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Dirty Dancing (I) (1987)
Dirty Dancing
21 May 2024
Swayze's majesty performances, alongside the irresistible Jennifer Grey. Amazing movie and by far the best screenplay sound, picture. Smart, funny, touching and unabashedly sensual, the sweet film "Dirty Dancing" is realistic portrayal of big-city life with Arabian Nights overtones. Unchained mad dancing, rooky of course undisputed. With all glorious plots in you only live twice with her, loving also strong..!? Their match will blow your mind, forgotten gold definitely..!? Side by side with a friend and technical ability, with appreciate on close examination..!? However, there are some unique rules to live by whenever you are in the film, scent of a woman..!?
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The Witches of Eastwick
20 May 2024
The Witches of Eastwick is a visual splendor of a lonely alcoolisme as like domestic crime, Jack's acerbity will energized each frame with the illusion that you are an integral part of something special, emotions what else..!? Thanks to the most scarest Sam Raimi's inventive style in Evil Dead 2 -- Jack's will forever be the king. Legs up till shoulders, gently soft script between engaging story of heroism in the face of advertasing, kisses filtered through the eyes of a boy obsessed with planes and flight. Burn finger point viewer's sence interest, which he does superbly. She has an empire of the sun adds up to a promising idea, a carefully observed production and some interesting performances..!?
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Full Metal Jacket
20 May 2024
It is a full time recognize for your eyes only, secret hot spot unburied star-craft Kubrick's dangerous since WW2...!? As well as the most horrific screenplay on a first section alone accomplishes most of what "The Shining" failed to do. If your are ready to meet with barbarians dress like americans talk like americans but unleashed many time ago to distroy the worlds of men..!? As brutally unsparing as embracing as a full-metal-jacketed bullet in the gut. Kubrick's harrowing, beautiful and characteristically eccentric film about "seeking the truth" will give you enough blood to going into puzzle, anger and (I hope) fascinate audiences as much as any film he has made to date... A film of immense and very rare imagination..!? Admirations and cheers for Stanley Kubrick..!?
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Lethal Weapon (1987)
Lethal Weapon
20 May 2024
Why "mad" max? Why Mel Gibson? Lethal Weapon is immortal masterpiece who's sometimes must describe with a song..!? High in the halls of the kings who are gone Jenny would dance with her ghosts. The ones she had lost and the ones she had found and the ones who had loved her the most..!? In a film with the energy of this one, exhilarated after watching Gibson and Glover grow accustomed to each other, develop trust and confidence in each other and charge bullheadedly into dangerous situations, you start to accept there's a four movies parts..!? The ones who'd been gone for so very long she couldn't remember their names they spun her around on the damp old stones spun away all her sorrow and pain and she never wanted to leave, never wanted to leave..!?
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La Bamba (1987)
La Bamba
19 May 2024
There comes a time in every Gen X's life, when they're asked about growing up in the without social media. It's a question that one cannot escape, and for the most part, the answer is always the same. A first-rate production full of nonstop departure and inventive special plots, wasted years is makes spellbinding is a superior script. It was this love of commitment, combined with a biting comic attack on womans gentle touch..!? Its situation and its sight gags are marvelous, recalling the best of claim of the old sadness songs, has to do with nuances of the human experience such a lovely and much more engaged..!?
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Dyad (2023)
19 May 2024
The film is a mixture of fake taxi politics, and so much swallowed pain with some supposed struggle against songwriting, the same pathos that was captured by Yana Titova as a revolution is applied to a milf, mom and son, sex family therapy. There, of course, as always, cigarettes are the first victim. They could have done it smart and supported more and more the concern of the viewers, against the words at the entrance of the parliament..!? When I'm looking a good mystery, here we go, a fascinating story. It is shadow, it is one of the great film noirs, a black-and-white symphony that exactly reproduces Margarita Stoykova ability, on the plot, to find a tone of voice that keeps its distance, and yet is wry and humorous and cares..!?
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Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire
18 May 2024
Mckenna Grace is amazing, very sweet pretty and young, and she look like my sister from other mother, the stories this like prevous and prevous before them is superb in sound, picrure and humor sence. Cheers for about the movies that love gets us into and a film about the story of love under siege. Unpredictable and crazy is he, this gives us a unique opportunity, after seeing the film, to take part in the events yourself until the end, any way I feel you're great, can give us a chance crossroads, viewed from high enough, looks like a crucifix. Spa treatments and wi-fi enriched by wonderfully crafted characters that each have their own key success, feature contributed much to the essence of the genre in its meticulous observation of planning and execution..!? I want us all to try to sift the important from the unimportant things better. We have every reason dreamer and as individuals to live even better, more happily, but we are hindering ourselves by not understanding what is really important. For example Katinka Ingabogovinanana is natural and Marilyn Monroe is precious X Files..!?
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Aliens (1986)
15 May 2024
Speaking of crowds, London can be very busy with tourists during peak travel times. Aliens -- the hallmarks of one of the world's most iconic film brands are here - how difficult it is to protect your ideal in your own material, against the most deadly monster, its look it able to be very glorious, the all-encompassing technology, we people on earth arrive in this matter with truth, along time ago and now in present days we domesticate the power of the atom, a fundamental force from the universe that surrounds us..!? Casually the desperately trying to survive. It's funny, isn't it? As summer approaches, excitement builds for "Aliens" as the only script fields, sound effect takes such horsing around very seriously. Less-equestrian viewers, are a celebration of their very own, we works for a single moments, one shot, one opportunity, and when enough men die, we will be happy to see your freedom, delusion superiority, If called that living..!? Straight bourbon, please, and Nancy Sinatra, get over it low profile I'm downplaying the significance of the find..!? Cheers!
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Cobra (1986)
15 May 2024
From seekers of the sublime till Bacchanalia on Mayfair. A world of Mediterranean delicacies, revelry and artistry awaits. This is not merely a script, it is a breath-taking feast for the senses, a gathering place to feel moved, immersed in another world. It is imagination on a grand and glorious scale. Here, people let go, to indulge in life's richness. The ancient story of Bacchanalia is reimagined. Greco-Roman feasting, revived imaginatively with exquisite ingredients and vintages. Legendary entertainment, set within breathtaking interiors. For those who long for escapism, sway this way...the only trade will they made is life's, more you can possibly imagine, tomorrow she must grow up. Very large, far reaching conspiracy, -- what's the angle? On mine per view if you are a single and looking for a girl, she will be very impressive to talk about this movie, has lot of laugh you can also convert every point to get access to her, and then she is good is in it.in your possession action scenes who wake up forgotten feeling, forbidden, unhumanity..!?
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Stand by Me (1986)
Stand by Me
15 May 2024
Can I have a word? Do you know this book? That is a question, not an accusation. What we do not understand can be frightening. Yes, it can be. When one just have to be patient is troubled by the reality of this world, it can be comforting to consider other possibilities, even if those possibilities disturb us, the desire to escape the tyranny of consciousness and the narrow boundaries of our perceptions, to unlock the prisons of thought in which we trap ourselves, all in the hope that a better world or a better version of ourselves, perhaps, then at least I would have died with some dignity. Built in a time of industrially confidence, resuscitation is divine domestic crime. The script wasn't useless, he could've contributed in countless meaningful ways. Who's she with? Even so!
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The Man in the High Castle
15 May 2024
The mad blood of the Balkans awakens with the spring loneliness of winter, the fear and hatred accumulated during the long snowy nights. Everyone stabs the monster, which is most often the one that looks at us from the mirror in the morning. He walks the steps to the sacrificial peak, on which a mixture and a more wild, barbarous, ancient foreshadowing of the myth of all pagan images and beliefs, the most severe is that of the horseman stabbing a mythical monster. So hard that the unique millstone of the Christian Church has not been able to obliterate it, but has enveloped it as a monastery vine covers an old wall, a strange mixture of history and myth with completely indiscernible boundaries. Sensational torture of course - some quivering feathered snake..!?
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Chalga (2023)
8 May 2024
What is this nonsence Mr. Victor Victorov, you made deal for fifty millions dollars, because some "deepthroat virgin forever", continuous to attract the attention of professionals and lovers of cinema and fully justifies its reputation..!? And you Mr. Victorov you did the right thing. Foreign authoritative teen competition a category for teenagers, which is very important for both teenagers and their teachers. Tough, if i live in this utopia, first episode, i'm not adapted, i do not have shelter, if they throw me out of the plane and still survive I will be suspicious mind..!? You could never catch me in one of these...natural resources, controlled by the population..!?
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Papillon (I) (2017)
5 May 2024
From this instructive story, I learn you'll always be free while escape in you mind, have a goal of course in your life..!? Always master you fear from foreign invasion..!? Meet new version, upon us, brings to the story a refreshing and supreme sacrifice, intensity and sweep, and even a sense of adventure. A well-known Charlie Hunnam returns after a long absence and encounters an old friend. The counselor "Papillon" represent consummate human skill and offers brilliant acting play perfomances. Unable is necessary, inevitably up looking pointlessly, the script also has brutality to blow your feeling to rage and revenge, means, dances on the nerves. It's worth watching..!?
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Monkey Man (2024)
Monkey Man
3 May 2024
Will start with this, the German people knows how to build automobiles! With Monkey Man, the humble Mr. Patel offers story of great white bat, that combines the technical and heroic sensibilities of action with the mythologies means mixed script. The action is staggeringly impressive, both from a visual and storytelling standpoint, screenplay, discipline and the outstanding misery suburb of India..!? Generations singularly focused revenge and some ancient Gods..!? It's an action movie with bounded screenplay who need some kind -- one of many of relief in an era of instability and terror as well..!? Monkey Man origin story for a future action may be it has passionately..!? Man or Ship..!?
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Delta Force 2: The Colombian Connection
23 April 2024
Quick joke before we start, to lose some tme. If Chuck Norris has 500 dollars and some chinese worker has 500 dollars, Chuck Norris has more money -- xaxa..!? And one more joke did you know how Chuck Norris separate his laundry -- to white, to colour and bloodied..!? Enough bragging! Delta Force 2: The Colombian Connection or "The love summer of a lochman" titles from stone..!? Immerse yourself dexterity of the screenplay and respected cast techniques especially scary ones "Billy Drago", they are stories scripted unmask the true essence, the boldness, the tranquility of the sound effect, the plan to becoming the ultimate is all a dance away..!? His acting method has been described as combining "intellectual analysis with a depth of emotional life yet, life is wonderful. We're highlighting our favorite moments, long in anticipation he "Billy Drago" always had this strange need for justice..!?
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Back to the Future
20 April 2024
Untold wealth, embark on an ultra best mainstream film journey of delights stories and acting play performances! Prepared by a team of well known magnificent cast and presented in a way to inspire the senses..!? In the silent whispers of the knowledge, legends have spun plots that reborn. Here deftness the grandmasters through eternity guided the fiery spirit, embodying the purest reflections of comedy. A testament to the undying arts legacy, is skill, and spirit. This well read is a humble acknowledgment of their unique contribution..!? The iconic screenplay is part of the accounts of the first European explorers and settlers who described the legendary well-studied in their size and strength of the techn, have also become part of the screen adaptation..!? Moving, and to keep it from going too far, announcement ever since the beginning has been committed to logistical, for lovely couples who like games, ideas and toys, Back to the Future probably is worth an afternoon's good giggle..!?
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Brewster's Millions
20 April 2024
Forceful, or in denial. He is refuse the system who's brought the conspiratorial theory. Don't be greed even you still have "Brewster's Millions" don't be scare it means for you are in Elysium, and you're already dead! Implacable screenplay well read and enlightenedl istening and awake. Uncompromising, and tolerant. Collaboration between comedy outdoor stage is back! Amazing crew for all of their acting play performances..!? Normally, this situation comedy would provide its own built-in laughs,vhere the situations are dominated by Pryor's singular comic experiences. Forced, trained behavior, which removes him from euphoria and offers the subservient story nothing more than casual interest. Compromised and dead on arrival..!?
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Falling in Love
16 April 2024
De Niro and Streep play in the realm of love a few bonds is as powerful as that of a lady master and her eager student. A witness time suspend as passes up ancient wisdom to the next chapter of the encient lineage. The journey spirit and a thousand techniques begins with a single wolf howl. Together they prepare, building courage, strength, and respect... one lesson at a time. One of the coolest concept. Now comic book and heroes and action films, this riveting comedic take on the legend himself, you'll chuckle your way through his never-before-seen awkward moments in the realm of love! Guaranteed with a wisdom boasting and a classic look that commands attention, our best-selling acting are the perfect combination of both design and technology..!?
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The Terminator
15 April 2024
Director James Cameron demonstrate their storytelling virtuosity. No matter how much movies you have, its script reached epic, it is a representative work of director, it is also a pinnacle of all films products. It has a gorgeous appearance and unique design concept..!? The screeenplay is a mysterious when it has complicated. At the time all cast and crew the noble aura displayed was enough to drive people crazy. The film is equipped with an quad-turbocharged engine cast and crew..!? Paired with a high level screenplay speed dual-clutch transmission it can unleash up to , with maximum torgue it accelerates. Incorporating aerodynamic streamlined story desigh. Making the film title extremely aesthetic, feature a frameless desigh. The begining retains the iconic horseshoe grille, giving the film an aggressive look..!?
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Amadeus (1984)
13 April 2024
The inner life of the artist. Dante's First Sonnet "La vita Nuova" -- It seemed to me a joyful love, While he held my heart in his hands, and in his arms my lady lay asleep, wrapped in a veil. Then he woke her up and she tremblingly and obediently ate that burning heart from his hand, crying I saw it and then she left me..! The company creates theatrical productions with the participation of some of the most prominent artists. It is focused on contemporary drama, emotional theater and intelligent humor. The place with no name, a place with another name..!? A brute force to be reckoned with! It's not about the actual items, it's a blessing. It's about how far you're willing to go to prove your devotion. She looked into his eyes, into his soul, and he saw the combined imagination of millions of children. He wasn't strong enough. It destroyed him. A place without a name, where you leave pain, where you leave... where you leave suffering and is a place of joy. Remember "George Matneshliev", which he likes to play with his children. Imagine this world of grown men..!? I will try to inspire and create metaphorically review so enjoy..!?
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A Nightmare on Elm Street
12 April 2024
A dark teenager truth must uncover, even if you're not attractive at times girls, we will still searching you endlessly..!? Much loved and much hated, what makes Freddy truly terrifying, and an inspired invention on Craven's part, is that he exists not in the real world but in the shadowy realm of dreams. In the same time across the ocean at the end of the world far way flying above middle earth sleeping nightmare has extraordinarily polished, these boys and girls should be demonized express the thoughts and feelings of more than music searches run, in the park, in the forest, don't be scared the third, an astrophysicist, will within days make friendly contact with a civilization much more advanced than humanity. There are some genuinely frightening dream sequences - and some throwaway black humour...it's all good scary fun..!?
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Indiana Jones Collections
12 April 2024
Spielberg's deliriously funny, ingenious and stylish American adventure movies ever made. They are an element of the vintage era and fashion and therefore occupy a special place in our wardrobes. With its stylish frameless design, it will fit perfectly into the interior of your home, you switch between your favorite series, movies and shows completely imperceptibly. The advantage is now, the world is yours..!? It's a dazzling big-budget affair starring Harrison Ford as the Indiana Jones..!? Spielberg's time out, he's got more pass around on his mind to the fire is rising a top-notch performance, balancing the Shakespearean dialogue and the animals action perfectly selected on unspoiled with his insatiable appetites and undeniable charms to be one of favorite hardcore studs. Art is resistance to death, The sustained furore of humour, visual panache and headlong momentum makes for blinding cinema in all movie parts..!?
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Beverly Hills Cop
30 March 2024
"Beverly Hills Cop" has permission to be funny, amusing vehicle first, new level of comedy on the line, created by the master of American kino Jerry Bruckheimer..!? Unquestionably enormously talented person is Eddie Murphy. His realm of funny side, comedy side then and after, looks in present days reckless perfect as well. Don't be naive, not the same like "Leathal Weapon" script, highest congratulation, the edited rebelliousness would Hollywood terms era, when stars were always relied on to fix everything..!? The result is masterpiece "Beverly Hills Cop" all parts with maximum effect. I know sometimes is compeling so much, remember ours Ivo Andonov in "Pod Prikritie" -- he says, now I can be secure..!? Then this same person, by a very clear mechanism, begins to manage/treat an individual organism, an entire universe..!?
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Police Academy
29 March 2024
Unswerving comedy with happy ending..!? He saw "gazo" on the fox and thought it was pain. I don't ever wanna feel, like I did that day. Heartbreaking, profoundly American masterpiece. Yes, I blow a job interview..!? Superbly scripted, the film features wonderful performances from all its major players. An America as thorny and carnivorous as a hawk talon, as raw and smug as a downtown mural, and as sweetly enigmatic as a vacant lot that doesn't that can't exist..!? Suspects attention in progress shtiks with intent to incite a laugh riot. Ass in the air like they just don't care, find a fresh background view in a Police Academy..!?
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Road House (2024)
Road House
24 March 2024
I just can't let go. I wish I could..!? Life could be a dream if I could take you to a paradise up. You can't watch "Road House", you are "Road House" . All booked up and it will be full circle of life, crocs hide their food, the squirrel as well, and I can put you up..!? The, the shots are memorable breathtaking moments seeking the truth. Magnificent team performance to the cast and crew. MIrranda has dance on stage, wonderful..!? Guess my question is why? 'Cause I know what happens next. Spectacular and immensely enjoyable study of killing art, shamale entertainment of the highest order, competitive sort. Screenplay will break you spirit and produce by Joel Silver will make you rescue the homestead ..!?
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