and budget or a Chinese studio film with a smaller scope/scale, and that made it hard for me to evaluate it.

The story was familiar, yet unique and beautifully told at the same time. The setting and foreign language also gave it a newness and additional sensory interest it might not have had othewise fot Americans.

I don't speak Chinese, so I don't want to say 100% that the acting wasn't as good as all the other elements (at least actoss the board) but there were definitely moments that took me out of the film, but only momentarily. This is still a writer and actors film, where the showcase of the art is the enjoyable bit.ghe s.
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Important documentary; very topical
12 November 2021
I saw this documentary yesterday at the Las Vegas International Film and Screenwriting Festival and like several other selections at the festival so far it was a real revelation. This is such an incredibly topical documentary. We haven't begun to scratch the surface on reckoning with the opiod crisis, and what it has done to our country. Art, even informatjonal art like documentaties, can help us do that, if they are organized and objectively preaented in ways that help us and inform us. I have said about other films that they left me thinking long after the credits rolled, and this is one of them, too.

It's hard to really critique the elements here, as it's a standard documentary, nothing groundbreaking in terms of construction or presentation, but it's well done and absolutely worth watching!
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A very creative, interesting doc; contributing for history
12 November 2021
I saw this documentary at the Las Vegas International Film and Screenwriting Festival and found it very interesting. Honestly, the kind of documentary I think modern technology should mean we have more of, but we don't. What I mean are local, regional or specific stories captured for history and future generations.

Not writtten large like Ken Burns and topics like "baseball" or "the Civil War" (though those are great for sure), but about people you absolutely wouldn't know if you weren't in that world or from that pplace.

This js a very accessible documentary, well contricted abd narrated. Not of interest to everyone, but for those who are looking for this type of content, I think it will be well received. I was pleased and suprised.
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Enjoyable, especially if you like indies, but left some to be desired
12 November 2021
I saw this film as part of the Las Vegas International Film and Screenwriting Festival, and found it to be one of the more interesting and ambitious entries at the festival. It takes a lot of confidence to attempt a horror/dark comedy on a micro budget scale and I think the filmmakers maximize their resources in really creative ways.

The main drawback for me was the cast, who were a bit wooden and unpolished and couldn't always quite "sell" the moments when you needed to be so lost in the performance you didn't notice the budget limitations, but this is common in ambitious indies, so it may not be a problem for others.
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Amazon Queen (2021)
Gorgeous and not as bad at some of these reviews say
12 November 2021
I saw this film as part of the Las Vegas International Film and Screenwriting Festival, and found it to be a nice addition to the mix of films, especially since it was a more commercial premise and had what may be the best cinematography and location photography I've ever seen from an independent film. This genuinely raises the quality of the film, as it is such a big part of the whole thing.

One problem, as other reviews note, is the acting. It's very wooden, and I also think the film could have benefitted from "feeling" more like a film. I can't put my finger on it, but it felt like a nature show or a PBS show, mixed with a Lifetime or basic cable thriller, not a cinematic film. It could also be the overall mood of the film? I love movies, but, unfortunately I don't know enough to make a specific suggestion with one viewing.
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