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English Version Review - From Australia
10 April 2023
To start, I want to say that I'm from outside of the Ukraine, I know nothing about it or its culture, and I have no children. So I'm purely reviewing this with an outsiders perspective, compared with many of the other reviews so far.

Funnily enough, I found out about this movie just from seeing the poster. I LOVE all things nature and green, so I looked up the trailer, and it reminded me a lot of my favourite Disney movie 'Tangled' in many ways. So I decided to watch it. I knew nothing of the story or culture it was based on. I just thought 'Forest theme = Yes' and 'Tangled Vibes = Yes'. And I have to say, I really loved this movie.

It's not perfect by any means. There were a few moments I felt were a bit childish, but... It's a kids movie so I can't really fault it for that. Some of the dialogue is a bit clunky, and the editing and placement of scenes sometimes doesn't quite fit. The story is quite thin too. Also, the animation isn't going to be as good as that from the major studios, as its a low budget movie.

And yet, I thoroughly enjoyed this movie: Everything about it. I enjoyed the humorous moments, the weird and over the top characters. The scenery was GORGEOUS, and I just couldn't help but have a smile on my face a lot of the time. The music was beautiful. And I LOVED the design of Mavka. Considering this wasn't a big budget movie, the animation was incredible too.

I think there's a few things mentioned above that should go against it, but they don't. Because it's just too darn charming. I love this movie and I'd definitely watch it again.
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Wednesday (2022– )
Far too "YA" to be any good.
27 November 2022
I was so surprised at how kiddyish this show was. I knew it would be a generic Netflix show with their typical style and flavours restricting it from being anything too original, but I didn't know just how "Young Adult" and silly it would be. I guessed every single twist and every single reason for everything and I wasn't even trying. It was all too obvious. The monster looked laughable, and the drama... Honestly this show reminded me of Stargirl or something else from the CW. It's rated 15+ but it's just SO kiddyish and silly. The character Wednesday has had everything interesting and kooky about her stripped away and now she's just some Daria clone who just talks without emotion and has no other defining character trait. This looked and felt way too silly for a show supposed to be for older teens and adults. It's feels like a show that was made for a 13 year old girl. Extremely unsatisfying show that took everything fun and kooky about Addams family and just made a Netflix cookie cutter Riverdale/Stargirl clone that is predictable as heck, and insanely kiddyish.

Ps. Take a shot every time someone says 'Patriarchy' in this show or any other Netflix produced series, and you'd be dead. Bonus shots for 'mansplaining' to really seal the deal. Seriously, Netflix is cringe.
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Prey (I) (2022)
A Flawed but beautifully shot and enjoyable movie.
11 August 2022
In short, I really enjoyed this movie. It goes for 90 minutes all up and while the first 30 are VERY slow and it's genuinely boring for that first half hour, the last 60 minutes are extremely entertaining.

I can't fault it for being a bit boring the first half hour though as I believe character setup is something that is missing from a lot of modern movies. I appreciated that, although it took a long time to start, that they did put that time in to establish where we were and who we were dealing with.

The film itself is beautifully shot. I loved the surroundings of forest and gorgeous water locations. I could just watch the shots of scenery alone for 90 minutes and be happy.

The Predator was powerful and brutal and I loved the way we saw him curiously moving up the food chain of predators until finally getting to the humans. There were slight inconsistencies in power level when you compare the hand to hand combat with the scenes of multiple guns being shot at him from a directions... Which didn't make too much sense. But it's a Predator movie and looking back, their power has often fluctuated to whatever the movie needs them to be at the time, so I can't be too picky about inconsistent power levels. Though, it definitely did seem odd that he was so easily able to survive THAT much gun fire coming at him in the middle of the film. I also felt the inclusion of the French bad guys didn't really work in the movie and personally I would have taken them out of it completely and the movie would have flowed and been a little better. They took me out of the world and the movie a bit. I would have liked it better if it purely focussed on the tribe and the Predator and then coming in half way through just felt a bit out of place. Only a minor gripe though.

I also want to say and address that the biggest question mark I think most people had coming into this movie was, how could this tiny girl beat a Predator? I personally think that although the hand to hand bits I did sometimes feel a bit like "really?" I also think they handled it really well. They emphasised that it wasn't her strength that matched him, but her speed and her wit. They showed her many times through the movie training, failing and fighting until she got it right, and I appreciated that. And while yes sometimes you do sit there and think there's no way he wouldn't just pick her up and rip her in half, I would bring up Danny Glover in Predator 2, who beats a Predator in hand to hand combat. Yes Danny Glover is more muscular than the woman in this movie, but compared to a Predators strength they're both ants. To be fair to this movie, if we are to believe that Danny Glover can beat a Predator in hand to hand combat, then we can believe that Naru could as well using her speed and wit, and not with her physical strength at all.

The only real gripe I had, without giving away any spoilers, is that I did feel the final fight was over way too quickly. I was really enjoying it, and then it kinda just ended. I would have liked just to see a little bit more of a challenge and a bit more ingenuity from the main characters, to beat the Predator. It all felt like it was over way too quickly, easily and a bit unrealistically. It was probably the movies biggest flaw, the rushed and 'too easy' ending. It ended up making the Predator look a bit of a fool walking ona rake and hitting himself in the face. That's the only real gripe I have of an otherwise flawed but highly beautiful and entertaining movie.

Overall though, besides the minor gripes, this movie was gorgeous, it was fun and I really enjoyed it. And I think that most of the criticisms against it, while having very MINOR points, are not really as bad as some make them out to be. Definitely watch it!

On a side note, I wanted to fairly address some complaints other reviewers have had about ultra feminist messages, or anti-white male messages that some claim of this movie. I think that while these themes were technically in there, that the film makers did a great job at having them there without being intrusive or coming at the cost of the story or movie itself. Yes, the movie is about female power and a woman wanting to be taken seriously and men not doing so, but to me it never felt intrusive or preachy or as if it was really putting people down, and it easily could have gone down thst path, but i never felt it did. Her brother is extraordinarily capable, and likeable, and Naru herself makes plenty of mistakes. She is no "Mary-Sue". In fact, almost everything she does in the movie is a mistake, over and over until she learns and finds her way. I appreciated this and feel like although there was a feminist message in the movie, it worked because it wasn't about her being perfect, or about putting down the men around her. She succeeds in her own right and through hard work and failure.

As for the 'anti-white male' message some people complain about, again, I feel like even if you felt it was there, this movie handles it in a way that makes sense and is not intrusive. Because the fact of the matter is, if you watch modern day Star Wars or Doctor Who, they are literally just sitting there trashing men for no reason whatsoever, and it's cringey. But in this movie and its setting, the white guys were the bad guys. They were doing horrendous things to the locals and to their wildlife. So while I've seen complaints about this, while I can agree that the shows and movies I've mentioned above, and many other modern shows do contain these elements of the overpowered female, and anti-white male messaging that I understand would put some peope off, without knowing the intentions of these film-makers, I can say from the outside that neither were intrusive in this movie, neither were in your face, and in no way to me did it come across as offensive or preachy or cringey. The bad guys really were the bad guys, and the main character is certainly not above failing and making mistakes.

I would recommend this movie. I think while it is miles away from the original in terms of the best Predator movie... MILES away... I do think it's easily the second best in the Franchise.
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What an absolute let-down
7 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie promised us a Multiverse of Madness and gave us like 1 alternate reality where almost everything was the same... 🙄 The illuminati stuff was ultimately stupid, boring and pointless. And Wanda, while she started off freaken amazing, got sidelined halfway through the movie when it became a total mess of rubbish halfway through and turned into a totally different movie. 🤷‍♂️ Then Wandas ending was total nonsense and a big flop. Plus, the rule of show don't tell has never been more clear than Wandas descent into villainy. She ended WandaVision as a good guy and started this movie pure evil. And instead of showing us this, which would have been AMAZING to see... They just lazily were like, oh she became evil off screen cos she read a book. What a wasted opportunity to give the audience something they actually wanted. Plus the music fight was laughably horrendous. I haven't cringed so hard in a movie in a long time.
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The Brittas Empire (1991–1997)
Seasons 1-5 are perfection. Best skip the last two.
15 August 2021
It's hard to review this show as a whole, since there are two parts to it: Series 1-5 (Including the Christmas Special 'In The Beginning') which was all written by the shows Creators... And Series 6 and 7, written by a large team of writers who just didn't get the show.

At the end of Series 5, and the subsequent Christmas special, you had the original creators intended ending and perfect epilogue to finish it all off. (I can't imagine a more perfect ending to this series than the ending of the creators final episode 'In The Beginning'. It sums up everything the show is and has a phenomenal message about what trial can be an opportunity for in life.)

But because of the shows popularity, the BBC brought it back for 2 more seasons even though the original creators had finished the story, and those two seasons are an absolute disaster of nonsense.

The first 5 seasons are near perfect. From start to finish there isn't a bad episode. Some are weaker than others, but not a single one is bad or not entertaining. I'll admit at first, coming from being a fan of Red Dwarf, seeing Chris Barrie with this voice and personality irritated me for the first few episodes, but once I got used to him being more than just Rimmer, I realised how great it was.

Then came series 6 and 7... And the show lost the plot. The new writers had no idea what made the show so special, it's heart. Instead they focussed on pure chaos only and the whole show felt idiotic. The characters all changed from some of the best sitcom characters I've ever seen, to being cartoon stereotypes of whatever the writers of the week thought they should be that week. They made Brittas a literal idiot, when originally he was quite a genius that just didn't get people... They made Colin into a one dimensional fool, and they turned Linda from one of the most eager and positive characters into a violent and mean psychopath. They just didn't get it.

To add unsult to injury, the ending of the series completely ruined the entire show AND the perfect ending the original writers had finished on with 'In The Beginning'. It's one thing to send a show downhill after taking over, but its another to retcon the original creators intended ending.

It's hard for me to say whether people should even watch seasons 6 and 7... On one hand I'd say absolutely not. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth when I do. And when I watch through Series 1 to 5 only, it feels like a perfect conclusion and I'm satisfied. Yet, there are a few little highlights after, most notably the final 1996 Christmas Special being the best of the entire last two seasons, and the Body Snatchers episode from Series 6 (which, while being pretty cringe worthy, has some decent laughs.)

So I think I'd recommend to watch it all the way through once... But then only watch from Series 1-5 (and The series 5 Christmas Special "In The Beginning', the final episode written by original creators) to get the proper experience.
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Not that confusing, just stupid.
25 July 2021
For so many years I heard things about this movie being the greatest of all time, and a masterpiece, but I never watched it because looking at it, it just wasn't something that seemed overly interesting. But eventually I gave into curiosity and am here to tell anyone else in the same boat; Don't. Let this one go.

This movie to me wasn't that confusing. During the run of the film you obviously have no idea what's going on and it builds up some decent mystery, but as everything starts coming together in the last 10 minutes you can began to piece things together and personally, I was able to explain the timeline and understand what came where by the end of it. So it wasn't that I found this movie confusing, it was that I got it completely, and it was the answers that made it a total waste of time.

For the first 2/3 of this movie, it was pretty slow and weird but actually showed some promise, if it could only all come together well in the end. Unfortunately the last third (final 45 minutes) it all falls to pieces minute by minute. And the movie you thought you were watching becomes a far less interesting and intelligent one than it thinks it is.

The movie that was setup in the first two thirds was something that had some intrigue, but then it's all thrown out with an explanation that genuinely makes everything not as good. The ending to this movie undoes every single good thing that came before it, which was far better, and makes the movie about something totally different.

In summary this movie is pretentious garbage, for pretentious people who want to pretend they're intelligent by liking something they were told they'd look intelligent if they did. Yet I feel like the only people who claim to like it are the ones that didn't get it and are pretending they do, to look smarter than they are. I got it, and that's the problem. It's dumb. It's trash. It's a waste of time.
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An imperfect, but great bit of fun.
11 July 2021
Reading some of the negative reviews on here, I feel like maybe the last few years have drained humanity of their ability to just enjoy something. People picking apart the time travel logic in this movie must be real fun at parties. Seriously, time travel doesn't actually make sense, that's why it's Science Fiction not a documentary. I mean, the entire of Terminators time travel story never made sense. If they succeeded in killing Sarah Conner, then John Conner never would have been born and the Terminators never would have gone back in time to stop him being born, therefore he would have been born... Yet he was only born because they went back in time so he never could have been born in the first place... The time travel in Avengers Endgame made even less sense and that's the highest grossing movie of all time, and loved probably by so many of the same people rubbishing the inconsistencies in this film. Time travel in movies, even the best ones NEVER makes sense. So why are we expecting it to now?

No doubt this movie has some silly plot holes, silly dialogue, some silly occurrences, and to be honest, loses points for feeling a little B-Grade. But what it is, is a great bit of good old fashioned action. It's entertaining. It's fun. It's epic in scale. It's even quite sweet. And if you stop taking yourself so seriously expecting a documentary from a sci-fi alien time travel movie, you will probably actually enjoy yourself.
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Don't Waste Your Life
8 March 2019
Downright atrocious. Ignore the troll reviewers trying to artificially bump its score by giving it a 10. Anyone who says this is a 10 clearly cant be believed. Pure Garbage.
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