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IMDb member since July 2001
Family (1976)
drama at its most dramatic
5 May 2002 - 16 out of 20 users found this review helpful.
I remember 'Family' as a very well acted show about chronically upset, depressed people. It was full of angst. Thirtysomething had the same producers so that should tell you something. Kristy McNichol was quite good as Buddy. I wish she would do more acting.
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Attack on Terror: The FBI vs. the Ku Klux Klan (1975)
The movie is fascinating...
24 December 2001 - 5 out of 5 users found this review helpful.
This movie was the first account of the murder of the three civil rights workers I had seen and I found it fascinating. It was long but I appreciated it's thoroughness. I understand there was a legal problem in using the real names of the people involved but the events were very real indeed. Good performances all around.
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