
39 Reviews
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Prey (I) (2022)
Good installment to the franchise, not as good as the original
1 June 2024
This was a lot more entertaining than I expected. The beginning was slow, and kinda boring for exposition in an action film. But once the predator showed up it got gnarly fast. Nothing beats the original, but this still has some really fun moments. My favorite is the battle between the French group and the predator. The kills there were super gruesome and refreshing for this franchise. The ending battle was really cool, and again super refreshing to see a strong female warrior take on the lead character of such a massive franchise. I liked all the little callbacks too throughout the film. Definitely good but not great, 7/10.
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Somewhere between Friday the 13th and Terrifier
1 June 2024
This movie was so much better than I anticipated. It is a slasher but in no way is it tropey or a generic film. The way the movie is filmed is gorgeous, mostly following our killer from behind as he slowly walks through the various landscapes of breathtaking nature. The shots in this movie, especially in these types of scenes, were such a beautiful juxtaposition embodying the title of the film and its entire film. Some of the most gorgeous shots I've seen this year are in this movie. The kills were brutal and ingenious. Some of which, I might add, built so much uncomfortable tension with how long it held on certain scenes or stayed in a single shot for their entirety. This movie was a cross between Friday the 13th and Terrifier and I loved it. Though I will say there were moments where I felt they took the brutality to a point of excess and the pacing was slightly off at times. 8/10.
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X (II) (2022)
Unique take on the slasher genre, better than Pearl
29 May 2024
X was such a unique take on a slasher film. It was the perfect combination of late 70s to early 80s horror mixed with modern day weirdness and risks that only movies know are willing to take. After watching Pearl, this was such a satisfying second installment to the trilogy, even though technically this one came out first. I enjoyed all of the characters, and especially appreciated seeing Pearl and Howard in this era of the setting even after all those years since the first movie's events. The cast was phenomenal and the pacing was done very well. Brutal kills, satisfying ending, and hungry for more. I very much am excited for the third and final film that comes out later this year. 9/10.
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Pearl (2022)
Wasn't as good as I heard it was
28 May 2024
I can see the vision with this film but it didn't quite hit the way I hoped it would. It had very very well done moments, and Mia Goth had a stellar performance. But there was something missing that made the film feel hollow to me. I know the intent was to make the life of Pearl as plain and monotonous as possible, especially with the setting being an American farm during WW1, but it made the movie feel stale. The pacing was dragging for the first half of the movie and I was struggling to pay attention. Based on the hype that this trilogy of movies has I will definitely watch the others but this isn't something I'm going to come back to anytime soon. 6/10.
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The Crow (1994)
Not nearly as good as the hype surrounding it
27 May 2024
After years of hearing hype about this movie I finally decided to check it out. Boy was I disappointed. This movie was a drag to get through, and though I normally love 90s films that are kinda cheesy and have the classic gothic noir feel to them, this one bounced right off me. It does have its charm, but the acting kept pulling me out of the story. The story, I might add, was also so surface level and barely even touched upon any character in a way to make me feel anything towards any of them. I feel sad that Brandon Lee died while filming this movie, because he did show promise as an actor. Other than the fact that this is a cult classic, I will probably never watch this again knowing how it made me feel the first time. 5/10.
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Epic film that lives up to Fury Road
25 May 2024
Epic. This movie is nothing short of that word. It encompasses everything I loved about Fury Road and added even more to the story and the depth of the characters.

ATJ was the perfect choice to play young Furiosa. Her role was executed perfectly and it made the character Charlize Theron laid the groundwork for in 2015 even more compelling to follow and route for. Anya was menacing, powerful, and was the embodiment of revenge.

Chris Hemsworth stole the show as Dementus. His ability to change characters and divert the audience away from him as an actor is expert level craftsmanship. His voice acting and mannerisms are so specific to this character and every time he was on the screen I was glued to what he was doing and saying.

The carnage in this was on par if not better than that of Fury Road. The design of the war rig for this movie was definitely a step up from the original. The fighting and the action in general were visually stunning.

Furiosa was a near-perfect film that accomplished its goal of further building the world of The Wasteland and giving more details to characters and settings that we have not seen much of in this scarce franchise. I need more films in this universe, even if it takes another nine years between projects like this one and Fury Road. If you enjoyed Fury Road at all then this movie is a must-see. 9/10.
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Immersive and exciting, thrilling from beginning to end
18 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
What a film. I love the idea of giving not a ton of context to something as grandiose as this story. It throws the viewer directly into the thick of it. Here's the main character, here's the setting, here's the path they're on, go!

I loved the visuals in this movie, and as I know they received many awards I can now understand why. Everything from the vehicles and the costumes to the explosions and destruction were captivating the moment you lay eyes on them.

The sound design was so immersive. The score was placed tastefully and taken away at the right moments to give emotional emphasis on certain scenes. The use of the guitar rig was also ingenious and worked seamlessly with the music of the film. Weaponry and fight noises were perfect.

Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron were the perfect choices for the roles of Max and Furiosa. Somehow, even though the characters only spend about a day and a half worth of time together, they manage to go from strangers holding guns to each other's heads, to fellow rebels who care for one another and the common goal of saving innocent lives and overturning a vicious dictatorship.

I want so much for there to be a sequel. And yes, I know Furiosa is now in theatres, but I want a proper sequel to this film, as much as a prequel also is very enticing.

This movie was so much better than I expected it to be and I recommend it to anyone who hasn't watched yet that is a fan of sci-fi, action, or post-apocalyptic media. 9/10.
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Fallout (2024– )
Great show, easy to watch if you haven't played the games
17 May 2024
As someone who has no knowledge of the games and has never played them I was a bit apprehensive going into this series. I thought I would not understand a lot of it, or that I even would outright dislike it. However, being the sci-fi nerd I am, I instantly fell in love with the first episode. Overall I think the first and last episodes of the first season are the strongest, where the middle 6 have meandering moments that follow a lot of the same post-apocalyptic tropes of other films and series. Because of that I think this show could be better, and it definitely has potential to do so. But it was a great watch and should be entertaining to anyone who likes this vibe from a film/series. 8/10.
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Better than War, not as good as Rise or Dawn
11 May 2024
I am a new fan of this franchise, only having seen all three prior films in the last month for the first time. I went into this installment with reservations as I felt War was not as good as Rise or Dawn. I will say I don't believe Kingdom reaches the same heights that Rise and Dawn do. However, I feel that this film is a little better than War was. It accomplishes more and has better pacing. I wanted to love this movie but I ended up just enjoying it. I would say if you are a fan of the franchise it's a must watch, but if you're not dedicated to the arc of the whole franchise then this isn't something you're going to miss out on not seeing. 7.5/10.
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Shōgun (2024–2026)
This is what television has been missing in recent years
7 May 2024
This show was incredible. I have not felt this pulled into a series in years. The only things in recent memory I can compare it to are The Bear and House of the Dragon in terms of the elaborate storytelling and compelling characters. I am yearning for more after the credits role on episode 10, and yet I feel there was no better way for them to have ended it. I adored the characters, and mourn for those that were lost that I had grown fond of. This is the quality I expect from channels such as FX and Max, and I am glad that this series delivered what it promised during all of the marketing prior to its release. A must-watch for drama and period-piece fans. 9/10.
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Great second installment for a trilogy
20 April 2024
This movie was awesome! At first it was a little slow but they did a great job with the world building and establishing the tone over the course of the first act. Once act two started it was all gas no brakes. I thought it was a great installation as the middle film of a trilogy. Especially since the end of the movie perfectly sets the level of war for the third movie of the trilogy.

The main qualm I had with the film was every character except for the lead was very one dimensional and lacked any sort of depth. But they did serve their purposes for the sake of the plot.

I can't believe it's taken me this long to watch these movies, they're so enthralling! Definitely a great bridge film, 9/10.
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Perfect groundwork for a new franchise
20 April 2024
This was a great movie to set the groundwork for a franchise. At first it was a little slow, but the pacing was just right and added to the weight of what was happening once we hit the third act. I love "day one" style movies where we see the event that changes everything taking place in real time. This movie executes on that in an exceptional manner and paves the way for the subsequent films that follow. I have been sleeping on this franchise for over a decade and now I am all in. As a sci-fi nerd I don't know how it took me this long to sit down and watch this film. 8/10. Would recommend to anyone debating on getting into the franchise.
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Abigail (2024)
A fun and very entertaining horror film
20 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Abigail was a great, fun movie for anyone looking for something combining horror, action, and comedy. While I do wish the marketing had not revealed that Abigail was a vampire, the movie still had great pacing on revealing that to the other characters in the film.

There were only some vampire tropes, and nods towards overused ones that didn't apply to the rules of this universe's vampire, which felt very needed from a genre so saturated as this one.

The acting was phenomenal all around, every character was played extremely well, especially the roles of Frank, Abigail, and Sammy.

Lastly, big shout out to Angus Cloud, rest in piece to a very talented actor who is already sorely missed.

To sum it up, this movie had me on the edge of my seat, heart racing, jaw dropped, and laughing throughout its entirety. It was probably the most fun I've had watching a movie so far this year. 8/10.
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Civil War (2024)
Wanted to love it, ended up frustrated
13 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to love this movie going into it, but I found myself frustrated by its inability to deliver any semblance of stakes or taking a stance on something. For a political movie this was a bold, bland, and terrible choice. This needed less fence-sitting and more big swings. You can't make a political movie and then not take any political stances, even in the form of good vs evil being two different political ideologies in a fictional version of the U. S.

With that being said, there were some very compelling scenes that left me on the edge of my seat and clambering for more. Especially the scene where Jesse Plemons makes his appearance. This along with the scene driving through the burning forest were my favorites of the film. An honorable mention is the entire fight to get into the white house during the DC scene, which had me so anxious and stressed that I was almost feeling nauseous (in a good way of course).

The sound design was impeccable and it had me feeling like I was in every scene with the characters, especially the gunfight moments. Another impactful point was the use of silence during emotive scenes, most notably in the moment we see Joe screaming while the helicopters are taking off and when he and Jesse are in the back seat having a breakdown.

A criticism I have is that it follows the overused trend of the last decade of post-apocalyptic feeling sets for a story that doesn't require it. The traveling across desolate America and stopping at every small encounter with another person just made me think I was watching a rip off of The Last of Us.

This movie was good, but it could have been so much better. It could have done with being a solid 2:30 instead of 1:49 in run time. The pacing would have been better, more of the world building could have been established, and the introduction of what the stakes actually were for each side in the war could have been stated. But we got none of that.

I wish this was better than it was, I truly do. I am giving it a very soft 6/10 with the possibility of it being lower after a repeat viewing in the future. Wait to watch this one on streaming.
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Genuinely one of, if not, the most unsettling films I have ever experienced
9 April 2024
I have not been shaken to my core by a film or television series in years. I thought I had grown numb to horror, occasionally being grossed out by gore or weirded out by some wild concept. This film was different. It brought something out of me I hadn't felt in ages: pure terror.

The story is a slow burn at the beginning, but once it picks up momentum at the end of the first act it does not take a break or slow down. If anything, it picks up speed, and leans into the nefarious ideas presented in this plot.

The acting was superb, especially the lead role of Margaret. She stole the spotlight for the entirety of the third act, despite all of the other intricate pieces moving around her character. Nell Tiger Free has the ability to move her body and control her emotions in such ways that were nothing short of breathtaking, both in the most lovely and demonic senses of the word.

Finally, the ideals and concepts presented in this film are going to live rent-free in my mind for quite some time. I left this film feeling slightly foggy, bogged down by the weight of what I had just experienced. That is not to say that this film was bad by any means, if anything the opposite. It executed its purpose precisely as it had set out to do. It left an impression on me, as well as my friend who I saw it with, one that we agreed would almost certainly give us nightmares and/or keep us awake tonight.

For any horror fan, this is a must-see. Truly underrated unexpected. 9/10.
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Monkey Man (2024)
Dev Patel is a genius
7 April 2024
Dev just presented us with a masterclass in modern action cinema. Everything about this film was amazing. The shots, the acting, the pacing, the fight scenes, the incorporation of Indian religious themes, its restraint to do things the audience expects. All of it was brilliant.

If there is one criticism I have it's that at certain points in the film they lean in a bit on tropes from this style of "one-man-revenge" action movie. But in a lot of other ways they subverted expectations very tastefully.

Go see this movie, it will change the game for action flicks and open the doors for more Indian-lead films in the future. 9/10.
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Interesting concepts but not enough substance
2 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie had potential to be so much better than it was.

I love the idea of playing with the moment of death and where our souls/conscious goes in that moment. However, I feel as though they didn't lean into that enough in this movie, or at least portrayed it in the wrong way. They didn't focus much on what happens after Zoe dies and I wish they expanded upon that more. It would have given more motive as to why she started killing everyone out of nowhere. I guess we're just supposed to assume the "she went to hell and now she's evil" trope. It felt like weak writing to have it play out like this.

The kills were okay, nothing crazy or over the top. They could have gotten really weird with it, given the setting of the underground lab, but they went with typical slasher-style kills. Crushing, asphyxiation, crushing again, and a neck snap.

In summary, the movie didn't do much. It feels like the studio went in gung-ho with just an idea and never really had a fully fleshed-out story. Though I will say, the ending where demon-Zoe starts bringing them all back to life was something I did not expect. I'd give this a 5.5/10.
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Novel, gripping, and lots of fun
30 March 2024
Dastmalchian has proven himself to be of leading caliber with his role of Jack Delroy in this film. He captivates the audience both in the theatre and those in his television/studio audience in a way that demands your intrigue and attention.

The movie is paranormal horror, a genre that, some would say, is very oversaturated. However, this film combines aspects of found footage and paranormal horror while sprinkling in novel ideas, leaving the final product of LNWTD standing as, what I believe, to be a pillar of paranormal horror for the 2020s.

Not once in the story did I feel things were too rushed or too dragged out. The pacing was superb for this kind of storytelling. Outside of omitting a small handful of things that I feel they could have added to give more depth and time with a scene here or there, I have no complaints.

Characters are hard to write. One's that grab your attention even more so. Every character that had lines in this film was unique, served a purpose, and was expertly managed for the sake of the plot.

Overall, I highly recommend this film to horror fans. It gives a nice dose of Halloween fun and nostalgia while maintaining modern horror ideas, which is a nice refresher for this time of year (late March, opposite spooky season on the yearly calendar). It had some things it could've done slightly better, and some things that were done perfectly. It subverts expectations and keeps the viewer on the edge of their seat. 8.5/10.
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A true work of art
10 March 2024
This movie is nothing other than a masterpiece. It is truly exactly what the title says it is. It gets as complex as I've ever seen a film get while also maintaining the most simplistic of storylines as the main binding fiber holding it all together. It has action, drama, romance, comedy, and, to top it off, a whole lot of existential crises.

Never has a movie left me wondering so much about my own life and singular small decisions that I make on a daily basis. The film grapples with tough questions like "what would have happened if I had done that differently?" and "should I take this leap of faith?" that we all struggle with. This movie encompasses the main thing all humans ask themselves in their lives: what if?

I laughed, cried, yearned, smiled, had a racing heart, and dropped my jaw (many times I might add). This movie is for the lovers and the dreamers, those who ask ourselves what if amongst the cyclical ritual that we call our lives.

A true work of art, 10/10.
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Decent but doesn't hold up to the original
7 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This show is so frustrating. After years and years of waiting for a proper live action adaptation of this beloved series, we have been served a clearly mismanaged, Hollywood-producer-influenced, beautiful but broken version of ATLA.

My first biggest issue was the pacing, which was a direct symptom of my other biggest issue which was what they decided to show us as the main plot. Too much of the details from Book 1: Water were either mashed together too much in one episode or were omitted entirely. The fact that we didn't even see Aang learn water bending with/from Katara is numbskull writing. On top of that the characters felt watered down due to the lack of said details, because there simply wasn't enough room for character development unless it was slapping us in the face. Aang flying in episode one... I'm not even gonna touch that one.

Continuing my criticisms, there was too much fan service in this first season by giving us characters like Kyoshi, Kuruk, and Wan Shi Tong when they're not even in Book 1. That really annoyed me, especially when Kyoshi appeared IN THE REAL WORLD in front of everyone. Which brings me to my issue with the writers changing the mechanics of the universe the characters live in. The Kyoshi example illuminates the Avatar side of it, where Katara and Sokka being in the spirit world shows the issues from the spirit side of things.

On a more positive note, there were a lot of things I liked. The casting was done, in my opinion, pretty much perfectly for each character. This goes especially for the main ones. From looks, to demeanor, to voices, to delivery of the role, they all performed their characters very well. Also, the bending and fight scenes were all so fun to watch, that was something they definitely got right. Next, the locations were gorgeous, even if it was mostly cgi. It felt as real as they could get it without building whole cities. Lastly, I like that they kept the main plot in tact despite all of their writing potholes.

Overall I enjoyed the show, no matter how annoyed it made me at the writers. My rating is a light 6.5/10.
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A masterpiece, a pillar of sci-fi/fantasy
26 February 2024
This was a perfect sequel to Denis' part one. It accomplished all the main plot points of the book while delivering stellar performances and visuals that most films only dream of having. This film will go down as one of the best in sci-fi/fantasy and it deserves all the laurels it will be gifted. Not in the longest time has a franchise, and a singular movie, captivated me in such a way. This story, these characters, this planet, Dune, lives rent-free in my mind. You would be doing yourself a disservice not seeing this film in IMAX, as the soundscapes created and the soundtrack by Hans Zimmer are so immersive you feel like you are a part of every scene. This movie is a masterpiece in storytelling. 10/10.
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Into the Dark: Down (2019)
Season 1, Episode 5
One of the best horror films I've seen all year
10 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This film has you on the edge of your seat first from the tension and connection between the two main characters, then also when the story switches gears and you find out that Jennifer and Guy are very much not strangers to each others' lives. I felt the performance from the two was fantastic given the whole plot of the movie rested on their shoulders. Also, the movie kept the pressure building even after the duo left the confines of the elevator, which was the main location for the majority of the film and the premise of the whole story. Overall, loved the story, and especially satisfied with the ending. Would recommend to any horror fan who likes suspense.
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American Horror Story: Blood Buffet (2021)
Season 10, Episode 4
Good context in the form of a flashback episode
10 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
From a writing standpoint I liked where they placed the flashback episode to give more context to the story. Loved the backstory of how The Chemist, Austin, Belle, Lark, Karen, and Mickey came to know each other before the Gardner's came to town. The story of how Belle becomes successful and separates from her toxic husband is also very satisfying. Wasn't the best episode but I liked how it gave more backstory to how the pills became a thing in P-town.
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Crawl (I) (2019)
Delivered on the horror, not the best not the worst
7 September 2021
I liked this movie, but was a little disappointed with the quality of cgi when it came to the set. Also, the trailers showed a lot of the ending scenes so we kinda knew how the movie would finish. Overall though, it made me anxious and on edge, which is what a horror movie is supposed to do. I would recommend it to people who really love horror, but for the casual viewer it probably won't be appreciated.
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American Horror Story: Thirst (2021)
Season 10, Episode 3
Keeps the story going
3 September 2021
This episode was good, but after how good the first two were it seemed a little lackluster. However, this one does its job in driving the story forward by creating new plot points and adding/subtracting a few characters.
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