
11 Reviews
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Inside Man (II) (2022)
Are we all murderers?
4 December 2022
The plot of this series is based on an idea said more than once by the main character: we are all murderers, all it takes is a good reason and a bad day! Through bad luck, a truly..very...bad one!, and the accumulation of bad deeds , most of them are done for obvious good reasons, a monster is born! The show is captivating, and leaves the audience confused, because you can not take the aching question out of your mind: if I am to be put in the same situation, would I do something different?

Those who hated it mostly based their hate on (it is unbelievable...this can not happen!) but the truth is: unfortunately...this could happen! And the world has a significant number of psychopaths, murdereres, rapists and bloody criminals wandering in its streets, and if you ask any of them: why?? Mostly they would reply: I had to!

The performance is outstanding...Stanely Tucci is marvelous. Dolly wells shines. David Tennant, the vicar, was so convincing.

Inspite all that, I have to admit that I refuse that message, and I truly believe that most of people are good and when they are tested by the cruelty of the world, they will show love and understanding more than anything else.....but, again, this is a smart and thought provoking show.
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3 November 2021
Gray matter is not bad at all, actually good, and the twist was surprising. The house of the head part is truly gripping and scary, the idea is fresh and the build up was good...well done!
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What is the secret of Snyder??
23 May 2021
I will not talk about the movie, there is nothing here to say except (find something else to watch) real question is about Snyder.....why that man is brought out to the audience as a great (visionary) director? The guardian inerviewed him where he explained his (vision) to us....this a man who destroyed Batman ....this the man who damaged the DC universe beyond any repair, even his cut for justice league which is hailed and appreciated I find it as lengthy, more boring version of an already long and boring movie! There is no problem in being mediocre ...the problem is that Hollywood is forcing us to consider a mediocre director a great one.
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28 Days Later (2002)
not that good
5 March 2020
May be I'm biased because I watched this movie after all these years, after watching I am a legend, zombieland and a lot of zombie movies, post apocalyptic movies and lone survivor movies. All those who liked the movie mostly admired the magnificent creepy scene of empty London, to me that was the only good thing in this movie, the remaining of it contains unswallowable plot holes. A good movie, but not very good,and with the exception of walking alone in empty London nothing new or scary at all....
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Low budget, poor directing, but still very good
20 February 2020
We have here 5 short horror movies, the stories are very good, the 4th one specifically is a masterpiece..... funny, entertaining with scary moments... you will never regret it
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very good
7 February 2020
Very good horror movie.... alot of fun and scary moments....of course it is not (Rosemary's baby), there is no deep messages hidden here - although the film makers tried to! - but what is the wrong with that? entertaiment is the main purpose of cinema... and entertainment alone should be enough.
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The Irishman (2019)
Another Scorsese movie
4 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is a typical Scorsese movie, a movie that stands in the same line with (good fellas) and (casino)... a gangster film that begins with the gangsters seem to own the world: money, power.... every thing seems possible. gangsters are on the top of the society, they have enough power to put whom they want on the top of the unions or the top of the country! and - when needed - the power to remove or even kill them. That is only in the beginning! as the time passes our protagonists begin to lose what they cumulate, after a while they realize that money is not every thing, money can not buy love, it can buy fear but not respect... this seems like a cliche but Scorsese does it in a very clever way that you will never feel that.... yes; Scorsese movies have a very strong moral message, but he never delivers this message in a direct preaching way, rather, he does that in a very artistic way.... Scorsese is a master in story telling. The gangsters are always doomed, and whatever power they own, or money they make... all this is destined to fade away, by betrayl, conflict with others and in this movie; by time itself! after many years, Frank Sheeran finds that all those whom he cared for are either dead or don't care about him..... his strength is gone... his friends have passed away.... even his beloved daughter had abandoned him, the same daughter that he was about to murder some one just for her eyes. This is a good movie,may be not quite new, but it still - like all Scorsese movies- a must see.
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Overlord (2018)
Another propaganda movie
28 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
We can criticize this movie both for its political and artistic aspects: politically; this is another dumb movie about WW2, the germans are only beasts, killing machines that only believe in the (one thousand years Reich) and the german soldiers are heartless and the watch in cold blood the horrible experiments running in front of them, in contrast to the passionate sensitive American soldier who disobeyes his commander, jeopardises the whole mission and puts himself in danger to rescue an innocent child! the script is a whole mess, at one time those who take the (magical tar serum) are extremely disfigured and sick to death, and at another time the same serum brings them back from death and makes them semi gods! The way in which 4 brave American soldiers conquer a complete German garrison and wander freely in its heavily guarded camp is so preposterous that it will make you laugh! Some may say that this is just another bobcorn B- movie not a lesson in history nor (Interstellar - type) sci fi movie! and this is the point! this is not even entertaining!
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Unbelievably touching
28 December 2019
This is a movie about dreams, ambition, love, loss... great expectations and grave failures. A true cinematic masterpiece in every single aspect
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An epic movie about a pitiful man
24 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Here we have an astonishing movie in all aspects : acting, directing, music, costumes... almost everything is wonderful, the main issue is that the viewer can not fully sympathize with Pu Yi (the last mperor). The film tries to represent him as a (reformer) who tries to change the old irrational traditions of the chinese Qing dynasty while there was nothing in his hands to change! that is a fact, when he was only at 6, China became a republic and the new regime dealt with his family as a foreign monarchy! so the only signs of his claimed reform was cutting his long hair braid or wearing glasses! of course we - the viewers- will feel sorry for the tragedy of his family and the long miserable journey from the luxurious palaces of the forbidden city where the eunuchs were swiping his crap to the detention camp where the communists taught him the values of the new era! but the truth is : Pu Yi was a spoiled man who knew nothing about the people he was trying to rule, a man who treated his servants with cruelty and arrogance and ended his reign betraying his homeland by selling himself to his country enemies for a meaningless title. John Lone did his best, Peter O'toole shines as always and Joan Chen played the broken wife perfectly, but again, this was a touching story of a man you can not be touched with! finally; the film score was great, I enjoyed hearing it repeatedly away from the film itself!
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Midsommar (2019)
A masterpiece......only if you didn't see (The Wicker Man)!
19 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
After a promising job in (hereditary), Ari Aster is back with his new nightmere ; Midsommar. Here we have an astonishing scenery where greenery is everywhere and the light of midday -and midnight!- sun shines over every thing , which itself becomes a creepy and chilling thing as we go through the film. we also have the great performance of Florence Pugh who broke our hearts with her tragedy , her tears and her final confusing smile! If every thing is such great , so what is the problem? the answer is: this is not a new film. every minute in the film is predictable. If you see the trailer you will be able to anticipate every coming shot while you are watching. You say to yourself (OK! of course some thing will happen) , and you keep waiting for a twist that never comes, then you realize the truth : this film is only a remake of The Wicker man! a good remake of course but more. The film uses the same symbols: the maypole, the flower gatherings and dancing and - certainly! - the human offerings. If you enjoyed the wicker man , you will enjoy this ,but you will be a little bit disappointed because it adds nothing to the genre - the folk horror- except for horror in the rising sun ....and that is why I gave it 7
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