
685 Reviews
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The Greek
14 September 2023
Get Him to the Greek was an overall decent comedy film. It's story line was a little overly simplistic and predictable but it was still good enough to keep me somewhat engaged. I did feel like both characters were wildly unlikable and honestly a little annoying at times. That was more or less the theme for the plot, writing, scenes etc. It was good enough to keep you engaged and give you a few laughs but it's not that memorable and to me it's not a movie I'd want to watch again. It's worth throwing on as something light and easy to watch but don't have high expectations. IMDb get rid of this damn character limit!!
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The Legend is Ruined
14 September 2023
Anchorman 2 is the sequel we may have wanted, but certainly didn't need. Some movies are so classic and stand alone on their own and just should never be continued or remade. I believe Anchorman falls in that category. It was nice to see the returning cast but every characters humor and personality was completely over exaggerated and over done. What made everything and everyone so funny the first time around, was just over played this time. Sure, I still laughed a decent amount but this movie was just a compilation of random lines and they clearly just tried way too hard to match or exceed the original.
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Game Night (I) (2018)
Game Night
1 September 2023
Very rarely are there comedy movies that are actually funny while also successfully delivering a higher level of quality production. This movie was legitimately well produced and filmed while still having me laugh throughout. The story and writing was creative and original and there were plenty of twists and turns despite it still being light and fairly predictable. Jason Bateman and Rachel McAdams complimented each other so well and did a great job throughout. I'd definitely recommend this movie to anyone, especially a family or couple looking for a fun and light movie night in. IMDb get rid of this damn character minimum.
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The Big Short (2015)
Big Short
31 August 2023
The Big Short was a well done and produced adaption of what happened to the US economy and mortgages in 2008. It was a fun and enjoyable recreation of those events. The acting from the casting to the actual execution was extremely well done and it had strong quality production to back it up. I especially liked the little side bar explanations of what was happening to make it easier to understand and more light for all audiences. For someone with no financial or banking background, this was a helpful and necessary trick they pulled off well. Overall, certainly a good movie and worth the watch!!
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Sausage Party (2016)
It's A Party
29 August 2023
Sausage Party is an actually well thought out comedy/parody cartoon movie. Seth Rogan absolutely let's out all of his crude humor in this one and it's non stop. Its such a creative and unique movie taking creative liberty with food from a grocery store as characters. The writing and ideas behind all the characters and how they interact with each other are actually very well done and thought out. I found myself laughing throughout even though sometimes the lines and humor went a little too far and was a little over done. Regardless I still found this worth the late night watch and laugh. IMDb get rid of this character minimum.
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Another Sandler Flop
28 August 2023
Sadly, we are living in the era of Adam Sandler stinker movies. He had such a run in the late 90s and early 00s but since then, has continued to swing in mess. Even more so lately with his "partnership" with Netflix. This story was overly simple with no real story line and just absolutely atrocious acting and writing. It seemed entirely scripted and overly rehearsed, almost as though no one in it has ever acted before. I think the biggest issue with this movie and his other recent films is that they try so hard to be funny, rather than just actually being funny. I wouldn't waste your time watching this.
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10 Things I Love
23 August 2023
10 Things I Hate About You is the absolute epitome of the 90s. This movie successfully captures and delivers on all the nostalgia from the 90s in such an authentic way. From the casting, to the writing, to the music, this movie just bleeds the 90s. There are so many notable and classic scenes, that are still memorable to this day watching this back. It's also very cool to see a lot of these actors back in their early years. Even though the acting and writing is almost intentionally bad, it somehow works out perfectly and makes this movie so enjoyable and one of the classic rom coms of all time.
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Fun but Forgettable
19 August 2023
A fun but forgettable movie that brought Nintendo's classic Super Mario Bros to the big screen. I think the graphics quality was high level and impressive and I felt like I was transported to their world. I think they did a good job capturing that and fitting in as much as they could from the game. But with that, they also forced everything in and it felt crammed and a bit chaotic and rushed. The story line was super lackluster and lacked surprises or complexity. It was just a fun one time watch but one I'll forget about and likely will never have a desire to see again. Still worth the watch for nostalgia alone.
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Stronger (I) (2017)
23 July 2023
Stronger was an overall well done drama based on the real life events from Boston Strong. The cinematography was fairly strong and Jake Gyllenhaal did another exception job acting. But for some reason there was something just missing for me. It felt extremely long and boring at times which is a shame because the story is obviously so compelling and emotional. It did choose to focus more so on Jeff's mental and physical recovery after the bombing which was an interesting perspective to see it through but was perhaps why this movie just seemed slow and boring to me. Regardless it's certainly worth a watch.
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Bridesmaids (I) (2011)
16 July 2023
Bridesmaids was an absolutely hilarious comedy movie that was also just well done. I'm going to say it because others won't, but I was surprised it was so funny with an all female cast. Usually crude humor like this gets lost or comes off as too scripted and forced but this was actually very funny even without men. It was just effortless and funny while still maintaining a strong story line with peaks and valleys throughout. I'd highly recommend it. IMDb DOES NEED to get rid of this character minimum asap. It's beyond annoying and over the top at this point. I just wanna watch movies and leave simple reviews.
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Liar Liar (1997)
Liar Liar
12 July 2023
This movie was a Liar Liar because the reviews suggested it would be good and I would laugh, and I did not. The "humor" was just Jim Carrey screaming and making idiotic sound effects and gestures for 90 minutes because in the story he's unable to lie. I don't get why he wouldn't just not say anything at times versus having to tell the truth in an explosive way. Regardless the story line was decent enough and there was a feel good progression by the end of it. It was overall decent but not nearly as memorable as the reviews and other people will have you believe. IMDb PLEASE get rid of this minimum.
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65 (2023)
11 July 2023
65 was a highly advertised and marketed action thriller Sci-fi movie that massively under delivered. While the concept was very exciting and completely original, the delivery and execution left a lot to be desired. The story and the characters were not interesting and I easily lost interest and had zero attachment to them and their survival. The planet earth 65 million years ago was intriguing and some of the scenes had promise but I just felt like it all fell flat. Also some of the graphics and effects were really strong while others were clearly bad. Just an overall confusing movie that should have and could have been much better.
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Little Man (III) (2006)
Little Man
10 July 2023
Look I get it, this movie is NOT good but all of the low reviews and hate is a little much. Little Man still had some extremely funny moments and writing throughout despite the overly simplistic story line. I genuinely enjoyed it and found it funny throughout even despite the bad acting, low quality, and super predictable script. It's one of those movies you know what you're getting and should be grading it on a different scale. It was one of the more enjoyable bad comedy movies. IMDb PLEASE for the love of god get rid of this character minimum. It's beyond absurd and isolating common movie reviewers.
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The Out-Laws (2023)
Should be Out-Lawed
10 July 2023
The Out-Laws was a movie I was actually semi excited about seeing but wished I never did. It was an epic let down and disappointment. I knew this type of movie would be simple and light hearted fun but my god this movie was just borderline idiotic. It was just overly scripted and forced writing/humor the entire time with people screaming and running around crazy the entire time. There was no natural flow to it and it all just felt so forced and rushed. This is clearly a movie to try and make some money without actually thinking about quality or making it half way decent. It was a total disaster.
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Man of the House (I) (2005)
Man of the House
6 July 2023
Man of the House was a somewhat entertaining and reasonably funny comedy. It was basically as expected and was a very average movie. The story line and writing was simple and predictable, yet still good enough to keep my attention. The acting was sub par at best and it was just very obvious that this was a low budget and quickly put together movie. Regardless, it was still somewhat enjoyable and kept me engaged throughout. IMDb needs to get rid of this damn character minimum though. Like honestly I just want to quickly watch and review movies without having to put so many words and into the review.
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The Drop (2014)
Dropped the Ball
4 July 2023
The Drop honestly fell far below my expectations based on the cast and the reviews. Although I love Tom Hardy and Gandolfino, it was extremely difficult to stay engaged in this movie. The story line was a very slow and long burn where ultimately a whole lot of nothing happened. The characters weren't easily recognizable let alone easy to even understand what they were saying half the time. The production and quality was decent enough but aside from that just not a lot here to be excited about. I just left very bored and underwhelmed unfortunately. Wouldn't recommend this movie. IMDb get rid of this character minimum.
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Anger Management
4 July 2023
Anger Management is an absolutely amazing and hilarious movie by Adam Sandler. This is one of his most underrated and least remembered films but it actually stands near the top. Not only is it funny (organically not forced) but there's a legitimate story line, good acting, twists/turns and real emotion. Adam Sandler had a handful of these movies early on and it's a shame that those days are gone and vanished. But this is just so enjoyable and easily watchable. All the characters and cameos are absolutely hysterical and there are just so many memorable lines and moments. Highly recommend this movie.
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Vacation (I) (2015)
Family Vacation
1 July 2023
Vacation was a really decent and funny modern spin-off of the originals. I thought it was a fun and creative way to feed off the original franchise. The movie had a solid story and had some really neat tie ins to the original movies and characters. I also felt like the cameos were the best part of this movie. There were so many notable and funny actors making appearances throughout and it added humor and value throughout. I do think the movie tried too hard to be as ridiculous and crazy as the originals but I also get why they did it. Regardless it's a solid comedy and certainly worth watching.
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Shooting Stars
30 June 2023
Shooting Stars was an extremely attempt at capturing Lebron's story except it was evident he was involved with creating this because everything was just so completely over worked and exaggerated and just felt forced. It felt like it tried so hard to be the best sports story and movie ever rather than just being natural and telling the story. But that's par for the course with Lebron. It fit his personality and ego perfectly. It was clear his teammates didn't even like him. This movie just made me like him less. It had decent production but that's about all it had going for it. Don't waste your time.
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Balls of Fury (2007)
Balls of Fury
30 June 2023
Balls of Fury was just one giant spoof of a movie. It basically ripped off the Kung Fu movies, Dodgeball, and Beerfest and combined it into one. It was intentionally bad to be funny which definitely made me laugh at times but also made me frustrated and disinterested at times. It was basically one long skit or episode turned into a movie and I would have preferred it to just be shorter. It wasn't good enough or entertaining enough to be it's own movie. IMDb needs to get rid of this damn character minimum though it's out of control and not fair or practical to the common movie reviewer and watcher.
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Chapter 2
30 June 2023
Insidious Chapter 2 was a decent continuation from the original movie. There were some really cool connection points with the first story which offered more color and context but I felt like it took too long to reach some of them. The acting and quality all seemed to be on par with the original which I enjoyed. I do feel like the story was a little disjointed and it just felt a little different and not as strong as the first. Regardless I still enjoyed the movie overall and it was worth the watch. I'd recommend this movie to anyone who liked the first and is a fan of thrillers on horror movies.
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Insidious (I) (2010)
30 June 2023
Insidious was a legitimately good scary movie. It was original while still being actually scary and maintaining a relatively high quality level of production, which is rare for these movies. I liked that it wasn't just in your face scary.. it was very well thought out and well written and down right just creepy. It introduced us to an entirely new world of horror and an entire franchise, which was my favorite part. Everything from the acting to the sound effect/music was well thought out and on point. I'd highly recommend this movie, especially for anyone who likes horror films. IMDb get rid of this character minimum.
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Sorority Row (2009)
Sorority Sisters
29 June 2023
Sorority Row was a below average horror slasher movie. There were just too many flaws and gaps in this movie, although I was fully expecting them given the kind of movie this is. The acting was particularly bad and often times just cringe. The story line itself seemed very chaotic and all over the place. I still don't clearly feel like I understand how things panned out and why. The best parts of this movie were definitely the killings. The gore and violence of it was pretty well done and some of the killings were creative and funny. It was a decent enough watch but not something id necessarily recommend.
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Wild Hogs (2007)
"Wild" Hogs
28 June 2023
Wild Hogs is exactly what you'd expect from a movie like this. It's an extremely simple and light hearted comedy that has its moments but is largely cheesy and nothing special. It's a reasonably star studded cast who are clearly all just looking to cash a check and get some quick money. The script was as predictable and streamlined as you'd imagine and the lines and scenes lined up perfectly with it. It was so flagrantly bad at times that it was weirdly endearing and funny at times. It's one of those movies you don't go out of your way to see but when it's on it's good enough to watch and enjoy.
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Hot Tub Throwback
26 June 2023
Hot Tub Time Machine was a decently well done original comedy. I think the cast was strong, going with semi notable actors rather than just an extremely star studded cast worked out. The concept itself of traveling back in time and basing the story and humor on that was original and allowed them to be creative and funny. I do think that the ending was extremely rushed and forced, as was most of this movie. I know it's a comedy so typically these all lack complexity and have gaps but it was even more so noticeable here. Regardless I thought it was funny and entertaining so I would recommend this movie.
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