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2 Stars for reflection of the 80s but not good reflection of the book.
23 November 2021
The movie fails to make much sense, is rambling in a bad way, edgy in a disconnected manner as well as the characters fail to connect as well.

Then when you find out about the book, you then understand, the movie is a complete pile of overproduced trash. It was not adapted properly.

The soundtrack is decent and has some good songs that hold up today.
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Beat Street (1984)
Pure comedy in the form of 'culture exploitation'
6 October 2021
Terrible pastiche of ideas that were whole-sale stolen from 2 films before Beat Street - the nucleus of this garbage throw away pap smear was the film Wild Style.

Wild Style was a produced / scripted copy of the original production / documentary called Style Wars.

So if you want legitimacy, watch Style Wars for the historical reflection and the real story.

Wild Style is interesting as there are some good Music and Breakdancing and a killer sound track.

If you want Disney ride to b.s. Ville, watch Beat Street.

Throwaway trash in 1984 and even worse today.

One could argue the soundtrack (vol 1 and vol 2) is better than the film. Marginally.

The guy that wrote this film, hilariously tried to make a name for him in the Marijuana culture. No one remembers him 'ironically'.
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13 January 2020
A terrible propaganda film brought to you by hollywood / big oil and the United Nations CORP.

Followed up in 1992 at the RIO summit with the new generation of indoctrination.

Global warming is the biggest hoax / scam of our half century.

(Keep in mind WEATHER MANIPULATION through technology is very real and is a Military project ongoing)

The contradiction / hypocricy lay in the products STILL available for mass consumption, and new tax restrictions to use them. If it was truly dire, the products would be pulled from the marketplace LONG ago. Use basic logic!

The products that so called produce C02 GREENHOUSE gas warming have increased in production and sales 10 fold in 10 years. Now every house has 3 to 5 vehicles in the drive way. It's ALL LIES.

Read the great book CLOAK OF GREEN from 1995 about the RIO summit and Maurice Strong.

The Elite that control our 'world' are perpetual liars and the ultimate of all scam artists. They use base fear to manipulate, without ever interacting with common folk. They are the PARASITES. Not the common man.
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Not as bad or as good as some say....
10 December 2018
I give this a solid 7. Didn't see the film until it was released on BLURAY.

The print I saw was excellent, with decent sound. I have read various reviews all over the place.

For a movie supposedly made for $200,000 USD 1971 ($1,238,814.07 today) it is a stellar showcase of both creativity and using well held traditional production techniques, mixed in with really off the wall but effective tricks, some taken from other movies, some movies taken from this. The sound effects aren't as cheesy in most cases as I assumed since taken from older libraries, the crickets loop at the start were probably the most heard effect ever, have heard that in TV shows, movies and cartoons. The opening title , credits is a classic gothic german font, kinda cool. I was unfamiliar with Wranger Jane, but knowing the story of her career, this appears to be a bad turn in her history, degraded her. She is a presence on screen, but no match for someone like Vic Tayback (Calvin). The lighting at times is very flattering to her, and sometimes terrible. Her character's (Ellie Masters) entire back story is basically tragedy. I was surprised again with some production details like quality , but basic camera work, showing they probably hired union guys who have done a million TV shows. This does not look rookie, just lower budget. The actors chosen are great and are what hold this interesting 'prototype' slasher film together, but I find it more psychological than slasher.
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Ray Donovan: The Texan (2016)
Season 4, Episode 8
Last appearance of Hank Azaria
3 May 2018
The Previous episode marks the last on screen appearance of Hank Azaria / Ed Cochran At the start of this show, Ray delivers Hank his money to his hospital room which is next to the "texans" but the camera does not follow Ray inside and we don't see Hank again for the rest of the series. (unless the data on IMDB is wrong)
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Ray Donovan: Norman Saves the World (2016)
Season 4, Episode 7
Last appearance of Hank Azaria / Ed Cochran
3 May 2018
This episode marks the last appearance of Hank Azaria / Ed Cochran on the show. The following episode (The Texan) Ray delivers Hank his money to his hospital room which is next to the "texans" but the camera does not follow Ray inside and we don't see Hank again.
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Northern Exposure: Jaws of Life (1993)
Season 5, Episode 3
One of the funniest episodes so far..
2 April 2018
Watching NE for the first time, doing the whole series and now at Episode 03 of season 05. "Jaws of Life" .

The series has been breaking up in consistency since middle of Season 04 and some episodes honestly hard to get through some coming cliche downright boring and uninspired acting and writing.

This episode is pure GOLD ! A very cool story arc, interpersonal introspection,revelation of characters. Very honest look at some of the psychology of key players with some very clear heavy COMEDY writing on this with amazing timing and creative editing.

I noticed a few new comedy elements, from the episode before this one, where Minnifeld has a small heart attack. He jumps from a Waterfall at the end of the episode and the joke is, the guy is clearly not him who is doing the technical swan dive.. it's sooo funny.

There is a gut busting comedy situation with each scene and every character.

An awesome scene with Ed becoming a DJ for a few days and has a cool demeanor., different attitude appears.

Interestingly, Fleishman is not in this episode. (away doing immunization at a school) This show would have worked without him, and understand he leaves middle of Season 6.
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Northern Exposure: Get Real (1991)
Season 3, Episode 9
Middle of the road awkward episode.
19 February 2018
The annoying 'circus' comes to town and we're subjected to one of the most awkward 'romantic' situations with Enrique the MUTE and Marilyn the lifeless. Terrible episode which in between is a 'fight' with Holling and Shelly about the size of her feet. Maybe 8 episodes per season would have been proper like the first 2 seasons.. falling asleep with many of these episodes being cliche, cheesy and drag on.
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Meh - a vapid 40 minute commercial for contrived magic acts.
25 September 2014
Because I see clearly the actual function of this TV show (to promote the lagging magic industry based in Las Vegas) I give this a low rating.

From the first episode - to now the 9th episode of 1st season which I will be using as my prime example that it's rigged.

It's essentially a showcase for up and comers and some veterans. Now that concept is not a bad thing at all! But the fact they veil it in some show which is based on 'stumping' P & T - but since when they do see what the magic act's basis is- they don't bother to break it down for the audience (to keep that act on the road- so to speak) But most tricks are so elementary and many simply rely upon the fixed lens of the camera and simple angle obscuration techniques. So the opener of episode 9 is PERFECT example of exposing the rigging. Penn was asked to help the first act. The guy from Canada. Penn was helping him the whole time achieve this impossible trick to do alone. Notice when there are reveals, both of them act as a team to transfer / obscure. And of course at the end of that act, Penn is stumped - to perpetuate the 'trick' to leave it on the shelf so this act can use it in the future Vegas shows. Plain and simple TV magic of today.
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Houdini (2014)
The Pis-story channel creates another soap
3 September 2014
While the merit of some set designers, some actors and some cinematography (what little of it actually which is melded with some cheesy computer set designs) can be commended, modern influence of abrupt and noisy scene changes, bad edits, and absolutely horrible soundtrack (inspired by that noise band from the 90s Nine Inch Nails ie distorted sawtooth waves and jarring effects) helps bring this 'bio' pic down to the average spectrum of creativity. But this is modern Hollywood and about famous Jewish guy. So be it. It was funny seeing the 'jealous' Rasputin though. That made the series for me. Oh Houdini's main squeeze is one terrible actress - doesn't even bother to try to conform to dialect and nature of a lady from over 100 years ago. Adrian Brody - a good actor but IMO not a good choice as Houdini was stalky and had no nose of a vulture.
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Mr. D (2012–2018)
Give it time...
16 April 2014
This review only covers where I'm at so far - I'm playing catch up here and I'm at episode 7 of season 1.

I think Gerry has a unique approach at standup - and this TV show is no different.

One thing I must give it a negative with is some of the very derivative acting and situations from other TV and Films. It's here and there but not too distracting. Give and take so to speak.

Now the thing I notice people hating on in the comments is the basic outline of the show. The guy is an ass. Reviewers go on to say this is just the way Gerry is. Well sorry to tell you people, when it's on TV and scripted - it's called 'acting'. It's not the way the guy is. Possibly taken from situations the guy was in or possibly things he did in the past - but it's a stretch to just throw the concept out because they truly think he's just getting paid to be an ass-hole to everyone and making everyone feel uncomfortable on the set. I'm amazed we are in 2014 and many people still do not understand theater - especially the wonders of film-making. It's a mystery I see to many.

I would rank this TV show higher but I'm just starting to view it. I will re post a review once I get to season 4 and see where they have taken the characters and the show. It's no where near perfect show, akin to a bag of chips and some concentrated orange juice. Salty sweet and makes you feel a bit sluggish but happy after.

I must say - it's uniquely Canadian in it's approach.. for the good and the bad. (I am not a fan of many of the Canadian production techniques)
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A mish mash of great concept and laziness
19 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Very minor spoilers -! A movie that has a high concept that starts off with a great vibe but as soon as they start the games it's pace goes downhill with unbelievable situations ie, falling down huge hills at high speed and getting up without much-a do, cutting thick healthy tree branches with a buck knife in minutes (scene with a huge nest of genetically modified bees that a contender cuts and the branch falls clean without any peeling of fresh tree skin or no debris fall below) and that's just a a few of many examples. The other aspect that is a shortcoming is the production quality. It's high sheen and once again good concept but is lost on too much CGI , bad location choices, repetitive scenes, and not great camera work. Another movie relying on post-production enhancements. Oh and the sound is terrible. Parts with the bird calls are a joke sounds like reverberated overkill and muffled. And I watched the hi-def version with enhanced sound (so to speak) There are also plot problems like why would the little African girl even bother with an alliance with the main character when she was the most stealthy of them all and she takes a hit for the white girl that already had advantages given to her (sponsors) and writer implausibilities tacked on. There are also odd edits and a tameness in the whole flick that would have made this movie more suited for a TV mini series. But I go back the main concept and it's a good story and it could have been a classic if handled right, with it's future dystopian society that seems like a sub-story of Brave New World which unfolds outside two classes, one worker class that lives in the Re-wilds fringe and the other which is a mixture Elite with what looks to be Women ruling and Homosexual men interspersed. Worth a watch no doubt but not a classic in this form.
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Canadian Pickers (2011–2013)
Half good Half HORRIBLE
8 November 2012
This show is in no way reflective of real life picking. This is a glamorized and satirized and then dramatized Television programme that has dropped in quality since day one.

It had a naive charm at first but after the 2nd season the real Bull in the china shop was apparent and it was in the form of ultra rich but ultra greedy Scott Cozens who is a Lawyer. He acts like he's hard done by with every transaction but really why the put on? The red faced pot bellied pig is the scammiest dude on TV. Sheldon Smithers technically isn't much different but he represents the quiet one who is friendly to all. But it's questionable as he is so called friends with Scott.

So now to the drama and fakeness. Why do they bother to do these lame cold calls? They are all prearranged just like on American Pickers. They have a host of people setting up the scene LONG before they arrive at the doorstep. This is where they try to weave in some reality but it's so staged it's sickening. The acting is terrible and now you have this kid Keenan and his 'dad' who are helping erect this warehouse. Did anyone see in season two where they sold off all the goods they collected along the way. Pathetic and you can bear witness that they had NO true ownership whatsoever to the items except when you see Scott bully his way on camera to things like Vinyl records where he offers surprised to be on camera folks the lowest ball number in the universe then he'll flip it for 10x at least. He is pond scum. So they have this kid acting to work and they are promoting his boxing career. It's so contrived and they make him to look like a lug head and set up fake accidents. I don't know why they are spinning this angle in, I guess people aren't calling as much for them to come rape their house. I recommend to all that are selling antiques, sell to the humble collector who doesn't come a TV contract and crew to trample your grass. These guys are greed brothers incorporated. A horrible precedent packaged in a fluffy - dumb down format oh guess what, the Hitler channel I mean History channel. The half good part of this is seeing the kind souls they dupe and the nice Canadian Country side. that's a gem for television.
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Duck Dynasty (2012–2017)
Ducked and Covered in Cameo - this show is covered with Million dollar doo doo
6 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
John Luke. That's the name of one of their sons. One of their? Yes it's a big family of so called Red Necks who are riding high on the hog of the success of their old dad who made some lucky moves in his shack and success rained down upon him and his now huge family. I have no idea if the story is real, or half real. Does anyone know? Does anyone even know these folks? Back to John Luke. He's got the Christian name of Christian names. They push Christianity EVERY episode. That's my spoiler.

This show is obviously heavily scripted and they pull of their actions in one of the sloppiest manners on TV. I gave this show a chance. I watched ALL of them. A&E has been pushing this show like no other, well maybe 2nd to Storage Wars. They show marathons every 3 days. The tag line of the show is "running a family biz is tough, especially if everyone wants to go wild" Yeah real tough to be coasting along on someone Else's money. Oh wait that's family money. So out of touch this is it's an anomaly. Other reviewers are spot on that this is the American Dream. TO be dumb as a doornail but to have the money and toys to represent as something more. It's reality for sure on that level. But most people have to go into heavy debt to drive their big trucks with the super big tires and have their crappy cookie cutter big houses in the burbs. A bait and switch. This is what this show is. Not worth anyones time. Stick with Barney, you might actually learn something . IF they reprise this show next year, I will then have confirmation that the good ol boys are payin' their commercial time themselves.
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Girls (2012–2017)
Worth the watch for those that hate TV generally and for people who do other things with their time.
9 June 2012
Worth the watch for those that hate TV generally and for people who do other things with their time.

The title basically reflects my life. I don't like TV, haven't since I hit puberty in 1987 (the illusions become weak for some when they hit life stages) and I like to live life. LIke, not always inside twittering, watching, slothing, soda popping, gaming, flaming. I watched this show by accident and a few characters and actually most scenarios resonated with me due to either my own similar experiences or my friends who reflect some of these characters. Yeah others comment there are clichés but that does target reality because we are all caught up on some cliché. There is absolutely nothing to do with that horrible TV show Sex and City. Everything is different. Sex? Well that's a common human thing, not to do with writing a plot. Just to try to clarify that. Maybe only the city they live in. Most actors are great, and the one thing I always appreciate in any acting production is to see people I'm not familiar with but do convey the passion. I disrespect Hollywood for over using certain fraternity of actors. They are Robots now. Sprinkled with some more veteran / experienced actors you get a great mix of what I see as a young actors workshop with this series. Oh and the fact it's not censored or politically biased yet, it hits on all cylinders of a one of a kind story that convinces. If it starts to push a poltical or biased message, you know someone jumped a shark. I can see Adam as becoming the most known, but if he's showing a bit of his true nature in his character (which is not uncommon) he may be in for an ego fall too. The only shame to me of this show is the fact it's only on HBO.
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I Dare You (2000– )
If you enjoy behind the scenes of Movie Magic and Hardcore stunts-
7 June 2012
I had never heard of this show until recently. Originally broadcast in 2000 for one season only it was a blip. I see it on Canada cable in 2012. Not too many shows I think under 10. Each show tackled one huge stunt done in Los Vegas. Most stunts were successful and they were truly dangerous. Too bad the show did not survive but I'm sure it was a matter of time before survival was on the minds of the producers and the stunt men in reality. Great show, worth the watch. Stunt mans playground. When tuning around the TV you might come across this interesting expose of the Stunt World. The main stunt coordinator of the show took on one of the craziest stunts, because all the other guys he knew would not do it. Probably the best show of them all too.
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Juice (1992)
Hallmark - Milestone of the Hip Hop Culture captured on Celluloid
21 September 2011
I hunted this movie down after seeing the commercial promo on Detroit Television, being in Canada, it was hard to find a movie theatre that was running the film. I was in luck, one cinema was running the film for a week. I was lucky and watched it on the big screen.

This movie is kind of a signpost of the whole hip hop culture and is a reflection of the good and bad sides, summation in the plot. Even what happens to Tupac's character, is a mirror to what was to come with him, but in a mixed up way. Bishop was nowhere near as spiritually centred as Tupac.

There are some awesome footage in the movie that so encapsulates 1991 hip hop culture, that positive uplifting vibe that seemed to dissipate within a matter of months into 1992. The whole cast is perfect for the characters. It's not an overly complex theme or movie, but it's full of neat little dialogues, good acting, some pretty decent cinematography and fun aspects. Q's dedication to the DJ art-form is pretty good too. I'm a DJ and could relate to a lot of what he was going through, and even the DJ competition was pretty close to reality, but some of the audio overdubs do not match up with the action. That's probably my only negative, and most of my friends never noticed those glitches, because they don't spin.

A great movie to give a chance if you come across it. Some dark themes, and it makes a balanced picture. A classic of urban culture of the 90's.
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LSD-25 (1967)
interesting, but flawed take
12 August 2009
The most interesting parts of the movie, are some of the clips around San fran, and san Mateo, and the music, which is by Johnathon king, his obscure song, "round round", which the other comment post mentioned, but they got the lyrics wrong , it's "round round" not "down down" And there is a shot of some real LSD luminaries/icons entering a record shop, and are talking and being asked questions, but they do not dub in their audio, the narrator just keeps rambling fear over top. Some shots and actors pull off some semi convincing "freak outs" , in real life-like settings (hospital, living room, loft/flat party, streets) but you notice, they NEVER look at the camera, which a true acid tripper, would be focusing on the One Eyed Transcription machine, almost guaranteed, if those gears where whirring and that bright light on those dilated pupils. Set and setting? A staged setting, no doubt. There is a half gram of balance of objective truth with some of the info, but over all, it's a fear based film for the kiddies.
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dragged out, of the original theatre release
12 April 2009
When this was released originally, in Canada in the theatre (big screen), I had found in my box of Sugar Crisp cereal, cool stickers promoting Clash of the Titans. One was of the Robotic Owl! This got me excited. I was 8 years old at the time, and convinced my Mom and step-dad to take us. Not too far into the plot, my folks were humming and hawing and were visibly upset. This movie made them get up and leave, with me having to follow. This was upsetting. I got a few good scenes in of the Stop Motion Animation, and was spellbound. This also happened when I saw "the dark crystal" and "time bandits". Very Lame parents.
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Time Bandits (1981)
the crushing exit
22 June 2008
This would have been a very defining experience, in my life, of movies watched in the theatre. I remember seeing the original ad in the Paper for it, the design itself sucking me in, i was 8 years old at the time and was just so excited, then the commercials hit and I HAD to see this movie.

I don't remember how much convincing this took to see, but we went as a family to see it, my mom, step dad, and my siblings. As I recall, i was the only one looking forward to seeing this movie.

I say "would have been" a great experience, because probably 15 minutes into the movie, my parents were groaning and just generally unsettled with the content it the film and decided to pack up and walk out, forcing me along with them. I was pretty much in shock and probably cried.

This was repeated with the movie the Dark Crystal, and I'm pretty sure Krull too.

Fortunately I got to see all of the Star Wars movies in their entirety and Indiana Jones, among other movies.

As soon as Time Bandits was released on Video Cassette, I jumped at the opportunity to watch it, and my friend Jason and I watched it over and over, it was an at home experience that was one of the earliest VHS viewings, and one I honor as being fabulous. Oh, I watched it on Selectavision too!!! Total utter classic. Genius overflowing in the premise and it's great Terry had such an opportunity. He has gone on to do so much, a great and essential primer.
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Robson Arms (2005–2008)
Is there gonna be a 3rd season?
17 February 2008
From what I saw of this show, 3 episodes scattered in total, I thought it was an instant Canadian classic. Not too many shows are based in vancouver, and it serves it perfect. Lot's of familiar Canadian actors..some of the same work on Corner Gas. This show is edgy at times, free use of language, and hella funny, because it tells the truth! 3rd season is listed, name titles and all, but where are they? I've asked many people of they've seen this show, and they have no clue it ever aired. I have a feeling it will be a sleeper classic, popping up in a few years as a rediscovery. I give it 8 stars so far, as I have not seen very many shows.
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Keys to the VIP (2006–2008)
some scenes may be disturbing to some viewers
16 December 2007
yeah..that's what the station disclaimer states after the commercials for this show "some scenes may be disturbing to some viewers" .

It is beyond disturbing. The validation of this whole display of ego framing and chauvinism is in the fact it is on the COMEDY channel. Yes..a comedy true and true. A JOKE. To see these 'playas' go through their rigid charade really spells out what is wrong with society. Especially the meat market bar scene. Both sides, the male and female, are equally as weak and desperate to be mingling among this superficial atmosphere. The club is obviously one of those Cigarette corporation sponsored plastic coke scenes. These people do have a choice, and that is what makes it even more of a joke.

These slick ricks try too hard. They glisten with their own groove grease. That's OK. It's a lesson on video tape for the new generation of how NOT to focus on a potential heart interest. Hopefully that facade will crumble along with the Bush/Harper administrations. Problem is, who's lined up after these characters fade? The bastard children of the one night stands?
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The Facts of Life: Big Apple Blues (1988)
Season 9, Episode 22
David Spades' debut on TV?
13 June 2007
THis one caught me off guard. I was channel surfing tonite and came across the 3rd last Facts of Life and saw David spade spewing his sardonic humour on the set of what looked like an unfamiliar show. Didn't really watch FOL in the last 2 seasons it was on, and this was the funniest episode due to David Spades presence. !!! According to IMDb, this was his first appearance on a TV series/sitcom. Recommended for a laugh and when David (who plays a med student) tries to be very serious at the end of the episode, you can see him trying VERY hard not to Crack up! That's the funniest part! :D Anyways, i guess it was his only appearance on the show, since the last 2 episodes focus only on that Blonde gal from the south Blair. Seth Green shows up on those episodes as well as Juliette Lewis!
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